Nate Silver now gives GOP 74% chance of capturing Senate

stopping Obama is the agenda, issues like the economy, jobs, abortion, not so much.
Make no mistake tomorrow is a referendum on this President, he was absolutely correct when he said his policies were on the ballot.

In 2010 we sent the Repubs to Congress to stop him as much as possible and tomorrow we will send Repubs to the Senate to do the same thing.

Of course it is. Every mid-term is.

See the results of 1954 and 1958 and she how an immensely popular president still lost the congress.
1974 could also be enlightening.
And how about the pasting that Ronald Reagan got in both 1982 and 1986.
Bush 41 got his ass handed to him in 1990. Ditto Bill Clinton in 1994.
And Bush 43 in 2006..... quick, shield the childrens' eyes!
Liberals vote Democrat, not because we're democrats but because, from our POV, they're better than the GOP

This "lesser of two evils" bullshit is dragging our country under.

So, we need better evil, right?

The problem is that one man's "evil" can be another man's greatest hero.

This too belongs to democracy in action...
The GOP is the Unbama party. Whatever Obama wants to do, they are against it. They have no plans of their own.

It is very sad that is the only reason people are voting for the Unbama party.

The rubes have set the bar very, very low. They make no demands of courage or leadership or loyalty or honesty or even sanity. "If you are against whatever Obama does, we will vote for you." They have a vassal's fealty to their overlords.

It just does not get any sadder or more retarded than that.
The GOP is the Unbama party. Whatever Obama wants to do, they are against it. They have no plans of their own.

It is very sad that is the only reason people are voting for the Unbama party.

The rubes have set the bar very, very low. They make no demands of courage or leadership or fealty or even sanity. "If you are against whatever Obama does, we will vote for you."

It just does not get any sadder or more retarded than that.

Indeed. But many DEMS forget that they have balls in their pants and they scream "the sky is falling" everytime they see a bad poll. This is one area in which many GOPers are better than DEMS. Actually, it's the only area.
"Nate Silver now gives GOP 74% chance of capturing Senate"

Again, democrats have already resigned themselves to this and are focusing on 2016.

They know they'll still control the WH, that republicans won't have the votes to repeal the ACA, Social Security, or Medicare, and that after two years of an inept, do-nothing republican Congress, the voters will sour on the GOP brand.
those poor dolts will be so busy pounding their chest and yammering WE WON they wont get jack done ... Hillary, the House and Senate are waiting in the wings for them to keep fucking up .. they will too.
Probably the single most interesting thing from all of this is, if the GOP takes the Senate, it's because of Obama, if the Dims hold the Senate it's because they ran away from Obama.
"Nate Silver now gives GOP 74% chance of capturing Senate"

Again, democrats have already resigned themselves to this and are focusing on 2016.

They know they'll still control the WH, that republicans won't have the votes to repeal the ACA, Social Security, or Medicare, and that after two years of an inept, do-nothing republican Congress, the voters will sour on the GOP brand.

Moron,NOBODY wants to repeal Social Security or Medicare.
ACA is as safe as Gibraltar: we won't overturn it, we can't defund it.

We can reform it if we work across the aisle.
All it will take is a bold House committee chair and McConnell in the Senate. ACA is popular in Mitch's state, but he will have weathered a tough Senate fight.
ACA is as safe as Gibraltar: we won't overturn it, we can't defund it.

We can reform it if we work across the aisle.

Going by the past couple decades, I doubt you could get Democrats and Republicans to agree that water is wet.

And indeed, that is a sad state of affairs.

The predictable result of politicians bending over for the worst elements of their parties, the hardcore partisan ideologues, because that's where the campaign money is.

This is a self-inflicted wound.

Nobody in the entire nation would be surprised to see the GOP with 51-53 seats in the senate by the time the votes are counted.

There won't be any pundits with egg on their faces if that happens. I'm not sure why there has been a spate of threads on it in the last few if it is controversial.

Great thread!
Debbie Wasserman Schultz swears the Dems will hold the Senate. Others on this site have been predicting a Democrat victory for some time.

Shultz is the DNC chair. You are funny suggesting that she should predict a loss for her party. What is your problem? Can't you be honest for even a fucking minute?

Who has been predicting a Democrat victory here? Name them please.
Do you appreciate why you're losing the Senate? Is there something you think needs changing in your Party?
Are there enough incumbent democrats up for re-election that it could be possible the GOP could take 61 or even 67 seats? I would love that.
Democrats are predicting a record low turnout. If Republicans take the senate it won't reflect what the voters really want.

It reminds me of the prediction of low voter turnout when Gray Davis was recalled. The lines stretched down the block.

We can't dump obola the way we dumped Davis. We can send a message that we want to.

No. Electoral history, all the way back to 1946 predicts a low-turnout for voters. 40% is indeed a low turnout.

I personally would rejoice were we to have 90% turnout or more for every single election.

So, care to try again, or are generalizations all that you have to offer?
Ironic post is moronic.

Only in your twisted, perverted thoughts, lacking in depth of thought and any semblance of usable logic.
Off = the direction in which you can and should fuck.
LOL. Poor little fellow. Complete meltdown in the face of superior Jewish logic.

How do you think you'd do in a poll versus Stat if the question was about depth of knowledge regarding elections and every person polled was honest?
Why would I even care? Statistheilhitler is another poseur on this site.

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