Nate Silver Say... Everything Nate Silver goes here

[well i hope their right. only caution i say is exist polls in ohio had john kerry 52 % to 48% ahead in 2004 on election day. he went on to lose the state

That's because they polled the voters, not the machines. :lol::lol:
well i don,t know about that. all i know is more important then ever to get the base out on election day. i hate seeing small rallies. got get bigger rallies for the obama team over next few days and explain why it so important to vote. all or nothing. if they don,t then romney is 45th president of united states of america
Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog -

But please don't cancel the GOP Victory Parties. Your purchases will help create more jobs.

well thats it then......Nate Silver called it......might as well stop the voting....

Why so grouchy?

All it means is that he is handicapping the contest in such a way that predicts that for every ten times a presidential race would be where this one is, in the polls, at this point in the race,

the guy in Obama's current position is going to win at least 8 of those times.

I'd say that's a reasonable bet.

that was being grouchy?....:eusa_eh:..... i thought it was just as "grouchy" as your statement was....
Is Nate Silver's value at risk? | The Daily Caller


Nate is a joke.

The SHOCK on the faces, the despair, the agony of the Obama Fluffers the morning AFTER his defeat will be a wonder and a joy to behold.

there are so many of these sorts of posts from wildly overconfident republicans... I sort of wish I could figure out how to collect them all in one big multiquote and then just have about five or six lines of "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" underneath them all on the off chance that Obama is reelected... but then, I think I'll just go out by the pool with another tequila and enjoy the sunshine instead.
Is Nate Silver's value at risk? | The Daily Caller


Nate is a joke.

The SHOCK on the faces, the despair, the agony of the Obama Fluffers the morning AFTER his defeat will be a wonder and a joy to behold.

there are so many of these sorts of posts from wildly overconfident republicans... I sort of wish I could figure out how to collect them all in one big multiquote and then just have about five or six lines of "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" underneath them all on the off chance that Obama is reelected... but then, I think I'll just go out by the pool with another tequila and enjoy the sunshine instead.

here's a "Newsflash" for ya newbie, nobody here cares what you think or do...
Is Nate Silver's value at risk? | The Daily Caller


Nate is a joke.

The SHOCK on the faces, the despair, the agony of the Obama Fluffers the morning AFTER his defeat will be a wonder and a joy to behold.

there are so many of these sorts of posts from wildly overconfident republicans... I sort of wish I could figure out how to collect them all in one big multiquote and then just have about five or six lines of "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" underneath them all on the off chance that Obama is reelected... but then, I think I'll just go out by the pool with another tequila and enjoy the sunshine instead.

here's a "Newsflash" for ya newbie, nobody here cares what you think or do...

True dat.
expat's belief or disbelief is no more controlling than Nate's re-statement of the state polls' consensus calls.

The ONE has sucked moose dick in hell as President (with one or two exceptions).

There is no evidence to suggest tht the Dims are motivated to throng to the polls. Indeed, for those reading the hints and tidbits of information, the better view appears to be that they are simply not all that motivated to get The ONE re-elected.

Assuming that he needs a pretty solid turnout (rivaling 2008) to get re-elected, then all the poll predictions about close races (e.g., Obama up by POINT one percent supposedly in Ohio per today's RCP) seem like so much -- yep -- FLUFF.

Absent that kind of turnout, the GOP voters will outvote the Dims. And the Indys will likely more or less split, with a slight leaning toward Mitt.

That leaves the incumbent's electoral fate in the hands of the presently undecided voters.

I'd really like to read some informative reply about WHY we should expect the undecideds at this late stage to side with the incumbent given the incumbent's remarkable record of fail?
4 days until Romney goes under the bus. After that, who becomes the new conservative messiah? These are conservatives, so they have to have some kind of daddy-figure. Not Ryan, as he'll forever have the stench of this failure attached to him.
Is Nate Silver's value at risk? | The Daily Caller


Nate is a joke.

The SHOCK on the faces, the despair, the agony of the Obama Fluffers the morning AFTER his defeat will be a wonder and a joy to behold.

there are so many of these sorts of posts from wildly overconfident republicans... I sort of wish I could figure out how to collect them all in one big multiquote and then just have about five or six lines of "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" underneath them all on the off chance that Obama is reelected... but then, I think I'll just go out by the pool with another tequila and enjoy the sunshine instead.

here's a "Newsflash" for ya newbie, nobody here cares what you think or do...
here's a newsflash for you zander... I'm really not as new as I seem... and I take it that you, too, are sensing the impending crash of the GOP ticket? Everything seems to be shifting - just a little bit - but shifting, nonetheless, and all the movement is in one direction.

Wow... for a bunch of guys who have been proclaiming that Obama is the absolute worst president ever in the history of the universe... to see him building an electoral college firewall that looks like it will stand.. and to see this guy whom you hate so much win AGAIN... it must just drive you nuts!
I'd really like to read some informative reply about WHY we should expect the undecideds at this late stage to side with the incumbent given the incumbent's remarkable record of fail?

that photo of Obama and Christie working as a compassionate team in consoling the Sandy victims... pictures are worth a thousand words. bipartisanship displayed for everyone to see.

and you are right... it is my opinion... and the opinion of RealClearPolitics who show the poll of polls moving in Obama's direction and him holding firm or gaining in all the swing state polls he had led in last week... his firewall looks like it will hold, and Mitt will come up JUST SHORT. damn.
there are so many of these sorts of posts from wildly overconfident republicans... I sort of wish I could figure out how to collect them all in one big multiquote and then just have about five or six lines of "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" underneath them all on the off chance that Obama is reelected... but then, I think I'll just go out by the pool with another tequila and enjoy the sunshine instead.

here's a "Newsflash" for ya newbie, nobody here cares what you think or do...
here's a newsflash for you zander... I'm really not as new as I seem... and I take it that you, too, are sensing the impending crash of the GOP ticket? Everything seems to be shifting - just a little bit - but shifting, nonetheless, and all the movement is in one direction.

Wow... for a bunch of guys who have been proclaiming that Obama is the absolute worst president ever in the history of the universe... to see him building an electoral college firewall that looks like it will stand.. and to see this guy whom you hate so much win AGAIN... it must just drive you nuts!

Methinks Obama's "firewall" will be proven to be little more than a smokescreen......
here's a "Newsflash" for ya newbie, nobody here cares what you think or do...
here's a newsflash for you zander... I'm really not as new as I seem... and I take it that you, too, are sensing the impending crash of the GOP ticket? Everything seems to be shifting - just a little bit - but shifting, nonetheless, and all the movement is in one direction.

Wow... for a bunch of guys who have been proclaiming that Obama is the absolute worst president ever in the history of the universe... to see him building an electoral college firewall that looks like it will stand.. and to see this guy whom you hate so much win AGAIN... it must just drive you nuts!

Methinks Obama's "firewall" will be proven to be little more than a smokescreen......

Oh... I got that... I understand full well that you are ignoring the polling data and the movement of the polls over the past three or four days... got it. the question remains: what will you do if Obama wins? WIll you head explode, or what????
I'd really like to read some informative reply about WHY we should expect the undecideds at this late stage to side with the incumbent given the incumbent's remarkable record of fail?

that photo of Obama and Christie working as a compassionate team in consoling the Sandy victims... pictures are worth a thousand words. bipartisanship displayed for everyone to see.

and you are right... it is my opinion... and the opinion of RealClearPolitics who show the poll of polls moving in Obama's direction and him holding firm or gaining in all the swing state polls he had led in last week... his firewall looks like it will hold, and Mitt will come up JUST SHORT. damn.


expat is so spectacularly stupid and silly that he thinks a photo op of two guys doing what should be done in a crisis is THE THING that will "turn" the undecideds into Obama voters.

I'd really like to read some informative reply about WHY we should expect the undecideds at this late stage to side with the incumbent given the incumbent's remarkable record of fail?

that photo of Obama and Christie working as a compassionate team in consoling the Sandy victims... pictures are worth a thousand words. bipartisanship displayed for everyone to see.

and you are right... it is my opinion... and the opinion of RealClearPolitics who show the poll of polls moving in Obama's direction and him holding firm or gaining in all the swing state polls he had led in last week... his firewall looks like it will hold, and Mitt will come up JUST SHORT. damn.


expat is so spectacularly stupid and silly that he thinks a photo op of two guys doing what should be done in a crisis is THE THING that will "turn" the undecideds into Obama voters.


In expats tiny mind Obama's record of failure suddenly "doesn't matter" he's acting "bi-partisan" in a crisis!!! "Oh Lookie !! Obama's singing Kum-by-a with Chris Christie!!! Aw shucks. let's give the incompetent another chance!!!"

nah, I don't see that scenario happening....:clap2:
I'd really like to read some informative reply about WHY we should expect the undecideds at this late stage to side with the incumbent given the incumbent's remarkable record of fail?

that photo of Obama and Christie working as a compassionate team in consoling the Sandy victims... pictures are worth a thousand words. bipartisanship displayed for everyone to see.

and you are right... it is my opinion... and the opinion of RealClearPolitics who show the poll of polls moving in Obama's direction and him holding firm or gaining in all the swing state polls he had led in last week... his firewall looks like it will hold, and Mitt will come up JUST SHORT. damn.


expat is so spectacularly stupid and silly that he thinks a photo op of two guys doing what should be done in a crisis is THE THING that will "turn" the undecideds into Obama voters.


time will tell... every undecided is riding a razor's edge and it won't take much to tip them one way or the other at this late stage... some may actually enter the voting booth not entirely sure what they will do, and then, when the time comes to put pen to ballot... some little image can be all it takes to move them one way or the other.

As I said earlier, I think that Obama will win, but I certainly am not betting the farm that it will happen that way... you and some of your rightie pals are acting incredibly cocky and I wonder how that will play out on Wednesday if Mittens DOES happen to fall just a bit short?

I wonder if you will have the grace to come back here on Wednesday and apologize for calling everyone "spectacularly stupid" who didn't see things the way you did and whose vision, in the final analysis, was better than yours?

Somehow, I doubt it.

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