Nate Silver - Trumps Chances Are Dwindling

Either way, I am up three SCOTUS judges.
And all it cost you was the dignity of the nation.

It was going to cost us that either way.

Now, at least there's a chance we'll remain a nation.

A chance to remain a nation? We are at each other’s throats.

I said a chance.

It's up to us.

Preserving our government is important....more important than you or I surviving the shooting.
Trump is doing considerable harm to our government.

LOL...Democrats have threatened to stack the courts, want felons to vote, promote open borders, weaponized the CIA, FBI and IRS by allowing political bias into the leadership and clearly giving favor to the Democratic candidates(Hillary), etc. Who is destroying the government? I’ll give you a hint, it started under Obama, the traitor globalist.

Stack the courts? After what McConnell has done... Weaponize CIA? After what Ratcliffe is doing... The DoJ? After what Barr is doing...

Trump is destroying the government. He's turned the executive branch into his re-election campaign.

McConnell is doing his job on the SCOTUS. You guys are pissed she didn't hold out five more months. We can't help that. We own the WH and senate. There is everything legal and nothing wrong there.

Weaponize the CIA ? I think you need to consider what they are doing very carefully. You whiners complain about Russia when it is clear Obama was involved.

Barr is handing you guys your asses. You don't like it so you make up stupid shit to whine about.

Nobody wants the government we had under Obama.
The const was not set up to force a person to remain on the Court because a party holding the senate would never grant a sitting potus a third appointment. McConnell changed the rules. And eventually the dems will pay back. And we're all worse off for it.

What rules did McConnell change ?

Filibuster for SCOTUS nominees. He also decided under Obama that Republicans as a minority were not going to allow any judges to go onto the DC circuit at all and filibustered every nominee to that court regardless of their qualifications which was unprecedented.

Oh, yeah.

He changed them back to the way they used to be.
Incorrect. It used to be that judges would be obstructed only under very specific circumstances. McConnell took that and dialed it up to 11.
I laugh at you every day.

I am looking forward to November 3rd.

It will be over.

Either way, I am up three SCOTUS judges.

Why would I wait to laugh.
I really love how you're clutching to any little perceived win, the judge thing.

Smells like VICTORY for me in November.

Thank you for that added assurance.

The judge thing was the only thing we wanted, the rest him trolling Democrats, getting rid of the mandate, rolling back Obama's EOs was a bonus.

Congress has the legislative power to fix the Banana Republicans power grab in the courts. If Democrats win in Nov. I's say they have a mandate to undo everything Moscow Mitch has done.

O.K. Yes

You still post stupid shit.

What mandate.

The power to mitigate Mitch.
Either way, I am up three SCOTUS judges.
And all it cost you was the dignity of the nation.

It was going to cost us that either way.

Now, at least there's a chance we'll remain a nation.

A chance to remain a nation? We are at each other’s throats.

I said a chance.

It's up to us.

Preserving our government is important....more important than you or I surviving the shooting.
Trump is doing considerable harm to our government.

LOL...Democrats have threatened to stack the courts, want felons to vote, promote open borders, weaponized the CIA, FBI and IRS by allowing political bias into the leadership and clearly giving favor to the Democratic candidates(Hillary), etc. Who is destroying the government? I’ll give you a hint, it started under Obama, the traitor globalist.

Stack the courts? After what McConnell has done... Weaponize CIA? After what Ratcliffe is doing... The DoJ? After what Barr is doing...

Trump is destroying the government. He's turned the executive branch into his re-election campaign.

McConnell is doing his job on the SCOTUS. You guys are pissed she didn't hold out five more months. We can't help that. We own the WH and senate. There is everything legal and nothing wrong there.

Weaponize the CIA ? I think you need to consider what they are doing very carefully. You whiners complain about Russia when it is clear Obama was involved.

Barr is handing you guys your asses. You don't like it so you make up stupid shit to whine about.

Nobody wants the government we had under Obama.
The const was not set up to force a person to remain on the Court because a party holding the senate would never grant a sitting potus a third appointment. McConnell changed the rules. And eventually the dems will pay back. And we're all worse off for it.

What rules did McConnell change ?

Filibuster for SCOTUS nominees. He also decided under Obama that Republicans as a minority were not going to allow any judges to go onto the DC circuit at all and filibustered every nominee to that court regardless of their qualifications which was unprecedented.
I'm not really sure what happed with McConnell. He started out as a moderate and "evolved," that's not unique. Mitch McConnell - Wikipedia

As I recall the gop was pretty slow with Slick Clinton's judicial appointments. But you are right, tht under Mconnell's leadership the gop senate just refused to move nearly every fed judge nomination Obama made. One might think perhaps McConnell fully embraces the gops "originalist" or "textualist" views of constitutional interpretation, but that cannot be right beause he continues to say he agreed with the compromise of the gop helping pass civil rights legislation in the 60s, and an originalist certainly wouldn't go there. Perhaps a textualist might agree that the fed govt may require any restaurant using intersate commerce to not discriminate. (imo that's a huge stretch though)

Possibly Sotomayor's views on affirmative action went farther than a conservative can. But even that doesn't explain the totality of his opposition.

Obama passing Obamacare unilaterally ….. :? Maybe. I don't like it. But it is a tax. It expanded Medicaid …… but the gop was ok with that.

When AZ and NC start electing dem senators again, and Fla is for the taking..... I think it just may be as simple as he saw he had one chance to stymie Obama and pray for 16
I laugh at you every day.

I am looking forward to November 3rd.

It will be over.

Either way, I am up three SCOTUS judges.

Why would I wait to laugh.
I really love how you're clutching to any little perceived win, the judge thing.

Smells like VICTORY for me in November.

Thank you for that added assurance.

The judge thing was the only thing we wanted, the rest him trolling Democrats, getting rid of the mandate, rolling back Obama's EOs was a bonus.

Congress has the legislative power to fix the Banana Republicans power grab in the courts. If Democrats win in Nov. I's say they have a mandate to undo everything Moscow Mitch has done.
So you didn't call it banana Democrats when Harry Reid started it huh?

I laugh at you every day.

I am looking forward to November 3rd.

It will be over.

Either way, I am up three SCOTUS judges.

Why would I wait to laugh.
I really love how you're clutching to any little perceived win, the judge thing.

Smells like VICTORY for me in November.

Thank you for that added assurance.

The judge thing was the only thing we wanted, the rest him trolling Democrats, getting rid of the mandate, rolling back Obama's EOs was a bonus.

Congress has the legislative power to fix the Banana Republicans power grab in the courts. If Democrats win in Nov. I's say they have a mandate to undo everything Moscow Mitch has done.
So you didn't call it banana Democrats when Harry Reid started it huh?


History shows the obstruction was started by the minority party when they started blocking every judicial nominee by refusing to end the debate. You can bet the democrats will take the final plunge and remove the cloture rule for legislation, unless they somehow win a super majority in the Senate.

Furthermore Democrats did not walk in lock step with Obama like the Banana Republican do for Trumpybear. They overrode one of his first EO's that fulfilled one of his campaign promises. In fact they join forces with the old Republicans to override his veto of their bill stopping him from closing that un American Prison in Cuba. No he faced divisions in his own party, unlike the lock step, goose-stepping Banana Republicans.
Nate gave Trump a 5% chance of winning in 2016.

I think he gave Trump like a 3% chance of winning this year, didn't he?
God you people are so dense lol. You can’t even look up to confirm whether or not you’re correct. You just make stupid assumptions that fit your narrative. Silver gave Trump 28% chance of winning in 2016 which if you understand stood statistics isn’t a prediction that Hillary would win. It’s the same odds as slightly more than 1 out of 4. In 2020, the final prediction for Trump’s win was 11%.

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