Nation Writer Labels the Constitution ‘Trash’

Which part? Can you quote it because when we do it will almost definitely show either you can't read or you inferred it because what I said hurt your feelings.
Go back and read your #10 post, the inference is obvious.
Go back and read your #10 post, the inference is obvious.
Everything in the post mentions the venerating of slavers, nothing at all about any American being a legal slave today. Why don't you learn how to read?
I'm referring to slavers as slavers. If you could of proven that I was specifying white slavers you would of done it by now.

Says the clown who can't provide evidence of his claims...

Where did I refer to white Americans a the slavers? Was it in the context of America? Is that why you're so afraid to provide proof of your claims? Further, you've given no reason why I should accept as fact that other races were far more into slavery, that's a silly argument that rests on your subjective feelings. But it's not your most agregious one. That would be the assertion that slavers were communists. They were capitalists who were intent on keep human being as property that they could exploit for profit. If you don't understand this you are a moron on a deeply fundamental level.

What's wrong with anything I said? Still waiting for an answer.
[ The Muslims were perhaps the world’s biggest enslavers, an estimated 19 million people becoming the victims of Islamic slavery. Their slave trade ran for far longer than that of the Europeans. Muslims enslaved both Black African and White European alike. ] Slavery of different races through the years

Africa itself also had its own domestic and international slave trade long before the appearance of the Europeans. Most African societies did not recognise private property in land so slaves often acted as one way in which individuals could own means of profitable production. Enslavement was often a by-product of localised warfare where the vanquished became the slaves of the victors.

Africans also sold their own people amongst themselves and to others as well. Caravan routes had long linked sub-Saharan Africa with North African and indeed the wider Mediterranean and the Middle East, so Africans used this route to establish a trans-Saharan slave trade. When the White man came, there was already a large scale African slave trade in existence that was then adapted to the European market. It did not have to be created for him. ]

so much for your claim whites were the biggest slavers. And we can add the Chinese as well.
[ The Muslims were perhaps the world’s biggest enslavers, an estimated 19 million people becoming the victims of Islamic slavery. Their slave trade ran for far longer than that of the Europeans. Muslims enslaved both Black African and White European alike. ] Slavery of different races through the years

Africa itself also had its own domestic and international slave trade long before the appearance of the Europeans. Most African societies did not recognise private property in land so slaves often acted as one way in which individuals could own means of profitable production. Enslavement was often a by-product of localised warfare where the vanquished became the slaves of the victors.

Africans also sold their own people amongst themselves and to others as well. Caravan routes had long linked sub-Saharan Africa with North African and indeed the wider Mediterranean and the Middle East, so Africans used this route to establish a trans-Saharan slave trade. When the White man came, there was already a large scale African slave trade in existence that was then adapted to the European market. It did not have to be created for him. ]

so much for your claim whites were the biggest slavers. And we can add the Chinese as well.
Not were the biggest slavers, are the biggest slavers, as in currently you dipshit.
Where did I dispute that? This is just another false claim that you can't prove like the claim about me saying only whites were slavers. You don't have the intellectual capabilities to address my actual argument and so you invent these strawmen.

The reason why Americans imported so few slaves from Africa (percentage wise) was to protect its own burgeoning slave market. They didn't want foreigners and importers undercutting American slavers.
You disputed that America was not the least of the slave trade and you disputed that whites did not have less slaves then other races.
Which means what you dipshit? Do you really not see how your argument is a fallacy? How stupid are you? Our debate isn't about how many black people would or wouldn't he in America without slavery, it's whether or not black people should be thankful for slavery. Maybe try and provide arguments that support your argument instead of some irrelevant topic.
Yelling "fallacy" does not further your case.

Identifying fallacy only works to provide an avenue of attack.

It's like a doctor diagnosing a disease, then declaring the patient cured without doing anything else.

Of course most West Africans were better off in slavery, but the same is true for many locked up criminals. They get 3 hots and a cot for free, but ask ANY of them if they like their situation. A tiger at the zoo never goes hungry but the moment tiger gets an opportunity, it escapes.

So, I guess we can say that you are both right and both wrong.

They were better off in slavery

Slavery sucks and it is 100% wrong
I pointed out the post. If you can't even understand what you posted, well....I can't fix stupid.
You referenced a post but couldn't provide the line of the post and a quote of this inference. You basically inferred an inference. It's weak sauce.

And if you need clarification I was in no way implying that anyone today in America is a legal slave. What I was arguing and am arguing is that people who venerate slavers are pieces of shit and their culture is shit. Can any of you cowards stop deflecting long enough to refute that?
Its not a fallacious argument

you just cant face facts

you owe the slavers a debt of gratitude
All arguments are fallacious. That's why they are called "arguments." Otherwise, we would call them "truth" or "natural laws" or something other than "arguments."

Those who yell "fallacy" have only identified a potential weakness in an argument. They have no more furthered their argument than one who remains silent.
You referenced a post but couldn't provide the line of the post and a quote of this inference. You basically inferred an inference. It's weak sauce.

And if you need clarification I was in no way implying that anyone today in America is a legal slave. What I was arguing and am arguing is that people who venerate slavers are pieces of shit and their culture is shit. Can any of you cowards stop deflecting long enough to refute that?
"Legal slave"? Hmmm, now the goal posts are being moved.
All arguments are fallacious. That's why they are called "arguments." Otherwise, we would call them "truth" or "natural laws" or something other than "arguments."

Those who yell "fallacy" have only identified a potential weakness in an argument. They have no more furthered their argument than one who remains silent.
The weakness in logic belongs to black people who hate America
What I was arguing and am arguing is that people who venerate slavers are pieces of shit and their culture is shit.
The slavers did me great harm by bringing black people to America

we are a much less happy and tranquil nation because of it
Its not a fallacious argument

you just cant face facts

you owe the slavers a debt of gratitude
Gratitude is an emotion, a feeling not an objective notion but a subjective one. A reasonable argument can't hinge on subjective emotions. That you don't know that means you are even dumber than I originally thought, which is saying something because original my bar for your intelligence was extremely low to begin with. This isn't even the fallacy I was referencing earlier. You managed to introduce a brand new one. 😄
Its not a fallacious argument

you just cant face facts

you owe the slavers a debt of gratitude
The slavers yes. But the slave breeders deserve more gratitude. The descendants of slaves have the old slave breeders to thank for their sports careers and even not a few criminal careers. Compared to Africans, American blacks are massive. They are taller, stronger and have far more musculature than an African. It was this difference that prompted Muhammad Ali to say he was glad his great great great great granddaddy made the boat. It was that slave that was responsible for Ali's career and success. All due to meticulous and deliberate breeding.

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