National Religious Broadcasters spokesman fired after pro-vaccine remarks


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
The Evangelical Christian Right in action folks. Unbelievable. :rolleyes-41:

The spokesperson for the National Religious Broadcasters, an international association of evangelical communicators, was fired Friday following an appearance on MSNBC's “Morning Joe” earlier this month in which he discussed how his faith motivated him to get the Covid-19 vaccine.​
Pastor Daniel Darling appeared on the cable news show last Wednesday to talk about his most recent column for USA Todaytitled "Why as a Christian, and an American, I got the COVID vaccine."​
In his conversation with MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, Darling said faith played an important role in his decision to get vaccinated, particularly the idea that "we ought to love our neighbor." By getting the vaccine, people don't only protect themselves, but become less likely to infect others, he said.​
Darling also urged leaders to stop politicizing vaccines "because I don’t want to see anyone else die of Covid," he said.​
His exit from the National Religious Broadcasters came after the organization determined his comments violated an internal policy of remaining neutral about Covid-19 vaccines. Darling was fired two days after refusing to sign a letter admitting insubordination.​
The National Religious Broadcasters did not respond to NBC News' request for comment on Saturday.​

Tough one. I can see his side as a Christian and I can see the side of remaining neutral as this all has become far too politicized.
Tough one. I can see his side as a Christian and I can see the side of remaining neutral as this all has become far too politicized.

I saw this interview and had nothing but admiration for the man. I guess he gave up his first amendment rights when he took the job. Sad

If you're a Christian you should not be getting this vaccine as it was developed using cellular lines acquired via abortion.

" However, fetal cell lines – cells grown in a laboratory based on aborted fetal cells collected generations ago – were used in testing during research and development of the mRNA vaccines, and during production of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine."

Rights do not apply to your job.

Hmmm - I dunno about that. He followed his faith and "loving thy neighbor". He didn't pressure anyone to get the vaccine. He listened respectfully to the anti-vax perspective. Insubordination? That's just silly IMHO.
Hmmm - I dunno about that. He followed his faith and "loving thy neighbor". He didn't pressure anyone to get the vaccine. He listened respectfully to the anti-vax perspective. Insubordination? That's just silly IMHO.
. . . and yet, you would probably support any business firing folks if they didn't get the vaccine and have proof in a vaccine passport, yes? :dunno:
Hmmm - I dunno about that. He followed his faith and "loving thy neighbor". He didn't pressure anyone to get the vaccine. He listened respectfully to the anti-vax perspective. Insubordination? That's just silly IMHO.

It may be silly. I never argued otherwise. You can not be sure about the protections of the Constitution not apply to private business though but you would be wrong.
. . . and yet, you would probably support any business firing folks if they didn't get the vaccine and have proof in a vaccine passport, yes? :dunno:

Yes, I support the right of private companies to smartly mandate the vaccination and protect themselves, their other workers and their customers. And I support Delta's decision to lay down a $200 monthly surcharge to protect themselves against higher insurance rates.

Not comparable - Sorry
It may be silly. I never argued otherwise. You can not be sure about the protections of the Constitution not apply to private business though but you would be wrong.

So by that logic, if I'm an employee who writes a letter to the editor taking a position on something - Anything - It's okay for them to fire me if my boss disagrees with my position?
The NRB and the rest of their ilk are trying to make big bucks off of a moronic brand of "religion." This is such a racket. I used to have respect for religion, particularly the Christian religion, but the more I see of it, the more I lose this respect. Maybe the whole thing is a fraud on the public.
So by that logic, if I'm an employee who writes a letter to the editor taking a position on something - Anything - It's okay for them to fire me if my boss disagrees with my position?

Yes, if you signed a contract saying you won't.
Yes, if you signed a contract saying you won't.

I do understand your position, but who would want to work for any organization that makes you sign a contract that you won't express a personal opinion?

Dan Darling took a principled position not to sign their insubordination document. He's one of those semi-rare Christians who actually does love his neighbor and he'll be better off without them.
Yes, I support the right of private companies to smartly mandate the vaccination and protect themselves, their other workers and their customers. And I support Delta's decision to lay down a $200 monthly surcharge to protect themselves against higher insurance rates.

Not comparable - Sorry

You are a hypocrite.

Totally the same thing.

A business makes the rules. You just don't like the rules of one business, because it doesn't please you.


Sorry you don't like fascism when it hits home.

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