'National Security Without Constant Conflict' - Col. Douglas Macgregor

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Due to the increased interest in the National Security Advisor position with the departure of John Bolton, the Ron Paul Institute For Peace And Prosperity will begin publishing speeches from its 2019 Washington Conference out of order.

A little under thirty minutes. Do or do not. Up to you. I offer it purely as a courtesy and as a reminder that 1-functional grassroots are still alive in some circles, and 2 - a look through the window of what is to come in the following weeks. Which may likely sting a bit.


''Decorated US combat veteran and author Col. Douglas Macgregor has some advice for President Trump if the president really means what he says about reducing US military presence across the globe. In this speech to the Ron Paul Institute's 2019 Washington conference, Macgregor makes a powerful case for returning to the foreign policy of our Founding Fathers.''

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Due to the increased interest in the National Security Advisor position with the departure of John Bolton, the Ron Paul Institute For Peace And Prosperity will begin publishing speeches from its 2019 Washington Conference out of order.

A little under thirty minutes. Do or do not. Up to you. I offer it purely as a courtesy and as a reminder that 1-functional grassroots are still alive in some circles, and 2 - a look through the window of what is to come in the following weeks. Which may likely sting a bit.


''Decorated US combat veteran and author Col. Douglas Macgregor has some advice for President Trump if the president really means what he says about reducing US military presence across the globe. In this speech to the Ron Paul Institute's 2019 Washington conference, Macgregor makes a powerful case for returning to the foreign policy of our Founding Fathers.''

Macgregor makes a powerful case for returning to the foreign policy of our Founding Fathers.''

Actually Thomas Jefferson sent the Marines to kick Islamo ass in Africa.
He was on Tucker's show last night...he makes a ton of rational sense....I hope Trump listens....
Due to the increased interest in the National Security Advisor position with the departure of John Bolton, the Ron Paul Institute For Peace And Prosperity will begin publishing speeches from its 2019 Washington Conference out of order.

A little under thirty minutes. Do or do not. Up to you. I offer it purely as a courtesy and as a reminder that 1-functional grassroots are still alive in some circles, and 2 - a look through the window of what is to come in the following weeks. Which may likely sting a bit.


''Decorated US combat veteran and author Col. Douglas Macgregor has some advice for President Trump if the president really means what he says about reducing US military presence across the globe. In this speech to the Ron Paul Institute's 2019 Washington conference, Macgregor makes a powerful case for returning to the foreign policy of our Founding Fathers.''

Macgregor makes a powerful case for returning to the foreign policy of our Founding Fathers.''

Actually Thomas Jefferson sent the Marines to kick Islamo ass in Africa.

---------------------------------------------- from the Halls of 'Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli ' if i'm not mistaken eh WMan ??
Actually Thomas Jefferson sent the Marines to kick Islamo ass in Africa.

The Barbary Wars were a trade conflict. It was not a useless quarrel about Islam or any theology for that matter. Jefferson would just as eagerly have slapped a bunch of Christian pirates across the mouth.

Now. Let me ask you this. Why would you compare Thomas jefferson to the leaders of today? Hm? Why? My own comparison, I believe, would likely fall under broader terms of controversy than yours. Which I contend solely based on the way you post. Mine align with the sentiment expresed in the Col's presentation. Very strictly, I'd add.
Due to the increased interest in the National Security Advisor position with the departure of John Bolton, the Ron Paul Institute For Peace And Prosperity will begin publishing speeches from its 2019 Washington Conference out of order.

A little under thirty minutes. Do or do not. Up to you. I offer it purely as a courtesy and as a reminder that 1-functional grassroots are still alive in some circles, and 2 - a look through the window of what is to come in the following weeks. Which may likely sting a bit.


''Decorated US combat veteran and author Col. Douglas Macgregor has some advice for President Trump if the president really means what he says about reducing US military presence across the globe. In this speech to the Ron Paul Institute's 2019 Washington conference, Macgregor makes a powerful case for returning to the foreign policy of our Founding Fathers.''

Macgregor makes a powerful case for returning to the foreign policy of our Founding Fathers.''

Actually Thomas Jefferson sent the Marines to kick Islamo ass in Africa.

The Barbary Wars were a trade conflict. It was not a uselees quarrel about Islam or any theology for that matter. Jefferson would have just as eagerly have slapped a Christian pirate across the mouth.

Now. Let me ask you this. Why would you compare Thomas jefferson to the leaders of today? Hm? Why?

Trade? It was fucking Islamos kidnapping and enslaving Americans.
Trade? It was fucking Islamos kidnapping and enslaving Americans.

Hm. Well. You'd likely do well to study it a bit more. Pirates do what pirates do. These are only subsequents of a much larger dicussion. You're not gonna probably be ready to have it until you can get around to doing that. And watch that ego, man, that's gonna get your lip cyber busted. lol. There's simply no way to have intelligent lively debate or discussion if you're just gonna get all triggered and stuff.
Trade? It was fucking Islamos kidnapping and enslaving Americans.

Hm. Well. You'd likely do well to study it a bit more. Pirates do what pirates do. These are only subsequents of a much larger dicussion. You're not gonna probably be ready to have it until you can get around to doink that.
Islamos do what Islamos do.
Actually Thomas Jefferson sent the Marines to kick Islamo ass in Africa.

The Barbary Wars were a trade conflict. It was not a useless quarrel about Islam or any theology for that matter. Jefferson would just as eagerly have slapped a bunch of Christian pirates across the mouth.

Now. Let me ask you this. Why would you compare Thomas jefferson to the leaders of today? Hm? Why?
---------------------------------- Barbary Wars was due to piracy on the high seas and the 'islamo' expecting Bribes to stop their piracy and taking of slaves off Euro and American merchant trade ships , The 'islamos' had also been raiding settlements on Englands coast , same for Ireland and had done that raiding for years while taking slaves . When asked WHY the 'islamos' were raiding the 'islamo' ambassador said that they had the RIGHT because non muslims were nonbelievers . ----------------------- muslims have and had been a problem FOREVER , see their invasion of Spain shortly after 'islam' was invented in about 700 AD Natural .
It would take at least 50 years to disentangle ourselves from foreign interests. More likely a full century.
You could say that you should never trust the opinion of an officer who couldn't rise above Bird Col and now presumes to know it all. I can't find any indication where Macgregor ever criticized the administration of Barry Hussein.
You could say that you should never trust the opinion of an officer who couldn't rise above Bird Col and now presumes to know it all. I can't find any indication where Macgregor ever criticized the administration of Barry Hussein.

Or you could say never lend any credibility to someone who isn't interested in discussing the issues beyond winger style red/blue or D/R tv politics.
Actually Thomas Jefferson sent the Marines to kick Islamo ass in Africa.

Which is what almost all that know history was basically the founding of the "War Powers Act". Where Congress refused to declare war on the Barbary Pirates, and basically told the President that they were free to do whatever they wanted, without a formal declaration of war.

Not just once, but twice.
Well. You'd likely do well to study it a bit more. Pirates do what pirates do.

Except, when the "pirates" have the power of a nation-state behind them.

Then it is no longer just "piracy", it is national policy and their primary form of income.

There is a reason why over 215 years later, all Marine Officers still carry the Mameluke Sword". Because in addition to supporting pirates, Tripolitania was also basically in revolt against the Ottoman Empire they were a part of. And the Ottomans themselves supported the US in putting down that state.

Like all other nations of the time, the US paid a tribute to the Pasha of Tripolitania to let their ships pass unmolested. But when they tried to increase the payments, the Barbary Wars started. Which of all nations saw the US, Sweden, Sicily, and the Ottomans themselves as allies against the Barbary Pirates.

Sorry, but I can't help your constant poor understanding of history of this era, other than encouraging you to read up on it. It really was the first time the new "United States" flexed its muscles on the world stage.
It would take at least 50 years to disentangle ourselves from foreign interests. More likely a full century.

How about 100% impossible.

Unless we are content to return to being agrarian peasant farmers, as we were in the early 1800's with none of the "modern conveniences" that are used by everybody.

Hell, for almost a century we were the industrial heart of much of the world. Even that is gone, we can not even manufacture enough clothing for our own internal use domestically. Our only major export once again is food.

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