Nationwide Welfare EBT System Shutdown Today

Nationwide Welfare EBT System Shutdown Today

Were out of money. Starving people will have to rob, steal or glean the fields.

Didn't bother to read you own link, it a computer problem, not an out of money problem. Seems high tech isn't the maobama administrations strong suite.

That's the cover story. Suddenly it seems to be an ongoing theme in malfunctioning government programs. It was also used back in 1979 when treasure missed debt payments due to a down to the wire debt limit fight in congress. It caused interest rates to double.
It's called the OOM...Obama Operation Mode. Works right on cue when he wants to hurt the little people.
Yup - Somehow 2 weddings of Government Employees happened in US Corp Public buildings that US citizens have been locked out of due to shutdown. US little people need to be punished.
Yup wife ran into that issue while getying food for work for me..rather sucked balls.
Yup wife ran into that issue while getying food for work for me..rather sucked balls.

Luck for you it's harvest season. So you can get busy gleaning the fields like the Bible says we should let the poor do after harvest. Get busy canning, it will be a year before you get food again.
Yup wife ran into that issue while getying food for work for me..rather sucked balls.

Luck for you it's harvest season. So you can get busy gleaning the fields like the Bible says we should let the poor do after harvest. Get busy canning, it will be a year before you get food again.

We paid cash for the food anyways. .but yeah sure whatever you say.
Nationwide Welfare EBT System Shutdown Today

Were out of money. Starving people will have to rob, steal or glean the fields.

Didn't bother to read you own link, it a computer problem, not an out of money problem. Seems high tech isn't the maobama administrations strong suite.

That's the cover story.

Obviously, because technology is infallible and never breaks down

Yup wife ran into that issue while getying food for work for me..rather sucked balls.

Now I better understand your positions on bigger government
You dont understand my positions on government at all. Youve never asked...

Ebt is a tool to be used to help out, and once my wife goes back to work (stay at home mom right now) or I get a raise we will move off of it. But it takes time.

Government is too large and needs sone whacking done to it. It needs to be streamlined and reformed. To much waste going on.

That doesnt mean you destroy safety nets because some people abuse shit.

You want to assume shit go ahead, but you will only remain ignorant.
Yup wife ran into that issue while getying food for work for me..rather sucked balls.

Now I better understand your positions on bigger government
You dont understand my positions on government at all. Youve never asked...

Ebt is a tool to be used to help out, and once my wife goes back to work (stay at home mom right now) or I get a raise we will move off of it. But it takes time.

Government is too large and needs sone whacking done to it. It needs to be streamlined and reformed. To much waste going on.

That doesnt mean you destroy safety nets because some people abuse shit.

You want to assume shit go ahead, but you will only remain ignorant.

If that's how you're using it, great.
I wish you the best and hope that it IS a hand UP and not a hand OUT.

There is a strong contingent of those that take it as the latter, so forgive my jadedness
Now I better understand your positions on bigger government
You dont understand my positions on government at all. Youve never asked...

Ebt is a tool to be used to help out, and once my wife goes back to work (stay at home mom right now) or I get a raise we will move off of it. But it takes time.

Government is too large and needs sone whacking done to it. It needs to be streamlined and reformed. To much waste going on.

That doesnt mean you destroy safety nets because some people abuse shit.

You want to assume shit go ahead, but you will only remain ignorant.

If that's how you're using it, great.
I wish you the best and hope that it IS a hand UP and not a hand OUT.

There is a strong contingent of those that take it as the latter, so forgive my jadedness

Nah I totally understand when you see some people ruining it for others. It wont always be like this and when things are good the wife and I decided we will donate to a woman's shelter or something to pay back what we used.

Whats happening is someone like me will admit im on ebt and everyone else will pile on to vent out their frustrations.

I get that but I also have two kids to worry about and if we need to get help short twrm we will.

We had to use cash today and that hurt our cash situation. Its just a bad month work wise. ( mostly because im doing 36s and not 48s so no overtime.)
Zerox had a breakdown in their system and the EBT system was down but the system is back up in all 17 States and working now. I'm at a friends house and they did report it on the news a few minutes ago, he said. So I hope that helps some people here. - J.

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