Nationwide Welfare EBT System Shutdown Today

The grocery stores were much easier to navigate. :D

LOL. It has been an education in and of itself being retired and on SS. I have learned NOT to go to the store on the day the eagle flies. With this disease, I really try to avoid crowds and the groceries that day are a 3 ring circus with loaded carts, and little screaming germ factories everywhere. Even with all the lanes open it can take an hour to get checked out. They are stocked real well though. I have learned to go the day AFTER the eagle flies. They are still well stocked, and all that is in there that day is little old ladies who have similarly learned not to go the day before.

I was under the impression that SS payments were staggered depending on the last digits of ones SS nbumber.

If that is true then there is truly no day the eagle does not fly.

•The 1st thru 10th - we pay the benefits on the second Wednesday of the month
•The 11th thru 20th - we pay the benefits on the third Wednesday of the month
•The 21st thru 31st - we pay the benefits on the fourth Wednesday of the month.

When benefits are paid

I avoid Wednesdays at the grocery just to be safe. Payments actually go out two days before the days listed above. Some banks do not post until that day. But my bank posts the day it arrives and that is always two days early. It would be nice to beat the rush and sometimes you find them really stocking things up on Tuesday. But usually, they are stocking to the midnight oil, particularly produce.
Nationwide Welfare EBT System Shutdown Today

Were out of money. Starving people will have to rob, steal or glean the fields.

Didn't bother to read you own link, it a computer problem, not an out of money problem. Seems high tech isn't the maobama administrations strong suite.

That's the cover story. Suddenly it seems to be an ongoing theme in malfunctioning government programs. It was also used back in 1979 when treasure missed debt payments due to a down to the wire debt limit fight in congress. It caused interest rates to double.

So what you are saying is that dems hate poor people or that welfare is unessential to the obama admin?
It's really frightening that these people can't even function for a few days without a handout. I have enough food and water set aside so that I can go for a month without a trip to the store if it came right down to it, and I've had to dip into that stock due to weather issues.
What a mess!

What a mess!


Wow Triscuits,Helmans mayo,Premium crackers,nice napkins,Wavy Lays Potato Chips, hell my family gets the generic shit because we can't afford the name brand and my husband worked for their payout. WTF! Time for this shit to end.
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Wow Triscuits,Helmans mayo,Premium crackers,nice napkins,Wavy Lays Potato Chips, hell my family gets the generic shit because we can't afford the namebrand and my husband worked for their payout. WTF! Time for this shit to end.

That right there is exactly why there will never be any meaningful reform of the EBT system. Beggars get to buy name brand foods, so the Nabiscos and Lays f the world buy Congressmen to ensure they won't lose potential buyers.
What a mess!



Just how much money do we give them?

Those carts are packed!

We never had to get that much when we had 5 kids in the house.

No shit! I bend over backwards trying to make less than $400.00 a month work for four people. My husband works long hours to provide for his family and these people who get our money out of his check get to eat better than the person who worked for it and take food out of his childrens mouths. I don't mind helping people in need, but this is insane.

Oh is that bottled water on the bottom of one of those carts? What's wrong with tap water?
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Next the Feds will shut off the Obama Phones and blame it on a computer glitch that can't be fixed until the shutdown is over and they can bring back all those furloughed IT workers... Of course Obama will blame this on the Republicans too.
Computer Glitch caused No Limits on EBT Cards. EBT Shoppers Go Nuts & emptied all the Walmart shelves in Louisiana. Must see video in link! SMH!

Shelves in Walmart stores in Springhill and Mansfield, LA were reportedly cleared Saturday night, when the stores allowed purchases on EBT cards even though they were not showing limits.

The chaos that followed ultimately required intervention from local police, and left behind numerous carts filled to overflowing, apparently abandoned when the glitch-spurred shopping frenzy ended.

Springhill Police Chief Will Lynd confirms they were called in to help the employees at Walmart because there were so many people clearing off the shelves. He says Walmart was so packed, "It was worse than any black Friday" that he's ever seen.

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