Native American group targets kids; leftists respond with circle jerk "whitey bad" narrative

The priests who run the school have stated that the MAGA hats had no place in a school event, that the chaperones should have intervened, and that the children showed blatant disrespect for their elders, which is in violation of the teachings of Christianity.

On the other hand, these kids are from Kentucky, and may have been all on an emotional high from visiting the Noah's Ark theme park.
Total fucking bullshit. They showed no disrespect for anyone.
Left wingers get schooled when the facts come out


Left wingers and their sycophants in the media got really excited when a video of Trump supporting high schoolers circulated the web yesterday

We saw cries of RACISM and a lot of vitriol and self righteous virtue signaling

The fake news media was quick to condemn and rush to judgement. They were also happy to dox high school children

Well, now the truth, the whole truth, has come out!

turns out that the kids were just waiting for their chaperones at the appointed time and place

They were approached by a group of Native Americans that were looking to create a media moment and cause a scene

Now that the whole story is out, it is clear that these kids did NOTHING wrong. they did not target the group of Natives & were not behaving poorly

I will admit that the smug look on the one kid's face looked bad at 1st; but it turn out he was just minding his own business when the Indians came up and started yelling at these children that "white people need to go back to Europe"

This same group of kids was also accosted by a group of black activists that harassed them; even called the one black kid in the group a "n-----"

Here is another video with more context:

Nick Monroe on Twitter

and a screenshot (with links that can be audited) of another student giving the full story

Progs are getting desperate to change the narrative; they desperately want to find a REAL "whitey bad, evil & racist" story

oh, well, better luck next time...


Why is the response to defend the nice rich white boys, who behaved very badly.

If a group of black teenagers had surrounded and threatened a group of elderly white veterans jeering at that, would you be defending the boys?

This was group of very badly behaved white teenagers attacking and baiting a group of elderly men. If they hadn't been
rich white kids, you'd be calling them "thugs" and asking why they weren't arrested.
Left wingers get schooled when the facts come out


Left wingers and their sycophants in the media got really excited when a video of Trump supporting high schoolers circulated the web yesterday

We saw cries of RACISM and a lot of vitriol and self righteous virtue signaling

The fake news media was quick to condemn and rush to judgement. They were also happy to dox high school children

Well, now the truth, the whole truth, has come out!

turns out that the kids were just waiting for their chaperones at the appointed time and place

They were approached by a group of Native Americans that were looking to create a media moment and cause a scene

Now that the whole story is out, it is clear that these kids did NOTHING wrong. they did not target the group of Natives & were not behaving poorly

I will admit that the smug look on the one kid's face looked bad at 1st; but it turn out he was just minding his own business when the Indians came up and started yelling at these children that "white people need to go back to Europe"

This same group of kids was also accosted by a group of black activists that harassed them; even called the one black kid in the group a "n-----"

Here is another video with more context:

Nick Monroe on Twitter

and a screenshot (with links that can be audited) of another student giving the full story

Progs are getting desperate to change the narrative; they desperately want to find a REAL "whitey bad, evil & racist" story

oh, well, better luck next time...


Why is the response to defend the nice rich white boys, who behaved very badly.

If a group of black teenagers had surrounded and threatened a group of elderly white veterans jeering at that, would you be defending the boys?

This was group of very badly behaved white teenagers attacking and baiting a group of elderly men. If they hadn't been
rich white kids, you'd be calling them "thugs" and asking why they weren't arrested.

Because of supporting evidence? I know....that's a tough one for liberals.
Left wingers get schooled when the facts come out


Left wingers and their sycophants in the media got really excited when a video of Trump supporting high schoolers circulated the web yesterday

We saw cries of RACISM and a lot of vitriol and self righteous virtue signaling

The fake news media was quick to condemn and rush to judgement. They were also happy to dox high school children

Well, now the truth, the whole truth, has come out!

turns out that the kids were just waiting for their chaperones at the appointed time and place

They were approached by a group of Native Americans that were looking to create a media moment and cause a scene

Now that the whole story is out, it is clear that these kids did NOTHING wrong. they did not target the group of Natives & were not behaving poorly

I will admit that the smug look on the one kid's face looked bad at 1st; but it turn out he was just minding his own business when the Indians came up and started yelling at these children that "white people need to go back to Europe"

This same group of kids was also accosted by a group of black activists that harassed them; even called the one black kid in the group a "n-----"

Here is another video with more context:

Nick Monroe on Twitter

and a screenshot (with links that can be audited) of another student giving the full story

Progs are getting desperate to change the narrative; they desperately want to find a REAL "whitey bad, evil & racist" story

oh, well, better luck next time...


Why is the response to defend the nice rich white boys, who behaved very badly.

If a group of black teenagers had surrounded and threatened a group of elderly white veterans jeering at that, would you be defending the boys?

This was group of very badly behaved white teenagers attacking and baiting a group of elderly men. If they hadn't been
rich white kids, you'd be calling them "thugs" and asking why they weren't arrested.
You just can't stop lying, can you? They behaved perfectly appropriately. They didn't surround him. They didn't attack him, and they didn't bait him. He came from across the street so he could get up in their faces. Your narrative is complete horseshit and has been widely discredited all over the internet.
Left wingers get schooled when the facts come out


Left wingers and their sycophants in the media got really excited when a video of Trump supporting high schoolers circulated the web yesterday

We saw cries of RACISM and a lot of vitriol and self righteous virtue signaling

The fake news media was quick to condemn and rush to judgement. They were also happy to dox high school children

Well, now the truth, the whole truth, has come out!

turns out that the kids were just waiting for their chaperones at the appointed time and place

They were approached by a group of Native Americans that were looking to create a media moment and cause a scene

Now that the whole story is out, it is clear that these kids did NOTHING wrong. they did not target the group of Natives & were not behaving poorly

I will admit that the smug look on the one kid's face looked bad at 1st; but it turn out he was just minding his own business when the Indians came up and started yelling at these children that "white people need to go back to Europe"

This same group of kids was also accosted by a group of black activists that harassed them; even called the one black kid in the group a "n-----"

Here is another video with more context:

Nick Monroe on Twitter

and a screenshot (with links that can be audited) of another student giving the full story

Progs are getting desperate to change the narrative; they desperately want to find a REAL "whitey bad, evil & racist" story

oh, well, better luck next time...


Why is the response to defend the nice rich white boys, who behaved very badly.

If a group of black teenagers had surrounded and threatened a group of elderly white veterans jeering at that, would you be defending the boys?

This was group of very badly behaved white teenagers attacking and baiting a group of elderly men. If they hadn't been
rich white kids, you'd be calling them "thugs" and asking why they weren't arrested.

They didn't "behave very badly" My God , why are you such a dishonest pile of shit.
This tells you just how dishonest liberals are

Michael Brown attacks a cop after robbing a store and the left "oh he was a good boy, why did that racist old cop shoot him?"

Yet these kids who did nothing, other than have the audacity to wear a MAGA hat, are thugs.

It's time to start locking these mentally ill people up. For their own good, of course
And wth kids are doing at a rally about abortion ?
They are CATHOLICS, idiot.
They need to be at schools, they are minors shouldn't be in confeontential rallies, but again being from pro trump families explains everything....dumb ass kids.

When the kids were targeted they weren't at their rally. They were simply waiting for their bus. And the dumb asses were the adults who fucking harrassed the shit out of them.
Wearing racist hats and showing up to a prolife rally as minors, who ever organised this shit should be fired.

What's "racist" about returning America to Greatness? If the boys wore hats advocating Keep America Mediocre, would that have made you happy?

A few months ago, children who went on a Gun Grabber Rally were hailed, what's wrong with other children rallying for Life itself? Are you that adverse to the idea of Life?
The hat is a symbol of racism and bigotry. I wonder why these white folks don5 wear it in minority areas...I live in los angeles never seen one wearing it.
Parents that let their kids wear a hat promoted by a racist pussy grabber are a bunch of lowlifes.
They are CATHOLICS, idiot.
They need to be at schools, they are minors shouldn't be in confeontential rallies, but again being from pro trump families explains everything....dumb ass kids.

When the kids were targeted they weren't at their rally. They were simply waiting for their bus. And the dumb asses were the adults who fucking harrassed the shit out of them.
Wearing racist hats and showing up to a prolife rally as minors, who ever organised this shit should be fired.

What's "racist" about returning America to Greatness? If the boys wore hats advocating Keep America Mediocre, would that have made you happy?

A few months ago, children who went on a Gun Grabber Rally were hailed, what's wrong with other children rallying for Life itself? Are you that adverse to the idea of Life?
The hat is a symbol of racism and bigotry. I wonder why these white folks don5 wear it in minority areas...I live in los angeles never seen one wearing it.
Parents that let their kids wear a hat promoted by a racist pussy grabber are a bunch of lowlifes.

The hat is just a symbol of support for our President and his efforts to return this nation to Greatness. If you think American Greatness is somehow "racist" or "bigoted" there is something wrong with you. Remember, President Trump wants people of other nations to make their own countries great again too. If everyone leaves El Salvador except for drug cartels, who will be left to MEGA- Make El Salvador Great Again?
They are CATHOLICS, idiot.
They need to be at schools, they are minors shouldn't be in confeontential rallies, but again being from pro trump families explains everything....dumb ass kids.

When the kids were targeted they weren't at their rally. They were simply waiting for their bus. And the dumb asses were the adults who fucking harrassed the shit out of them.
Wearing racist hats and showing up to a prolife rally as minors, who ever organised this shit should be fired.

What's "racist" about returning America to Greatness? If the boys wore hats advocating Keep America Mediocre, would that have made you happy?

A few months ago, children who went on a Gun Grabber Rally were hailed, what's wrong with other children rallying for Life itself? Are you that adverse to the idea of Life?
The hat is a symbol of racism and bigotry. I wonder why these white folks don5 wear it in minority areas...I live in los angeles never seen one wearing it.
Parents that let their kids wear a hat promoted by a racist pussy grabber are a bunch of lowlifes.

Again , if you gave one shit about racism or bigotry you would be screaming bloody murder about the black Jews who we know via video and audio evidence that they were shouting racist and bigoted things. But you don't really care.......
They need to be at schools, they are minors shouldn't be in confeontential rallies, but again being from pro trump families explains everything....dumb ass kids.

When the kids were targeted they weren't at their rally. They were simply waiting for their bus. And the dumb asses were the adults who fucking harrassed the shit out of them.
Wearing racist hats and showing up to a prolife rally as minors, who ever organised this shit should be fired.

What's "racist" about returning America to Greatness? If the boys wore hats advocating Keep America Mediocre, would that have made you happy?

A few months ago, children who went on a Gun Grabber Rally were hailed, what's wrong with other children rallying for Life itself? Are you that adverse to the idea of Life?
The hat is a symbol of racism and bigotry. I wonder why these white folks don5 wear it in minority areas...I live in los angeles never seen one wearing it.
Parents that let their kids wear a hat promoted by a racist pussy grabber are a bunch of lowlifes.

Again , if you gave one shit about racism or bigotry you would be screaming bloody murder about the black Jews who we know via video and audio evidence that they were shouting racist and bigoted things. But you don't really care.......

These are "Black Hebrew Israelites" not "black Jews". The tremendous Sammy Davis Jr. was a black Jew. I remember Davis, and believe me these bozos are no Sammy Davis. Although IMHO, now that they made the national news, they can be a great butt for jokes. They are pretty ridiculous.
Left wingers get schooled when the facts come out


Left wingers and their sycophants in the media got really excited when a video of Trump supporting high schoolers circulated the web yesterday

We saw cries of RACISM and a lot of vitriol and self righteous virtue signaling

The fake news media was quick to condemn and rush to judgement. They were also happy to dox high school children

Well, now the truth, the whole truth, has come out!

turns out that the kids were just waiting for their chaperones at the appointed time and place

They were approached by a group of Native Americans that were looking to create a media moment and cause a scene

Now that the whole story is out, it is clear that these kids did NOTHING wrong. they did not target the group of Natives & were not behaving poorly

I will admit that the smug look on the one kid's face looked bad at 1st; but it turn out he was just minding his own business when the Indians came up and started yelling at these children that "white people need to go back to Europe"

This same group of kids was also accosted by a group of black activists that harassed them; even called the one black kid in the group a "n-----"

Here is another video with more context:

Nick Monroe on Twitter

and a screenshot (with links that can be audited) of another student giving the full story

Progs are getting desperate to change the narrative; they desperately want to find a REAL "whitey bad, evil & racist" story

oh, well, better luck next time...


Why is the response to defend the nice rich white boys, who behaved very badly.

If a group of black teenagers had surrounded and threatened a group of elderly white veterans jeering at that, would you be defending the boys?

This was group of very badly behaved white teenagers attacking and baiting a group of elderly men. If they hadn't been
rich white kids, you'd be calling them "thugs" and asking why they weren't arrested.
99% of this is progressive socialists versus the white guys. You can tell why we are in decline. Racist black guys getting away with it again spending more time with hate and a native american professional shill with issues harassing, intimidating, and demeaning kids who are the future and you can see their civility and manners compared to the others who are supposed to be adults. More guns have been purchased.
They are CATHOLICS, idiot.
They need to be at schools, they are minors shouldn't be in confeontential rallies, but again being from pro trump families explains everything....dumb ass kids.

When the kids were targeted they weren't at their rally. They were simply waiting for their bus. And the dumb asses were the adults who fucking harrassed the shit out of them.
Wearing racist hats and showing up to a prolife rally as minors, who ever organised this shit should be fired.

What's "racist" about returning America to Greatness? If the boys wore hats advocating Keep America Mediocre, would that have made you happy?

A few months ago, children who went on a Gun Grabber Rally were hailed, what's wrong with other children rallying for Life itself? Are you that adverse to the idea of Life?
The hat is a symbol of racism and bigotry. I wonder why these white folks don5 wear it in minority areas...I live in los angeles never seen one wearing it.
Parents that let their kids wear a hat promoted by a racist pussy grabber are a bunch of lowlifes.
It's not a symbol of racism or bigotry, but turds like you hate it and will use violence against anyone you see wearing it. That's why people don't wear it in areas infested with Trump haters.
Left wingers get schooled when the facts come out


Left wingers and their sycophants in the media got really excited when a video of Trump supporting high schoolers circulated the web yesterday

We saw cries of RACISM and a lot of vitriol and self righteous virtue signaling

The fake news media was quick to condemn and rush to judgement. They were also happy to dox high school children

Well, now the truth, the whole truth, has come out!

turns out that the kids were just waiting for their chaperones at the appointed time and place

They were approached by a group of Native Americans that were looking to create a media moment and cause a scene

Now that the whole story is out, it is clear that these kids did NOTHING wrong. they did not target the group of Natives & were not behaving poorly

I will admit that the smug look on the one kid's face looked bad at 1st; but it turn out he was just minding his own business when the Indians came up and started yelling at these children that "white people need to go back to Europe"

This same group of kids was also accosted by a group of black activists that harassed them; even called the one black kid in the group a "n-----"

Here is another video with more context:

Nick Monroe on Twitter

and a screenshot (with links that can be audited) of another student giving the full story

Progs are getting desperate to change the narrative; they desperately want to find a REAL "whitey bad, evil & racist" story

oh, well, better luck next time...


Why is the response to defend the nice rich white boys, who behaved very badly.

If a group of black teenagers had surrounded and threatened a group of elderly white veterans jeering at that, would you be defending the boys?

This was group of very badly behaved white teenagers attacking and baiting a group of elderly men. If they hadn't been
rich white kids, you'd be calling them "thugs" and asking why they weren't arrested.
bwahahahahahahahaha - yea, that's what happened.

we used to have revisionist history, now we just have people going "oh fuck it - i'm going to make up what happened and be mad at that..."

I notice that the first thread on this has disappeared. In it was the claim, by the op, that Phillips was a combat Marine in Viet Nam

Yep, the news got that wrong, he told them he was in the service in vietnam times-vietnam era and they took it from there. I am as a lot on here are Vietnam era vets. Some vets on FB that served in Vietnam calling for his head, stolen valor but the guy never said he was there the news did. You can fact check it if you want.
I notice that the first thread on this has disappeared. In it was the claim, by the op, that Phillips was a combat Marine in Viet Nam

Yep, the news got that wrong, he told them he was in the service in vietnam times-vietnam era and they took it from there. I am as a lot on here are Vietnam era vets. Some vets on FB that served in Vietnam calling for his head, stolen valor but the guy never said he was there the news did. You can fact check it if you want.

It was the Washington Post who reported he was a combat vet. Where could they have got this information except from the drunken old Indian himself??
I notice that the first thread on this has disappeared. In it was the claim, by the op, that Phillips was a combat Marine in Viet Nam

Yep, the news got that wrong, he told them he was in the service in vietnam times-vietnam era and they took it from there. I am as a lot on here are Vietnam era vets. Some vets on FB that served in Vietnam calling for his head, stolen valor but the guy never said he was there the news did. You can fact check it if you want.
Really wish I could find the clip of him that I saw when this first started. It was from prior to this and he claimed Vietnam combat status. Come to find out he was a sad sack and was awol several times and never left the states

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