Native American group targets kids; leftists respond with circle jerk "whitey bad" narrative

and this is an opinion. you don't like TRUMP so you will NOT put anyone who does in a favorable light regardless of how stupid that makes YOU (and jeff here) look.

you have no idea the character of this kid but you're willing to tear him apart in a manner the left ISN'T SUPPOSED TO DO if you listen to them.

this one is hanging on the idiots nationwide. let it hang on you bright and proud dude.

The young man remained wonderfully composed considering the son of a bitch aggressive activist was pounding a drum in his face. Adult bullies all the way. You have to deal with the fact that your lying narrative has been blown to smithereens.

In Kentucky they don't have ultralibs like the Black Israelites or phony Indians who pretend to be war veterans pestering people.

They were very respectful , avoided any physical confrontation with the weirdos. I bet they are glad to be back in Kentucky where they have snake handlers and folks are advised to stay out of the woods to avoid Gay Mountainmen like were featured in Deliverance, but is no where near as nuts as DC.

Whitey Bad
Males Bad
Whitey Males REALLY BAD

Women good
Black women great
Any People of Color great
Black POC, Lesbian or Tranny women Perfect
it is worth noting that the kids are showing a great deal of bravery to step up and give interviews

meanwhile, violent leftists are busy deleting tweets and comments on social media

What does journalism school teach these people?
According to their own standards of practice, “Reporters are expected to be as accurate as possible given the time allotted to story preparation and the space available and to seek reliable sources.”

Twitter is a reliable source? Seriously? What about Instagram or Facebook? Hey, how about the bathroom wall of the local gas station? The only difference between platforms is the method of delivery, and rate of infection spread. Red Caps and Yellow Journalism - Victory Girls Blog
my friends, Andrew Jackson succeeded in wiping Indians off the face of the earth

Or was it the Indians' inferior Stone Age Culture compared to Europeans, and Natural Selection? They were a primitive, savage culture that murdered, and enslaved each other. They faced a technically superior European culture that effectively replaced them as happened all over the world, and in nature all the time.

Get over it.

Stop trying to make the people of today feel guilty for nature talking its course.

Nah , their population never fully recovered from their first contact with the Europeans diseases.
And they said it couldn't happen here. The Holocaust didn't start with gas chambers. MAGA is a hate movement, folks.
Left wingers get schooled when the facts come out


Left wingers and their sycophants in the media got really excited when a video of Trump supporting high schoolers circulated the web yesterday

We saw cries of RACISM and a lot of vitriol and self righteous virtue signaling

The fake news media was quick to condemn and rush to judgement. They were also happy to dox high school children

Well, now the truth, the whole truth, has come out!

turns out that the kids were just waiting for their chaperones at the appointed time and place

They were approached by a group of Native Americans that were looking to create a media moment and cause a scene

Now that the whole story is out, it is clear that these kids did NOTHING wrong. they did not target the group of Natives & were not behaving poorly

I will admit that the smug look on the one kid's face looked bad at 1st; but it turn out he was just minding his own business when the Indians came up and started yelling at these children that "white people need to go back to Europe"

This same group of kids was also accosted by a group of black activists that harassed them; even called the one black kid in the group a "n-----"

Here is another video with more context:

Nick Monroe on Twitter

and a screenshot (with links that can be audited) of another student giving the full story

Progs are getting desperate to change the narrative; they desperately want to find a REAL "whitey bad, evil & racist" story

oh, well, better luck next time...

Even from the very BEGINNING of this story it was plain that left wingers and progressives were losing their minds.

Then as more video came out proving their narrative wrong they doubled down and tripled down.

The question which needs to be asked is why? why is the left so invested in hating the catholic kid and doing everything in their power to lie and twist the story into one which can make the kid look bad and the indian fool look like a hero.

There are two basic answers to this question.

One is that Nathan Phillips is a representative if what SJWs and progressives say about native americans. Namley that they are all victims and must be given absolute deference and greater respect. These natives are owed this great deference and respect because of what happened in the past such as mythological distribution of small pox infected blankets blah blah blah. It is not just that those on the far left WISH to give greater respect to fools like phillips they demand that others do as well.

The kid from Covington disregarded this. He said no I will follow my own judgement and my own morals. HE stood his ground because he COULD No one is obligated to step aside for someone else and he was not blocking anyone he was simply under no obligation to show deference or greater respect. HE did the worst thing he could do which was to peacefully stand and smile.

The Second reason for the insanity is that his actions were PERFECT. Progressives preach that the right is more violent even though reality proves the opposite. However this kid was the opposite of violent and essentially following in the steps of King. Even worse the left constantly preaches the stupid mythology of white privilege and male privilege and grow INSANE when people ignore or refute the stupid ideas of privilege.

This kid peacefully disarmed and destroyed every argument held dear by the left with nothing more than a SMILE and a hat,.

What he represents is the worst possible nightmare of the progressives and sjws. HE is a person who thinks for himself and uses his own judgement which is in fact better judgement than anyone on the left. He dares to say " no natives are not uniquely special and do not get greater or lesser deference and respect than any other person". And of course he is also saying " fuck your stupid ideas of white male privilege I will never acknowledge it".

To have a young man peacefully resist the ideology of the far left is UNFORGIVABLE and UNACCEPTABLE.

This is why they hate him and why they would try anything on earth they can get away with to destroy him. The worst nightmare of every SJW is that there are more like him out there who will ignore progressivism and they are better men setting a great example.
Left wingers get schooled when the facts come out


Left wingers and their sycophants in the media got really excited when a video of Trump supporting high schoolers circulated the web yesterday

We saw cries of RACISM and a lot of vitriol and self righteous virtue signaling

The fake news media was quick to condemn and rush to judgement. They were also happy to dox high school children

Well, now the truth, the whole truth, has come out!

turns out that the kids were just waiting for their chaperones at the appointed time and place

They were approached by a group of Native Americans that were looking to create a media moment and cause a scene

Now that the whole story is out, it is clear that these kids did NOTHING wrong. they did not target the group of Natives & were not behaving poorly

I will admit that the smug look on the one kid's face looked bad at 1st; but it turn out he was just minding his own business when the Indians came up and started yelling at these children that "white people need to go back to Europe"

This same group of kids was also accosted by a group of black activists that harassed them; even called the one black kid in the group a "n-----"

Here is another video with more context:

Nick Monroe on Twitter

and a screenshot (with links that can be audited) of another student giving the full story

Progs are getting desperate to change the narrative; they desperately want to find a REAL "whitey bad, evil & racist" story

oh, well, better luck next time...


The prosecutor in the town where the school is is looking at Twitter users for terroristic threats against a school. Hopefully he charges a few.
Left wingers get schooled when the facts come out


Left wingers and their sycophants in the media got really excited when a video of Trump supporting high schoolers circulated the web yesterday

We saw cries of RACISM and a lot of vitriol and self righteous virtue signaling

The fake news media was quick to condemn and rush to judgement. They were also happy to dox high school children

Well, now the truth, the whole truth, has come out!

turns out that the kids were just waiting for their chaperones at the appointed time and place

They were approached by a group of Native Americans that were looking to create a media moment and cause a scene

Now that the whole story is out, it is clear that these kids did NOTHING wrong. they did not target the group of Natives & were not behaving poorly

I will admit that the smug look on the one kid's face looked bad at 1st; but it turn out he was just minding his own business when the Indians came up and started yelling at these children that "white people need to go back to Europe"

This same group of kids was also accosted by a group of black activists that harassed them; even called the one black kid in the group a "n-----"

Here is another video with more context:

Nick Monroe on Twitter

and a screenshot (with links that can be audited) of another student giving the full story

Progs are getting desperate to change the narrative; they desperately want to find a REAL "whitey bad, evil & racist" story

oh, well, better luck next time...


The prosecutor in the town where the school is is looking at Twitter users for terroristic threats against a school. Hopefully he charges a few.
--------------------------------------- if you got them by the nutz its time to start cutting .
Left wingers get schooled when the facts come out


Left wingers and their sycophants in the media got really excited when a video of Trump supporting high schoolers circulated the web yesterday

We saw cries of RACISM and a lot of vitriol and self righteous virtue signaling

The fake news media was quick to condemn and rush to judgement. They were also happy to dox high school children

Well, now the truth, the whole truth, has come out!

turns out that the kids were just waiting for their chaperones at the appointed time and place

They were approached by a group of Native Americans that were looking to create a media moment and cause a scene

Now that the whole story is out, it is clear that these kids did NOTHING wrong. they did not target the group of Natives & were not behaving poorly

I will admit that the smug look on the one kid's face looked bad at 1st; but it turn out he was just minding his own business when the Indians came up and started yelling at these children that "white people need to go back to Europe"

This same group of kids was also accosted by a group of black activists that harassed them; even called the one black kid in the group a "n-----"

Here is another video with more context:

Nick Monroe on Twitter

and a screenshot (with links that can be audited) of another student giving the full story

Progs are getting desperate to change the narrative; they desperately want to find a REAL "whitey bad, evil & racist" story

oh, well, better luck next time...


The prosecutor in the town where the school is is looking at Twitter users for terroristic threats against a school. Hopefully he charges a few.
--------------------------------------- if you got them by the nutz its time to start cutting .

I agree. Just one or two, hopefully somewhat famous as well. Charge them in Kentucky, and issue a warrant if they don’t show. Cost them money and they will get it maybe.
What I don't understand about the whole Covington student situation is what exactly Liberals expected the preppies to do when confronted by a crazy old man who says he is an indian and a group of crazy Black Israelites hollering at them and calling them every name of ugliness in the book.

The Sandmann stood their silently, what should he have done instead?
What I don't understand about the whole Covington student situation is what exactly Liberals expected the preppies to do when confronted by a crazy old man who says he is an indian and a group of crazy Black Israelites hollering at them and calling them every name of ugliness in the book.

The Sandmann stood their silently, what should he have done instead?

Knocking the shit out of the lying drunk comes to mind
The left has the Catholic Church right where they want them. The Vatican caved in immediately against their own kids without understanding what happened. A Disney exec recommended throwing High School kids in a freaking wood chipper for wearing MAGA hats. So far no outrage in the MSM.

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