Native Americans Object to Pope's soon to be "Saint"...

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Have you ever noticed how the Popes of the Vatican have a propensity to "saint" former Catholic missionaries, priests, who have a history of mass murder, forced conversions, hunting down the "heretics" whose only crime is rejecting Catholicism? I have. Read this one for yet another example:

Pope defends soon-to-be saint vs Native American objections - Yahoo News

ROME (AP) — Pope Francis on Saturday praised the zeal of an 18th-century Franciscan missionary he will make a saint when he visits the United States this fall but whom Native Americans say brutally converted indigenous people to Christianity.

Francis praised Junipero Serra during a homily at a Rome seminary training future priests from North America. The pope will proclaim the Spaniard a saint during a Washington, D.C., ceremony Sept. 23.

Native Americans have protested in California, saying the friar should be criticized for what they contend was his role in wiping out native populations in a campaign to impose Catholicism. They contend he enslaved converts and that missionaries like him helped spread diseases like smallpox which decimated their people.

Francis described Serra as part of a missionary corps who "went out to all the geographical, social and existential peripheries" to spread the Gospel.

"Such zeal excites us," Francis said.

Such zeal excites us? Yes, this kind of sick, satanic zeal has always excited the Vatican and their Popes and this Pope will surely turn out to be the most formidable enemy of the Protestants yet. He's a bloodthirsty wolf if ever I have laid eyes on one. Note that when Francis talks about spreading the Gospel he means the Catholic Gospel. Not the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Take note of the other lie - to spread "Christianity when what they really were doing was attempting to spread "Catholicism".....
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I believe the Native Americans have a right to voice their objection. After all, this son of hell, Serra, was no saint! What next? Will Francis canonize Jack the Ripper as a saint too?
good grief, everyone has complaint about some stupid shit

how tiring.
Let them object, the Church will do as it wants as it always has

"The Church"? Don't you mean, the Roman Catholic Institution? Catholicism isn't "The Church". It's a cult that has gotten away with forced conversions, mass murder and should have been exposed decades ago for what it is. An abomination unto God Almighty.

As for the Vatican doing what it wants as it always has? Truer words have never been spoken! Indeed! William Tyndale translated the Bible into English and for that the Vatican had one of their own burn him at the stake. How did they reward the murderer who burned William Tyndale at the stake?

They canonized him as a Saint! Of course!
Let them object, the Church will do as it wants as it always has

"The Church"? Don't you mean, the Roman Catholic Institution? Catholicism isn't "The Church". It's a cult that has gotten away with forced conversions, mass murder and should have been exposed decades ago for what it is. An abomination unto God Almighty.

As for the Vatican doing what it wants as it always has? Truer words have never been spoken! Indeed! William Tyndale translated the Bible into English and for that the Vatican had one of their own burn him at the stake. How did they reward the murderer who burned William Tyndale at the stake?

They canonized him as a Saint! Of course!

Dude the Church is the one true faith, all the rest of you are Johnny come lately
I honestly do not believe the OP cares what Native Americans have to say on the matter one way or the other. This "story" is nothing more than a vehicle for another anti-Catholic diatribe by Jeremiah. Pope Francis "a bloodthirsty wolf" you say? :lol: Get a grip.
good grief, everyone has complaint about some stupid shit

how tiring.

Help! Help! my ancestors were being Oppressed!

Who hasn't the Roman Catholic Vatican oppressed, Marty? They murdered 68 million Jews, Protestants and non - Catholics over 605 years during the Inquistions. They mass murdered at least another 100 million more by instigating every major world war the world has ever known and now they are pushing for number 3 - behind the curtain - the Wizard is busy indeed. The Pope is not a Vicar of Christ. He is an agent of Satan. Wake up.
Fundy Protestants like you Jeremiah were no less guilty of converting American Indians by force and giving them diseased blankets. ...... :cool:
Let them object, the Church will do as it wants as it always has

"The Church"? Don't you mean, the Roman Catholic Institution? Catholicism isn't "The Church". It's a cult that has gotten away with forced conversions, mass murder and should have been exposed decades ago for what it is. An abomination unto God Almighty.

As for the Vatican doing what it wants as it always has? Truer words have never been spoken! Indeed! William Tyndale translated the Bible into English and for that the Vatican had one of their own burn him at the stake. How did they reward the murderer who burned William Tyndale at the stake?

They canonized him as a Saint! Of course!

Dude the Church is the one true faith, all the rest of you are Johnny come lately

Actually the true Church is the Body of Christ according to Jesus Christ but I suppose you are not going to let the King James Bible Scriptures get in your way of perpetuating the biggest lie of the century. May God send the Holy Spirit to open your eyes!
Let them object, the Church will do as it wants as it always has

"The Church"? Don't you mean, the Roman Catholic Institution? Catholicism isn't "The Church". It's a cult that has gotten away with forced conversions, mass murder and should have been exposed decades ago for what it is. An abomination unto God Almighty.

As for the Vatican doing what it wants as it always has? Truer words have never been spoken! Indeed! William Tyndale translated the Bible into English and for that the Vatican had one of their own burn him at the stake. How did they reward the murderer who burned William Tyndale at the stake?

They canonized him as a Saint! Of course!

Dude the Church is the one true faith, all the rest of you are Johnny come lately

Actually the true Church is the Body of Christ according to Jesus Christ but I suppose you are not going to let the King James Bible Scriptures get in your way of perpetuating the biggest lie of the century. May God send the Holy Spirit to open your eyes!

Good grief....go back to bed
The Native Americans are right but its not just catholics. All religions have or are more than willing to run rough-shod over those who don't fall in line behind them.

Look at what missionaries do and have done to other indigenous populations.
Let them object, the Church will do as it wants as it always has

"The Church"? Don't you mean, the Roman Catholic Institution? Catholicism isn't "The Church". It's a cult that has gotten away with forced conversions, mass murder and should have been exposed decades ago for what it is. An abomination unto God Almighty.

As for the Vatican doing what it wants as it always has? Truer words have never been spoken! Indeed! William Tyndale translated the Bible into English and for that the Vatican had one of their own burn him at the stake. How did they reward the murderer who burned William Tyndale at the stake?

They canonized him as a Saint! Of course!

Dude the Church is the one true faith, all the rest of you are Johnny come lately

If you're saying "all the rest of you" religions are younger than catholicism, you're not even close. In point of fact, the catholic church is only about 2000 years old - a true Johnny-come-lately.
What would Jack Chick think?

I already know. He believes this pope is dangerous. So do I. And if you don't believe he is? You'll find out eventually that you were wrong. This Pope (as the others were) is an enemy to the Protestants and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is a false prophet preaching a false message and if you follow him he is going to lead you straight to hell.

The latest news is that many of the Native Americans of today have chosen to follow Jesus Christ. They are not Catholic - they are Protestants - the pope is not their "LORD". Jesus Christ is. To God be the Glory!
Native American Reservation Declares Jesus Christ is Lord With 30-Foot-Tall Billboard


Last month, the government of the Crow Nation reservation in Montana declared “Jesus Christ is Lord” with a public billboard that can be seen right from the Interstate. Standing 33 feet tall, the giant sign reads “Jesus Christ is Lord on the Crow Nation” along with Psalm 33:12.

In 2013, Crow Nation Senator Conrad J. Stewart drafted the “Jesus Is Lord” resolution and it passed unanimously. While the Crow’s constitution allows for the free practice of any religion, the resolution declaring Jesus as Lord was not prohibited, and through that resolution, the billboard was permitted.

“As a sovereign nation, we’re not bound by separation of church and state,” Stewart said. “People are afraid to say, ‘Jesus,’ in the political arena, but we did it today, as a people.”

And to that I say, To God Be the Glory!!!

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