NC Dem Senate Nominee: Rioters Have “Legitimate Pain,” “It’s Not That Simple” To Tell Them Not To Riot

From what I have seen the mission most seemed to be on was to harass and abuse members of Congress. That’s a mission I can get behind any day.
Thank you for confirming you are the piece of shit I always knew you were. You got a vote, and you have the ability to work for candidates that you can get behind. Harassing and abusing members of Congress is the foray of the stupid and self-absorbed. It is assholes like you that will prevent us all from "making America great" again.
Thank you for confirming you are the piece of shit I always knew you were. You got a vote, and you have the ability to work for candidates that you can get behind. Harassing and abusing members of Congress is the foray of the stupid and self-absorbed. It is assholes like you that will prevent us all from "making America great" again.
You fucking retarded shit for brains idiot, every single member of Congress is CORRUPT and they need to be watched like a hawk.

They need the sword of Damocles hanging over them 24/7.

Fuck you and your retarded "trust the Deep State" bullshit.
BULLSHIT!!!! There is never a situation where rioters should not face the consequence of their actions. There are acceptable ways to react to situations you find disagreeable. Rioting is not any of them.
It’s pretty simple that this woman does not believe in personal accountability. Most of the people rioting are not thinking about decades of injustice…. they are thinking about what they can loot. It’s that simple.
It’s pretty simple that this woman does not believe in personal accountability. Most of the people rioting are not thinking about decades of injustice…. they are thinking about what they can loot. It’s that simple.
No one needs to look very hard to find an excuse for scumbaggery.

Ancestry is as good as any.
With leaders like Beasley, blacks will never learn how to behave like civilized human beings.

Peaceful protest is fine.

But scumbags who brainlessly riot, destroy property, and commit crimes because they know they can get away with their crimes should dealt with harshly.

They should be shot as soon as they commit a crime and left to rot where they fall.
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With leaders like Beasley, blacks will never learn how to behave like civilized human beings.

Peaceful protest is fine.

But scumbags who brainlessly riot, destroy property, and commit crimes because they know they can get away with their crimes should dealt with harshly.

They should be shot as soon as they commit a crime and left to rot where they fall.

That is exactly what's going to happen, the next time the cops take a knee for a bunch of FUCKING COMMUNISTS.

Imagine that, kow-towing to arsonists, vandals, looters, and outright murderers.

If the cops can't (or won't) do the job, we're perfectly capable of doing it ourselves.
You fucking retarded shit for brains idiot, every single member of Congress is CORRUPT and they need to be watched like a hawk.

They need the sword of Damocles hanging over them 24/7.

Fuck you and your retarded "trust the Deep State" bullshit.
So, every Congress member is corrupt, yet they get re-elected time and time again, and you claim I am retarded. Hell, they only serve a two year term. Vote their ass out. Regardless of party, vote their ass out. I have never voted for a sitting member of Congress, EVER. I won't.

My representative is a prime example. He is about five foot nothing, squeaky high pitched voice, closet gay, and has served continually since 2005. He has never had a real job, went from leading college Republicans to Congress. Wasn't even raised here, just found a solid Republican district with a Congressman that was retiring, got his little college buddies to pound doors, did some unsavory shit to eliminate his one real opponent in the primary, and presto--got a gig damn near as good as being a SCOTUS justice, a damn near lifetime appointment. Mostly because of stupid shits like you, that moan and belly ache about corrupt Congressman and then vote to re-elect your own.

Second, the state legislatures should be demanding a Constitutional convention to amend the constitution and eliminate re-election of anyone. No president, no Senator, no Congressman. You get your term and then you go home. You can come back later, but what you can't do is serve consecutive terms. Call it the George Mason amendment because that is what he was screaming about from the getgo.

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