Nearly all of recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated

Try 4.5 billion years of evolution.
No surprise, once again you've got nothing. Keep up the good work!
All I have is 4.5 billion years of evolutionary history that viruses mutate.
Or you could take the seasonal flu, and common cold as more recent proofs.

National Center for Biotechnology Information › articles › PMC5355621

So you resort to an argument that no one has made. We all KNOW that viruses mutate. We also know that the more the virus mutates, in general, the less lethal it becomes. So once again, you are arguing something that is accepted, and well known. The seasonal flu is more deadly than COVID. ALL metrics supports this observation. So, yet again, why is the CDC not at even 50% vax rate?

Seasonal flu is more deadly than COVID? That’s idiotic. Flu kills an average of 35k per yer. COVID March to March minimally 550k.

Are you drunk, high, or both? :rolleyes-41:
Unvaccinated people are more likely to be right-leaning than left-leaning.
Thank you for that unscientific opinion.

Are you seriously denying this? It's obvious. Here are several sources:

View attachment 505171

View attachment 505168

View attachment 505169

View attachment 505170

Here are the top 10 states with vaccinations. All of them are blue.

View attachment 505388

Here are the bottom 10 states with vaccinations. They have 51 listed because they listed Washington DC separate. All of the bottom vaccinated states are red.

View attachment 505389
Doesn't surprise me one bit that most "blue" people are gullible sheep.
All Republicans are treasonous rats.
Good think I am not one.
I’m all in favor of letting anti-vax Karens die if that’s what they want.
Problem is, these idiots in southern and intermountain west states where only 30% have vaxed could be a problem for the rest of us.
They are literal Petri dishes for variants, some of which could get past our current vaccines and start killing responsible citizens.

Leftists are such wonderful people, aren't they?

This sentiment is all over everywhere. Let 'em die. Yep.
I believe in freedom of choice. If dying is what somebody wants to do, have at it. But when their bad decisions affect the health of others, gotta draw the line.

You don't get to "draw lines" for any of us.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it on up.
So it is your right to make others sick (even the vaccinated) and possibly kill them with a variant?

NO. So please put that in ya own pipe & smoke it on up! :smoke:

If you believe it is my obligation to inject myself with a medication I do not want to keep others well, then when I need a kidney transplant, give me yours.

This is not difficult.

You compare a painless poke in the arm to me giving up a kidney? I will now refer to you as “Drama Karen” :lol:

Stay away from me and keep your damn droplets to yourself Drama Karen.
Try 4.5 billion years of evolution.
No surprise, once again you've got nothing. Keep up the good work!
All I have is 4.5 billion years of evolutionary history that viruses mutate.
Or you could take the seasonal flu, and common cold as more recent proofs.

National Center for Biotechnology Information › articles › PMC5355621

So you resort to an argument that no one has made. We all KNOW that viruses mutate. We also know that the more the virus mutates, in general, the less lethal it becomes. So once again, you are arguing something that is accepted, and well known. The seasonal flu is more deadly than COVID. ALL metrics supports this observation. So, yet again, why is the CDC not at even 50% vax rate?

Seasonal flu is more deadly than COVID? That’s idiotic. Flu kills an average of 35k per yer. COVID March to March minimally 550k.

Are you drunk, high, or both? :rolleyes-41:

No, seasonal flu kills about 50k PER MONTH, while covid-19 only kills about 30k PER MONTH.
If left alone, both last less than 2 months.
The fact covid-19 has been deliberately kept from dying out and kept alive for a year and a half, is the fault of "flattening the curve", and has nothing to do with the lethality of infectiousness of the virus. Covid-19 is very low in lethality, about .02%, and its infectiousness, R0=2, which is very low.
I’m all in favor of letting anti-vax Karens die if that’s what they want.
Problem is, these idiots in southern and intermountain west states where only 30% have vaxed could be a problem for the rest of us.
They are literal Petri dishes for variants, some of which could get past our current vaccines and start killing responsible citizens.

Leftists are such wonderful people, aren't they?

This sentiment is all over everywhere. Let 'em die. Yep.
I believe in freedom of choice. If dying is what somebody wants to do, have at it. But when their bad decisions affect the health of others, gotta draw the line.

You don't get to "draw lines" for any of us.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it on up.
So it is your right to make others sick (even the vaccinated) and possibly kill them with a variant?

NO. So please put that in ya own pipe & smoke it on up! :smoke:

If you believe it is my obligation to inject myself with a medication I do not want to keep others well, then when I need a kidney transplant, give me yours.

This is not difficult.

You compare a painless poke in the arm to me giving up a kidney? I will now refer to you as “Drama Karen” :lol:

Stay away from me and keep your damn droplets to yourself Drama Karen.

Not only have 3000 died from the vaccine, but all vaccine have the potential for increasing allergic or other immune system over reactions.
This is VERY significant with covid-19 since it is the over reaction of the immune system that has killed every covid-19 victim.
The virus itself has never killed anyone.

Besides, if you have faith in the vaccine, then what do you care?
I’m all in favor of letting anti-vax Karens die if that’s what they want.
Problem is, these idiots in southern and intermountain west states where only 30% have vaxed could be a problem for the rest of us.
They are literal Petri dishes for variants, some of which could get past our current vaccines and start killing responsible citizens.

Leftists are such wonderful people, aren't they?

This sentiment is all over everywhere. Let 'em die. Yep.
I believe in freedom of choice. If dying is what somebody wants to do, have at it. But when their bad decisions affect the health of others, gotta draw the line.

You don't get to "draw lines" for any of us.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it on up.
So it is your right to make others sick (even the vaccinated) and possibly kill them with a variant?

NO. So please put that in ya own pipe & smoke it on up! :smoke:

If you believe it is my obligation to inject myself with a medication I do not want to keep others well, then when I need a kidney transplant, give me yours.

This is not difficult.

You compare a painless poke in the arm to me giving up a kidney? I will now refer to you as “Drama Karen” :lol:

Stay away from me and keep your damn droplets to yourself Drama Karen.

Not only have 3000 died from the vaccine, but all vaccine have the potential for increasing allergic or other immune system over reactions.
This is VERY significant with covid-19 since it is the over reaction of the immune system that has killed every covid-19 victim.
The virus itself has never killed anyone.

Besides, if you have faith in the vaccine, then what do you care?
Link to 3000 dying from the vaccine please. Not buying your drivel.
As for why do I care, we’ve covered that about a billion times.
Try 4.5 billion years of evolution.
No surprise, once again you've got nothing. Keep up the good work!
All I have is 4.5 billion years of evolutionary history that viruses mutate.
Or you could take the seasonal flu, and common cold as more recent proofs.

National Center for Biotechnology Information › articles › PMC5355621

So you resort to an argument that no one has made. We all KNOW that viruses mutate. We also know that the more the virus mutates, in general, the less lethal it becomes. So once again, you are arguing something that is accepted, and well known. The seasonal flu is more deadly than COVID. ALL metrics supports this observation. So, yet again, why is the CDC not at even 50% vax rate?

Seasonal flu is more deadly than COVID? That’s idiotic. Flu kills an average of 35k per yer. COVID March to March minimally 550k.

Are you drunk, high, or both? :rolleyes-41:

No, seasonal flu kills about 50k PER MONTH, while covid-19 only kills about 30k PER MONTH.
If left alone, both last less than 2 months.
The fact covid-19 has been deliberately kept from dying out and kept alive for a year and a half, is the fault of "flattening the curve", and has nothing to do with the lethality of infectiousness of the virus. Covid-19 is very low in lethality, about .02%, and its infectiousness, R0=2, which is very low.

Now you’re just making shit up Dr Rigby. Of those who’ve tested positive for the COVIDS about 2% have died and no, seasonal flu has NEVER killed 30k per month. That’s an annual average. Stop posting nonsense.
Darwin Awards are on me.

COVID is now killing just those who are too stupid, stubborn or Trump loving to get vaccinated.

Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.
Why are you complaining? I'm sure you would celebrate my death.
I’m all in favor of letting anti-vax Karens die if that’s what they want.
Problem is, these idiots in southern and intermountain west states where only 30% have vaxed could be a problem for the rest of us.
They are literal Petri dishes for variants, some of which could get past our current vaccines and start killing responsible citizens.

Leftists are such wonderful people, aren't they?

This sentiment is all over everywhere. Let 'em die. Yep.
I believe in freedom of choice. If dying is what somebody wants to do, have at it. But when their bad decisions affect the health of others, gotta draw the line.

You don't get to "draw lines" for any of us.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it on up.
So it is your right to make others sick (even the vaccinated) and possibly kill them with a variant?

NO. So please put that in ya own pipe & smoke it on up! :smoke:

If you believe it is my obligation to inject myself with a medication I do not want to keep others well, then when I need a kidney transplant, give me yours.

This is not difficult.

You compare a painless poke in the arm to me giving up a kidney? I will now refer to you as “Drama Karen” :lol:

Stay away from me and keep your damn droplets to yourself Drama Karen.

Not only have 3000 died from the vaccine, but all vaccine have the potential for increasing allergic or other immune system over reactions.
This is VERY significant with covid-19 since it is the over reaction of the immune system that has killed every covid-19 victim.
The virus itself has never killed anyone.

Besides, if you have faith in the vaccine, then what do you care?
Link to 3000 dying from the vaccine please. Not buying your drivel.
As for why do I care, we’ve covered that about a billion times.
Actually it's up to about 5800 now. Kills a younger man's heart. You loons have actual blood on your hands after this one. You denied actual science, just because you hated of Trump. It cost thousands of lives and your party is the direct cause.
The Liberal notion is that nations that have had 1,000 years to develop into 1st world nations consist of Dark People who are too stupid to develop.
Actually some of those 3rd world countries, used to be 1st world countries, before others subjugated them into their current status.

Kind of like how democrat run cities are turning into third world shitholes here. Funny how wherever leftism takes root, the shit follows.
Red States are doing worse

Major Cities may have sections that are shit holes
But entire Red States are shitholes
Want me to name some?

Sure. Be specific. Tell us states where, like San Francisco, all you can smell is human shit when you get there.
Have you ever actually visited SF?
Seems you only listen to Conservative propaganda

It is Red States that smell like shit
They have limited sanitation
The Liberal notion is that nations that have had 1,000 years to develop into 1st world nations consist of Dark People who are too stupid to develop.
Actually some of those 3rd world countries, used to be 1st world countries, before others subjugated them into their current status.

Kind of like how democrat run cities are turning into third world shitholes here. Funny how wherever leftism takes root, the shit follows.
Red States are doing worse

Major Cities may have sections that are shit holes
But entire Red States are shitholes
Want me to name some?

Sure. Be specific. Tell us states where, like San Francisco, all you can smell is human shit when you get there.
Have you ever actually visited SF?
Seems you only listen to Conservative propaganda

It is Red States that smell like shit
They have limited sanitation and ecological

The Liberal notion is that nations that have had 1,000 years to develop into 1st world nations consist of Dark People who are too stupid to develop.
Actually some of those 3rd world countries, used to be 1st world countries, before others subjugated them into their current status.

Kind of like how democrat run cities are turning into third world shitholes here. Funny how wherever leftism takes root, the shit follows.
Red States are doing worse

Major Cities may have sections that are shit holes
But entire Red States are shitholes
Want me to name some?

Sure. Be specific. Tell us states where, like San Francisco, all you can smell is human shit when you get there.
Have you ever actually visited SF?
Seems you only listen to Conservative propaganda

It is Red States that smell like shit
They have limited sanitation and ecological standards

The Liberal notion is that nations that have had 1,000 years to develop into 1st world nations consist of Dark People who are too stupid to develop.
Actually some of those 3rd world countries, used to be 1st world countries, before others subjugated them into their current status.

Kind of like how democrat run cities are turning into third world shitholes here. Funny how wherever leftism takes root, the shit follows.
Red States are doing worse

Major Cities may have sections that are shit holes
But entire Red States are shitholes
Want me to name some?

Sure. Be specific. Tell us states where, like San Francisco, all you can smell is human shit when you get there.
Have you ever actually visited SF?
Seems you only listen to Conservative propaganda

It is Red States that smell like shit
They have limited sanitation and ecological standards

Of course. Many times. I was just there last weekend to visit friends in the Haight. Other than pelousi-ville, the Haight is the only region that doesn't smell like shit. It smells like a Marijuana den. The smell is pervasive.

Better than poo, but not by much.
I’m all in favor of letting anti-vax Karens die if that’s what they want.
Problem is, these idiots in southern and intermountain west states where only 30% have vaxed could be a problem for the rest of us.
They are literal Petri dishes for variants, some of which could get past our current vaccines and start killing responsible citizens.

Leftists are such wonderful people, aren't they?

This sentiment is all over everywhere. Let 'em die. Yep.
I believe in freedom of choice. If dying is what somebody wants to do, have at it. But when their bad decisions affect the health of others, gotta draw the line.

You don't get to "draw lines" for any of us.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it on up.
So it is your right to make others sick (even the vaccinated) and possibly kill them with a variant?

NO. So please put that in ya own pipe & smoke it on up! :smoke:

If you believe it is my obligation to inject myself with a medication I do not want to keep others well, then when I need a kidney transplant, give me yours.

This is not difficult.

You compare a painless poke in the arm to me giving up a kidney? I will now refer to you as “Drama Karen” :lol:

Stay away from me and keep your damn droplets to yourself Drama Karen.

That painless poke in the arm is giving people myocarditis. So now who's the drama Karen?
I’m all in favor of letting anti-vax Karens die if that’s what they want.
Problem is, these idiots in southern and intermountain west states where only 30% have vaxed could be a problem for the rest of us.
They are literal Petri dishes for variants, some of which could get past our current vaccines and start killing responsible citizens.

Leftists are such wonderful people, aren't they?

This sentiment is all over everywhere. Let 'em die. Yep.
I believe in freedom of choice. If dying is what somebody wants to do, have at it. But when their bad decisions affect the health of others, gotta draw the line.

You don't get to "draw lines" for any of us.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it on up.
So it is your right to make others sick (even the vaccinated) and possibly kill them with a variant?

NO. So please put that in ya own pipe & smoke it on up! :smoke:

If you believe it is my obligation to inject myself with a medication I do not want to keep others well, then when I need a kidney transplant, give me yours.

This is not difficult.

You compare a painless poke in the arm to me giving up a kidney? I will now refer to you as “Drama Karen” :lol:

Stay away from me and keep your damn droplets to yourself Drama Karen.

Not only have 3000 died from the vaccine, but all vaccine have the potential for increasing allergic or other immune system over reactions.
This is VERY significant with covid-19 since it is the over reaction of the immune system that has killed every covid-19 victim.
The virus itself has never killed anyone.

Besides, if you have faith in the vaccine, then what do you care?
Link to 3000 dying from the vaccine please. Not buying your drivel.
As for why do I care, we’ve covered that about a billion times.
Actually it's up to about 5800 now. Kills a younger man's heart. You loons have actual blood on your hands after this one. You denied actual science, just because you hated of Trump. It cost thousands of lives and your party is the direct cause.

Yes, we get it that when 300 million doses have been given administered and some of those people would have died anyway soon after. I need a link to cases of direct causation.

Stop pulling numbers outta yer butt ;)
Last edited:
Try 4.5 billion years of evolution.
No surprise, once again you've got nothing. Keep up the good work!
All I have is 4.5 billion years of evolutionary history that viruses mutate.
Or you could take the seasonal flu, and common cold as more recent proofs.

National Center for Biotechnology Information › articles › PMC5355621

So you resort to an argument that no one has made. We all KNOW that viruses mutate. We also know that the more the virus mutates, in general, the less lethal it becomes. So once again, you are arguing something that is accepted, and well known. The seasonal flu is more deadly than COVID. ALL metrics supports this observation. So, yet again, why is the CDC not at even 50% vax rate?

Seasonal flu is more deadly than COVID? That’s idiotic. Flu kills an average of 35k per yer. COVID March to March minimally 550k.

Are you drunk, high, or both? :rolleyes-41:
New strains of flu kill far far more each year...after the herd gets thinned out and herd immunity is built in the remaining herd then virus's like the flu and likely Covid reduce to lower average kill numbers.
I’m all in favor of letting anti-vax Karens die if that’s what they want.
Problem is, these idiots in southern and intermountain west states where only 30% have vaxed could be a problem for the rest of us.
They are literal Petri dishes for variants, some of which could get past our current vaccines and start killing responsible citizens.

Leftists are such wonderful people, aren't they?

This sentiment is all over everywhere. Let 'em die. Yep.
I believe in freedom of choice. If dying is what somebody wants to do, have at it. But when their bad decisions affect the health of others, gotta draw the line.

You don't get to "draw lines" for any of us.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it on up.
So it is your right to make others sick (even the vaccinated) and possibly kill them with a variant?

NO. So please put that in ya own pipe & smoke it on up! :smoke:

If you believe it is my obligation to inject myself with a medication I do not want to keep others well, then when I need a kidney transplant, give me yours.

This is not difficult.

You compare a painless poke in the arm to me giving up a kidney? I will now refer to you as “Drama Karen” :lol:

Stay away from me and keep your damn droplets to yourself Drama Karen.

That painless poke in the arm is giving people myocarditis. So now who's the drama Karen?

LoL NotSoSweetSue - Your chances of dying from COVID are at least 1000 times greater than a dying or having a serious complication from one of these vaccines.

I play the odds - You keep playing dumb ;)
Try 4.5 billion years of evolution.
No surprise, once again you've got nothing. Keep up the good work!
All I have is 4.5 billion years of evolutionary history that viruses mutate.
Or you could take the seasonal flu, and common cold as more recent proofs.

National Center for Biotechnology Information › articles › PMC5355621

So you resort to an argument that no one has made. We all KNOW that viruses mutate. We also know that the more the virus mutates, in general, the less lethal it becomes. So once again, you are arguing something that is accepted, and well known. The seasonal flu is more deadly than COVID. ALL metrics supports this observation. So, yet again, why is the CDC not at even 50% vax rate?

Seasonal flu is more deadly than COVID? That’s idiotic. Flu kills an average of 35k per yer. COVID March to March minimally 550k.

Are you drunk, high, or both? :rolleyes-41:
New strains of flu kill far far more each year...after the herd gets thinned out and herd immunity is built in the remaining herd then virus's like the flu and likely Covid reduce to lower average kill numbers.

Stop lying please. The COVIDS are FAR more transmissible and at least 15 times deadlier than the flu.
I’m all in favor of letting anti-vax Karens die if that’s what they want.
Problem is, these idiots in southern and intermountain west states where only 30% have vaxed could be a problem for the rest of us.
They are literal Petri dishes for variants, some of which could get past our current vaccines and start killing responsible citizens.

Leftists are such wonderful people, aren't they?

This sentiment is all over everywhere. Let 'em die. Yep.
I believe in freedom of choice. If dying is what somebody wants to do, have at it. But when their bad decisions affect the health of others, gotta draw the line.

You don't get to "draw lines" for any of us.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it on up.
So it is your right to make others sick (even the vaccinated) and possibly kill them with a variant?

NO. So please put that in ya own pipe & smoke it on up! :smoke:

If you believe it is my obligation to inject myself with a medication I do not want to keep others well, then when I need a kidney transplant, give me yours.

This is not difficult.
You think being vaccinated is equivalent to major surgery?

For some people it is worse. You're rolling the dice. But the philosophy is certainly the same. Do you REALLY want to implement a society where it is compulsory to submit to a medical intervention in order to protect the health of others?

Do you have children? Did you have to vax them to attend public school or go to summer camp?? Compulsory vaccinations have been around to protect the health of others for decades.
Try 4.5 billion years of evolution.
No surprise, once again you've got nothing. Keep up the good work!
All I have is 4.5 billion years of evolutionary history that viruses mutate.
Or you could take the seasonal flu, and common cold as more recent proofs.

National Center for Biotechnology Information › articles › PMC5355621

So you resort to an argument that no one has made. We all KNOW that viruses mutate. We also know that the more the virus mutates, in general, the less lethal it becomes. So once again, you are arguing something that is accepted, and well known. The seasonal flu is more deadly than COVID. ALL metrics supports this observation. So, yet again, why is the CDC not at even 50% vax rate?

Seasonal flu is more deadly than COVID? That’s idiotic. Flu kills an average of 35k per yer. COVID March to March minimally 550k.

Are you drunk, high, or both? :rolleyes-41:
New strains of flu kill far far more each year...after the herd gets thinned out and herd immunity is built in the remaining herd then virus's like the flu and likely Covid reduce to lower average kill numbers.

Stop lying please. The COVIDS are FAR more transmissible and at least 15 times deadlier than the flu.

Talk about being a stupid cultist.

Those numbers were proven false months ago.

You must be an anti science religious nutjob. Only one of those could be so uninformed.

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