Nearly all of recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated

So you resort to an argument that no one has made. We all KNOW that viruses mutate. We also know that the more the virus mutates, in general, the less lethal it becomes.

Actually this is where Darwin's theory of evolution comes into play. That those viruses that mutate into less communicable strains, or less reproductive strains die out. While those that are more communicable, or that reproduce at higher rates become the dominant strain.

A strain that better evades the human immunity response, quickly becomes the dominant variety, as we've seen with the delta variant.
So, yet again, why is the CDC not at even 50% vax rate?
The only one who would know that is the head of the CDC, and this was her answer:

Walensky told the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee that CDC employees have the option to submit their vaccination status. However, because it is not required by the federal government, the exact percentage is unknown, she said.
Other diseases have been eliminated from the American continents, but still exist in third world countries.

So it is possible to completely eliminate COVID-19 within years, not decades.
but still exist in third world countries

Which is why Liberals endorse Open Borders.
Thanks for being an idiot.
Actually you make the case for why Biden is donating vaccine to third world nations, which like was done with polio and smallpox, can eliminate it from the worlds population.

And as we've seen with measles, people refusing to get vaccinated is what allows it to continue to exist. And as you pointed out, open borders (as in entry without quarantine) allows continued spread.
Other diseases have been eliminated from the American continents, but still exist in third world countries.

So it is possible to completely eliminate COVID-19 within years, not decades.
but still exist in third world countries

Which is why Liberals endorse Open Borders.
Thanks for being an idiot.
Actually you make the case for why Biden is donating vaccine to third world nations, which like was done with polio and smallpox, can eliminate it from the worlds population.

And as we've seen with measles, people refusing to get vaccinated is what allows it to continue to exist. And as you pointed out, open borders (as in entry without quarantine) allows continued spread.
The Liberal notion is that nations that have had 1,000 years to develop into 1st world nations consist of Dark People who are too stupid to develop.
Since almost all of these nations are more interested in internal strife than being civilized, let them die.
Darwin Awards are on me.

COVID is now killing just those who are too stupid, stubborn or Trump loving to get vaccinated.

Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.
interesting nearly doesn't mean all unvaccinated. So you're saying vaccinated people are also dying from Covid19?
When I got my vaccine, they said it was 95 percent effective. It is obviously much better than that

How effective is not getting the vaccine?
but people still died even after that took the shit?
Darwin Awards are on me.

COVID is now killing just those who are too stupid, stubborn or Trump loving to get vaccinated.

Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.
RW, we always knew it would come to this, if they got a vaccine that works. They did. They appear to have multiples that work. I agree the unvaccinated are candidates for the Darwin award, as they will breed themselves out of existence sometime in the future and many disappear by the ravages of the disease, posing a lesson to family and friends.
I'm good with it. Got mine, as does my family. Guess we will hang around and watch.
Wonder if Vegas is offering an over/under on Trumpinistas offing themselves via Covid?
Darwin Awards are on me.

COVID is now killing just those who are too stupid, stubborn or Trump loving to get vaccinated.

Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.

Enjoy your death celebrations with comrades
So you acknoeldge this "own the libs" thing is going too kill your fellows and rather than try to change the outcome you're faulting others for laughing at the stupid?

How effective is not getting the vaccine?
but people still died even after that took the shit?
Actually those cases are actual examples of people dying "with" covid being counted.

Among those who were hospitalized, 29% were asymptomatic or were hospitalized for reasons that had nothing to do with COVID-19. Of the fatalities, 18% died of unrelated causes.
How effective is not getting the vaccine?
but people still died even after that took the shit?
Actually those cases are actual examples of people dying "with" covid being counted.

Among those who were hospitalized, 29% were asymptomatic or were hospitalized for reasons that had nothing to do with COVID-19. Of the fatalities, 18% died of unrelated causes.
so is that why the covid death count was high? People just dying by other causes was recorded as a covid death?
Darwin Awards are on me.

COVID is now killing just those who are too stupid, stubborn or Trump loving to get vaccinated.

Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.

Enjoy your death celebrations with comrades
So you acknoeldge this "own the libs" thing is going too kill your fellows and rather than try to change the outcome you're faulting others for laughing at the stupid?


Can you post a translation for English speaking people
The Liberal notion is that nations that have had 1,000 years to develop into 1st world nations consist of Dark People who are too stupid to develop.
Actually some of those 3rd world countries, used to be 1st world countries, before others subjugated them into their current status.

Kind of like how democrat run cities are turning into third world shitholes here. Funny how wherever leftism takes root, the shit follows.
Darwin Awards are on me.

COVID is now killing just those who are too stupid, stubborn or Trump loving to get vaccinated.

Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.
interesting nearly doesn't mean all unvaccinated. So you're saying vaccinated people are also dying from Covid19?
When I got my vaccine, they said it was 95 percent effective. It is obviously much better than that

How effective is not getting the vaccine?
but people still died even after that took the shit?
ummm. yes

But guess what?
Now almost everyone who has died is not vaccinated

Did you get yours
The Liberal notion is that nations that have had 1,000 years to develop into 1st world nations consist of Dark People who are too stupid to develop.
Actually some of those 3rd world countries, used to be 1st world countries, before others subjugated them into their current status.

Kind of like how democrat run cities are turning into third world shitholes here. Funny how wherever leftism takes root, the shit follows.
Red States are doing worse

Major Cities may have sections that are shit holes
But entire Red States are shitholes
Want me to name some?
The Liberal notion is that nations that have had 1,000 years to develop into 1st world nations consist of Dark People who are too stupid to develop.
Actually some of those 3rd world countries, used to be 1st world countries, before others subjugated them into their current status.

Kind of like how democrat run cities are turning into third world shitholes here. Funny how wherever leftism takes root, the shit follows.
Red States are doing worse

Major Cities may have sections that are shit holes
But entire Red States are shitholes
Want me to name some?

Sure. Be specific. Tell us states where, like San Francisco, all you can smell is human shit when you get there.
The Liberal notion is that nations that have had 1,000 years to develop into 1st world nations consist of Dark People who are too stupid to develop.
Actually some of those 3rd world countries, used to be 1st world countries, before others subjugated them into their current status.

Kind of like how democrat run cities are turning into third world shitholes here. Funny how wherever leftism takes root, the shit follows.
Red States are doing worse

Major Cities may have sections that are shit holes
But entire Red States are shitholes
Want me to name some?

Sure. Be specific. Tell us states where, like San Francisco, all you can smell is human shit when you get there.
Have you ever actually visited SF?
Seems you only listen to Conservative propaganda

It is Red States that smell like shit
They have limited sanitation and ecological standards
Darwin Awards are on me.

COVID is now killing just those who are too stupid, stubborn or Trump loving to get vaccinated.

Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.

Enjoy your death celebrations with comrades
So you acknoeldge this "own the libs" thing is going too kill your fellows and rather than try to change the outcome you're faulting others for laughing at the stupid?


Can you post a translation for English speaking people
I could but what good would it do you?
Darwin Awards are on me.

COVID is now killing just those who are too stupid, stubborn or Trump loving to get vaccinated.

Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.

Enjoy your death celebrations with comrades
So you acknoeldge this "own the libs" thing is going too kill your fellows and rather than try to change the outcome you're faulting others for laughing at the stupid?


Can you post a translation for English speaking people
I could but what good would it do you?

I and others could try to understand what you were trying to post?

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