Nearly all of recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated

No, there have been over 6,000 deaths from the covid vaccines so far, and while that is still far fewer than the covid deaths, we don't know what the long term effect of these experimental vaccines are yet.
You have been repeatedly told, the VAER database is open to anybody. So people can put any adverse reaction they want into the database.
Why would I get a vaccine that will certainly make me feel sick and that might not even stop me from getting covid?
Because it could save your life and prevent you from spreading it to others

It doesn't prevent the spread. It merely "reduces" it, and that barely. Don't you know?

What vaccines do is reduce successful transmissions. To survive, virus particles much reach a host that has not become immune either through vaccination or previous infection. The more people that have been vaccinated, the harder it is for the virus to spread. The primary method of transmission is expelled droplets carrying the virus. These droplets dry and dissipate as air currents move them so they must hit on suitable hosts typically within minutes. The more people that are vaccinated the harder it is for the virus to a reach suitable hosts. If 100% of a population has become immunity by vaccinations, there will be no suitable hosts. Since we will never reach 100%, there will always be tiny bit of the virus remaining. The Spanish influence epidemic was over 100 years ago, yet the virus still exist.

Vaccines do not at all in any way prevent infection.
All they do is quicken the ability of the immune response to kill the infection.
That does reduce successful transmission, but on the sending side, not on the receiving side.
The receiver is not going to be producing antibodies all the time, and instead will only produce them AFTER an full infection has taken hold.

And actually, we likely only need 70% immunity, by recovery, vaccination, or inherent immunity, in order to wipe out the covid-19 virus forever.

And there will be no "tiny bit of virus remaining".
Covid-19 is not endemic to humans and is only barely able to survive in humans, with a maximum time being about 2 weeks.
So it should have been easy to eliminate this virus last year.

The Spanish flu is endemic to humans, and has been around continually.
It is not at all like covid-19 except that we also prevented the Spanish flu from going away, by "flattening the curve".
I know liberals just believe the Magic Vaccines are Magic because Big Daddy Govco said so, and so did Big Pharma.

They are magic because they prevent you from getting COVID

ALL recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated. COVID hot spots are now in Red States with low vaccination rates
One of my coworkers had a heart attack the day following getting his second Covid shot. He had no preconditions and was in great health prior to getting vaccinated. I was hesitant about getting the vaccine BEFORE that took place! Now you couldn't pay me to get jabbed! To be quite blunt...WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT LONG TERM AFFECTS THESE VACCINE'S ARE GOING TO HAVE ON THE PEOPLE WHO GOT THEM!!!
If you feel like being a guinea pig...go right ahead. I'll pass on that.

Assuming this story is true, what do you think the odds were, of him getting covid and having something similar happen? The vaccine only triggers your body's immuno response to the virus, but in a much safer way. People who have contracted the virus had the exact same side effects but at a much higher rate. It's unfortunate this happened but it likely would have happened if he had caught the virus as well.

Reasonable logic, but there are reasons why the vaccine could turn out to be more deadly.
For example, it is not an actual virus they are using, but a synthetic fake, and that could trigger additional reactions beyond what is reasonable for what is needed to defend against a covid attack. It could trigger future immune responses to anything that was used to build the synthetic.
Another problem is they built the synthetic badly, with reports of the corona spike protein they use as a trigger, coming unattached.
When that happens, then the immune system can attack anywhere it ends up, like the heart or brain, thus killing the patient.

We already have lots of people with Lupus, arthritis, diabetes, autism, and lots of problems from over active immune systems.
So it is not likely a good idea to hype it over something not endemic to humans, that is never coming back.
Vaccines do not at all in any way prevent infection.
All they do is quicken the ability of the immune response to kill the infection.
That does reduce successful transmission, but on the sending side, not on the receiving side.
The receiver is not going to be producing antibodies all the time, and instead will only produce them AFTER an full infection has taken hold.
to successfully cause disease they must pass through several stages of infection: colonisation, invasion, proliferation and transmission.

Vaccines are able to limit infection at the proliferation stage.
And actually, we likely only need 70% immunity, by recovery, vaccination, or inherent immunity, in order to wipe out the covid-19 virus forever.
That's based on a homogeneous model of infection/vaccination. Unfortunately we have large numbers of clustered republicans refusing to get vaccinated, which creates local pockets where the virus can flourish, and mutate.

The best analogy is a nuclear reactor. You can control or stop the reaction when the fuel isn't allowed to concentrate, which nullifies the operation of the control rods, or moderators.
Did you exercise yet today?

Walked my dog 1 1/2 miles and mowed the lawn

Guess that protects me from COVID

Hey look. A 21 yr old in Ohio died hours after taking the J&J shot. Oh, right. People dying left and right of these wonderful Magic Vaccines

Nothing to see here, just like people died from the flu shots all over the place. OH WAIT


One person dies is reason to ignore the 300 million doses safely administered

No, there have been over 6,000 deaths from the covid vaccines so far, and while that is still far fewer than the covid deaths, we don't know what the long term effect of these experimental vaccines are yet.

Got a link on that?

Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 331 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through July 6, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 5,946 reports of death (0.0018%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.

These reported deaths are only where the vaccine is suspected, but can never be definitive.
Every one of those deaths is investigated by medical researchers. Of the 5946 reported deaths, researchers have found only 3 deaths in which the vaccine was at least partially a cause. That reduces the percentage where vaccine were at least partial a cause of death to less than .000001% of those receiving the vaccine. You are far more likely to win the Powerball lottery that die from the vaccine.

I disagree that these are just random death reports of those vaccinated.
These reports clearly are a "selected" group that went through some level of investigation.
And it is completely wrong to claim only 3 deaths attributed to the vaccines.
There have been hundred where the vaccines most definitely were the only cause of death
Several thousand have been killed by Anaphylaxis, due to covid vaccination responses.
At least 38 have been killed by Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome, due to covid vaccination response.
At least 971 have been killed by Myocarditis and pericarditis, due to covid vaccination response.

For public awareness and in the interest of transparency, CDC is providing timely updates on the following serious adverse events of interest:

  • Anaphylaxis after COVID-19 vaccination is rare and has occurred in approximately 2 to 5 people per million vaccinated in the United States. Severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, can occur after any vaccination. If this occurs, vaccination providers can effectively and immediately treat the reaction. Learn more about COVID-19 vaccines and allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis.
  • Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) after Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen (J&J/Janssen) COVID-19 vaccination is rare. As of July 6, 2021, more than 12.6 million doses of the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine have been given in the United States. CDC and FDA identified 38 confirmed reports of people who got the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine and later developed TTS. Women younger than 50 years old especially should be aware of the rare but increased risk of this adverse event. There are other COVID-19 vaccine options available for which this risk has not been seen. Learn more about J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine and TTS.
    • To date, two confirmed cases of TTS following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (Moderna) have been reported to VAERS after more than 318 million doses of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines administered in the United States. Based on available data, there is not an increased risk for TTS after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination.
  • Myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. As of July 6, 2021, VAERS has received 971 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis among people ages 30 and younger who received COVID-19 vaccine. Most cases have been reported after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna), particularly in male adolescents and young adults. Through follow-up, including medical record reviews, CDC and FDA have confirmed 594 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis. CDC and its partners are investigating these reports to assess whether there is a relationship to COVID-19 vaccination. Learn more about COVID-19 vaccines and myocarditis.
  • Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 331 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through July 6, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 5,946 reports of death (0.0018%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause. Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem. A review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records, has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines. However, recent reports indicate a plausible causal relationship between the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine and TTS, a rare and serious adverse event—blood clots with low platelets—which has caused deaths.
No, there have been over 6,000 deaths from the covid vaccines so far, and while that is still far fewer than the covid deaths, we don't know what the long term effect of these experimental vaccines are yet.
You have been repeatedly told, the VAER database is open to anybody. So people can put any adverse reaction they want into the database.

These are "selected" reports only that have been investigated and verified.
You have been repeatedly told, the VAER database is open to anybody. So people can put any adverse reaction they want into the database.
These are "selected" reports only that have been investigated and verified.
The 6,000 death figure comes from the raw data. The data even says so.

VAERS accepts reports from anyone. This also allows VAERS to act as an early warning system to detect rare adverse events.

VAERS reports are submitted by anyone and sometimes lack details or contain errors.

This specific limitation has caused confusion about the publicly available data, specifically regarding the number of reported deaths. In the past there have been instances where people misinterpreted reports of death following vaccination as death caused by the vaccines; that is a mistake.
Likely a few other threads this could go into;

People Who Recover From COVID-19 at ‘Very Low Risk’ of Re-Infection: Study​

People who have contracted COVID-19 and recovered should know that the risk for re-infection is very low, a doctor said after a study he worked on was published.

Researchers analyzed records from Curative, a clinical laboratory based in San Dimas that specializes in COVID-19 testing and has during the pandemic been conducting routine workforce screening. None of the 254 employees who had COVID-19 and recovered became re-infected, while four of the 739 who were fully vaccinated contracted the disease.

“The big takeaway was that if you are not vaccinated, and were not previously infected, one, you have a very high risk getting infected—24 percent of employees over a year tested positive. However, on the flip side, if you were vaccinated or previously infected your risk was near zero,” Dr. Jeffrey Klausner, clinical professor of preventive medicine and medicine at the University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine, told The Epoch Times.

Klausner and Dr. Noah Kojima of the University of California, Los Angeles’ Department of Medicine joined with Curative workers to analyze the records. They released a pre-print, or pre-peer reviewed version of the study online this week.

BTW & FWIW, Wife and I got COVID a couple months ago, and experience was same as prior flu and seasonal colds, maybe less so. We are both well past 60 years old.
There are several problems with this study. First being the number of infected people that were vaccinated was 4 in 759 or 755 were not infected. That means 99% were not infected well wi
Likely a few other threads this could go into;

People Who Recover From COVID-19 at ‘Very Low Risk’ of Re-Infection: Study​

People who have contracted COVID-19 and recovered should know that the risk for re-infection is very low, a doctor said after a study he worked on was published.

Researchers analyzed records from Curative, a clinical laboratory based in San Dimas that specializes in COVID-19 testing and has during the pandemic been conducting routine workforce screening. None of the 254 employees who had COVID-19 and recovered became re-infected, while four of the 739 who were fully vaccinated contracted the disease.

“The big takeaway was that if you are not vaccinated, and were not previously infected, one, you have a very high risk getting infected—24 percent of employees over a year tested positive. However, on the flip side, if you were vaccinated or previously infected your risk was near zero,” Dr. Jeffrey Klausner, clinical professor of preventive medicine and medicine at the University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine, told The Epoch Times.

Klausner and Dr. Noah Kojima of the University of California, Los Angeles’ Department of Medicine joined with Curative workers to analyze the records. They released a pre-print, or pre-peer reviewed version of the study online this week.

BTW & FWIW, Wife and I got COVID a couple months ago, and experience was same as prior flu and seasonal colds, maybe less so. We are both well past 60 years old.

As stated in the link, there is the possibility employees could have tested positive for COVID-19 outside of the routine screening, or employee testing program. This is a major limitation of the study because as we know there is a huge variation in validity of testing, particular positive test errors which could well account for the 4 positive cases. Also the study did not address the longevity of protection due to infection nor the fact that people that have had covid-19 and those who have not been vaccinated take far more precautions such as social distancing and mask wearing than those who have been fully vaccinated..

There is also another point to consider. The high efficacy of vaccines is based a high enough viral load to make you ill. Although the vaccine will reduce Asymptomatic cases with low viral loads it will not eliminate them. So what begs for an answer in this study is whether the 4 people infected were asymptomatic, slight ill, or very ill. Remember the purpose of the vaccine is keep you alive and out of the hospital, not testing negative on covid test. It is not uncommon for people who have been fully vaccinated to test positive. This is due to inherit tendency toward positive errors which is probably why the CDC does not recommend routine covid-19 testing for people that have been vaccinated.
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Vaccines do not at all in any way prevent infection.
All they do is quicken the ability of the immune response to kill the infection.
That does reduce successful transmission, but on the sending side, not on the receiving side.
The receiver is not going to be producing antibodies all the time, and instead will only produce them AFTER an full infection has taken hold.
to successfully cause disease they must pass through several stages of infection: colonisation, invasion, proliferation and transmission.

Vaccines are able to limit infection at the proliferation stage.

That is impossible.
First of all, the terms are entirely in the wrong order.
First comes invasion, then proliferation, then colonization, which then is characterized as infection once it has reached a threshold.
And transmission happens as soon as proliferation.
Once you have hatched a new batch of virus, you can be infectious.
Here are the real stages:


Stages of Viral Infections

Viruses initiate infection and may cause disease through many defined stages. These include (a) entry into the body, (b) initia-tion of infection at a primary site (infection of the target tissue),c) replication of virus (Fig. 51-1) and spread to secondary site, and (d) manifestations of the disease.

And actually, we likely only need 70% immunity, by recovery, vaccination, or inherent immunity, in order to wipe out the covid-19 virus forever.
That's based on a homogeneous model of infection/vaccination. Unfortunately we have large numbers of clustered republicans refusing to get vaccinated, which creates local pockets where the virus can flourish, and mutate.

The best analogy is a nuclear reactor. You can control or stop the reaction when the fuel isn't allowed to concentrate, which nullifies the operation of the control rods, or moderators.

Sure vaccination will stop it, but the point is that there are other means of immunity that will end it other than vaccine, and if they had been done last March, it never would have gotten this bad.

And the nuclear reactor is not at all a good analogy because with a nuclear reactor, having more reactions going in nearby, greatly accelerates the reaction.
With a virus, nearby reproduction has no effect on any one virus replication. There is no critical mass.
You have been repeatedly told, the VAER database is open to anybody. So people can put any adverse reaction they want into the database.
These are "selected" reports only that have been investigated and verified.
The 6,000 death figure comes from the raw data. The data even says so.

VAERS accepts reports from anyone. This also allows VAERS to act as an early warning system to detect rare adverse events.

VAERS reports are submitted by anyone and sometimes lack details or contain errors.

This specific limitation has caused confusion about the publicly available data, specifically regarding the number of reported deaths. In the past there have been instances where people misinterpreted reports of death following vaccination as death caused by the vaccines; that is a mistake.

The published report are only the "selected" ones which have had some degree of investigation.
Odds are the estimate of 6000 vaccine deaths is vastly under reported, and is NOT at all an exaggeration.
No one is injecting false reports, and it is a lie to claim "anyone" can file, or that reports are not investigated.
I know liberals just believe the Magic Vaccines are Magic because Big Daddy Govco said so, and so did Big Pharma.

They are magic because they prevent you from getting COVID

ALL recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated. COVID hot spots are now in Red States with low vaccination rates
One of my coworkers had a heart attack the day following getting his second Covid shot. He had no preconditions and was in great health prior to getting vaccinated. I was hesitant about getting the vaccine BEFORE that took place! Now you couldn't pay me to get jabbed! To be quite blunt...WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT LONG TERM AFFECTS THESE VACCINE'S ARE GOING TO HAVE ON THE PEOPLE WHO GOT THEM!!!
If you feel like being a guinea pig...go right ahead. I'll pass on that.

Assuming this story is true, what do you think the odds were, of him getting covid and having something similar happen? The vaccine only triggers your body's immuno response to the virus, but in a much safer way. People who have contracted the virus had the exact same side effects but at a much higher rate. It's unfortunate this happened but it likely would have happened if he had caught the virus as well.

Reasonable logic, but there are reasons why the vaccine could turn out to be more deadly.
For example, it is not an actual virus they are using, but a synthetic fake, and that could trigger additional reactions beyond what is reasonable for what is needed to defend against a covid attack. It could trigger future immune responses to anything that was used to build the synthetic.
Another problem is they built the synthetic badly, with reports of the corona spike protein they use as a trigger, coming unattached.
When that happens, then the immune system can attack anywhere it ends up, like the heart or brain, thus killing the patient.

We already have lots of people with Lupus, arthritis, diabetes, autism, and lots of problems from over active immune systems.
So it is not likely a good idea to hype it over something not endemic to humans, that is never coming back.

There has been over 4 million covid deaths around the world. Has the vaccine somehow exceeded that number without anyone knowing, to be considered more "deadly"?
I know liberals just believe the Magic Vaccines are Magic because Big Daddy Govco said so, and so did Big Pharma.

They are magic because they prevent you from getting COVID

ALL recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated. COVID hot spots are now in Red States with low vaccination rates
One of my coworkers had a heart attack the day following getting his second Covid shot. He had no preconditions and was in great health prior to getting vaccinated. I was hesitant about getting the vaccine BEFORE that took place! Now you couldn't pay me to get jabbed! To be quite blunt...WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT LONG TERM AFFECTS THESE VACCINE'S ARE GOING TO HAVE ON THE PEOPLE WHO GOT THEM!!!
If you feel like being a guinea pig...go right ahead. I'll pass on that.

Assuming this story is true, what do you think the odds were, of him getting covid and having something similar happen? The vaccine only triggers your body's immuno response to the virus, but in a much safer way. People who have contracted the virus had the exact same side effects but at a much higher rate. It's unfortunate this happened but it likely would have happened if he had caught the virus as well.
It is true. What are the odds of a healthy person having a heart attack a day after getting a vaccine shot? How many healthy people were having heart attacks from Covid? My point...which nobody has even attempted to that we don't really know WHAT these vaccines are going to do to us and taking them is a crap shoot! Why would any healthy person risk that?
Sure vaccination will stop it, but the point is that there are other means of immunity that will end it other than vaccine, and if they had been done last March, it never would have gotten this bad.
Oh yes, the Scott Atlas "herd immunity" theory.

If you did the math, you would find that would have resulted in over 3 million dead americans in order to achieve it. Based on the current covid data over the length of the pandemic. Which is squarely in the middle of the fatality numbers estimated early in the pandemic.
And the nuclear reactor is not at all a good analogy because with a nuclear reactor, having more reactions going in nearby, greatly accelerates the reaction.
With a virus, nearby reproduction has no effect on any one virus replication. There is no critical mass.
Critical mass only relates to nuclear explosions, not nuclear reactors, so stop throwing out terms you don't understand.

And the nearby reproduction is exactly like a nuclear reactor, because the R0 number acts as the multiplier of infections, just like the enrichment of fissile material multiplies the reaction rate.
The published report are only the "selected" ones which have had some degree of investigation.
Odds are the estimate of 6000 vaccine deaths is vastly under reported, and is NOT at all an exaggeration.
VAERS did receive 4,178 reports of deaths (0.0017% of all vaccine doses) between Dec. 14, 2020 and May 3, 2021. However, these reports don’t point to a causal relationship between receiving the vaccine and death.
Did you exercise yet today?

Walked my dog 1 1/2 miles and mowed the lawn

Guess that protects me from COVID

Hey look. A 21 yr old in Ohio died hours after taking the J&J shot. Oh, right. People dying left and right of these wonderful Magic Vaccines

Nothing to see here, just like people died from the flu shots all over the place. OH WAIT


One person dies is reason to ignore the 300 million doses safely administered

No, there have been over 6,000 deaths from the covid vaccines so far, and while that is still far fewer than the covid deaths, we don't know what the long term effect of these experimental vaccines are yet.
Of the 6,000 deaths reported after vaccination, medical researchers have found only 3 deaths that were linked to the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. No deaths have linked to either the Moderna or the Pfizer vaccine.

Side effects of vaccines have always showed up within two months of vaccination. This history goes back to at least the 1960s with the oral polio vaccine and examples continue through today. So far the FDA has license 84 vaccines and none have had side effects that were not discovered in the first two months.

Pfizer, Moderna, and now Johnson and Johnson have all submitted application in May and June for full approval. Generally it takes 6 months for full approval due to statuary requirements. The reason it is experimental are to meet legal requirements. Any drug or vaccine that is giving Emergency Use Authorization is considered experimental by law. It does not imply that there are any FDA required research, development, clinical testing, or clinical trials yet to done.
I know liberals just believe the Magic Vaccines are Magic because Big Daddy Govco said so, and so did Big Pharma.

They are magic because they prevent you from getting COVID

ALL recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated. COVID hot spots are now in Red States with low vaccination rates
One of my coworkers had a heart attack the day following getting his second Covid shot. He had no preconditions and was in great health prior to getting vaccinated. I was hesitant about getting the vaccine BEFORE that took place! Now you couldn't pay me to get jabbed! To be quite blunt...WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT LONG TERM AFFECTS THESE VACCINE'S ARE GOING TO HAVE ON THE PEOPLE WHO GOT THEM!!!
If you feel like being a guinea pig...go right ahead. I'll pass on that.

Assuming this story is true, what do you think the odds were, of him getting covid and having something similar happen? The vaccine only triggers your body's immuno response to the virus, but in a much safer way. People who have contracted the virus had the exact same side effects but at a much higher rate. It's unfortunate this happened but it likely would have happened if he had caught the virus as well.

Reasonable logic, but there are reasons why the vaccine could turn out to be more deadly.
For example, it is not an actual virus they are using, but a synthetic fake, and that could trigger additional reactions beyond what is reasonable for what is needed to defend against a covid attack. It could trigger future immune responses to anything that was used to build the synthetic.
Another problem is they built the synthetic badly, with reports of the corona spike protein they use as a trigger, coming unattached.
When that happens, then the immune system can attack anywhere it ends up, like the heart or brain, thus killing the patient.

We already have lots of people with Lupus, arthritis, diabetes, autism, and lots of problems from over active immune systems.
So it is not likely a good idea to hype it over something not endemic to humans, that is never coming back.

There has been over 4 million covid deaths around the world. Has the vaccine somehow exceeded that number without anyone knowing, to be considered more "deadly"?

You missed the point.
We don't yet know what these vaccines have done.
They have in general, increased our immune response, but it was an over active immune response that was the main problem in the first place.
What if this vaccine makes individuals deadly allergic to something quite ordinary and common?
Sure vaccination will stop it, but the point is that there are other means of immunity that will end it other than vaccine, and if they had been done last March, it never would have gotten this bad.
Oh yes, the Scott Atlas "herd immunity" theory.

If you did the math, you would find that would have resulted in over 3 million dead americans in order to achieve it. Based on the current covid data over the length of the pandemic. Which is squarely in the middle of the fatality numbers estimated early in the pandemic.

Fauci did his math in public early on, and his estimate was 2.4 million deaths.
But now it is obvious why he was so wrong.
He did not know about the asymptomatic or the scared, who did not report being infected.
He did not know more than half the population started out already inherently immune.
He did not know that those under 38 would be 400 times less likely to die if deliberately infected, then those over 70 accidentally getting infected.
He did not know that early on, you only need 70% of the small circle of contact around the infected to be immune, in order to wipe out the virus, and that as you wait by "flattening the curve", that the circles of contact increase so much, that you need hundreds of times more people immune in order to end it.

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