Nearly all of recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated

And there is nothing like that with a virus.
A virus is not exponential but just geometric.
The fact there are more infections does not increase the speed of other infections.
Each infection is independent of all other infections.
Absolutely wrong. The spread is exponential with the value of R0. The number of infected people (N) is equal to the exponent of R0*T.

R0 is a factor of the density of subjects (social distancing) Such that R0 is similar to the number of people within a 6 foot diameter circle.

We also know that R0 is independent of the mix of symptomatic and asymptomatic people. They both viral shed equally/

Wrong again Skippy…
I got the Phizer vaccine which Trump had nothing to do with

Notice how Trump snuck off and got the vaccine so his minions wouldn’t accuse him of weakness?
You need to make up your mind, now he had nothing to do with the extremely rapid development of these vaccines?!?! Put the crack pipe down…
It’s amazing how far you will go down the rabbit hole to discredit the best POTUS we have had since Reagan…
Does your mother know how far gone you are? Was this condition you suffer from hereditary? If so, please don’t breed…
And there is nothing like that with a virus.
A virus is not exponential but just geometric.
The fact there are more infections does not increase the speed of other infections.
Each infection is independent of all other infections.
Absolutely wrong. The spread is exponential with the value of R0. The number of infected people (N) is equal to the exponent of R0*T.

R0 is a factor of the density of subjects (social distancing) Such that R0 is similar to the number of people within a 6 foot diameter circle.

We also know that R0 is independent of the mix of symptomatic and asymptomatic people. They both viral shed equally/

No, I read the article and it did not say covid infection spread was exponential.
In fact, R0 is the multiplication factor, and NOT exponential at all.
The value of R0 = 2.0 for covid-19, which means that on average, only 2 people will be infected by each infected person.
Doubling is geometric, and NOT exponential.

You are also using the word "asymptomatic" wrong.
If a person is shedding but does not yet feel sick, that is pre-symptomatic, not asymptomatic.
That is because shedding IS a symptom actually, but the person just does not know it.
The word "asymptomatic" is reserved for those who are inherently immune enough so that they will never know they were ever infected, and they likely will not infect others because it won't be reproducing enough in their body.

Your link if from August 2020, so it almost a year old. We know a lot more about it now.
It's somewhat ironic that the red states where COVID is rising again are the same kinds of areas that rejected any help for those with HIV/ it Karma?

Over 50% of current active cases are in 5 states. All of which are blue.

You bet it's karma.

So your point is that if California has a 70 percent vaccination rate……12 million people are vulnerable

But if Wyoming has a 30 percent vaccination rate………. 420 thousand are vulnerable

I didn't say that.

I said 50% of all active cases are in 5 blue states.

Learn how to read.

Exactly what's happening in the UK right now. Tons and tons of cases in the vaccinated.
Much ado about a virus with a 95% to 99% survival rate. If you drive a car you are more likely to die. Some perspective people.

But if you don't get the Magic Vaccine you're a Terrible Human and you want to Kill Grandma

Just like when you didn't want to wear Aunt Sarah's curtain material as a mask over your face

This debacle is the stupidest thing I've ever seen in my lifetime. And that's really saying something
It's somewhat ironic that the red states where COVID is rising again are the same kinds of areas that rejected any help for those with HIV/ it Karma?

Over 50% of current active cases are in 5 states. All of which are blue.

You bet it's karma.
What are the 5 states with the most active cases? It seems like Texas and Florida would be in the top 5, no???
Much ado about a virus with a 95% to 99% survival rate. If you drive a car you are more likely to die. Some perspective people.
600,000 people died of COVID in the past year.

Only 30,000 -35000 die in car accidents in a year.

Much ado about a virus with a 95% to 99% survival rate. If you drive a car you are more likely to die. Some perspective people.
600,000 people died of COVID in the past year.

Only 30,000 -35000 die in car accidents in a year.


With. Not necessarily of. We know this for sure.

For example did you know a big percentage of covid patients in the hospital are pregnant women? They go in for labor and "test positive". They're not sick; they just have the viral fragments in their nose the defunct PCR tests pick up.

This is such a scandal, this entire Covid episode, that if we were allowed to start uncovering layers the shock would reverberate for generations. So the entire thing is hushed up.
Why would I get a vaccine that will certainly make me feel sick and that might not even stop me from getting covid?
Because it could save your life and prevent you from spreading it to others

so much for being pro life.

The vaccines do not prevent transmission. See the post I just posted. They only potentially reduce transmission. That's it.

which doesn't address that some of those who claim to be pro life really aren't - because they aren't protecting the most vulnerable amongst us. even if the risk of transmission isn't eliminated ... significantly reducing that risk should be paramount.

but selfishness is the mindset amongst the poorly educated as demonstrated by yer replies.

Some people need kidneys.

Give yours up. Otherwise you're not pro-life.

i have 2 & can spare one if someone in my family needed one. i am an organ donor upon my demise so they can take any useable parts....

lol... but thanx for playing the 'false comparison' game . :113:
Much ado about a virus with a 95% to 99% survival rate. If you drive a car you are more likely to die. Some perspective people.
600,000 people died of COVID in the past year.

Only 30,000 -35000 die in car accidents in a year.


With. Not necessarily of. We know this for sure.

For example did you know a big percentage of covid patients in the hospital are pregnant women? They go in for labor and "test positive". They're not sick; they just have the viral fragments in their nose the defunct PCR tests pick up.

This is such a scandal, this entire Covid episode, that if we were allowed to start uncovering layers the shock would reverberate for generations. So the entire thing is hushed up.

well, who gave it to them? 'not sick' doesn't mean much other than they have no symptoms - but this brand spanking new disease hasn't much 'history' of what long term effects might present. & if they are 'positive' that means they can give it to someone who may not be so lucky. then there's the babies in utero who can get covid & have serious complications.

lol ... pro life!
Why would I get a vaccine that will certainly make me feel sick and that might not even stop me from getting covid?
Because it could save your life and prevent you from spreading it to others

so much for being pro life.

The vaccines do not prevent transmission. See the post I just posted. They only potentially reduce transmission. That's it.

which doesn't address that some of those who claim to be pro life really aren't - because they aren't protecting the most vulnerable amongst us. even if the risk of transmission isn't eliminated ... significantly reducing that risk should be paramount.

but selfishness is the mindset amongst the poorly educated as demonstrated by yer replies.

Some people need kidneys.

Give yours up. Otherwise you're not pro-life.

i have 2 & can spare one if someone in my family needed one. i am an organ donor upon my demise so they can take any useable parts....

lol... but thanx for playing the 'false comparison' game . :113:

Covid vaccines don't even eliminate transmission; at best they simply reduce them. But because I won't get these ineffective and dangerous vaccines you are claiming I'm not "pro-life". Okay, since I am responsible for everyone else's life, let's apply those standards. You have two kidneys. Give one away. Did I qualify just for family? I don't believe I did.

How often do you donate blood and plasma? You should do that AT LEAST as often as you can. Otherwise, not pro-life.

Realize the only thing I'm denoting as "pro-life" is that a mother of a child NOT KILL HER OWN CHILD. That's it. Just don't off your baby.
It's somewhat ironic that the red states where COVID is rising again are the same kinds of areas that rejected any help for those with HIV/ it Karma?

Over 50% of current active cases are in 5 states. All of which are blue.

You bet it's karma.
What are the 5 states with the most active cases? It seems like Texas and Florida would be in the top 5, no???

Correct.....NO. Florida is number 6.

Much ado about a virus with a 95% to 99% survival rate. If you drive a car you are more likely to die. Some perspective people.
600,000 people died of COVID in the past year.

Only 30,000 -35000 die in car accidents in a year.


Actually cars are way more dangerous than covid-19.
What you are forgetting is that people spend very little time in cars.
You can't average the number of deaths per years, but the number of deaths per hour of risk.
And with social distancing, people are avoiding the risky aspects of social interaction where you could get infected.
The amount of time you stay safely secluded at home, does not count any more than the homeless person who does not have a car and does not drive anywhere.
The risks to compare are when you get into a car and drive, with when you go to the store or someplace where you could get covid-19.
Safe time in between does not count.
Much ado about a virus with a 95% to 99% survival rate. If you drive a car you are more likely to die. Some perspective people.
600,000 people died of COVID in the past year.

Only 30,000 -35000 die in car accidents in a year.


With. Not necessarily of. We know this for sure.

For example did you know a big percentage of covid patients in the hospital are pregnant women? They go in for labor and "test positive". They're not sick; they just have the viral fragments in their nose the defunct PCR tests pick up.

This is such a scandal, this entire Covid episode, that if we were allowed to start uncovering layers the shock would reverberate for generations. So the entire thing is hushed up.

well, who gave it to them? 'not sick' doesn't mean much other than they have no symptoms - but this brand spanking new disease hasn't much 'history' of what long term effects might present. & if they are 'positive' that means they can give it to someone who may not be so lucky. then there's the babies in utero who can get covid & have serious complications.

lol ... pro life!

Covid-19 is only new to us because it learned the trick of being able to survive a fever from living in bats that get hot when they fly.
Otherwise, coronaviruses have been around millions of years, and are what we call cold and flu.
And there likely are no long term effects from the virus because the virus is itself essentially harmless.
The harm comes from what is essentially an allergic over reaction by the immune system.
And testing positive does NOT mean you can give it to someone else.
Testing positive just means you inhaled some fragments.
To be able to pass it to someone else, you have to be reproducing and shedding in large quantity.
And no, covid-19 can only survive hidden away in remote air passageways.
It is instantly destroyed in contact with blood, so it can not get to the uterus or a fetus.
I know liberals just believe the Magic Vaccines are Magic because Big Daddy Govco said so, and so did Big Pharma.

They are magic because they prevent you from getting COVID

ALL recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated. COVID hot spots are now in Red States with low vaccination rates
One of my coworkers had a heart attack the day following getting his second Covid shot. He had no preconditions and was in great health prior to getting vaccinated. I was hesitant about getting the vaccine BEFORE that took place! Now you couldn't pay me to get jabbed! To be quite blunt...WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT LONG TERM AFFECTS THESE VACCINE'S ARE GOING TO HAVE ON THE PEOPLE WHO GOT THEM!!!
If you feel like being a guinea pig...go right ahead. I'll pass on that.

Assuming this story is true, what do you think the odds were, of him getting covid and having something similar happen? The vaccine only triggers your body's immuno response to the virus, but in a much safer way. People who have contracted the virus had the exact same side effects but at a much higher rate. It's unfortunate this happened but it likely would have happened if he had caught the virus as well.

Reasonable logic, but there are reasons why the vaccine could turn out to be more deadly.
For example, it is not an actual virus they are using, but a synthetic fake, and that could trigger additional reactions beyond what is reasonable for what is needed to defend against a covid attack. It could trigger future immune responses to anything that was used to build the synthetic.
Another problem is they built the synthetic badly, with reports of the corona spike protein they use as a trigger, coming unattached.
When that happens, then the immune system can attack anywhere it ends up, like the heart or brain, thus killing the patient.

We already have lots of people with Lupus, arthritis, diabetes, autism, and lots of problems from over active immune systems.
So it is not likely a good idea to hype it over something not endemic to humans, that is never coming back.

There has been over 4 million covid deaths around the world. Has the vaccine somehow exceeded that number without anyone knowing, to be considered more "deadly"?

You missed the point.
We don't yet know what these vaccines have done.
They have in general, increased our immune response, but it was an over active immune response that was the main problem in the first place.
What if this vaccine makes individuals deadly allergic to something quite ordinary and common?

This is fear mongering based on conspiracy theories.

I know liberals just believe the Magic Vaccines are Magic because Big Daddy Govco said so, and so did Big Pharma.

They are magic because they prevent you from getting COVID

ALL recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated. COVID hot spots are now in Red States with low vaccination rates
One of my coworkers had a heart attack the day following getting his second Covid shot. He had no preconditions and was in great health prior to getting vaccinated. I was hesitant about getting the vaccine BEFORE that took place! Now you couldn't pay me to get jabbed! To be quite blunt...WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT LONG TERM AFFECTS THESE VACCINE'S ARE GOING TO HAVE ON THE PEOPLE WHO GOT THEM!!!
If you feel like being a guinea pig...go right ahead. I'll pass on that.

Assuming this story is true, what do you think the odds were, of him getting covid and having something similar happen? The vaccine only triggers your body's immuno response to the virus, but in a much safer way. People who have contracted the virus had the exact same side effects but at a much higher rate. It's unfortunate this happened but it likely would have happened if he had caught the virus as well.
It is true. What are the odds of a healthy person having a heart attack a day after getting a vaccine shot? How many healthy people were having heart attacks from Covid? My point...which nobody has even attempted to that we don't really know WHAT these vaccines are going to do to us and taking them is a crap shoot! Why would any healthy person risk that?

Heart attacks from covid19 exist and with more frequency. Let's stop the hysteria over the vaccine.

No, the virus can not get into the blood stream, so then can not cause a heart attack.
If the immune system starts to macerate the lungs, that can release thousands of little blood clots, and that can result in a heart attack however.
But the vaccine has a well recorded incidence of hearth swelling.
Usually not fatal is treated, but the vaccine clearly has risks we know of, and potential for many more we just have not yet discovered.

That's what the statistics and research has told us from real doctors, not ones on message boards.
This is fear mongering based on conspiracy theories.

The FDA has refused to approve these mRNA vaccines so far.
The inventor of mRNA vaccine, Dr. Robert Malone has said they were rushed and flawed.
Thousands of doctors and nurses are getting fired for refusing these mRNA vaccination.

The only "fear mongering" is by those pushing the vaccines.
Epidemics normally end by acquired immunity, not vaccinations.
Why would I get a vaccine that will certainly make me feel sick and that might not even stop me from getting covid?
Because it could save your life and prevent you from spreading it to others

It doesn't prevent the spread. It merely "reduces" it, and that barely. Don't you know?

What vaccines do is reduce successful transmissions. To survive, virus particles much reach a host that has not become immune either through vaccination or previous infection. The more people that have been vaccinated, the harder it is for the virus to spread. The primary method of transmission is expelled droplets carrying the virus. These droplets dry and dissipate as air currents move them so they must hit on suitable hosts typically within minutes. The more people that are vaccinated the harder it is for the virus to a reach suitable hosts. If 100% of a population has become immunity by vaccinations, there will be no suitable hosts. Since we will never reach 100%, there will always be tiny bit of the virus remaining. The Spanish influence epidemic was over 100 years ago, yet the virus still exist.

Vaccines do not at all in any way prevent infection.
All they do is quicken the ability of the immune response to kill the infection.
That does reduce successful transmission, but on the sending side, not on the receiving side.
The receiver is not going to be producing antibodies all the time, and instead will only produce them AFTER an full infection has taken hold.

And actually, we likely only need 70% immunity, by recovery, vaccination, or inherent immunity, in order to wipe out the covid-19 virus forever.

And there will be no "tiny bit of virus remaining".
Covid-19 is not endemic to humans and is only barely able to survive in humans, with a maximum time being about 2 weeks.
So it should have been easy to eliminate this virus last year.

The Spanish flu is endemic to humans, and has been around continually.
It is not at all like covid-19 except that we also prevented the Spanish flu from going away, by "flattening the curve". " Vaccines do not at all in
I agree, viruses do not prevent infection. However, I think you're being a bit picky. The more accurate statement is the vaccine enables the immune system to prevent infection.

Only two infectious diseases have been successfully eradicated, Smallpox in humans and Rinderpest in cattle and buffalos. It took about 200 years and a worldwide vaccination program to eradicate Small Pox. It only took only 60 years to eradicate rinderpest which was far easier since it only affected cattle and buffalos and they didn't have an option of saying no to the vaccine.

Spanish Influenza which killed at least 50 million worldwide was caused by the H1H1 virus. By 1920, most countries were probably at or close to herd immunity and governments pronounced an end to the epidemic, primarily to stimulate commerce. Since there was no vaccine, H1NI continued but it was not referred to as the Spanish Influenza, just a bad case of the flu. It was not till the late 1930's that H1N1 was discovered and credited with the Spanish Influenza. A vaccine was created in the 50's and it is now part of the yearly flu vaccine we take in the US. H1N1 has reached epidemic proportions a number of times. Swine Flu was a strain of H1N1 which killed millions and is still around today and continues to produce new strains.

H1N1 is a great example as to why we should eradicate this virus. If we just reduce hospitalizations and deaths so that we consider it a minor health problem, it will continue to replicate and eventually throw off a new very deadly strain. Like H1N1, it will rise again. We have developed one the most effect vaccines ever and we could eliminate covid-19 forever but only if we continue to vaccinate which seems very unlike once we feel it is under control.

But H1N1 is endemic to humans.
It can live indefinitely in humans, partially by hiding from the immune system, and partially by not causing enough harm to cause the loss of a host.
Covid-19 is not endemic to humans because it can't survive in a human for more than about 2 weeks.
It irritates the immune system to easily and also causes host death too easily.
So the only way covid-19 is going to come back is if we again interact with its endemic hosts in nature, the bat.

And since covid-19 is endemic to bats, (and maybe pangolins), we can never get rid of it.
We would have to vaccinate all the bats.
Some strains of H1N1 are endemic in humans and cause a small fraction of all influenza-like illness and a small fraction of all seasonal influenza
Why would I get a vaccine that will certainly make me feel sick and that might not even stop me from getting covid?
Because it could save your life and prevent you from spreading it to others

It doesn't prevent the spread. It merely "reduces" it, and that barely. Don't you know?

What vaccines do is reduce successful transmissions. To survive, virus particles much reach a host that has not become immune either through vaccination or previous infection. The more people that have been vaccinated, the harder it is for the virus to spread. The primary method of transmission is expelled droplets carrying the virus. These droplets dry and dissipate as air currents move them so they must hit on suitable hosts typically within minutes. The more people that are vaccinated the harder it is for the virus to a reach suitable hosts. If 100% of a population has become immunity by vaccinations, there will be no suitable hosts. Since we will never reach 100%, there will always be tiny bit of the virus remaining. The Spanish influence epidemic was over 100 years ago, yet the virus still exist.

Vaccines do not at all in any way prevent infection.
All they do is quicken the ability of the immune response to kill the infection.
That does reduce successful transmission, but on the sending side, not on the receiving side.
The receiver is not going to be producing antibodies all the time, and instead will only produce them AFTER an full infection has taken hold.

And actually, we likely only need 70% immunity, by recovery, vaccination, or inherent immunity, in order to wipe out the covid-19 virus forever.

And there will be no "tiny bit of virus remaining".
Covid-19 is not endemic to humans and is only barely able to survive in humans, with a maximum time being about 2 weeks.
So it should have been easy to eliminate this virus last year.

The Spanish flu is endemic to humans, and has been around continually.
It is not at all like covid-19 except that we also prevented the Spanish flu from going away, by "flattening the curve". " Vaccines do not at all in
I agree, viruses do not prevent infection. However, I think you're being a bit picky. The more accurate statement is the vaccine enables the immune system to prevent infection.

Only two infectious diseases have been successfully eradicated, Smallpox in humans and Rinderpest in cattle and buffalos. It took about 200 years and a worldwide vaccination program to eradicate Small Pox. It only took only 60 years to eradicate rinderpest which was far easier since it only affected cattle and buffalos and they didn't have an option of saying no to the vaccine.

Spanish Influenza which killed at least 50 million worldwide was caused by the H1H1 virus. By 1920, most countries were probably at or close to herd immunity and governments pronounced an end to the epidemic, primarily to stimulate commerce. Since there was no vaccine, H1NI continued but it was not referred to as the Spanish Influenza, just a bad case of the flu. It was not till the late 1930's that H1N1 was discovered and credited with the Spanish Influenza. A vaccine was created in the 50's and it is now part of the yearly flu vaccine we take in the US. H1N1 has reached epidemic proportions a number of times. Swine Flu was a strain of H1N1 which killed millions and is still around today and continues to produce new strains.

H1N1 is a great example as to why we should eradicate this virus. If we just reduce hospitalizations and deaths so that we consider it a minor health problem, it will continue to replicate and eventually throw off a new very deadly strain. Like H1N1, it will rise again. We have developed one the most effect vaccines ever and we could eliminate covid-19 forever but only if we continue to vaccinate which seems very unlike once we feel it is under control.

But H1N1 is endemic to humans.
It can live indefinitely in humans, partially by hiding from the immune system, and partially by not causing enough harm to cause the loss of a host.
Covid-19 is not endemic to humans because it can't survive in a human for more than about 2 weeks.
It irritates the immune system to easily and also causes host death too easily.
So the only way covid-19 is going to come back is if we again interact with its endemic hosts in nature, the bat.

And since covid-19 is endemic to bats, (and maybe pangolins), we can never get rid of it.
We would have to vaccinate all the bats.
You said." the only way covid-19 is going to come back is if we again interact with its endemic hosts in nature, the bat." Since you are assuming it could come back, then you must believe that it will it be eradicate. I do not believe that will happen at least not in the foreseeable future for several reasons. The virus cannot be completely eradiated because we simple will not be able to reach herd immunity throughout the world. Once the disease and deaths have reached and acceptable level, the vaccinations will stop and the virus will begin to spread again. Epidemics will pop up from time to time indefinitely. Also, high rates of replication and this virus’s rate of mutation makes it very likely that before this virus is contained in the world, we will be dealing with a lot of dangerous strains.

We still don’t know the origins of the coronavirus so your assumption that it comes from bats is a supposition. The virus (SC2r-CoVs) found in bats in China was a member of the coronavirus family but not the virus that causes Covid-19. There is some evidence that indicates SC2r-CoVs could have jumped species and became SARS-CoV-2 in humans. However, there are other possibilities that scientists are investigating.

  • Direct spillover from animals such as bats to humans
  • Spillover from other animals to humans through an intermediate host
  • Introduction through refrigerated or frozen foods
  • Laboratory leaks

Since the virus found in bats in China is not the same virus that causes Covid-19 and we don't know if there was a species jump to humans your statements about it are not relevant.
This is fear mongering based on conspiracy theories.

The FDA has refused to approve these mRNA vaccines so far.
The inventor of mRNA vaccine, Dr. Robert Malone has said they were rushed and flawed.
Thousands of doctors and nurses are getting fired for refusing these mRNA vaccination.

The only "fear mongering" is by those pushing the vaccines.
Epidemics normally end by acquired immunity, not vaccinations.
Wrong, Pfizer followed by Moderna are the first to submit requests for both EUA approval and then full approval and they have not been refused.

It seems likely that FDA will give full approve to both both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines by the end of this year. It takes at least 6 mos. to go from EUA to full approval due to statuary requirements. As one FDA offical said, these vaccines with over 130 million dose given has proven to be not only one of the most effective vaccines the FDA has approve but also one of the safest.

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