Nearly all of recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated

It's somewhat ironic that the red states where COVID is rising again are the same kinds of areas that rejected any help for those with HIV/ it Karma?

Over 50% of current active cases are in 5 states. All of which are blue.

You bet it's karma.
What are the 5 states with the most active cases? It seems like Texas and Florida would be in the top 5, no???
Florida has gotten plenty of cases with everybody moving down here----We don't have the most cases. We certainly got all the old people....but we aren't dying at the percentage others are.
38000 or more dead Florida citizens is NOTHING to shout about as good....

Maine has the oldest o r second oldest population among all states. We've had 800 deaths. We followed masking and other restrictions, for the most part and when they were not followed, it killed people...unintentionally. We were able to Contact Trace here in Maine, for the most part, and determine who or what event caused the cluster of deaths, when they occurred.
More people coming down with the virus after being vaccinated. This is horrible. Starting to happen all over the world.

"Levine Cava also addressed the announcement Sunday that a vaccinated Miami-Dade county commissioner who helped other local officials in Surfside has tested positive for COVID-19. The news release from Miami-Dade County Commission Chairman Jose “Pepe” Diaz said he and his chief of staff, Isidoro Lopez, who also received a vaccine against COVID-19, came down with flu-like symptoms earlier in the day and later tested positive for the virus."

Darwin Awards are on me.

COVID is now killing just those who are too stupid, stubborn or Trump loving to get vaccinated.

Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.

Enjoy your death celebrations with comrades
We have had enough deaths in this country

It is a shame we have to still deal with COVID deaths when a vaccine is readily available

What is the survivability rate for Covid without a vaccine? I don't know the exact number, but it's profoundly high. Not getting vaccinated hasn't yet been proven to be taking too big a risk...
On the contrary, the vaccinated are now spreading variants and adaptations of the virus due to the pressure from an injection. Unvaccinated individuals cannot be held responsible for what happens to those who volunteered to take part in this mass experiment.
Why would a vaccinated person be spread the variant if the vaccination is effective against the variant. I don't understand your reasoning.
On the contrary, the vaccinated are now spreading variants and adaptations of the virus due to the pressure from an injection. Unvaccinated individuals cannot be held responsible for what happens to those who volunteered to take part in this mass experiment.
Why would a vaccinated person be spread the variant if the vaccination is effective against the variant. I don't understand your reasoning.

Why? It's not effective. Thousands that have been vaccinated are now being hospitalized. I'm flummoxed as I listen to the masses just swallow the propaganda, censorship, and lies from the CDC, media, mainstream news. It's utterly astounding.

"Fully vaccinated against Covid-19? Attending an outdoor wedding? Absolutely nothing to worry about, right?

That would be wrong, wrong as a bathroom gong."

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Darwin Awards are on me.

COVID is now killing just those who are too stupid, stubborn or Trump loving to get vaccinated.

Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.

Enjoy your death celebrations with comrades
We have had enough deaths in this country

It is a shame we have to still deal with COVID deaths when a vaccine is readily available

What is the survivability rate for Covid without a vaccine? I don't know the exact number, but it's profoundly high. Not getting vaccinated hasn't yet been proven to be taking too big a risk...

Exactly. Its 99.7 percent survivability. What's more disturbing is a govt and media that are censoring the truth. That is what is alarming and should be raising red flags everywhere.
Darwin Awards are on me.

COVID is now killing just those who are too stupid, stubborn or Trump loving to get vaccinated.

Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.

Enjoy your death celebrations with comrades
We have had enough deaths in this country

It is a shame we have to still deal with COVID deaths when a vaccine is readily available

What is the survivability rate for Covid without a vaccine? I don't know the exact number, but it's profoundly high. Not getting vaccinated hasn't yet been proven to be taking too big a risk...

Exactly. Its 99.7 percent survivability. What's more disturbing is a govt and media that are censoring the truth. That is what is alarming and should be raising red flags everywhere.
If you believe the idiot left-wing media, those of us who haven't been vaccinated are simply waiting to die of Covid.

Never mind that I've had it, and survived it, already. Yeah, I felt like shit for a few days, but the flu's certainly done me worse in the past...
On the contrary, the vaccinated are now spreading variants and adaptations of the virus due to the pressure from an injection. Unvaccinated individuals cannot be held responsible for what happens to those who volunteered to take part in this mass experiment.
Why would a vaccinated person be spread the variant if the vaccination is effective against the variant. I don't understand your reasoning.

Why? It's not effective. Thousands that have been vaccinated are now being hospitalized. I'm flummoxed as I listen to the masses just swallow the propaganda, censorship, and lies from the CDC, media, mainstream news. It's utterly astounding.

"Fully vaccinated against Covid-19? Attending an outdoor wedding? Absolutely nothing to worry about, right?

That would be wrong, wrong as a bathroom gong."

Even if thousands who have been vaccinated are in the hospital which is very doubtful since virtually all cases in the hospital today have not been fully vaccinated. Since the number of doses given have exceed 330 million, the effectiveness of the vaccines at keeping corvid cases out of the hospital are exceeding initial claims for all 3 vaccines. The mRNA vaccines are proving to be the safest and most effective of any vaccine approved by the FDA. Over 6 the months following the beginning of public vaccinations, deaths, hospitalizations, and new cases of covid have fallen over 90% (new cases down 96%. daily deaths down 94%, hospitalizations down 93%.)

I know liberals just believe the Magic Vaccines are Magic because Big Daddy Govco said so, and so did Big Pharma.
No, that's what you tell yourself to justify your own, embarrassing behavior. Smart people defer to experts. Frauds and morons join the antivax movement and defer to liars and freaks.
If you believe the idiot left-wing media, those of us who haven't been vaccinated are simply waiting to die of Covid.
Total fantasy. Nobody has said this, much less all the major media in the Untied States. But what the unvaccinated are doing is extending the dangerous pandemic and magnifying its danger.
More people coming down with the virus after being vaccinated. This is horrible. Starting to happen all over the world.
As literally any educated person on earth knew would happen. Newsflash: you are away behind the educated world.

That's not what the govt and media and big tech were saying. You fell for it though. You're not real bright but now you have to admit your stupidity.
On the contrary, the vaccinated are now spreading variants and adaptations of the virus due to the pressure from an injection. Unvaccinated individuals cannot be held responsible for what happens to those who volunteered to take part in this mass experiment.
Why would a vaccinated person be spread the variant if the vaccination is effective against the variant. I don't understand your reasoning.

Why? It's not effective. Thousands that have been vaccinated are now being hospitalized. I'm flummoxed as I listen to the masses just swallow the propaganda, censorship, and lies from the CDC, media, mainstream news. It's utterly astounding.

"Fully vaccinated against Covid-19? Attending an outdoor wedding? Absolutely nothing to worry about, right?

That would be wrong, wrong as a bathroom gong."

Even if thousands who have been vaccinated are in the hospital which is very doubtful since virtually all cases in the hospital today have not been fully vaccinated. Since the number of doses given have exceed 330 million, the effectiveness of the vaccines at keeping corvid cases out of the hospital are exceeding initial claims for all 3 vaccines. The mRNA vaccines are proving to be the safest and most effective of any vaccine approved by the FDA. Over 6 the months following the beginning of public vaccinations, deaths, hospitalizations, and new cases of covid have fallen over 90% (new cases down 96%. daily deaths down 94%, hospitalizations down 93%.)

Hundreds of thousands have had serious injuries. Tens of thousands have died from the injection......through 6 months. We have no idea of the effects of this injection when a vaccinated person encounters a wild virus. We don't know yet.
On the contrary, the vaccinated are now spreading variants and adaptations of the virus due to the pressure from an injection. Unvaccinated individuals cannot be held responsible for what happens to those who volunteered to take part in this mass experiment.
Why would a vaccinated person be spread the variant if the vaccination is effective against the variant. I don't understand your reasoning.

Why? It's not effective. Thousands that have been vaccinated are now being hospitalized. I'm flummoxed as I listen to the masses just swallow the propaganda, censorship, and lies from the CDC, media, mainstream news. It's utterly astounding.

"Fully vaccinated against Covid-19? Attending an outdoor wedding? Absolutely nothing to worry about, right?

That would be wrong, wrong as a bathroom gong."

Even if thousands who have been vaccinated are in the hospital which is very doubtful since virtually all cases in the hospital today have not been fully vaccinated. Since the number of doses given have exceed 330 million, the effectiveness of the vaccines at keeping corvid cases out of the hospital are exceeding initial claims for all 3 vaccines. The mRNA vaccines are proving to be the safest and most effective of any vaccine approved by the FDA. Over 6 the months following the beginning of public vaccinations, deaths, hospitalizations, and new cases of covid have fallen over 90% (new cases down 96%. daily deaths down 94%, hospitalizations down 93%.)

Hundreds of thousands have had serious injuries. Tens of thousands have died from the injection......through 6 months. We have no idea of the effects of this injection when a vaccinated person encounters a wild virus. We don't know yet.
That is complete nonsense. Virtually every covid case being admitted has not been vaccinated. 99.2% of U.S. COVID deaths in June were unvaccinated people. There have been over 330 million vaccinations with less than .000001% having a serious adverse reaction to the vaccine. And so far, it is one the most effective vaccines ever. After 6 month of mass vaccinations of the public, the number of daily cases, hospital admission, and deaths have fallen more than 90%.

99.2% of U.S. COVID deaths in June were unvaccinated people
On the contrary, the vaccinated are now spreading variants and adaptations of the virus due to the pressure from an injection. Unvaccinated individuals cannot be held responsible for what happens to those who volunteered to take part in this mass experiment.
Why would a vaccinated person be spread the variant if the vaccination is effective against the variant. I don't understand your reasoning.

Why? It's not effective. Thousands that have been vaccinated are now being hospitalized. I'm flummoxed as I listen to the masses just swallow the propaganda, censorship, and lies from the CDC, media, mainstream news. It's utterly astounding.

"Fully vaccinated against Covid-19? Attending an outdoor wedding? Absolutely nothing to worry about, right?

That would be wrong, wrong as a bathroom gong."

Even if thousands who have been vaccinated are in the hospital which is very doubtful since virtually all cases in the hospital today have not been fully vaccinated. Since the number of doses given have exceed 330 million, the effectiveness of the vaccines at keeping corvid cases out of the hospital are exceeding initial claims for all 3 vaccines. The mRNA vaccines are proving to be the safest and most effective of any vaccine approved by the FDA. Over 6 the months following the beginning of public vaccinations, deaths, hospitalizations, and new cases of covid have fallen over 90% (new cases down 96%. daily deaths down 94%, hospitalizations down 93%.)

Hundreds of thousands have had serious injuries. Tens of thousands have died from the injection......through 6 months. We have no idea of the effects of this injection when a vaccinated person encounters a wild virus. We don't know yet.
We do not know if there will be long term sides, or a bad reaction to new viruses, or if every person vaccinated grows a third arm.

We have only the history of vaccines, viruses, and the research of thousands of scientist over decades to go by. This
history tells us that severe side effects are extremely rare, and if they do occur, they usually happen within the first two months. We also have the work of thousands of scientist that confirm this. Then we have the simple fact that these vaccines do their work and are gone from the body within about 7 days.

Yes, we could have terrible reactions in the future, a third arm may appear in those vaccinated or a giant asteroid could collide with the earth but the far more likely outcome of not using vaccines would be tens of million of needlessly lost lives.
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On the contrary, the vaccinated are now spreading variants and adaptations of the virus due to the pressure from an injection. Unvaccinated individuals cannot be held responsible for what happens to those who volunteered to take part in this mass experiment.
Why would a vaccinated person be spread the variant if the vaccination is effective against the variant. I don't understand your reasoning.

Why? It's not effective. Thousands that have been vaccinated are now being hospitalized. I'm flummoxed as I listen to the masses just swallow the propaganda, censorship, and lies from the CDC, media, mainstream news. It's utterly astounding.

"Fully vaccinated against Covid-19? Attending an outdoor wedding? Absolutely nothing to worry about, right?

That would be wrong, wrong as a bathroom gong."

This post has so much fail in it. You couldn't have done very well in school. Even if thousands of fully vaccinated ppl have been hospitalized in the US, what do you suppose that percentage is out of 150 million americans? You're basically confirming that the vaccine is working.
If you believe the idiot left-wing media, those of us who haven't been vaccinated are simply waiting to die of Covid.
Total fantasy. Nobody has said this, much less all the major media in the Untied States. But what the unvaccinated are doing is extending the dangerous pandemic and magnifying its danger.

I had the virus back in November.

Thus far, I've read nothing which clearly states why I should get the virus. In fact, I've read plenty about why I shouldn't.

Exactly how am I extending the pandemic?
On the contrary, the vaccinated are now spreading variants and adaptations of the virus due to the pressure from an injection. Unvaccinated individuals cannot be held responsible for what happens to those who volunteered to take part in this mass experiment.
Why would a vaccinated person be spread the variant if the vaccination is effective against the variant. I don't understand your reasoning.

When a vaccine is effective, that does not prevent spread or even death, just greatly reduces the results.
But a bad vaccine, that hypes up an already compromised immune system, can cause totally unexpected results.
For example, if a faulty vaccine produces the wrong response by an immune system, it could cause an otherwise harmless virus to become fatal.
I have not heard of it happening, but imagine if a badly designed synthetic vaccine were to eventually cause sexual sterilization?
That could result in extinction of the humans species.

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