Nearly all of recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated

If you believe the idiot left-wing media, those of us who haven't been vaccinated are simply waiting to die of Covid.
Total fantasy. Nobody has said this, much less all the major media in the Untied States. But what the unvaccinated are doing is extending the dangerous pandemic and magnifying its danger.

I had the virus back in November.

Thus far, I've read nothing which clearly states why I should get the virus. In fact, I've read plenty about why I shouldn't.

Exactly how am I extending the pandemic?

Those with recovery immunity most definitely should not get the vaccine.
The vaccine has risk but no benefit to someone already immune by recovery.
On the contrary, the vaccinated are now spreading variants and adaptations of the virus due to the pressure from an injection. Unvaccinated individuals cannot be held responsible for what happens to those who volunteered to take part in this mass experiment.
Why would a vaccinated person be spread the variant if the vaccination is effective against the variant. I don't understand your reasoning.

Why? It's not effective. Thousands that have been vaccinated are now being hospitalized. I'm flummoxed as I listen to the masses just swallow the propaganda, censorship, and lies from the CDC, media, mainstream news. It's utterly astounding.

"Fully vaccinated against Covid-19? Attending an outdoor wedding? Absolutely nothing to worry about, right?

That would be wrong, wrong as a bathroom gong."

Even if thousands who have been vaccinated are in the hospital which is very doubtful since virtually all cases in the hospital today have not been fully vaccinated. Since the number of doses given have exceed 330 million, the effectiveness of the vaccines at keeping corvid cases out of the hospital are exceeding initial claims for all 3 vaccines. The mRNA vaccines are proving to be the safest and most effective of any vaccine approved by the FDA. Over 6 the months following the beginning of public vaccinations, deaths, hospitalizations, and new cases of covid have fallen over 90% (new cases down 96%. daily deaths down 94%, hospitalizations down 93%.)

Hundreds of thousands have had serious injuries. Tens of thousands have died from the injection......through 6 months. We have no idea of the effects of this injection when a vaccinated person encounters a wild virus. We don't know yet.
We do not know if there will be long term sides, or a bad reaction to new viruses, or if every person vaccinated grows a third arm.

We have only the history of vaccines, viruses, and the research of thousands of scientist over decades to go by. This
history tells us that severe side effects are extremely rare, and if they do occur, they usually happen within the first two months. We also have the work of thousands of scientist that confirm this. Then we have the simple fact that these vaccines do their work and are gone from the body within about 7 days.

Yes, we could have terrible reactions in the future, a third arm may appear in those vaccinated or a giant asteroid could collide with the earth but the far more likely outcome of not using vaccines would be tens of million of needlessly lost lives.

In general I agree, but this is not a normal vaccine, so we should be pretty skeptical about it.
It is totally manufactured synthetically, with GMO techniques.
Which is dangerous enough in itself, but made much worse since we do not understand the immune system well enough to have a very high degree of confidence as to what the final effect are going to be.
For example, with the Salk vaccine a dead polio virus was used, so the we know for sure it can't result in the growth of a 3rd arm.
But with totally synthetic GMO pretend virus replacement, we really can't know what the result could be.
If we understood the immune system better, the best solution would not be a fake vaccine, but instead to just prevent the immune system over reaction, the cytokine storm. Then the covid virus would be irrelevant and no one would die.
On the contrary, the vaccinated are now spreading variants and adaptations of the virus due to the pressure from an injection. Unvaccinated individuals cannot be held responsible for what happens to those who volunteered to take part in this mass experiment.
Why would a vaccinated person be spread the variant if the vaccination is effective against the variant. I don't understand your reasoning.

Why? It's not effective. Thousands that have been vaccinated are now being hospitalized. I'm flummoxed as I listen to the masses just swallow the propaganda, censorship, and lies from the CDC, media, mainstream news. It's utterly astounding.

"Fully vaccinated against Covid-19? Attending an outdoor wedding? Absolutely nothing to worry about, right?

That would be wrong, wrong as a bathroom gong."

Even if thousands who have been vaccinated are in the hospital which is very doubtful since virtually all cases in the hospital today have not been fully vaccinated. Since the number of doses given have exceed 330 million, the effectiveness of the vaccines at keeping corvid cases out of the hospital are exceeding initial claims for all 3 vaccines. The mRNA vaccines are proving to be the safest and most effective of any vaccine approved by the FDA. Over 6 the months following the beginning of public vaccinations, deaths, hospitalizations, and new cases of covid have fallen over 90% (new cases down 96%. daily deaths down 94%, hospitalizations down 93%.)

Hundreds of thousands have had serious injuries. Tens of thousands have died from the injection......through 6 months. We have no idea of the effects of this injection when a vaccinated person encounters a wild virus. We don't know yet.
We do not know if there will be long term sides, or a bad reaction to new viruses, or if every person vaccinated grows a third arm.

We have only the history of vaccines, viruses, and the research of thousands of scientist over decades to go by. This
history tells us that severe side effects are extremely rare, and if they do occur, they usually happen within the first two months. We also have the work of thousands of scientist that confirm this. Then we have the simple fact that these vaccines do their work and are gone from the body within about 7 days.

Yes, we could have terrible reactions in the future, a third arm may appear in those vaccinated or a giant asteroid could collide with the earth but the far more likely outcome of not using vaccines would be tens of million of needlessly lost lives.

We have a history of vaccines that have gone through rigorous clinical studies that take anywhere from 5-12 years before they are brought to market. This mRNA sailed through in 3 months. That should set off some red flags, especially in light of the thousands of deaths now along with hundreds of thousands of debilitating injuries. I'll dismiss your third arm and asteroids since those aren't relevant to the topic and have nothing to do with these dangerous injections. We will know more in 5 years. Hopefully, it won't be too late.
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On the contrary, the vaccinated are now spreading variants and adaptations of the virus due to the pressure from an injection. Unvaccinated individuals cannot be held responsible for what happens to those who volunteered to take part in this mass experiment.
Why would a vaccinated person be spread the variant if the vaccination is effective against the variant. I don't understand your reasoning.

Why? It's not effective. Thousands that have been vaccinated are now being hospitalized. I'm flummoxed as I listen to the masses just swallow the propaganda, censorship, and lies from the CDC, media, mainstream news. It's utterly astounding.

"Fully vaccinated against Covid-19? Attending an outdoor wedding? Absolutely nothing to worry about, right?

That would be wrong, wrong as a bathroom gong."

Even if thousands who have been vaccinated are in the hospital which is very doubtful since virtually all cases in the hospital today have not been fully vaccinated. Since the number of doses given have exceed 330 million, the effectiveness of the vaccines at keeping corvid cases out of the hospital are exceeding initial claims for all 3 vaccines. The mRNA vaccines are proving to be the safest and most effective of any vaccine approved by the FDA. Over 6 the months following the beginning of public vaccinations, deaths, hospitalizations, and new cases of covid have fallen over 90% (new cases down 96%. daily deaths down 94%, hospitalizations down 93%.)

Hundreds of thousands have had serious injuries. Tens of thousands have died from the injection......through 6 months. We have no idea of the effects of this injection when a vaccinated person encounters a wild virus. We don't know yet.
We do not know if there will be long term sides, or a bad reaction to new viruses, or if every person vaccinated grows a third arm.

We have only the history of vaccines, viruses, and the research of thousands of scientist over decades to go by. This
history tells us that severe side effects are extremely rare, and if they do occur, they usually happen within the first two months. We also have the work of thousands of scientist that confirm this. Then we have the simple fact that these vaccines do their work and are gone from the body within about 7 days.

Yes, we could have terrible reactions in the future, a third arm may appear in those vaccinated or a giant asteroid could collide with the earth but the far more likely outcome of not using vaccines would be tens of million of needlessly lost lives.

We have a history of vaccines that have gone through rigorous clinical studies that take anywhere from 5-12 years before they are brought to market. This mRNA sailed through in 3 months. That should set off some red flags, especially in light of the thousands of deaths now along with hundreds of thousands of debilitating injuries. I'll dismiss your third arm and asteroids since those aren't relevant to the topic and have nothing to do with these dangerous injections. We will know more in 5 years. Hopefully, it won't be too late.

When you just inject a vaccine that is dead virus our immune system has been dealing with for millions of years, very little can go wrong.
But when we artificially create a synthetic virus vaccine with GMO techniques, there is no way to know at all what the result can be.
On the contrary, the vaccinated are now spreading variants and adaptations of the virus due to the pressure from an injection. Unvaccinated individuals cannot be held responsible for what happens to those who volunteered to take part in this mass experiment.
Why would a vaccinated person be spread the variant if the vaccination is effective against the variant. I don't understand your reasoning.

Why? It's not effective. Thousands that have been vaccinated are now being hospitalized. I'm flummoxed as I listen to the masses just swallow the propaganda, censorship, and lies from the CDC, media, mainstream news. It's utterly astounding.

"Fully vaccinated against Covid-19? Attending an outdoor wedding? Absolutely nothing to worry about, right?

That would be wrong, wrong as a bathroom gong."

Even if thousands who have been vaccinated are in the hospital which is very doubtful since virtually all cases in the hospital today have not been fully vaccinated. Since the number of doses given have exceed 330 million, the effectiveness of the vaccines at keeping corvid cases out of the hospital are exceeding initial claims for all 3 vaccines. The mRNA vaccines are proving to be the safest and most effective of any vaccine approved by the FDA. Over 6 the months following the beginning of public vaccinations, deaths, hospitalizations, and new cases of covid have fallen over 90% (new cases down 96%. daily deaths down 94%, hospitalizations down 93%.)

Hundreds of thousands have had serious injuries. Tens of thousands have died from the injection......through 6 months. We have no idea of the effects of this injection when a vaccinated person encounters a wild virus. We don't know yet.
We do not know if there will be long term sides, or a bad reaction to new viruses, or if every person vaccinated grows a third arm.

We have only the history of vaccines, viruses, and the research of thousands of scientist over decades to go by. This
history tells us that severe side effects are extremely rare, and if they do occur, they usually happen within the first two months. We also have the work of thousands of scientist that confirm this. Then we have the simple fact that these vaccines do their work and are gone from the body within about 7 days.

Yes, we could have terrible reactions in the future, a third arm may appear in those vaccinated or a giant asteroid could collide with the earth but the far more likely outcome of not using vaccines would be tens of million of needlessly lost lives.

We have a history of vaccines that have gone through rigorous clinical studies that take anywhere from 5-12 years before they are brought to market. This mRNA sailed through in 3 months. That should set off some red flags, especially in light of the thousands of deaths now along with hundreds of thousands of debilitating injuries. I'll dismiss your third arm and asteroids since those aren't relevant to the topic and have nothing to do with these dangerous injections. We will know more in 5 years. Hopefully, it won't be too late.

The Polio vaccine went through a year of clinical trials before it was deemed safe and ready for use. Vaccines do not go through 5-12 years of "rigorous clinical studies" even back then. What sometimes happens with some vaccines is that it may take years to weaken the virus in order for it to be used safely in humans. Thankfully human advancement in science and medicine has allowed us to develop vaccines much faster without this process. Even the last flu vaccine, which was not MRNA was tested and rolled out within a few months. Surely you realize we are no longer living in the 1950s anymore and using 1950s technology.

In 5 years it will be too late, all the anti vaxxers around the globe will have made this virus permanent, requiring boosters for every new variant that pop up. One probably more deadlier than the next. All the while millions will die along the way.
On the contrary, the vaccinated are now spreading variants and adaptations of the virus due to the pressure from an injection. Unvaccinated individuals cannot be held responsible for what happens to those who volunteered to take part in this mass experiment.
Why would a vaccinated person be spread the variant if the vaccination is effective against the variant. I don't understand your reasoning.

Why? It's not effective. Thousands that have been vaccinated are now being hospitalized. I'm flummoxed as I listen to the masses just swallow the propaganda, censorship, and lies from the CDC, media, mainstream news. It's utterly astounding.

"Fully vaccinated against Covid-19? Attending an outdoor wedding? Absolutely nothing to worry about, right?

That would be wrong, wrong as a bathroom gong."

Even if thousands who have been vaccinated are in the hospital which is very doubtful since virtually all cases in the hospital today have not been fully vaccinated. Since the number of doses given have exceed 330 million, the effectiveness of the vaccines at keeping corvid cases out of the hospital are exceeding initial claims for all 3 vaccines. The mRNA vaccines are proving to be the safest and most effective of any vaccine approved by the FDA. Over 6 the months following the beginning of public vaccinations, deaths, hospitalizations, and new cases of covid have fallen over 90% (new cases down 96%. daily deaths down 94%, hospitalizations down 93%.)

Hundreds of thousands have had serious injuries. Tens of thousands have died from the injection......through 6 months. We have no idea of the effects of this injection when a vaccinated person encounters a wild virus. We don't know yet.
We do not know if there will be long term sides, or a bad reaction to new viruses, or if every person vaccinated grows a third arm.

We have only the history of vaccines, viruses, and the research of thousands of scientist over decades to go by. This
history tells us that severe side effects are extremely rare, and if they do occur, they usually happen within the first two months. We also have the work of thousands of scientist that confirm this. Then we have the simple fact that these vaccines do their work and are gone from the body within about 7 days.

Yes, we could have terrible reactions in the future, a third arm may appear in those vaccinated or a giant asteroid could collide with the earth but the far more likely outcome of not using vaccines would be tens of million of needlessly lost lives.

We have a history of vaccines that have gone through rigorous clinical studies that take anywhere from 5-12 years before they are brought to market. This mRNA sailed through in 3 months. That should set off some red flags, especially in light of the thousands of deaths now along with hundreds of thousands of debilitating injuries. I'll dismiss your third arm and asteroids since those aren't relevant to the topic and have nothing to do with these dangerous injections. We will know more in 5 years. Hopefully, it won't be too late.

The Polio vaccine went through a year of clinical trials before it was deemed safe and ready for use. Vaccines do not go through 5-12 years of "rigorous clinical studies" even back then. What sometimes happens with some vaccines is that it may take years to weaken the virus in order for it to be used safely in humans. Thankfully human advancement in science and medicine has allowed us to develop vaccines much faster without this process. Even the last flu vaccine, which was not MRNA was tested and rolled out within a few months. Surely you realize we are no longer living in the 1950s anymore and using 1950s technology.

In 5 years it will be too late, all the anti vaxxers around the globe will have made this virus permanent, requiring boosters for every new variant that pop up. One probably more deadlier than the next. All the while millions will die along the way.

The Salk vaccine was started in 1948 and was not available to the public until 1957.
No vaccine before was ever considered save in less than 6 years.

It has neve taken years to weaken a virus, and generally they try to totally kill the virus completely.

No flu vaccine has ever been produced in less than 5 years.
That is why they never work well.
The virus they used to produce the vaccine is never the same one that is making the rounds that winter.

The mRNA vaccines have only been around since 2009 and have tons of unknown risks.
We are artificially creating a synthetic fake virus, and have no idea what the immune system reactions could be.
It is the most dangerous and irresponsible example of greed that our capitalist system has ever committed.
People should be prosecuted.

And there is not a single epidemic in progress that has ever been stopped by vaccination.
Vaccines are only to prevent the next epidemic.
All epidemics are ended by herd immunity, from recovery immunity and existing inherent immunity.
For example, almost all under 18 are inherently immune to covid-19.
If anyone is to blame for the epidemic being kept around so long it could become endemic, it is those who pushed for "flattening the curve".
Accelerating the epidemic last year would have ended it in a month, with the least number of deaths.
Darwin Awards are on me.

COVID is now killing just those who are too stupid, stubborn or Trump loving to get vaccinated.

Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.

On the contrary, the vaccinated are now spreading variants and adaptations of the virus due to the pressure from an injection. Unvaccinated individuals cannot be held responsible for what happens to those who volunteered to take part in this mass experiment.
Why would a vaccinated person be spread the variant if the vaccination is effective against the variant. I don't understand your reasoning.

Why? It's not effective. Thousands that have been vaccinated are now being hospitalized. I'm flummoxed as I listen to the masses just swallow the propaganda, censorship, and lies from the CDC, media, mainstream news. It's utterly astounding.

"Fully vaccinated against Covid-19? Attending an outdoor wedding? Absolutely nothing to worry about, right?

That would be wrong, wrong as a bathroom gong."

Even if thousands who have been vaccinated are in the hospital which is very doubtful since virtually all cases in the hospital today have not been fully vaccinated. Since the number of doses given have exceed 330 million, the effectiveness of the vaccines at keeping corvid cases out of the hospital are exceeding initial claims for all 3 vaccines. The mRNA vaccines are proving to be the safest and most effective of any vaccine approved by the FDA. Over 6 the months following the beginning of public vaccinations, deaths, hospitalizations, and new cases of covid have fallen over 90% (new cases down 96%. daily deaths down 94%, hospitalizations down 93%.)

Hundreds of thousands have had serious injuries. Tens of thousands have died from the injection......through 6 months. We have no idea of the effects of this injection when a vaccinated person encounters a wild virus. We don't know yet.
We do not know if there will be long term sides, or a bad reaction to new viruses, or if every person vaccinated grows a third arm.

We have only the history of vaccines, viruses, and the research of thousands of scientist over decades to go by. This
history tells us that severe side effects are extremely rare, and if they do occur, they usually happen within the first two months. We also have the work of thousands of scientist that confirm this. Then we have the simple fact that these vaccines do their work and are gone from the body within about 7 days.

Yes, we could have terrible reactions in the future, a third arm may appear in those vaccinated or a giant asteroid could collide with the earth but the far more likely outcome of not using vaccines would be tens of million of needlessly lost lives.

We have a history of vaccines that have gone through rigorous clinical studies that take anywhere from 5-12 years before they are brought to market. This mRNA sailed through in 3 months. That should set off some red flags, especially in light of the thousands of deaths now along with hundreds of thousands of debilitating injuries. I'll dismiss your third arm and asteroids since those aren't relevant to the topic and have nothing to do with these dangerous injections. We will know more in 5 years. Hopefully, it won't be too late.

The Polio vaccine went through a year of clinical trials before it was deemed safe and ready for use. Vaccines do not go through 5-12 years of "rigorous clinical studies" even back then. What sometimes happens with some vaccines is that it may take years to weaken the virus in order for it to be used safely in humans. Thankfully human advancement in science and medicine has allowed us to develop vaccines much faster without this process. Even the last flu vaccine, which was not MRNA was tested and rolled out within a few months. Surely you realize we are no longer living in the 1950s anymore and using 1950s technology.

In 5 years it will be too late, all the anti vaxxers around the globe will have made this virus permanent, requiring boosters for every new variant that pop up. One probably more deadlier than the next. All the while millions will die along the way.

The Salk vaccine was started in 1948 and was not available to the public until 1957.
No vaccine before was ever considered save in less than 6 years.

It has neve taken years to weaken a virus, and generally they try to totally kill the virus completely.

No flu vaccine has ever been produced in less than 5 years.
That is why they never work well.
The virus they used to produce the vaccine is never the same one that is making the rounds that winter.

The mRNA vaccines have only been around since 2009 and have tons of unknown risks.
We are artificially creating a synthetic fake virus, and have no idea what the immune system reactions could be.
It is the most dangerous and irresponsible example of greed that our capitalist system has ever committed.
People should be prosecuted.

And there is not a single epidemic in progress that has ever been stopped by vaccination.
Vaccines are only to prevent the next epidemic.
All epidemics are ended by herd immunity, from recovery immunity and existing inherent immunity.
For example, almost all under 18 are inherently immune to covid-19.
If anyone is to blame for the epidemic being kept around so long it could become endemic, it is those who pushed for "flattening the curve".
Accelerating the epidemic last year would have ended it in a month, with the least number of deaths.

Wrong. Development and clinical testing are two different things. The poster i was responding to said vaccines go through 5-12 years of "rigorous clinical studies" which is simply not true. Polio clinical trials lasted one year and deemed safe and was produced for widespread usage thereafter.

Wrong. Children account for 22% of all new cases. That's not what i call "inherently immune to covid." Children can be infected and they can spread the virus. Hospitalization however is very small, for now, but with delta and every new variant to follow things can change quickly, which is why everyone needs to take the safe moderna and pfizer vaccines asap.
On the contrary, the vaccinated are now spreading variants and adaptations of the virus due to the pressure from an injection. Unvaccinated individuals cannot be held responsible for what happens to those who volunteered to take part in this mass experiment.
Why would a vaccinated person be spread the variant if the vaccination is effective against the variant. I don't understand your reasoning.

Why? It's not effective. Thousands that have been vaccinated are now being hospitalized. I'm flummoxed as I listen to the masses just swallow the propaganda, censorship, and lies from the CDC, media, mainstream news. It's utterly astounding.

"Fully vaccinated against Covid-19? Attending an outdoor wedding? Absolutely nothing to worry about, right?

That would be wrong, wrong as a bathroom gong."

Even if thousands who have been vaccinated are in the hospital which is very doubtful since virtually all cases in the hospital today have not been fully vaccinated. Since the number of doses given have exceed 330 million, the effectiveness of the vaccines at keeping corvid cases out of the hospital are exceeding initial claims for all 3 vaccines. The mRNA vaccines are proving to be the safest and most effective of any vaccine approved by the FDA. Over 6 the months following the beginning of public vaccinations, deaths, hospitalizations, and new cases of covid have fallen over 90% (new cases down 96%. daily deaths down 94%, hospitalizations down 93%.)

Hundreds of thousands have had serious injuries. Tens of thousands have died from the injection......through 6 months. We have no idea of the effects of this injection when a vaccinated person encounters a wild virus. We don't know yet.
We do not know if there will be long term sides, or a bad reaction to new viruses, or if every person vaccinated grows a third arm.

We have only the history of vaccines, viruses, and the research of thousands of scientist over decades to go by. This
history tells us that severe side effects are extremely rare, and if they do occur, they usually happen within the first two months. We also have the work of thousands of scientist that confirm this. Then we have the simple fact that these vaccines do their work and are gone from the body within about 7 days.

Yes, we could have terrible reactions in the future, a third arm may appear in those vaccinated or a giant asteroid could collide with the earth but the far more likely outcome of not using vaccines would be tens of million of needlessly lost lives.

We have a history of vaccines that have gone through rigorous clinical studies that take anywhere from 5-12 years before they are brought to market. This mRNA sailed through in 3 months. That should set off some red flags, especially in light of the thousands of deaths now along with hundreds of thousands of debilitating injuries. I'll dismiss your third arm and asteroids since those aren't relevant to the topic and have nothing to do with these dangerous injections. We will know more in 5 years. Hopefully, it won't be too late.

The Polio vaccine went through a year of clinical trials before it was deemed safe and ready for use. Vaccines do not go through 5-12 years of "rigorous clinical studies" even back then. What sometimes happens with some vaccines is that it may take years to weaken the virus in order for it to be used safely in humans. Thankfully human advancement in science and medicine has allowed us to develop vaccines much faster without this process. Even the last flu vaccine, which was not MRNA was tested and rolled out within a few months. Surely you realize we are no longer living in the 1950s anymore and using 1950s technology.

In 5 years it will be too late, all the anti vaxxers around the globe will have made this virus permanent, requiring boosters for every new variant that pop up. One probably more deadlier than the next. All the while millions will die along the way.

The Salk vaccine was started in 1948 and was not available to the public until 1957.
No vaccine before was ever considered save in less than 6 years.

It has neve taken years to weaken a virus, and generally they try to totally kill the virus completely.

No flu vaccine has ever been produced in less than 5 years.
That is why they never work well.
The virus they used to produce the vaccine is never the same one that is making the rounds that winter.

The mRNA vaccines have only been around since 2009 and have tons of unknown risks.
We are artificially creating a synthetic fake virus, and have no idea what the immune system reactions could be.
It is the most dangerous and irresponsible example of greed that our capitalist system has ever committed.
People should be prosecuted.

And there is not a single epidemic in progress that has ever been stopped by vaccination.
Vaccines are only to prevent the next epidemic.
All epidemics are ended by herd immunity, from recovery immunity and existing inherent immunity.
For example, almost all under 18 are inherently immune to covid-19.
If anyone is to blame for the epidemic being kept around so long it could become endemic, it is those who pushed for "flattening the curve".
Accelerating the epidemic last year would have ended it in a month, with the least number of deaths.

Wrong. Development and clinical testing are two different things. The poster i was responding to said vaccines go through 5-12 years of "rigorous clinical studies" which is simply not true. Polio clinical trials lasted one year and deemed safe and was produced for widespread usage thereafter.

Wrong. Children account for 22% of all new cases. That's not what i call "inherently immune to covid." Children can be infected and they can spread the virus. Hospitalization however is very small, for now, but with delta and every new variant to follow things can change quickly, which is why everyone needs to take the safe moderna and pfizer vaccines asap.

Rigby is correct. Children do not need this experimental injection. They already have immunity and don't need an untested synthetic injection.
On the contrary, the vaccinated are now spreading variants and adaptations of the virus due to the pressure from an injection. Unvaccinated individuals cannot be held responsible for what happens to those who volunteered to take part in this mass experiment.
Why would a vaccinated person be spread the variant if the vaccination is effective against the variant. I don't understand your reasoning.

Why? It's not effective. Thousands that have been vaccinated are now being hospitalized. I'm flummoxed as I listen to the masses just swallow the propaganda, censorship, and lies from the CDC, media, mainstream news. It's utterly astounding.

"Fully vaccinated against Covid-19? Attending an outdoor wedding? Absolutely nothing to worry about, right?

That would be wrong, wrong as a bathroom gong."

Even if thousands who have been vaccinated are in the hospital which is very doubtful since virtually all cases in the hospital today have not been fully vaccinated. Since the number of doses given have exceed 330 million, the effectiveness of the vaccines at keeping corvid cases out of the hospital are exceeding initial claims for all 3 vaccines. The mRNA vaccines are proving to be the safest and most effective of any vaccine approved by the FDA. Over 6 the months following the beginning of public vaccinations, deaths, hospitalizations, and new cases of covid have fallen over 90% (new cases down 96%. daily deaths down 94%, hospitalizations down 93%.)

Hundreds of thousands have had serious injuries. Tens of thousands have died from the injection......through 6 months. We have no idea of the effects of this injection when a vaccinated person encounters a wild virus. We don't know yet.
We do not know if there will be long term sides, or a bad reaction to new viruses, or if every person vaccinated grows a third arm.

We have only the history of vaccines, viruses, and the research of thousands of scientist over decades to go by. This
history tells us that severe side effects are extremely rare, and if they do occur, they usually happen within the first two months. We also have the work of thousands of scientist that confirm this. Then we have the simple fact that these vaccines do their work and are gone from the body within about 7 days.

Yes, we could have terrible reactions in the future, a third arm may appear in those vaccinated or a giant asteroid could collide with the earth but the far more likely outcome of not using vaccines would be tens of million of needlessly lost lives.

We have a history of vaccines that have gone through rigorous clinical studies that take anywhere from 5-12 years before they are brought to market. This mRNA sailed through in 3 months. That should set off some red flags, especially in light of the thousands of deaths now along with hundreds of thousands of debilitating injuries. I'll dismiss your third arm and asteroids since those aren't relevant to the topic and have nothing to do with these dangerous injections. We will know more in 5 years. Hopefully, it won't be too late.

The Polio vaccine went through a year of clinical trials before it was deemed safe and ready for use. Vaccines do not go through 5-12 years of "rigorous clinical studies" even back then. What sometimes happens with some vaccines is that it may take years to weaken the virus in order for it to be used safely in humans. Thankfully human advancement in science and medicine has allowed us to develop vaccines much faster without this process. Even the last flu vaccine, which was not MRNA was tested and rolled out within a few months. Surely you realize we are no longer living in the 1950s anymore and using 1950s technology.

In 5 years it will be too late, all the anti vaxxers around the globe will have made this virus permanent, requiring boosters for every new variant that pop up. One probably more deadlier than the next. All the while millions will die along the way.

The Salk vaccine was started in 1948 and was not available to the public until 1957.
No vaccine before was ever considered save in less than 6 years.

It has neve taken years to weaken a virus, and generally they try to totally kill the virus completely.

No flu vaccine has ever been produced in less than 5 years.
That is why they never work well.
The virus they used to produce the vaccine is never the same one that is making the rounds that winter.

The mRNA vaccines have only been around since 2009 and have tons of unknown risks.
We are artificially creating a synthetic fake virus, and have no idea what the immune system reactions could be.
It is the most dangerous and irresponsible example of greed that our capitalist system has ever committed.
People should be prosecuted.

And there is not a single epidemic in progress that has ever been stopped by vaccination.
Vaccines are only to prevent the next epidemic.
All epidemics are ended by herd immunity, from recovery immunity and existing inherent immunity.
For example, almost all under 18 are inherently immune to covid-19.
If anyone is to blame for the epidemic being kept around so long it could become endemic, it is those who pushed for "flattening the curve".
Accelerating the epidemic last year would have ended it in a month, with the least number of deaths.

Wrong. Development and clinical testing are two different things. The poster i was responding to said vaccines go through 5-12 years of "rigorous clinical studies" which is simply not true. Polio clinical trials lasted one year and deemed safe and was produced for widespread usage thereafter.

Wrong. Children account for 22% of all new cases. That's not what i call "inherently immune to covid." Children can be infected and they can spread the virus. Hospitalization however is very small, for now, but with delta and every new variant to follow things can change quickly, which is why everyone needs to take the safe moderna and pfizer vaccines asap.

Rigby is correct. Children do not need this experimental injection. They already have immunity and don't need an untested synthetic injection.

Didn't i just get done stating that 22% of all new covid cases are from children and you're still talking about covid immunity in children LMAO
Sad to see all the unvaccinated dying off in this country

I guess they know best
Every time that you log on, the collective IQ of the board drops about 30 points.
There you go. Stick to your strong suit: whining like a little bitch.

And do yourself a favor and never open your mouth about another scientific topic ever again. Especially when your moronic lies are harmful.
On the contrary, the vaccinated are now spreading variants and adaptations of the virus due to the pressure from an injection. Unvaccinated individuals cannot be held responsible for what happens to those who volunteered to take part in this mass experiment.
Why would a vaccinated person be spread the variant if the vaccination is effective against the variant. I don't understand your reasoning.

Why? It's not effective. Thousands that have been vaccinated are now being hospitalized. I'm flummoxed as I listen to the masses just swallow the propaganda, censorship, and lies from the CDC, media, mainstream news. It's utterly astounding.

"Fully vaccinated against Covid-19? Attending an outdoor wedding? Absolutely nothing to worry about, right?

That would be wrong, wrong as a bathroom gong."

Even if thousands who have been vaccinated are in the hospital which is very doubtful since virtually all cases in the hospital today have not been fully vaccinated. Since the number of doses given have exceed 330 million, the effectiveness of the vaccines at keeping corvid cases out of the hospital are exceeding initial claims for all 3 vaccines. The mRNA vaccines are proving to be the safest and most effective of any vaccine approved by the FDA. Over 6 the months following the beginning of public vaccinations, deaths, hospitalizations, and new cases of covid have fallen over 90% (new cases down 96%. daily deaths down 94%, hospitalizations down 93%.)

Hundreds of thousands have had serious injuries. Tens of thousands have died from the injection......through 6 months. We have no idea of the effects of this injection when a vaccinated person encounters a wild virus. We don't know yet.
We do not know if there will be long term sides, or a bad reaction to new viruses, or if every person vaccinated grows a third arm.

We have only the history of vaccines, viruses, and the research of thousands of scientist over decades to go by. This
history tells us that severe side effects are extremely rare, and if they do occur, they usually happen within the first two months. We also have the work of thousands of scientist that confirm this. Then we have the simple fact that these vaccines do their work and are gone from the body within about 7 days.

Yes, we could have terrible reactions in the future, a third arm may appear in those vaccinated or a giant asteroid could collide with the earth but the far more likely outcome of not using vaccines would be tens of million of needlessly lost lives.

We have a history of vaccines that have gone through rigorous clinical studies that take anywhere from 5-12 years before they are brought to market. This mRNA sailed through in 3 months. That should set off some red flags, especially in light of the thousands of deaths now along with hundreds of thousands of debilitating injuries. I'll dismiss your third arm and asteroids since those aren't relevant to the topic and have nothing to do with these dangerous injections. We will know more in 5 years. Hopefully, it won't be too late.

The Polio vaccine went through a year of clinical trials before it was deemed safe and ready for use. Vaccines do not go through 5-12 years of "rigorous clinical studies" even back then. What sometimes happens with some vaccines is that it may take years to weaken the virus in order for it to be used safely in humans. Thankfully human advancement in science and medicine has allowed us to develop vaccines much faster without this process. Even the last flu vaccine, which was not MRNA was tested and rolled out within a few months. Surely you realize we are no longer living in the 1950s anymore and using 1950s technology.

In 5 years it will be too late, all the anti vaxxers around the globe will have made this virus permanent, requiring boosters for every new variant that pop up. One probably more deadlier than the next. All the while millions will die along the way.

The Salk vaccine was started in 1948 and was not available to the public until 1957.
No vaccine before was ever considered save in less than 6 years.

It has neve taken years to weaken a virus, and generally they try to totally kill the virus completely.

No flu vaccine has ever been produced in less than 5 years.
That is why they never work well.
The virus they used to produce the vaccine is never the same one that is making the rounds that winter.

The mRNA vaccines have only been around since 2009 and have tons of unknown risks.
We are artificially creating a synthetic fake virus, and have no idea what the immune system reactions could be.
It is the most dangerous and irresponsible example of greed that our capitalist system has ever committed.
People should be prosecuted.

And there is not a single epidemic in progress that has ever been stopped by vaccination.
Vaccines are only to prevent the next epidemic.
All epidemics are ended by herd immunity, from recovery immunity and existing inherent immunity.
For example, almost all under 18 are inherently immune to covid-19.
If anyone is to blame for the epidemic being kept around so long it could become endemic, it is those who pushed for "flattening the curve".
Accelerating the epidemic last year would have ended it in a month, with the least number of deaths.

Wrong. Development and clinical testing are two different things. The poster i was responding to said vaccines go through 5-12 years of "rigorous clinical studies" which is simply not true. Polio clinical trials lasted one year and deemed safe and was produced for widespread usage thereafter.

Wrong. Children account for 22% of all new cases. That's not what i call "inherently immune to covid." Children can be infected and they can spread the virus. Hospitalization however is very small, for now, but with delta and every new variant to follow things can change quickly, which is why everyone needs to take the safe moderna and pfizer vaccines asap.

It is deceptive to imply testing of a year is sufficient.
The years of clinical testing is to widen the testing to ensure there is few serious side effects over a large range of different subjects.
That normally comes AFTER years of lab testing on smaller control groups, to ensure it not absolutely harmful and instead is proven to be beneficial. Total testing of lab and clinical typically is several years, not the 3 months they did for covid-19 vaccines. Which is doubly wrong since covid-19 mRNA vaccines by far, vastly more dangerous.

The number of new cases and whether they are children is not relevant.
The point is only who is dying, and it is NOT children.
So then yes, children are essentially immune inherently.

Sure children can be infected and slightly spread the virus, but so can the vaccinated.
Variants typically are LESS lethal, not more.

And Moderna vaccine is not at all safe.
I recently got the 2nd Moderna shot and it was the single worst illness of my life.
Thought I was going to die, and lasted over 3 weeks.
I still feel weak, headaches, foggy, etc.

Likely we should never have waited for the vaccines, and gotten rid of it correctly in the first month.
On the contrary, the vaccinated are now spreading variants and adaptations of the virus due to the pressure from an injection. Unvaccinated individuals cannot be held responsible for what happens to those who volunteered to take part in this mass experiment.
Why would a vaccinated person be spread the variant if the vaccination is effective against the variant. I don't understand your reasoning.

Why? It's not effective. Thousands that have been vaccinated are now being hospitalized. I'm flummoxed as I listen to the masses just swallow the propaganda, censorship, and lies from the CDC, media, mainstream news. It's utterly astounding.

"Fully vaccinated against Covid-19? Attending an outdoor wedding? Absolutely nothing to worry about, right?

That would be wrong, wrong as a bathroom gong."

Even if thousands who have been vaccinated are in the hospital which is very doubtful since virtually all cases in the hospital today have not been fully vaccinated. Since the number of doses given have exceed 330 million, the effectiveness of the vaccines at keeping corvid cases out of the hospital are exceeding initial claims for all 3 vaccines. The mRNA vaccines are proving to be the safest and most effective of any vaccine approved by the FDA. Over 6 the months following the beginning of public vaccinations, deaths, hospitalizations, and new cases of covid have fallen over 90% (new cases down 96%. daily deaths down 94%, hospitalizations down 93%.)

Hundreds of thousands have had serious injuries. Tens of thousands have died from the injection......through 6 months. We have no idea of the effects of this injection when a vaccinated person encounters a wild virus. We don't know yet.
We do not know if there will be long term sides, or a bad reaction to new viruses, or if every person vaccinated grows a third arm.

We have only the history of vaccines, viruses, and the research of thousands of scientist over decades to go by. This
history tells us that severe side effects are extremely rare, and if they do occur, they usually happen within the first two months. We also have the work of thousands of scientist that confirm this. Then we have the simple fact that these vaccines do their work and are gone from the body within about 7 days.

Yes, we could have terrible reactions in the future, a third arm may appear in those vaccinated or a giant asteroid could collide with the earth but the far more likely outcome of not using vaccines would be tens of million of needlessly lost lives.

We have a history of vaccines that have gone through rigorous clinical studies that take anywhere from 5-12 years before they are brought to market. This mRNA sailed through in 3 months. That should set off some red flags, especially in light of the thousands of deaths now along with hundreds of thousands of debilitating injuries. I'll dismiss your third arm and asteroids since those aren't relevant to the topic and have nothing to do with these dangerous injections. We will know more in 5 years. Hopefully, it won't be too late.

The Polio vaccine went through a year of clinical trials before it was deemed safe and ready for use. Vaccines do not go through 5-12 years of "rigorous clinical studies" even back then. What sometimes happens with some vaccines is that it may take years to weaken the virus in order for it to be used safely in humans. Thankfully human advancement in science and medicine has allowed us to develop vaccines much faster without this process. Even the last flu vaccine, which was not MRNA was tested and rolled out within a few months. Surely you realize we are no longer living in the 1950s anymore and using 1950s technology.

In 5 years it will be too late, all the anti vaxxers around the globe will have made this virus permanent, requiring boosters for every new variant that pop up. One probably more deadlier than the next. All the while millions will die along the way.

The Salk vaccine was started in 1948 and was not available to the public until 1957.
No vaccine before was ever considered save in less than 6 years.

It has neve taken years to weaken a virus, and generally they try to totally kill the virus completely.

No flu vaccine has ever been produced in less than 5 years.
That is why they never work well.
The virus they used to produce the vaccine is never the same one that is making the rounds that winter.

The mRNA vaccines have only been around since 2009 and have tons of unknown risks.
We are artificially creating a synthetic fake virus, and have no idea what the immune system reactions could be.
It is the most dangerous and irresponsible example of greed that our capitalist system has ever committed.
People should be prosecuted.

And there is not a single epidemic in progress that has ever been stopped by vaccination.
Vaccines are only to prevent the next epidemic.
All epidemics are ended by herd immunity, from recovery immunity and existing inherent immunity.
For example, almost all under 18 are inherently immune to covid-19.
If anyone is to blame for the epidemic being kept around so long it could become endemic, it is those who pushed for "flattening the curve".
Accelerating the epidemic last year would have ended it in a month, with the least number of deaths.

Wrong. Development and clinical testing are two different things. The poster i was responding to said vaccines go through 5-12 years of "rigorous clinical studies" which is simply not true. Polio clinical trials lasted one year and deemed safe and was produced for widespread usage thereafter.

Wrong. Children account for 22% of all new cases. That's not what i call "inherently immune to covid." Children can be infected and they can spread the virus. Hospitalization however is very small, for now, but with delta and every new variant to follow things can change quickly, which is why everyone needs to take the safe moderna and pfizer vaccines asap.

Rigby is correct. Children do not need this experimental injection. They already have immunity and don't need an untested synthetic injection.

Didn't i just get done stating that 22% of all new covid cases are from children and you're still talking about covid immunity in children LMAO

Learn what terms you use mean.
Immunity does not mean you don't get infected.
It just means your immune system deals with it efficiently.
That reduces spread, but does not eliminate it.
Children ARE inherently immune according to all studies.

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