Nearly all of recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated

And the nuclear reactor is not at all a good analogy because with a nuclear reactor, having more reactions going in nearby, greatly accelerates the reaction.
With a virus, nearby reproduction has no effect on any one virus replication. There is no critical mass.
Critical mass only relates to nuclear explosions, not nuclear reactors, so stop throwing out terms you don't understand.

And the nearby reproduction is exactly like a nuclear reactor, because the R0 number acts as the multiplier of infections, just like the enrichment of fissile material multiplies the reaction rate.

Critical mass is necessary for any nuclear reactor to work at all.

critical mass
[ˈˌkridəkəl ˈmas]

  1. physics
    the minimum amount of fissile material needed to maintain a nuclear chain reaction.

    And nuclear reactions are nothing at all like infections.
    Nuclear reactions add positive feedback to each other.
    The result is exponential.
    Multiple infection next to each other have no effect on each other.
    The effect is only geometric.

The published report are only the "selected" ones which have had some degree of investigation.
Odds are the estimate of 6000 vaccine deaths is vastly under reported, and is NOT at all an exaggeration.
VAERS did receive 4,178 reports of deaths (0.0017% of all vaccine doses) between Dec. 14, 2020 and May 3, 2021. However, these reports don’t point to a causal relationship between receiving the vaccine and death.

Oh come on, not a single one of those VAERS reports was from being hit by a truck or something totally unrelated.
Did you exercise yet today?

Walked my dog 1 1/2 miles and mowed the lawn

Guess that protects me from COVID

Hey look. A 21 yr old in Ohio died hours after taking the J&J shot. Oh, right. People dying left and right of these wonderful Magic Vaccines

Nothing to see here, just like people died from the flu shots all over the place. OH WAIT


One person dies is reason to ignore the 300 million doses safely administered

No, there have been over 6,000 deaths from the covid vaccines so far, and while that is still far fewer than the covid deaths, we don't know what the long term effect of these experimental vaccines are yet.
Of the 6,000 deaths reported after vaccination, medical researchers have found only 3 deaths that were linked to the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. No deaths have linked to either the Moderna or the Pfizer vaccine.

Side effects of vaccines have always showed up within two months of vaccination. This history goes back to at least the 1960s with the oral polio vaccine and examples continue through today. So far the FDA has license 84 vaccines and none have had side effects that were not discovered in the first two months.

Pfizer, Moderna, and now Johnson and Johnson have all submitted application in May and June for full approval. Generally it takes 6 months for full approval due to statuary requirements. The reason it is experimental are to meet legal requirements. Any drug or vaccine that is giving Emergency Use Authorization is considered experimental by law. It does not imply that there are any FDA required research, development, clinical testing, or clinical trials yet to done.

The deaths from allergic reaction and the deaths from swelling of the heart combined are in the thousands, and have been definitely attributed to the vaccines.

And NO, there is not a single vaccine that can not have a delayed reaction.
Allergic reactions are from an immune system reacting inappropriately.
Vaccines increase immune system responses.
And it is very possible for future responses to be lethal.

The FDA has flat come out and said that it wants a great deal more testing, with wider test groups.
There is no way to know yet what the potential allergic reaction possibilities may be.
Did you exercise yet today?

Walked my dog 1 1/2 miles and mowed the lawn

Guess that protects me from COVID

Hey look. A 21 yr old in Ohio died hours after taking the J&J shot. Oh, right. People dying left and right of these wonderful Magic Vaccines

Nothing to see here, just like people died from the flu shots all over the place. OH WAIT


One person dies is reason to ignore the 300 million doses safely administered
Again husband has had 2 employees die in the 2 last months right after getting the vaccine as well.....something is going on. Oddly, they aren't going down as deaths caused by the vaccine, but their medical providers are trying to say that they must have had the covid virus before the shot and died of covid not the vaccine.
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Why would I get a vaccine that will certainly make me feel sick and that might not even stop me from getting covid?
Because it could save your life and prevent you from spreading it to others

It doesn't prevent the spread. It merely "reduces" it, and that barely. Don't you know?

What vaccines do is reduce successful transmissions. To survive, virus particles much reach a host that has not become immune either through vaccination or previous infection. The more people that have been vaccinated, the harder it is for the virus to spread. The primary method of transmission is expelled droplets carrying the virus. These droplets dry and dissipate as air currents move them so they must hit on suitable hosts typically within minutes. The more people that are vaccinated the harder it is for the virus to a reach suitable hosts. If 100% of a population has become immunity by vaccinations, there will be no suitable hosts. Since we will never reach 100%, there will always be tiny bit of the virus remaining. The Spanish influence epidemic was over 100 years ago, yet the virus still exist.

Vaccines do not at all in any way prevent infection.
All they do is quicken the ability of the immune response to kill the infection.
That does reduce successful transmission, but on the sending side, not on the receiving side.
The receiver is not going to be producing antibodies all the time, and instead will only produce them AFTER an full infection has taken hold.

And actually, we likely only need 70% immunity, by recovery, vaccination, or inherent immunity, in order to wipe out the covid-19 virus forever.

And there will be no "tiny bit of virus remaining".
Covid-19 is not endemic to humans and is only barely able to survive in humans, with a maximum time being about 2 weeks.
So it should have been easy to eliminate this virus last year.

The Spanish flu is endemic to humans, and has been around continually.
It is not at all like covid-19 except that we also prevented the Spanish flu from going away, by "flattening the curve".
There is no wiping out the virus forever-------it will be here forever at this point.
If you did the math, you would find that would have resulted in over 3 million dead americans in order to achieve it.
Fauci did his math in public early on, and his estimate was 2.4 million deaths.
But now it is obvious why he was so wrong.
He did not know about the asymptomatic or the scared, who did not report being infected.
He did not know more than half the population started out already inherently immune.
Faucci's estimate was "dead" accurate. He predicted 2.4 million dead Americans by december 2020. That extrapolates to 3 million by today. But of course you will point out the actual number is only 600,000.

That's not from asymptomatic cases, or natural immunity, that was from masking and government shutdowns.
I know liberals just believe the Magic Vaccines are Magic because Big Daddy Govco said so, and so did Big Pharma.

They are magic because they prevent you from getting COVID

ALL recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated. COVID hot spots are now in Red States with low vaccination rates
One of my coworkers had a heart attack the day following getting his second Covid shot. He had no preconditions and was in great health prior to getting vaccinated. I was hesitant about getting the vaccine BEFORE that took place! Now you couldn't pay me to get jabbed! To be quite blunt...WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT LONG TERM AFFECTS THESE VACCINE'S ARE GOING TO HAVE ON THE PEOPLE WHO GOT THEM!!!
If you feel like being a guinea pig...go right ahead. I'll pass on that.

Assuming this story is true, what do you think the odds were, of him getting covid and having something similar happen? The vaccine only triggers your body's immuno response to the virus, but in a much safer way. People who have contracted the virus had the exact same side effects but at a much higher rate. It's unfortunate this happened but it likely would have happened if he had caught the virus as well.
It is true. What are the odds of a healthy person having a heart attack a day after getting a vaccine shot? How many healthy people were having heart attacks from Covid? My point...which nobody has even attempted to that we don't really know WHAT these vaccines are going to do to us and taking them is a crap shoot! Why would any healthy person risk that?

Heart attacks from covid19 exist and with more frequency. Let's stop the hysteria over the vaccine.
Critical mass only relates to nuclear explosions, not nuclear reactors, so stop throwing out terms you don't understand.
Critical mass is necessary for any nuclear reactor to work at all.

critical mass
[ˈˌkridəkəl ˈmas]

  1. physics
    the minimum amount of fissile material needed to maintain a nuclear chain reaction.

  1. First I call bullshit. I did a Google search of the terms you quote, and found NO MATCH.

    The actual definition of critical mass from wiki proves you wrong.

    In nuclear engineering, a critical mass is the smallest amount of fissile material needed for a sustained nuclear chain reaction. The critical mass of a fissionable material depends upon its nuclear properties (specifically, its nuclear fission cross-section), density, shape, enrichment, purity, temperature, and surroundings. The concept is important in nuclear weapon design.
    Also the critical mass of Uranium is about 112 pounds

    A typical thermal reactor contains about 100 tons of uranium with an average enrichment of 2%

    That's the equivalent of 2 tons of pure U 235
Why would I get a vaccine that will certainly make me feel sick and that might not even stop me from getting covid?
Because it could save your life and prevent you from spreading it to others

It doesn't prevent the spread. It merely "reduces" it, and that barely. Don't you know?

What vaccines do is reduce successful transmissions. To survive, virus particles much reach a host that has not become immune either through vaccination or previous infection. The more people that have been vaccinated, the harder it is for the virus to spread. The primary method of transmission is expelled droplets carrying the virus. These droplets dry and dissipate as air currents move them so they must hit on suitable hosts typically within minutes. The more people that are vaccinated the harder it is for the virus to a reach suitable hosts. If 100% of a population has become immunity by vaccinations, there will be no suitable hosts. Since we will never reach 100%, there will always be tiny bit of the virus remaining. The Spanish influence epidemic was over 100 years ago, yet the virus still exist.

Vaccines do not at all in any way prevent infection.
All they do is quicken the ability of the immune response to kill the infection.
That does reduce successful transmission, but on the sending side, not on the receiving side.
The receiver is not going to be producing antibodies all the time, and instead will only produce them AFTER an full infection has taken hold.

And actually, we likely only need 70% immunity, by recovery, vaccination, or inherent immunity, in order to wipe out the covid-19 virus forever.

And there will be no "tiny bit of virus remaining".
Covid-19 is not endemic to humans and is only barely able to survive in humans, with a maximum time being about 2 weeks.
So it should have been easy to eliminate this virus last year.

The Spanish flu is endemic to humans, and has been around continually.
It is not at all like covid-19 except that we also prevented the Spanish flu from going away, by "flattening the curve".
There is no wiping out the virus forever-------it will be here forever at this point.

Well if we "flatten the curve" long enough, there is a chance the virus will evolve to become endemic to humans, but if that happens, it also will no longer be as lethal.
I know liberals just believe the Magic Vaccines are Magic because Big Daddy Govco said so, and so did Big Pharma.

They are magic because they prevent you from getting COVID

ALL recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated. COVID hot spots are now in Red States with low vaccination rates
One of my coworkers had a heart attack the day following getting his second Covid shot. He had no preconditions and was in great health prior to getting vaccinated. I was hesitant about getting the vaccine BEFORE that took place! Now you couldn't pay me to get jabbed! To be quite blunt...WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT LONG TERM AFFECTS THESE VACCINE'S ARE GOING TO HAVE ON THE PEOPLE WHO GOT THEM!!!
If you feel like being a guinea pig...go right ahead. I'll pass on that.

Assuming this story is true, what do you think the odds were, of him getting covid and having something similar happen? The vaccine only triggers your body's immuno response to the virus, but in a much safer way. People who have contracted the virus had the exact same side effects but at a much higher rate. It's unfortunate this happened but it likely would have happened if he had caught the virus as well.
It is true. What are the odds of a healthy person having a heart attack a day after getting a vaccine shot? How many healthy people were having heart attacks from Covid? My point...which nobody has even attempted to that we don't really know WHAT these vaccines are going to do to us and taking them is a crap shoot! Why would any healthy person risk that?

Heart attacks from covid19 exist and with more frequency. Let's stop the hysteria over the vaccine.
Your link has a hyper link to a German study with 100 participants with a "Recent recovery from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection, as determined by reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction on swab test of the upper respiratory tract."
It was a very limited study.
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If you did the math, you would find that would have resulted in over 3 million dead americans in order to achieve it.
Fauci did his math in public early on, and his estimate was 2.4 million deaths.
But now it is obvious why he was so wrong.
He did not know about the asymptomatic or the scared, who did not report being infected.
He did not know more than half the population started out already inherently immune.
Faucci's estimate was "dead" accurate. He predicted 2.4 million dead Americans by december 2020. That extrapolates to 3 million by today. But of course you will point out the actual number is only 600,000.

That's not from asymptomatic cases, or natural immunity, that was from masking and government shutdowns.

That is silly.
Fauci originally estimated a lethality of 2%.
We now know how many have been infected and did not even know it, that the lethality is really more like 0.02%
Fauci was 100 times too high on lethality.
And there is no extrapolation because Fauci used a straight 70% of the whole population, when back then we only actually needed 70% of the small localities, which was then less then 5% of the total population.
And again, the young who are immune and the asymptomatic who must also be inherently immune, means that we only needed something like 5% more in order to end it.

You totally do not understand how epidemics work.
Masking and government shutdown do not and can not do any good.
All they do is conserve potential future hosts, thus making each month like a brand new re-infection from the outside.
As long as there are hosts for the virus to jump to every 12 days, it can never end.
Masking and government shutdowns make any epidemic last forever.
I know liberals just believe the Magic Vaccines are Magic because Big Daddy Govco said so, and so did Big Pharma.

They are magic because they prevent you from getting COVID

ALL recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated. COVID hot spots are now in Red States with low vaccination rates
One of my coworkers had a heart attack the day following getting his second Covid shot. He had no preconditions and was in great health prior to getting vaccinated. I was hesitant about getting the vaccine BEFORE that took place! Now you couldn't pay me to get jabbed! To be quite blunt...WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT LONG TERM AFFECTS THESE VACCINE'S ARE GOING TO HAVE ON THE PEOPLE WHO GOT THEM!!!
If you feel like being a guinea pig...go right ahead. I'll pass on that.

Assuming this story is true, what do you think the odds were, of him getting covid and having something similar happen? The vaccine only triggers your body's immuno response to the virus, but in a much safer way. People who have contracted the virus had the exact same side effects but at a much higher rate. It's unfortunate this happened but it likely would have happened if he had caught the virus as well.
It is true. What are the odds of a healthy person having a heart attack a day after getting a vaccine shot? How many healthy people were having heart attacks from Covid? My point...which nobody has even attempted to that we don't really know WHAT these vaccines are going to do to us and taking them is a crap shoot! Why would any healthy person risk that?

Heart attacks from covid19 exist and with more frequency. Let's stop the hysteria over the vaccine.

No, the virus can not get into the blood stream, so then can not cause a heart attack.
If the immune system starts to macerate the lungs, that can release thousands of little blood clots, and that can result in a heart attack however.
But the vaccine has a well recorded incidence of hearth swelling.
Usually not fatal is treated, but the vaccine clearly has risks we know of, and potential for many more we just have not yet discovered.
That is silly.
Fauci originally estimated a lethality of 2%.
We now know how many have been infected and did not even know it, that the lethality is really more like 0.02%
Fauci was 100 times too high on lethality.
And there is no extrapolation because Fauci used a straight 70% of the whole population, when back then we only actually needed 70% of the small localities, which was then less then 5% of the total population.
And again, the young who are immune and the asymptomatic who must also be inherently immune, means that we only needed something like 5% more in order to end it.

You totally do not understand how epidemics work.
Masking and government shutdown do not and can not do any good.
All they do is conserve potential future hosts, thus making each month like a brand new re-infection from the outside.
As long as there are hosts for the virus to jump to every 12 days, it can never end.
Masking and government shutdowns make any epidemic last forever.
I really think that some of these snowflake-lefty-loons expect life to be a cush ride with no bumps or bruises and "Mother Government" will protect them and always give them sustenance from her taxpayer 'tits.'
Critical mass only relates to nuclear explosions, not nuclear reactors, so stop throwing out terms you don't understand.
Critical mass is necessary for any nuclear reactor to work at all.

critical mass
[ˈˌkridəkəl ˈmas]

  1. physics
    the minimum amount of fissile material needed to maintain a nuclear chain reaction.

  1. First I call bullshit. I did a Google search of the terms you quote, and found NO MATCH.

    The actual definition of critical mass from wiki proves you wrong.

    In nuclear engineering, a critical mass is the smallest amount of fissile material needed for a sustained nuclear chain reaction. The critical mass of a fissionable material depends upon its nuclear properties (specifically, its nuclear fission cross-section), density, shape, enrichment, purity, temperature, and surroundings. The concept is important in nuclear weapon design.
    Also the critical mass of Uranium is about 112 pounds

    A typical thermal reactor contains about 100 tons of uranium with an average enrichment of 2%

    That's the equivalent of 2 tons of pure U 235

That makes absolutely no sense.
First you claim you found no match, and then repeat exactly what I quoted.
Here is the link to what I quoted.
Then you go on about how many tons of uranium are in a typical reactor, which is totally irrelevant.
The point is that critical mass is about how other near-by reactions release neutrons that stimulate and accelerate the reaction of other atoms.
Critical mass does not mean a runaway nuclear explosion.
They carefully dial it up slowly so they get just the energy they want, without the risk of a full runaway event.
It just means it has an accelerated effect.

And there is nothing like that with a virus.
A virus is not exponential but just geometric.
The fact there are more infections does not increase the speed of other infections.
Each infection is independent of all other infections.

But not with a nuclear reaction.
The rate of nuclear reactions you get, are an exponential function of the number of nuclear reactions you have.
The strongest force in nature is the nuclear binding force, i.e., the force that holds the nucleus together. It is strong enough to overcome the natural repulsion between the protons in the nucleus, and it can be unleashed in the process known as nuclear fission, or splitting the atom. A chain reaction occurs when enough fissionable material (or "critical mass") is present, and the progress of the reaction is exponential. In a chain reaction, neutrons released in fission produce additional fissions, which in turn produces neutrons, and the process repeats. If each neutron releases two or more neutrons, then the number of fissions doubles in each generation: This is exponential growth. In 10 generations, for example, there are 1024 (or 210 fissions); in 80 generations there are 280 fissions—a number so huge that when written it is approximately equal to 1 followed by 23 zeros.
Why would I get a vaccine that will certainly make me feel sick and that might not even stop me from getting covid?
Because it could save your life and prevent you from spreading it to others

It doesn't prevent the spread. It merely "reduces" it, and that barely. Don't you know?

What vaccines do is reduce successful transmissions. To survive, virus particles much reach a host that has not become immune either through vaccination or previous infection. The more people that have been vaccinated, the harder it is for the virus to spread. The primary method of transmission is expelled droplets carrying the virus. These droplets dry and dissipate as air currents move them so they must hit on suitable hosts typically within minutes. The more people that are vaccinated the harder it is for the virus to a reach suitable hosts. If 100% of a population has become immunity by vaccinations, there will be no suitable hosts. Since we will never reach 100%, there will always be tiny bit of the virus remaining. The Spanish influence epidemic was over 100 years ago, yet the virus still exist.

Vaccines do not at all in any way prevent infection.
All they do is quicken the ability of the immune response to kill the infection.
That does reduce successful transmission, but on the sending side, not on the receiving side.
The receiver is not going to be producing antibodies all the time, and instead will only produce them AFTER an full infection has taken hold.

And actually, we likely only need 70% immunity, by recovery, vaccination, or inherent immunity, in order to wipe out the covid-19 virus forever.

And there will be no "tiny bit of virus remaining".
Covid-19 is not endemic to humans and is only barely able to survive in humans, with a maximum time being about 2 weeks.
So it should have been easy to eliminate this virus last year.

The Spanish flu is endemic to humans, and has been around continually.
It is not at all like covid-19 except that we also prevented the Spanish flu from going away, by "flattening the curve". " Vaccines do not at all in
I agree, viruses do not prevent infection. However, I think you're being a bit picky. The more accurate statement is the vaccine enables the immune system to prevent infection.

Only two infectious diseases have been successfully eradicated, Smallpox in humans and Rinderpest in cattle and buffalos. It took about 200 years and a worldwide vaccination program to eradicate Small Pox. It only took only 60 years to eradicate rinderpest which was far easier since it only affected cattle and buffalos and they didn't have an option of saying no to the vaccine.

Spanish Influenza which killed at least 50 million worldwide was caused by the H1H1 virus. By 1920, most countries were probably at or close to herd immunity and governments pronounced an end to the epidemic, primarily to stimulate commerce. Since there was no vaccine, H1NI continued but it was not referred to as the Spanish Influenza, just a bad case of the flu. It was not till the late 1930's that H1N1 was discovered and credited with the Spanish Influenza. A vaccine was created in the 50's and it is now part of the yearly flu vaccine we take in the US. H1N1 has reached epidemic proportions a number of times. Swine Flu was a strain of H1N1 which killed millions and is still around today and continues to produce new strains.

H1N1 is a great example as to why we should eradicate this virus. If we just reduce hospitalizations and deaths so that we consider it a minor health problem, it will continue to replicate and eventually throw off a new very deadly strain. Like H1N1, it will rise again. We have developed one the most effect vaccines ever and we could eliminate covid-19 forever but only if we continue to vaccinate which seems very unlike once we feel it is under control.
I know liberals just believe the Magic Vaccines are Magic because Big Daddy Govco said so, and so did Big Pharma.

They are magic because they prevent you from getting COVID

ALL recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated. COVID hot spots are now in Red States with low vaccination rates
One of my coworkers had a heart attack the day following getting his second Covid shot. He had no preconditions and was in great health prior to getting vaccinated. I was hesitant about getting the vaccine BEFORE that took place! Now you couldn't pay me to get jabbed! To be quite blunt...WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT LONG TERM AFFECTS THESE VACCINE'S ARE GOING TO HAVE ON THE PEOPLE WHO GOT THEM!!!
If you feel like being a guinea pig...go right ahead. I'll pass on that.

Assuming this story is true, what do you think the odds were, of him getting covid and having something similar happen? The vaccine only triggers your body's immuno response to the virus, but in a much safer way. People who have contracted the virus had the exact same side effects but at a much higher rate. It's unfortunate this happened but it likely would have happened if he had caught the virus as well.
It is true. What are the odds of a healthy person having a heart attack a day after getting a vaccine shot? How many healthy people were having heart attacks from Covid? My point...which nobody has even attempted to that we don't really know WHAT these vaccines are going to do to us and taking them is a crap shoot! Why would any healthy person risk that?

Heart attacks from covid19 exist and with more frequency. Let's stop the hysteria over the vaccine.

No, the virus can not get into the blood stream, so then can not cause a heart attack.
If the immune system starts to macerate the lungs, that can release thousands of little blood clots, and that can result in a heart attack however.
But the vaccine has a well recorded incidence of hearth swelling.
Usually not fatal is treated, but the vaccine clearly has risks we know of, and potential for many more we just have not yet discovered.
Yes, it can be in the blood stream but it is a respiratory virus so it would be rare. We know that it infects the respiratory tract (the nose and lungs), causing coughing, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing. However, it can appear elsewhere, heart, gastrointestinal track, eyes, kidneys but it is mainly appears in the respiratory system.

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Why would I get a vaccine that will certainly make me feel sick and that might not even stop me from getting covid?
Because it could save your life and prevent you from spreading it to others

It doesn't prevent the spread. It merely "reduces" it, and that barely. Don't you know?

What vaccines do is reduce successful transmissions. To survive, virus particles much reach a host that has not become immune either through vaccination or previous infection. The more people that have been vaccinated, the harder it is for the virus to spread. The primary method of transmission is expelled droplets carrying the virus. These droplets dry and dissipate as air currents move them so they must hit on suitable hosts typically within minutes. The more people that are vaccinated the harder it is for the virus to a reach suitable hosts. If 100% of a population has become immunity by vaccinations, there will be no suitable hosts. Since we will never reach 100%, there will always be tiny bit of the virus remaining. The Spanish influence epidemic was over 100 years ago, yet the virus still exist.

Vaccines do not at all in any way prevent infection.
All they do is quicken the ability of the immune response to kill the infection.
That does reduce successful transmission, but on the sending side, not on the receiving side.
The receiver is not going to be producing antibodies all the time, and instead will only produce them AFTER an full infection has taken hold.

And actually, we likely only need 70% immunity, by recovery, vaccination, or inherent immunity, in order to wipe out the covid-19 virus forever.

And there will be no "tiny bit of virus remaining".
Covid-19 is not endemic to humans and is only barely able to survive in humans, with a maximum time being about 2 weeks.
So it should have been easy to eliminate this virus last year.

The Spanish flu is endemic to humans, and has been around continually.
It is not at all like covid-19 except that we also prevented the Spanish flu from going away, by "flattening the curve". " Vaccines do not at all in
I agree, viruses do not prevent infection. However, I think you're being a bit picky. The more accurate statement is the vaccine enables the immune system to prevent infection.

Only two infectious diseases have been successfully eradicated, Smallpox in humans and Rinderpest in cattle and buffalos. It took about 200 years and a worldwide vaccination program to eradicate Small Pox. It only took only 60 years to eradicate rinderpest which was far easier since it only affected cattle and buffalos and they didn't have an option of saying no to the vaccine.

Spanish Influenza which killed at least 50 million worldwide was caused by the H1H1 virus. By 1920, most countries were probably at or close to herd immunity and governments pronounced an end to the epidemic, primarily to stimulate commerce. Since there was no vaccine, H1NI continued but it was not referred to as the Spanish Influenza, just a bad case of the flu. It was not till the late 1930's that H1N1 was discovered and credited with the Spanish Influenza. A vaccine was created in the 50's and it is now part of the yearly flu vaccine we take in the US. H1N1 has reached epidemic proportions a number of times. Swine Flu was a strain of H1N1 which killed millions and is still around today and continues to produce new strains.

H1N1 is a great example as to why we should eradicate this virus. If we just reduce hospitalizations and deaths so that we consider it a minor health problem, it will continue to replicate and eventually throw off a new very deadly strain. Like H1N1, it will rise again. We have developed one the most effect vaccines ever and we could eliminate covid-19 forever but only if we continue to vaccinate which seems very unlike once we feel it is under control.

But H1N1 is endemic to humans.
It can live indefinitely in humans, partially by hiding from the immune system, and partially by not causing enough harm to cause the loss of a host.
Covid-19 is not endemic to humans because it can't survive in a human for more than about 2 weeks.
It irritates the immune system to easily and also causes host death too easily.
So the only way covid-19 is going to come back is if we again interact with its endemic hosts in nature, the bat.

And since covid-19 is endemic to bats, (and maybe pangolins), we can never get rid of it.
We would have to vaccinate all the bats.
You have been repeatedly told, the VAER database is open to anybody. So people can put any adverse reaction they want into the database.
These are "selected" reports only that have been investigated and verified.
The 6,000 death figure comes from the raw data. The data even says so.

VAERS accepts reports from anyone. This also allows VAERS to act as an early warning system to detect rare adverse events.

VAERS reports are submitted by anyone and sometimes lack details or contain errors.

This specific limitation has caused confusion about the publicly available data, specifically regarding the number of reported deaths. In the past there have been instances where people misinterpreted reports of death following vaccination as death caused by the vaccines; that is a mistake.

The published report are only the "selected" ones which have had some degree of investigation.
Odds are the estimate of 6000 vaccine deaths is vastly under reported, and is NOT at all an exaggeration.
No one is injecting false reports, and it is a lie to claim "anyone" can file, or that reports are not investigated.
First of all VAERS reports are not published. However they can be viewed online but to be compliant with HIPPA, personal information is not included. Once a report is submitted it can not be delete nor edited by the sender nor the CDC or FDA. If the VAERS research team needs more information, they will contact the person.

Since anyone can be submit a report including patients, healthcare providers, and parents, I would think side effects would be more likely to be over reported. Someone can report they grew a 3rd arm the day after vaccination or anything else and it will go into the data. However, this type reporting is rare because a lot of information such as addresses, vaccination sites, ect. are electronic verified. Also reporting false information is a federal crime which can be tried as a felony. The CDC says they have found very very little bogus information in the reports.

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I know liberals just believe the Magic Vaccines are Magic because Big Daddy Govco said so, and so did Big Pharma.

They are magic because they prevent you from getting COVID

ALL recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated. COVID hot spots are now in Red States with low vaccination rates
One of my coworkers had a heart attack the day following getting his second Covid shot. He had no preconditions and was in great health prior to getting vaccinated. I was hesitant about getting the vaccine BEFORE that took place! Now you couldn't pay me to get jabbed! To be quite blunt...WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT LONG TERM AFFECTS THESE VACCINE'S ARE GOING TO HAVE ON THE PEOPLE WHO GOT THEM!!!
If you feel like being a guinea pig...go right ahead. I'll pass on that.

Assuming this story is true, what do you think the odds were, of him getting covid and having something similar happen? The vaccine only triggers your body's immuno response to the virus, but in a much safer way. People who have contracted the virus had the exact same side effects but at a much higher rate. It's unfortunate this happened but it likely would have happened if he had caught the virus as well.
It is true. What are the odds of a healthy person having a heart attack a day after getting a vaccine shot? How many healthy people were having heart attacks from Covid? My point...which nobody has even attempted to that we don't really know WHAT these vaccines are going to do to us and taking them is a crap shoot! Why would any healthy person risk that?

Heart attacks from covid19 exist and with more frequency. Let's stop the hysteria over the vaccine.

No, the virus can not get into the blood stream, so then can not cause a heart attack.
If the immune system starts to macerate the lungs, that can release thousands of little blood clots, and that can result in a heart attack however.
But the vaccine has a well recorded incidence of hearth swelling.
Usually not fatal is treated, but the vaccine clearly has risks we know of, and potential for many more we just have not yet discovered.
Yes, it can be in the blood stream but it is a respiratory virus so it would rare. We know that it infects the respiratory tract (the nose and lungs), causing coughing, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing. However, it can appear elsewhere, heart, gastrointestinal track, eyes, kidneys but it is mainly appears in respiratory system.

No, the covid-19 virus can not be in the blood stream.
If it could be, then transfusions could be contaminated and would all have to be carefully tested.
But tests have shown that blood instantly and utterly destroys the virus completely.

The covid virus has never appeared in the heart, eyes, kidneys, or brain.
Pieces have been found in all places in the blood stream, but only because the cytokine storm has started macerating the lungs and caused pieces of lungs, bloodclots, and virus fragments to contaminate the blood stream.
You have been repeatedly told, the VAER database is open to anybody. So people can put any adverse reaction they want into the database.
These are "selected" reports only that have been investigated and verified.
The 6,000 death figure comes from the raw data. The data even says so.

VAERS accepts reports from anyone. This also allows VAERS to act as an early warning system to detect rare adverse events.

VAERS reports are submitted by anyone and sometimes lack details or contain errors.

This specific limitation has caused confusion about the publicly available data, specifically regarding the number of reported deaths. In the past there have been instances where people misinterpreted reports of death following vaccination as death caused by the vaccines; that is a mistake.

The published report are only the "selected" ones which have had some degree of investigation.
Odds are the estimate of 6000 vaccine deaths is vastly under reported, and is NOT at all an exaggeration.
No one is injecting false reports, and it is a lie to claim "anyone" can file, or that reports are not investigated.
Since anyone can submit a report, I would think it likely it to be over reported.

No, because most people would not have the vaguest idea how to file a report, and without some valid evidence, undocumented reports are quickly culled.
For example, my 2nd Moderna shot caused the worst illness of my life, and it lasted over 3 weeks, and still causes weakness and headaches.
No one is getting a report of that fact, because there is no mechanism for doing do.
WalMart does not forward complaints.

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