Nearly all of recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated

Did you exercise yet today?

Walked my dog 1 1/2 miles and mowed the lawn

Guess that protects me from COVID

Hey look. A 21 yr old in Ohio died hours after taking the J&J shot. Oh, right. People dying left and right of these wonderful Magic Vaccines

Nothing to see here, just like people died from the flu shots all over the place. OH WAIT

Did you exercise yet today?

Walked my dog 1 1/2 miles and mowed the lawn

Guess that protects me from COVID

Hey look. A 21 yr old in Ohio died hours after taking the J&J shot. Oh, right. People dying left and right of these wonderful Magic Vaccines

Nothing to see here, just like people died from the flu shots all over the place. OH WAIT


One person dies is reason to ignore the 300 million doses safely administered
Someone gets the shot and then walks in front of a bus and the “vaxxers” are gonna claim the vaccine caused it
Apparently those masks ain't workin' too well.
Japan has 126 million people to our 330 million. A "spike" and state of emergency to them is 1500 new daily cases. Our lowest point, where we celebrate and reopen, was like 15000 new cases a day. Japan is just a smarter and more compassionate country than we are , chiefly because of twats like you.
Some counties simply put a much higher value on human life than others. One death is one death too many. In Japan last year there was an unprecedented number of murder cases, 288 cases. In the US, the number was about 20,000. In societies where individual freedoms are valued much higher than the welfare of the community, human life seems to have less value. Cultures that follow the old adage "one man's freedom ends where another man's freedom begins" have more respect for the rights of other, and the value of community health, happiness, and life.
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Apparently those masks ain't workin' too well.
Japan has 126 million people to our 330 million. A "spike" and state of emergency to them is 1500 new daily cases. Our lowest point, where we celebrate and reopen, was like 15000 new cases a day. Japan is just a smarter and more compassionate country than we are , chiefly because of twats like you.
Some counties simply put a much higher value on human life than others. One death is one death too many. In Japan last year there was an unprecedented number of murder cases, 288 cases. In the US, the number was about 20,000. In societies where individual freedoms are valued much higher than the welfare of the community, human life seems to have less value. Cultures that follow the old adage "one man's freedom ends where another man's freedom begins" have more respect for the rights of other, and the value of community health, happiness, and life are higher.

Break it down by city or county and you'll see that subsets don't fit your one-size-fits-all description.
It's somewhat ironic that the red states where COVID is rising again are the same kinds of areas that rejected any help for those with HIV/ it Karma?
Why would I get a vaccine that will certainly make me feel sick and that might not even stop me from getting covid?
Because it could save your life and prevent you from spreading it to others

It doesn't prevent the spread. It merely "reduces" it, and that barely. Don't you know?

If you don’t have COVID, you don’t spread it
It is the unvaccinated that are now spreading it.

Your misinformation campaign is part of the reason

OH whoa!! Who knew. If you don't HAVE covid, you can't spread it. Well then, bye bye masks! If you don't have it, you can't spread it, no one needs to wear masks ever again unless they're sick!!

You heard it here first peeps
You can spread a lot of infection before you start to show symptoms

So let me get this straight. You make a claim. I post actual scientific information refuting that claim and you don't even bother to look at it. Just go on making false scientific claims. Is that it?

You realize that vaccinated people CAN STILL PASS COVID right???
You are spreading misinformation
People are dying from it.

You should be ashamed

You lecturing someone on spreading disinformation.....

Likely a few other threads this could go into;

People Who Recover From COVID-19 at ‘Very Low Risk’ of Re-Infection: Study​

People who have contracted COVID-19 and recovered should know that the risk for re-infection is very low, a doctor said after a study he worked on was published.

Researchers analyzed records from Curative, a clinical laboratory based in San Dimas that specializes in COVID-19 testing and has during the pandemic been conducting routine workforce screening. None of the 254 employees who had COVID-19 and recovered became re-infected, while four of the 739 who were fully vaccinated contracted the disease.

“The big takeaway was that if you are not vaccinated, and were not previously infected, one, you have a very high risk getting infected—24 percent of employees over a year tested positive. However, on the flip side, if you were vaccinated or previously infected your risk was near zero,” Dr. Jeffrey Klausner, clinical professor of preventive medicine and medicine at the University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine, told The Epoch Times.

Klausner and Dr. Noah Kojima of the University of California, Los Angeles’ Department of Medicine joined with Curative workers to analyze the records. They released a pre-print, or pre-peer reviewed version of the study online this week.

BTW & FWIW, Wife and I got COVID a couple months ago, and experience was same as prior flu and seasonal colds, maybe less so. We are both well past 60 years old.
It's somewhat ironic that the red states where COVID is rising again are the same kinds of areas that rejected any help for those with HIV/ it Karma?

Over 50% of current active cases are in 5 states. All of which are blue.

You bet it's karma.

So your point is that if California has a 70 percent vaccination rate……12 million people are vulnerable

But if Wyoming has a 30 percent vaccination rate………. 420 thousand are vulnerable
It's somewhat ironic that the red states where COVID is rising again are the same kinds of areas that rejected any help for those with HIV/ it Karma?

Over 50% of current active cases are in 5 states. All of which are blue.

You bet it's karma.

So your point is that if California has a 70 percent vaccination rate……12 million people are vulnerable

But if Wyoming has a 30 percent vaccination rate………. 420 thousand are vulnerable

I didn't say that.

I said 50% of all active cases are in 5 blue states.

Learn how to read.
It's somewhat ironic that the red states where COVID is rising again are the same kinds of areas that rejected any help for those with HIV/ it Karma?

Over 50% of current active cases are in 5 states. All of which are blue.

You bet it's karma.

So your point is that if California has a 70 percent vaccination rate……12 million people are vulnerable

But if Wyoming has a 30 percent vaccination rate………. 420 thousand are vulnerable

I didn't say that.

I said 50% of all active cases are in 5 blue states.

Learn how to read.
Read what I posted
The number of active cases is tied to the overall population

Have you always struggled with math?
Did you exercise yet today?

Walked my dog 1 1/2 miles and mowed the lawn

Guess that protects me from COVID

Hey look. A 21 yr old in Ohio died hours after taking the J&J shot. Oh, right. People dying left and right of these wonderful Magic Vaccines

Nothing to see here, just like people died from the flu shots all over the place. OH WAIT


One person dies is reason to ignore the 300 million doses safely administered

No, there have been over 6,000 deaths from the covid vaccines so far, and while that is still far fewer than the covid deaths, we don't know what the long term effect of these experimental vaccines are yet.
Did you exercise yet today?

Walked my dog 1 1/2 miles and mowed the lawn

Guess that protects me from COVID

Hey look. A 21 yr old in Ohio died hours after taking the J&J shot. Oh, right. People dying left and right of these wonderful Magic Vaccines

Nothing to see here, just like people died from the flu shots all over the place. OH WAIT


One person dies is reason to ignore the 300 million doses safely administered

No, there have been over 6,000 deaths from the covid vaccines so far, and while that is still far fewer than the covid deaths, we don't know what the long term effect of these experimental vaccines are yet.

Got a link on that?
Did you exercise yet today?

Walked my dog 1 1/2 miles and mowed the lawn

Guess that protects me from COVID

Hey look. A 21 yr old in Ohio died hours after taking the J&J shot. Oh, right. People dying left and right of these wonderful Magic Vaccines

Nothing to see here, just like people died from the flu shots all over the place. OH WAIT


One person dies is reason to ignore the 300 million doses safely administered

No, there have been over 6,000 deaths from the covid vaccines so far, and while that is still far fewer than the covid deaths, we don't know what the long term effect of these experimental vaccines are yet.

Got a link on that?

Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 331 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through July 6, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 5,946 reports of death (0.0018%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.

These reported deaths are only where the vaccine is suspected, but can never be definitive.
Oh you’re dumb enough, you believed so much in this you took a vaccine that was created because of President Trump, oh the irony
That's not why people are taking the vaccine. But Trumpism is why a lot of people aren't taking the vaccine.

I don't give a crap who is in the Oval Office when the vaccine was created or whatever. Unlike liberals, I do not worship or not worship the president. I do care a great deal what goes into my body. I have had many vaccines before, and I'm here to tell you that if you get these mRNA vaccines and have no ill effects you dodged a huge bullet. A HUGE bullet.

They are a terrible bet for relatively young healthy people and should be pulled off the market. Like the swine flu vaccines in the 70s. If we didn't live in an age full of lies and propaganda, I think they would be.

Side effects are the natural reaction of your body building up defenses to fight a perceived viral threat. I had side effects along with a great deal of other ppl. I guess I didn't dodge that "HUGE" bullet. :dunno:

Correct, Covid-19 is not a hoax and vaccines do work.

Covid-19 is not the Flu. The vaccines do not cause infertility, , nor do they modify DNA, nor do they cause covid-19 variants, nor do they contain microchips to track your movements, nor do they turn people into magnets due to 5G telecommunication towers.

The motives behind creating these fantasies are varied but are often motived by hopes of profit such as selling supplements, medical treatments, books, soliciting contribution, and just selling stories to media sites. Then there are those who just get a kick out of thwarting the efforts of any respected organizations in the medical community who are trying to save lives. Social media which plays an important part in providing a means to spread the disinformation generally takes the view that free speech tops public safety. This allows the misinformation to spread and become a subject for debate leading to more fabricated information.

Many intelligent people that love to play devil's advocate in supporting these fantasies convince a lot of people who are less informed to take up the cause and spread the fantasy which ends up costing lives and people's health.
COVID is a virus. Viruses are categorized as flus. You're just parroting the Government dictated explanation. No one thinks COVID has microchips. COVID has a 95% to 99% SURVIVAL rate. It is not a morbid condition for healthy people. For most folks it's little more than a transient discomfort. The response (from powerful Democrats) is to quarantine everyone, shut down schools, businesses and make everyone wear face diapers. Frankly, YOU are the one spreading the fantasy that COVID is a morbid condition.

Without those measures this virus would spread like wildfire, much in the same way influenza does. That virus kills tens of thousands each year. Face diapers are the primary reason why the flu was nearly eradicated this year compared to every other flu season. If only they worked as well to protect everyone from stupidity.

No, face masks is not why. It was viral interference.

I will give the mask cult this: at least they finally realize masks made out of grandma's curtain material, and even surgical masks, are worthless. Good job. Now do you know that even N95s need to be professionally fitted to your face? And changed like every two hours to be effective?

You know what's profoundly stupid about the mask cult? The information has been available on YouTube this entire time. That surgical and other masks are INADEQUATE to protect against respiratory viruses. Here, have in from the US Dept of Labor, PPE training video. Protecting against respiratory viruses. The whole thing is great, but pertinent info at the 7:00 mark.

If it's viral interference then i'm sure you have plenty of evidence to show this. I'll wait for it.

RIght, same old canned talking points: "the terrible side effects means it's working". What if they mean it's a terrible shot?

Here's one issue with that theory, as it relates this debate. Per the CDC Influenza cases were already on a dramatic down swing before covid had even become widespread in the US. Viral interference while mentioned as a possibility was also stated as unlikely.

Furthermore, during the 2017-2018 flu season when over 60,000 americans died of the flu, Japan, which is known to have a mostly mask culture had over 5k deaths. At the time that was a high for them by a wide margin. That's within a population of 130 million. In Taiwan flu deaths are barely even a thing. This trend repeats itself through most of asia. None of this is any coincidence.
Why would I get a vaccine that will certainly make me feel sick and that might not even stop me from getting covid?
Because it could save your life and prevent you from spreading it to others

It doesn't prevent the spread. It merely "reduces" it, and that barely. Don't you know?

What vaccines do is reduce successful transmissions. To survive, virus particles much reach a host that has not become immune either through vaccination or previous infection. The more people that have been vaccinated, the harder it is for the virus to spread. The primary method of transmission is expelled droplets carrying the virus. These droplets dry and dissipate as air currents move them so they must hit on suitable hosts typically within minutes. The more people that are vaccinated the harder it is for the virus to a reach suitable hosts. If 100% of a population has become immunity by vaccinations, there will be no suitable hosts. Since we will never reach 100%, there will always be tiny bit of the virus remaining. The Spanish influence epidemic was over 100 years ago, yet the virus still exist.
It's somewhat ironic that the red states where COVID is rising again are the same kinds of areas that rejected any help for those with HIV/ it Karma?

Over 50% of current active cases are in 5 states. All of which are blue.

You bet it's karma.

So your point is that if California has a 70 percent vaccination rate……12 million people are vulnerable

But if Wyoming has a 30 percent vaccination rate………. 420 thousand are vulnerable

I didn't say that.

I said 50% of all active cases are in 5 blue states.

Learn how to read.
Read what I posted
The number of active cases is tied to the overall population

Have you always struggled with math?

Read what I posted.

I never said anything about the overall population.

I said 1/2 of active cases are in 5 blue states.

Pure and simple.
I know liberals just believe the Magic Vaccines are Magic because Big Daddy Govco said so, and so did Big Pharma.

They are magic because they prevent you from getting COVID

ALL recent COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated. COVID hot spots are now in Red States with low vaccination rates
One of my coworkers had a heart attack the day following getting his second Covid shot. He had no preconditions and was in great health prior to getting vaccinated. I was hesitant about getting the vaccine BEFORE that took place! Now you couldn't pay me to get jabbed! To be quite blunt...WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT LONG TERM AFFECTS THESE VACCINE'S ARE GOING TO HAVE ON THE PEOPLE WHO GOT THEM!!!
If you feel like being a guinea pig...go right ahead. I'll pass on that.

Assuming this story is true, what do you think the odds were, of him getting covid and having something similar happen? The vaccine only triggers your body's immuno response to the virus, but in a much safer way. People who have contracted the virus had the exact same side effects but at a much higher rate. It's unfortunate this happened but it likely would have happened if he had caught the virus as well.
Did you exercise yet today?

Walked my dog 1 1/2 miles and mowed the lawn

Guess that protects me from COVID

Hey look. A 21 yr old in Ohio died hours after taking the J&J shot. Oh, right. People dying left and right of these wonderful Magic Vaccines

Nothing to see here, just like people died from the flu shots all over the place. OH WAIT


One person dies is reason to ignore the 300 million doses safely administered

No, there have been over 6,000 deaths from the covid vaccines so far, and while that is still far fewer than the covid deaths, we don't know what the long term effect of these experimental vaccines are yet.

Got a link on that?

Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 331 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through July 6, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 5,946 reports of death (0.0018%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.

These reported deaths are only where the vaccine is suspected, but can never be definitive.
Every one of those deaths is investigated by medical researchers. Of the 5946 reported deaths, researchers have found only 3 deaths in which the vaccine was at least partially a cause. That reduces the percentage where vaccine were at least partial a cause of death to less than .000001% of those receiving the vaccine. You are far more likely to win the Powerball lottery that die from the vaccine.

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