Never Ending Words

Ratify. It's nice to see you on here early in the day. It's REALLY early here in Indiana, not quite 3 AM yet. I've been up since about 1:30 with a bout of insomnia. I DID catch a couple naps last evening before 11 PM, then I fell asleep about 11:45 PM last evening, but awoke just a bit after 1 AM this morning. I believe diabetes is playing havoc with my sleep patterns. I was a night owl for over 30 years, up until about 4-5 weeks ago. I have trouble staying up after 11 PM, and staying asleep until after 5 AM. I've had diabetes for a bit over 6 months now, this may be another way my body is still adjusting. The only good thing about this scenario is, since I'm retired, I CAN take naps pretty much anytime I want or need to. Anyway, my new word is Ratify.

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