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New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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Who cares what Bush did? Honestly? Why does it matter?

They do not care what booooosh did. They convince themselves they care, but when I present the actual facts that are omitted by their praetorian media they get all huffy and puffy.

They simply cannot handle the democrats propagated the existence of WMDs before Bush took office. You know and I know they did not know or care that Bill signed the iraq Liberation Act for WMDs. The fact that they do not hold democrats to account for their role in a war that they say was an illegal war is all we need to know about them.

Oh NY Carbinees tries to say he holds them to account. You know and I know he will be voting for her.

The fact is these brain dead sheep supposedly say they are against torture, are on the side of the poor and down trodden, and yet they cry over the fact that Saddam is gone.

They still show no outrage for Obama not holding independent investigations into this massive illegal war that according to them killed MILLIONS of Iraqi citizens. In other words they are saying (they believe this too) that Boooooosh is guilty of genocide. Yet, they are not pissed Obama did not investigate when he had a super majority?

I love fucking up liberals on a daily basis here with facts. They simply cannot handle it when he shed light on their hypocrisy, on their skewed facts, and most of all their utter stupidity.
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it is simply laughable for a left-wing loser pretending to not be afraid of the investigation into Benghazi to accuse others of a "disregard for taxpayer dollars"

these are the same idiots that doled out tens of billions of taxpayer dollars to Democrat Party fatcat donors for "green jobs" that never materialized; the president that gave $800 million to HAMAS; A TERRORIST organization, GAVE A PROMOTION to a lady who abused the power of the IRS to go after political enemies of the IRS.............just to mention a few items of "disregard of taxpayer dollars"

idiots and hypocrites
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What is it that you think you are going to find Redfish that was illegal? Is this just political posturing and trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill with tax dollars, so that you can rile the base o the republican party?
Essentially, the White House committed perjury. Members of Obama's cabinet obstructed a congressional investigation. Not only that we have a former IRS chief whose about to be detained and jailed by the House for refusing to testify. Things are looking incredibly bleak for your side, Care4.

What is the truth you think has not been told that is worth spending MY TAX DOLLARS on?
The truth is what these people are refusing to tell. But you wouldn't mind wasting your tax dollars on a similar investigation if it involved Bush.

You think people will back this dog and pony show, but 'we are on to you'...we know EXACTLY what you partisans are doing with our tax dollars...we're no fools....
Actually, you're completely foolish. You're being led along. You never once think for yourselves. You never ask yourself the big questions. Is what my party telling me the truth? Or are they lying to me? It's time you came out of the dark.

I have no fear what so ever on the hearings, because there is no there, there.....15 hearings and nothing, 2000 posts in this thread and nothing, absolutely nothing has been shown that something illegal has taken place.
Yeah there has. You have been too woefully ignorant to see it. You're so blinded by fear you don't want to acknowledge the possibility.

It's a shame, a real shame for the republican disregard for our tax dollars....you better be praying and praying and praying they can find "something" that they can prosecute this so called ''trial'' with
Honey, with Trey Gowdy leading this investigation now, it's not a matter of 'if' they find something, but a matter of when.
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What is it that you think you are going to find Redfish that was illegal? Is this just political posturing and trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill with tax dollars, so that you can rile the base o the republican party? What is the truth you think has not been told that is worth spending MY TAX DOLLARS on? ( that the do nothing congress is going to waste...like the millions they have wasted on these other dog and pony show hearings, and repeal obama care legislative votes, while not one piece of legislation to help we the people has been negotiated with the Senate on and passed and gone on to the President to sign?) You think people will back this dog and pony show, but 'we are on to you'...we know EXACTLY what you partisans are doing with our tax dollars...we're no fools....

I have no fear what so ever on the hearings, because there is no there, there.....15 hearings and nothing, 2000 posts in this thread and nothing, absolutely nothing has been shown that something illegal has taken place...that means NO PROSECUTIONS when said and done and just a waste AGAIN of tax payer's money, for nothin'....and that WILL bite you in the butt, at least it should.....

it's a shame, a real shame for the republican disregard for our tax dollars....you better be praying and praying and praying they can find "something" that they can prosecute this so called ''trial'' with....

What do they expect to find? The truth. Whether there was criminal activity will depend on knowing the truth about who did what, said what, and when.

Who told Rice to blame the video? why was the decision made? who refused to authorize military assistence to americans under attack? why? Why was there no security at the benghazi complex? who made that call? Where was obama when this was going on? where was HRC? Why was the ambassador in Benghazi instead of Tripoli? Why didn't he have a security detail with him?
when the american people have the truth they can decide.

why does this investigation scare you libs so much? if obozo has nothing to hide-----------------------------------------------?

There is nothing to hide.

You think the American people will elect another neocon Republican because of their outrage over Benghazi?


the emails that came out last week were hidden until last week---over two years.

And they are of no importance.
What do they expect to find? The truth. Whether there was criminal activity will depend on knowing the truth about who did what, said what, and when.

no/... they don't. they expect to keep you loons at rapt attention til the midterm elections.

poor rightwingers.... so easily duped.

Who told Rice to blame the video? why was the decision made? who refused to authorize military assistence to americans under attack? why? Why was there no security at the benghazi complex? who made that call? Where was obama when this was going on? where was HRC? Why was the ambassador in Benghazi instead of Tripoli? Why didn't he have a security detail with him?

who gives a rat's patoot who did the talking points? it is irrelevant to what occurred on site.

did you nutcases do a half dozen investigations of baby bush's 13 benghazis and 50 dead?

no one is really interested any more.... except for nutbars.
There is nothing to hide.

You think the American people will elect another neocon Republican because of their outrage over Benghazi?


the emails that came out last week were hidden until last week---over two years.

And they are of no importance.

If the Bush whitehouse conspired to lie to the american people would it be of no importance?

you bias is showing carbonpaper, better pull your pants up.
Who cares what Bush did? Honestly? Why does it matter?

It matters peanut boy or is elephant man ?? You have your nose so far up Obamas ass you can not smell the stink from your own shitty ass party .
Wasteful spending of tax payers dollars on , solyndra, fast n furious ,irs , aca,
Benghazi. All to come up with nothing
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What is it that you think you are going to find Redfish that was illegal? Is this just political posturing and trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill with tax dollars, so that you can rile the base o the republican party?
Essentially, the White House committed perjury. Members of Obama's cabinet obstructed a congressional investigation. Not only that we have a former IRS chief whose about to be detained and jailed by the House for refusing to testify. Things are looking incredibly bleak for your side, Care4.


Perjury? Do you even know what perjury is?
What is it that you think you are going to find Redfish that was illegal? Is this just political posturing and trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill with tax dollars, so that you can rile the base o the republican party? What is the truth you think has not been told that is worth spending MY TAX DOLLARS on? ( that the do nothing congress is going to waste...like the millions they have wasted on these other dog and pony show hearings, and repeal obama care legislative votes, while not one piece of legislation to help we the people has been negotiated with the Senate on and passed and gone on to the President to sign?) You think people will back this dog and pony show, but 'we are on to you'...we know EXACTLY what you partisans are doing with our tax dollars...we're no fools....

I have no fear what so ever on the hearings, because there is no there, there.....15 hearings and nothing, 2000 posts in this thread and nothing, absolutely nothing has been shown that something illegal has taken place...that means NO PROSECUTIONS when said and done and just a waste AGAIN of tax payer's money, for nothin'....and that WILL bite you in the butt, at least it should.....

it's a shame, a real shame for the republican disregard for our tax dollars....you better be praying and praying and praying they can find "something" that they can prosecute this so called ''trial'' with....

You are not smart. Really. It deserves to be investigated. When the administration blatantly lies to the electorate to manipulate the election process that resulted in the rape and murder of American citizens, it is not a waste of money. You fucking unreal double talking sack of shit.

Let us know when they give us the facts in regards to the Fast and Furious scandal that they promised to give over to congress 3 years ago. They have yet to do it.

Not that you fucking care.

Do me a favor. Next time you or some idiot like you pretends to express concern over the down trodden or tortured, shove it up your ass. We do not buy your concern. We all see what you all are.

Hilarious how you display this feigned outrage over wasted tax dollars as you perpetually vote democrat.

You have to be fucking kidding if you think any of us would ever take you seriously.
What do they expect to find? The truth. Whether there was criminal activity will depend on knowing the truth about who did what, said what, and when.

no/... they don't. they expect to keep you loons at rapt attention til the midterm elections.

poor rightwingers.... so easily duped.

Who told Rice to blame the video? why was the decision made? who refused to authorize military assistence to americans under attack? why? Why was there no security at the benghazi complex? who made that call? Where was obama when this was going on? where was HRC? Why was the ambassador in Benghazi instead of Tripoli? Why didn't he have a security detail with him?

who gives a rat's patoot who did the talking points? it is irrelevant to what occurred on site.

did you nutcases do a half dozen investigations of baby bush's 13 benghazis and 50 dead?

no one is really interested any more.... except for nutbars.

you are an idiot, jilly, but we already knew that. The truth scares the crap out of you libs doesn't it?

Lerner has been held in contempt for refusing to tell the truth about the IRS conspiracy. AND the vote was bi-partisan. A few dems in congress are waking up.
What is it that you think you are going to find Redfish that was illegal? Is this just political posturing and trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill with tax dollars, so that you can rile the base o the republican party? What is the truth you think has not been told that is worth spending MY TAX DOLLARS on? ( that the do nothing congress is going to waste...like the millions they have wasted on these other dog and pony show hearings, and repeal obama care legislative votes, while not one piece of legislation to help we the people has been negotiated with the Senate on and passed and gone on to the President to sign?) You think people will back this dog and pony show, but 'we are on to you'...we know EXACTLY what you partisans are doing with our tax dollars...we're no fools....

I have no fear what so ever on the hearings, because there is no there, there.....15 hearings and nothing, 2000 posts in this thread and nothing, absolutely nothing has been shown that something illegal has taken place...that means NO PROSECUTIONS when said and done and just a waste AGAIN of tax payer's money, for nothin'....and that WILL bite you in the butt, at least it should.....

it's a shame, a real shame for the republican disregard for our tax dollars....you better be praying and praying and praying they can find "something" that they can prosecute this so called ''trial'' with....

I said it before and I will say it again. It is a matter of checks and balances. Now, here are the facts....

1)The Presidents re-election campaign focused strongly on how his policies have made Americans safer. He touted the dismantling of al-Qaeda and the death of Bin Laden.

2) The administration was well aware within 1 hour that the attack was well orchestrated, pre planned with the likely scenario being that it was a terrorist attack.

3) Regardless of item 2, the administration continually IMPLIED that the likely scenario was a video protest gone wrong....and I say implied because they did cover it by saying that there is still an ongoing investigation.....but when you say it "was, in fact, x but there is still an investigation" as Susan Rice did, it is giving the audience reason to believe that the likely scenario is X.....and that was something the administration knew was not the case at the time.

Now, when you add up all 3, it is easy to believe, (not necessarily fact) that the administration said what they said because it was in the best interest of the campaign....not a crime...but unethical.

However......here is where it gets concerning....

The military was not dispatched to assist DURING the attack. Not at minute one....not 5 hours later....military assistance was deemed not the direction to go....

The reason being, as we all know, because the military confirmed that it would have taken no less than 10 hours to get there and the attack ended much sooner than that.

However.......how did anyone AT THAT TIME know how long the attack would last? How did they know it wouldn't last 24 hours?

SO one possibility is that the administration did not want to use the military regardless of the amount of time it took to get there. So now you must ask....Why would he shy away from the military to assist Americans under a military style attack?

With one possibility being.....if the operation failed, and marines were killed.....his campaign would have to deal with "Americans are NOT safer, and you got marines killed"

Now, if, in fact, this is true.....the American people need to know about.....


To deter the NEXT president and everyone after them from making critical decisions based on political expediency.

Now, sure....you can call me a conspiracist. I am not. It is one possibility and an investigation is necessary to ensure such was not the case.

And....by the way.....we are all fooling ourselves if we don't think that political decisions are made taking political expediency into consideration.

But critical decisions by the President? We need to know he didn't.

Even democrats should care.

Seeing as how you're a paper-pusher and not a warrior, if you had ever served in any real combat you'd know that war is fucked up to begin with. If I had the option I'd rip that damned chevron off of your avi, because you don't deserve it. You're one of the worst fakes on this site. As if those SSG stripes give you any sort of credibility.

What does that have to do with anything I said.

Okay, let's try again. Bush said that Saddam had WMD's. He didn't.

The GENERALS- guys who saw probably more combat than you did - all said 'Mr. President, this is a terrible idea. We'd need at least 500,000 troops to secure the country." Bush ignored them.

Bush didn't even know what the difference between a Sunni and a Shi'ite was. That became really important later.

Yes, war is often fucked up, but when you go to war based on a lie, over the objections of the professionals and most of our allies, it gets a lot more fucked up a lot faster.

But here's what my real complaint was. The people who pushed for this war- the Neo-Cons, the Zionists, the Oil Companies - their kids weren't going to get anywhere near the fighting. Instead it was going to be some poor working class kid who joined the Army because his parents couldn't put up the house for his college tuition.

If we drafted rich kids to fight this thing, I'll betcha they'd have thought it through a bit more.

During Vietnam we did. During WWII we didn't have to force people to fight. They volunteered in droves.

Actually, the reverse is true.

The percentage of casualties who were volunteers was almost exactly the reverse of WWII.

The truth, the facts about Viet Nam are distorted beyond repair by scum of the earth dimocraps.

Statistics about the Vietnam War

2/3 of the men who served in Vietnam were volunteers. 2/3 of the men who served in World War II were drafted. [Westmoreland] Approximately 70% of those killed were volunteers. [McCaffrey] Many men volunteered for the draft so even some of the draftees were actually volunteers.

dimocraps are lying, traitorous scum. NEVER forget that.

What does that have to do with anything I said.

Okay, let's try again. Bush said that Saddam had WMD's. He didn't.

The GENERALS- guys who saw probably more combat than you did - all said 'Mr. President, this is a terrible idea. We'd need at least 500,000 troops to secure the country." Bush ignored them.

Bush didn't even know what the difference between a Sunni and a Shi'ite was. That became really important later.

Yes, war is often fucked up, but when you go to war based on a lie, over the objections of the professionals and most of our allies, it gets a lot more fucked up a lot faster.

But here's what my real complaint was. The people who pushed for this war- the Neo-Cons, the Zionists, the Oil Companies - their kids weren't going to get anywhere near the fighting. Instead it was going to be some poor working class kid who joined the Army because his parents couldn't put up the house for his college tuition.

If we drafted rich kids to fight this thing, I'll betcha they'd have thought it through a bit more.

During Vietnam we did. During WWII we didn't have to force people to fight. They volunteered in droves.

Actually, the reverse is true.

The percentage of casualties who were volunteers was almost exactly the reverse of WWII.

The truth, the facts about Viet Nam are distorted beyond repair by scum of the earth dimocraps.

Statistics about the Vietnam War

2/3 of the men who served in Vietnam were volunteers. 2/3 of the men who served in World War II were drafted. [Westmoreland] Approximately 70% of those killed were volunteers. [McCaffrey] Many men volunteered for the draft so even some of the draftees were actually volunteers.

dimocraps are lying, traitorous scum. NEVER forget that.


Hilarious. If "Rich kids" were in it......

They are nothing but cliches. That is what happens when they are pummeled with facts.

Is it any coincidence that they all cry....WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?
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What is it that you think you are going to find Redfish that was illegal? Is this just political posturing and trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill with tax dollars, so that you can rile the base o the republican party?
Essentially, the White House committed perjury. Members of Obama's cabinet obstructed a congressional investigation. Not only that we have a former IRS chief whose about to be detained and jailed by the House for refusing to testify. Things are looking incredibly bleak for your side, Care4.


Perjury? Do you even know what perjury is?
During Vietnam we did. During WWII we didn't have to force people to fight. They volunteered in droves.

Actually, the reverse is true.

The percentage of casualties who were volunteers was almost exactly the reverse of WWII.

The truth, the facts about Viet Nam are distorted beyond repair by scum of the earth dimocraps.

Statistics about the Vietnam War

2/3 of the men who served in Vietnam were volunteers. 2/3 of the men who served in World War II were drafted. [Westmoreland] Approximately 70% of those killed were volunteers. [McCaffrey] Many men volunteered for the draft so even some of the draftees were actually volunteers.

dimocraps are lying, traitorous scum. NEVER forget that.


Hilarious. "Rich kids" were in it......

They are nothing but cliches. That is what happens when they are pummeled with facts, and we shed light on the people they vote for that never knew cause they are so insulated by their media.

Is it any coincidence that they all cry....WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?

Eat shit, scumbags

Soldiers serving in Viet Nam had the highest education and the wealthiest families of ANY American Soldiers serving in ANY War during our entire existence.


You are a lying scumbag

Sobering Statistics

Vietnam veterans' personal income exceeds that of our non-veteran age group by more than 18 percent.

76% of the men sent to Vietnam were from lower middle/working class backgrounds.

Three-fourths had family incomes above the poverty level; 50% were from middle income backgrounds.

Some 23% of Vietnam vets had fathers with professional, managerial or technical occupations.

79% of the men who served in Vietnam had a high school education or better when they entered the military service. 63% of Korean War vets and only 45% of WWII vets had completed high school upon separation.
What is it that you think you are going to find Redfish that was illegal? Is this just political posturing and trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill with tax dollars, so that you can rile the base o the republican party? What is the truth you think has not been told that is worth spending MY TAX DOLLARS on? ( that the do nothing congress is going to waste...like the millions they have wasted on these other dog and pony show hearings, and repeal obama care legislative votes, while not one piece of legislation to help we the people has been negotiated with the Senate on and passed and gone on to the President to sign?) You think people will back this dog and pony show, but 'we are on to you'...we know EXACTLY what you partisans are doing with our tax dollars...we're no fools....

I have no fear what so ever on the hearings, because there is no there, there.....15 hearings and nothing, 2000 posts in this thread and nothing, absolutely nothing has been shown that something illegal has taken place...that means NO PROSECUTIONS when said and done and just a waste AGAIN of tax payer's money, for nothin'....and that WILL bite you in the butt, at least it should.....

it's a shame, a real shame for the republican disregard for our tax dollars....you better be praying and praying and praying they can find "something" that they can prosecute this so called ''trial'' with....

What do they expect to find? The truth. Whether there was criminal activity will depend on knowing the truth about who did what, said what, and when.

Who told Rice to blame the video? why was the decision made? who refused to authorize military assistence to americans under attack? why? Why was there no security at the benghazi complex? who made that call? Where was obama when this was going on? where was HRC? Why was the ambassador in Benghazi instead of Tripoli? Why didn't he have a security detail with him?

Why don't you go read the transcripts of all the other hearings?

And look up Obama's birth certificate while you're at it.
What is it that you think you are going to find Redfish that was illegal? Is this just political posturing and trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill with tax dollars, so that you can rile the base o the republican party?
Essentially, the White House committed perjury. Members of Obama's cabinet obstructed a congressional investigation. Not only that we have a former IRS chief whose about to be detained and jailed by the House for refusing to testify. Things are looking incredibly bleak for your side, Care4.


Perjury? Do you even know what perjury is?

Yeah, it's what you do in here every fucking day, dirtbag
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