New Democrat Policy....Kill Whitey

Those rioters arent on the ballot.

But they are supported by one who is.

But you made that up to pretend the POTUS likes riots. Thats a riot!

I was speaking of Clinton.

If there was ever any doubt that the community organizer favored riots, e.g. Ferguson, this should clear up any misunderstanding:

"Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson.

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”
Maybe if the cops stop killing people....follow me here....maybe people will stop being mad. Just a thought
But they are supported by one who is.

But you made that up to pretend the POTUS likes riots. Thats a riot!
This one does.

And this is why they laugh at you

Best way to destroy a society is destroy the family. This is how PLO fought Israel. By using a bunch of worthless kids with no jobs to cause riots.
Black Dude Denounces Obama for Ruining Race Relations in America

Cool story bro...your conspiracy is duly noted while you ignore actual actions like police shooting people. But I guess if you blame it on families that helps someone

Lack of family structure has a lot to do with why young black men, are running wild in the streets of Chicago, joining gangs or selling crack. The number of cases of police shooting people are relativlty isolated incidents when you consider the total number of police interactions that go on every day. Sometimes the police have used excessive force, but it is being portrayed by the media as EVERY TIME, which is completely innacurate. This is causing black motorists to resist cooperation with police and causing misplaced anger like in Milwaukee. Its th efault of the media and the fault of an administration who refused to forcefully tell rioters to stand down. Starting with Ferguson Missouri where Obama picked a side before he even knew the evidence of the case.
But you made that up to pretend the POTUS likes riots. Thats a riot!
This one does.

And this is why they laugh at you

Best way to destroy a society is destroy the family. This is how PLO fought Israel. By using a bunch of worthless kids with no jobs to cause riots.
Black Dude Denounces Obama for Ruining Race Relations in America

Cool story bro...your conspiracy is duly noted while you ignore actual actions like police shooting people. But I guess if you blame it on families that helps someone

Lack of family structure has a lot to do with why young black men, are running wild in the streets of Chicago, joining gangs or selling crack. The number of cases of police shooting people are relativlty isolated incidents when you consider the total number of police interactions that go on every day. Sometimes the police have used excessive force, but it is being portrayed by the media as EVERY TIME, which is completely innacurate. This is causing black motorists to resist cooperation with police and causing misplaced anger like in Milwaukee. Its th efault of the media and the fault of an administration who refused to forcefully tell rioters to stand down. Starting with Ferguson Missouri where Obama picked a side before he even knew the evidence of the case.

Thats white people camp fire stories you tell each other over smores. It includes all the typical white boy elements. You know why black neighborhoods are messed up and its doesnt have anything to do with anyone outside the community. Police sometime go over board but they have too and they have super stressful jobs. And every incident that involves a cop and a black person any action by the black person can or can be perceived as a threat so any response is valid.

Govt never abuses the system and people in power always treat others fair...unless you're talking about white people and govt then govt is to blame for a lot and cant be trusted :badgrin:

This has nothing to do with what I said you know that right?

Has everything to do with it. You racist inciters seek to create violence, facts have no bearing on you actions. The hatred you spew at the police is not based on reality, only on you desire to incite violence.

Why when you mentioned the cop did you type BLACK in caps? Then complain about racist inciters BLACK?
Why when you mentioned the cop did you type BLACK in caps? Then complain about racist inciters BLACK?

Because your racism is absurd. You BLM thugs incite your riots based on the hatred of whitey. But when Sylville Smith pointed his gun at a cop, that cop happened to be black, not white.

The only thing absurd is the number of times you accuse people of being racist when they havent said anything racist at all.

Why did you type BLACK in all caps then pretend I brought up race? This is what you do...blame everyone else for your actions WHITE.

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