New Jersey to require 2nd graders learn about gender identity in fall, alarming parents

Democrats are trying to indoctrinate children to believe homosexuality is just as normal as heterosexuality.
New Jersey To Teach ‘Gender Identity ‘ Lessons To 1st & 2nd Grade
Harry Hurley
Harry Hurley
Published: April 9, 2022

In the fall, 2022, The New Jersey Education curriculum will include teaching 1st and 2nd grade students about gender identity. To put this in proper perspective, these are six and seven-year-old children.

A sample New Jersey lesson plan says, “You might feel like you're a boy even if you have body parts that some people might tell you are girl parts.”

The New Jersey Education lesson plans call for the graphic use of language (describing) certain body parts that we will not detail here; yet, they plan to use these words to teach your six and seven-year-olds.

Don't worry everyone. It's all good. Meanwhile the Chinese kids by the time they are 8 have learned at least two languages, proficient in math but here under the Chinese globalist movement, they are dumbing down the kids to the point where they cannot tell what they are and it is ok to reject what they are.
Imagine living in a society where talking about sex at work is sexual harassment, but talking about it to elementary kids is ok.
Saying hello to a woman is considered MYSOGYNY....

Remember this?

Or this See U Next Tuesday accusing this mailman of stalking her.

Look at his face while being attacked by her and if she made a convincing enough argument to some cop or authority, his life is ruined.

Wow, this will cause a massive back lash.

The Homo-Pedo Alphabet Agenda is coming after our children.

They lied about wanting to keep what they do in the bedroom private. They want to preach their Evil Religion to every corner of the planet.
Heterosexual is the natural norm--it is how children are made.
Homosexuality is not the norm as they normally can't reproduce.

As a parent of either orientation, you should want your child to hetero as it improves the odds of reproducing carrying on your genetic code with the natural state as Nature intends.

As a parent of either orientation, you should also want your child to be mentally sound---which is also much higher in a hetero relationship. Pushing gay on kids is pushing psychological problems on your child.

This said--no one normal wants discuss or feels a need to discuss sex or sex orientation with small kids--those that do have mental issues.
Do you mean non-missionary sex positions only as alternative sexuality?
What until you see what positions you are going to be placed into in Hell. You should be more careful about what Evil you promote because you get that Evil done to you in Hell only for eternity, and 10 times worse.
Truth is these people know The End is near and think of they can recruit enough Evil Souls they can fight God and win and “Save The Planet” from “Bible Thumpers”.

This is why they are targeting children because they are getting desperate and know their time is short!

They must corrupt children and win the to “their side” the dark side. It’s a religion with them.
Kids probably know their identity by the time they're two. They don't need to be taught it in a classroom because all that does is confuse the hell out of them.
Would i will willing to grapple with a trans? No. Why? Because he she it still has the bone density and strength of a man. Maybe they should teach that in physical education class.

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