New poll on does Obama love America

Here is a Rassmussen poll that shows that 35% of Americans agrees with Rudy that Obama doesn't love his country (to be clear we are now referring to the USA, not Kenya or Indonesia) and 14% aren't sure -- so almost half the country doesn't believe that Obama loves America.
One of the dumbest logical fallacies out there is the Argumentum ad Populum Fallacy.

If a majority of people believe the moon is made of cheese, it MUST be true!

So Obama is the Peter Pan President? He only shines if we believe?

And wow, I'm not familiar with that aspect of polls, that taking a poll makes the outcome true. I wish they'd mentioned that in my Six Sigma Blackbelt training, now I'm afraid to take another poll. I'm a trained and certified expert in polling and I had no idea they were that powerful. I only thought we were gathering data, but wow, we were playing with dynamite. What if I ask if people think aliens are invading and it comes back yes? Crap, I'd have destroyed humanity. I'll never take another poll now, damn. That was scary.

You are committing the you are full of crap fallacy. Those of us who realize Obama's disdain for his country are only happy to see that more of the country realizes that than we knew. There is no cause and effect in that

Appeal to Authority tries to justify Appeal to Emotion.
Gotta admit, I didn't see that one coming. :rofl:
Speculation fallacy. But you're "not a Republican". Gotta remember that.

Point? Why would my recognizing your allegiance to the Democratic party require me to be a Republican?

This poll doesn't "validate" jack squat. Its only function is a lubricant for Rudy Giuliani's massive attention-whore ego.

Giuliani turns out to have spoken for half the country who aren't convinced Obama cares about his own country, so if he has a massive ego it isn't baseless

So come on big boy-and/or-girl -- show us how "love" is a function of Presidentin'. Go back to the first question I asked here -- where is it in the Oath of Office? How do you quantify it?

Strawman, that has nothing to do with anything I said. I said it's a public opinion poll, it reflects public opinion. I claimed nothing else
Here is a Rassmussen poll that shows that 35% of Americans agrees with Rudy that Obama doesn't love his country (to be clear we are now referring to the USA, not Kenya or Indonesia) and 14% aren't sure -- so almost half the country doesn't believe that Obama loves America.
One of the dumbest logical fallacies out there is the Argumentum ad Populum Fallacy.

If a majority of people believe the moon is made of cheese, it MUST be true!

So Obama is the Peter Pan President? He only shines if we believe?

And wow, I'm not familiar with that aspect of polls, that taking a poll makes the outcome true. I wish they'd mentioned that in my Six Sigma Blackbelt training, now I'm afraid to take another poll. I'm a trained and certified expert in polling and I had no idea they were that powerful. I only thought we were gathering data, but wow, we were playing with dynamite. What if I ask if people think aliens are invading and it comes back yes? Crap, I'd have destroyed humanity. I'll never take another poll now, damn. That was scary.

You are committing the you are full of crap fallacy. Those of us who realize Obama's disdain for his country are only happy to see that more of the country realizes that than we knew. There is no cause and effect in that

Appeal to Authority tries to justify Appeal to Emotion.
Gotta admit, I didn't see that one coming. :rofl:

LOL, from the guy who said you worked in the press so you know they aren't liberal, which is a clear appeal to authority fallacy. That you worked in the media does not make you an expert that they are not biased to the left when you are clearly biased to the left.

I said I am and expert in polling and they reflect opinion, nothing more. Which is the definition of polling.

You really don't think these through before you make yourself look foolish
Here is a Rassmussen poll that shows that 35% of Americans agrees with Rudy that Obama doesn't love his country (to be clear we are now referring to the USA, not Kenya or Indonesia) and 14% aren't sure -- so almost half the country doesn't believe that Obama loves America.
One of the dumbest logical fallacies out there is the Argumentum ad Populum Fallacy.

If a majority of people believe the moon is made of cheese, it MUST be true!

So Obama is the Peter Pan President? He only shines if we believe?

And wow, I'm not familiar with that aspect of polls, that taking a poll makes the outcome true. I wish they'd mentioned that in my Six Sigma Blackbelt training, now I'm afraid to take another poll. I'm a trained and certified expert in polling and I had no idea they were that powerful. I only thought we were gathering data, but wow, we were playing with dynamite. What if I ask if people think aliens are invading and it comes back yes? Crap, I'd have destroyed humanity. I'll never take another poll now, damn. That was scary.

You are committing the you are full of crap fallacy. Those of us who realize Obama's disdain for his country are only happy to see that more of the country realizes that than we knew. There is no cause and effect in that

Appeal to Authority tries to justify Appeal to Emotion.
Gotta admit, I didn't see that one coming. :rofl:

LOL, from the guy who said you worked in the press so you know they aren't liberal, which is a clear appeal to authority fallacy. That you worked in the media does not make you an expert that they are not biased to the left when you are clearly biased to the left.

I said I am and expert in polling and they reflect opinion, nothing more. Which is the definition of polling.

You really don't think these through before you make yourself look foolish

I didn't see where you said you were and [sic] expert on polling but obviously I'm a better editor.
Actually I was referring to the black belt song and dance.

But now that you mention being and expert on polling -- guess what I also have a background in.... yup, polling/surveying. Guess that makes us even. Except if you actually had the background both of us claim to have you'd know this is a bullshit poll question. You have still failed to show how it's quantified.

Meanwhile the question still hangs, unmolested --
Where is "love" in the Oath of Office?? Where?
We sit, and we wait....
I didn't see where you said you were and [sic] expert on polling but obviously I'm a better editor

Untested claim. I am not editing posts, this is a message board. I'm typing them in and clicking. When I'm writing serious documents then I do actually edit. If you were actually an editor, you'd see that I'm actually a heck of a writer. As for your anal editing of message board posts, you need a life. Seriously.

But now that you mention being and expert on polling -- guess what I also have a background in.... yup, polling/surveying. Guess that makes us even. Except if you actually had the background both of us claim to have you'd know this is a bullshit poll question. You have still failed to show how it's quantified.

Actually I keep arguing it's an opinion and all I've said is it reflects doubts about Obama. If I were drawing a more specific conclusion, then you could make this argument. You either are lying about your polling experience or you can't not run it through your political filter because you're so biased. You can reflect on the answer for that yourself.

Meanwhile the question still hangs, unmolested --
Where is "love" in the Oath of Office?? Where?
We sit, and we wait....
It's an irrelevant question. There is no restriction on polling to only those polls that are part of people's job description. People can poll anything they want whether you object because it embarrasses Democrats or not
I didn't see where you said you were and [sic] expert on polling but obviously I'm a better editor

Untested claim. I am not editing posts, this is a message board. I'm typing them in and clicking. When I'm writing serious documents then I do actually edit. If you were actually an editor, you'd see that I'm actually a heck of a writer. As for your anal editing of message board posts, you need a life. Seriously.

I don't claim to be "and expert" do I?
OK then. You fucked up; man up and wear it.
Oh sorry -- thing up.

But now that you mention being and expert on polling -- guess what I also have a background in.... yup, polling/surveying. Guess that makes us even. Except if you actually had the background both of us claim to have you'd know this is a bullshit poll question. You have still failed to show how it's quantified.

Actually I keep arguing it's an opinion and all I've said is it reflects doubts about Obama. If I were drawing a more specific conclusion, then you could make this argument. You either are lying about your polling experience or you can't not run it through your political filter because you're so biased. You can reflect on the answer for that yourself.

I didn't say it's opinion; I said it's a bullshit question.
Funny how you have to change the argument when you're losing it.

Meanwhile the question still hangs, unmolested --
Where is "love" in the Oath of Office?? Where?
We sit, and we wait....
It's an irrelevant question. There is no restriction on polling to only those polls that are part of people's job description. People can poll anything they want whether you object because it embarrasses Democrats or not

It "embarrasses" nobody but the pollster. Because it's a bullshit question. What the fuck kind of question is that? Go ahead -- try to justify it. You've been treating it the entire time in this thread as if it's a legitimate question, so go ahead, as I've been asking since this thread started -- show us how it's a legitimate benchmark of anything in the world whatsoever. Other than Rudy Guiliani's attention whoring.

This question means ...... what?

We sit, and we wait....
That quote is spot on. Thanks.

If half the country didn't believe a Republican President loved his country you both would suddenly get it

We could then revert to my first post here. To wit -- somebody show me where the word "love" appears in the Oath of Office. Or how such a subjective observation from a third-party demagogue is relevant to anything.


The poll is relevant to the reflection of the opinion of Americans. Where does it claim to be anything else?

I don't get what point you're making, is that because you aren't making one? What exactly prohibits polls just to find out what people think? I actually thought that was the point of polls
It matters because this poll is so vague and cliche. It doesn't do anything to reflect Obama's actual policy record. There is no substance to it. There's no specifics.

It's a ... wait for it ... poll. It collects opinions. Give me an example of a poll that is relevant by your standard
Apparently you are too dumb to realize good polls ask questions BASED on the pursuit of validated information. For instance, a good poll would ask "if you could vote Obama for third term, would you?" Asking whether or not he loves his country is a subjective view that says nothing about his performance as president.

Oh and apparently you are double stupid for assuming I was democrat.
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Here is a Rassmussen poll that shows that 35% of Americans agrees with Rudy that Obama doesn't love his country (to be clear we are now referring to the USA, not Kenya or Indonesia) and 14% aren't sure -- so almost half the country doesn't believe that Obama loves America. Those are BAD numbers for the President but totally predictable. And it also shows that Rudy was speaking for a lot of people

And before people start screaming about a Rasmussen poll, remember even if you want to assume it skews a bit to the right - they don't but fine - even at a combined 45% that's a disaster. And FWIW Obama for months has been doing better in Rassmussen's daily presidential approval poll than any other poll

Love America poll Obama 51 voters 92
I've been saying for years what Rudy said about a week ago.

You don't declare that you will fundamentally change something that you love

the only debate would be; does he fully hate America
Here is a Rassmussen poll that shows that 35% of Americans agrees with Rudy that Obama doesn't love his country (to be clear we are now referring to the USA, not Kenya or Indonesia) and 14% aren't sure -- so almost half the country doesn't believe that Obama loves America. Those are BAD numbers for the President but totally predictable. And it also shows that Rudy was speaking for a lot of people

And before people start screaming about a Rasmussen poll, remember even if you want to assume it skews a bit to the right - they don't but fine - even at a combined 45% that's a disaster. And FWIW Obama for months has been doing better in Rassmussen's daily presidential approval poll than any other poll

Love America poll Obama 51 voters 92
I've been saying for years what Rudy said about a week ago.

You don't declare that you will fundamentally change something that you love

Never souped up a car then? Or fixed up a house?

the only debate would be; does he fully hate America

And again, just to entertain the irrelevant basis-- the opposite of "love" is not "hate". It's "indifference".
Here is a Rassmussen poll that shows that 35% of Americans agrees with Rudy that Obama doesn't love his country (to be clear we are now referring to the USA, not Kenya or Indonesia) and 14% aren't sure -- so almost half the country doesn't believe that Obama loves America. Those are BAD numbers for the President but totally predictable. And it also shows that Rudy was speaking for a lot of people

And before people start screaming about a Rasmussen poll, remember even if you want to assume it skews a bit to the right - they don't but fine - even at a combined 45% that's a disaster. And FWIW Obama for months has been doing better in Rassmussen's daily presidential approval poll than any other poll

Love America poll Obama 51 voters 92
I've been saying for years what Rudy said about a week ago.

You don't declare that you will fundamentally change something that you love

Never souped up a car then? Or fixed up a house?

the only debate would be; does he fully hate America

And again, just to entertain the irrelevant basis-- the opposite of "love" is not "hate". It's "indifference".

That's the worst, the absofuckinglootly worst comparison obama fluffing I have ever fucking seen.

The ignorance it took to type that then post it for all to see, just baffles the mind.

No Pres should even be the slightest bit "indifferent" to Ameirca
I didn't see where you said you were and [sic] expert on polling but obviously I'm a better editor

Untested claim. I am not editing posts, this is a message board. I'm typing them in and clicking. When I'm writing serious documents then I do actually edit. If you were actually an editor, you'd see that I'm actually a heck of a writer. As for your anal editing of message board posts, you need a life. Seriously.

I don't claim to be "and expert" do I?
OK then. You fucked up; man up and wear it.
Oh sorry -- thing up.

But now that you mention being and expert on polling -- guess what I also have a background in.... yup, polling/surveying. Guess that makes us even. Except if you actually had the background both of us claim to have you'd know this is a bullshit poll question. You have still failed to show how it's quantified.

Actually I keep arguing it's an opinion and all I've said is it reflects doubts about Obama. If I were drawing a more specific conclusion, then you could make this argument. You either are lying about your polling experience or you can't not run it through your political filter because you're so biased. You can reflect on the answer for that yourself.

I didn't say it's opinion; I said it's a bullshit question.
Funny how you have to change the argument when you're losing it.

Meanwhile the question still hangs, unmolested --
Where is "love" in the Oath of Office?? Where?
We sit, and we wait....
It's an irrelevant question. There is no restriction on polling to only those polls that are part of people's job description. People can poll anything they want whether you object because it embarrasses Democrats or not

It "embarrasses" nobody but the pollster. Because it's a bullshit question. What the fuck kind of question is that? Go ahead -- try to justify it. You've been treating it the entire time in this thread as if it's a legitimate question, so go ahead, as I've been asking since this thread started -- show us how it's a legitimate benchmark of anything in the world whatsoever. Other than Rudy Guiliani's attention whoring.

This question means ...... what?

We sit, and we wait....

Saying you know all about the media because you came from the media isn't calling yourself an expert. Got it.

And you only consider questions that make Democrats look good to be legitimate clearly
Apparently you are too dumb to realize good polls ask questions BASED on the pursuit of validated information. For instance, a good poll would ask "if you could vote Obama for third term, would you?" Asking whether or not he loves his country is a subjective view that says nothing about his performance as president.

You don't know what you are talking about. Opinion polls ask for opinions. That is actually what polls are. To find out what people think. They aren't scientific experiments, they are opinions. There is nothing wrong with a poll asking your question, there is nothing wrong with this one. Bad polls are leading or unclear. This was was perfectly clear.

Do you agree, disagree are you not sure about this statement by Rudy Giuliani?

“I do not believe that the president loves America. He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country.”

Oh and apparently you are double stupid for assuming I was democrat.

You're a member of the Communist Party? I would respect that, you'd be one of the few honest leftists with GeorgePhillip
I didn't see where you said you were and [sic] expert on polling but obviously I'm a better editor

Untested claim. I am not editing posts, this is a message board. I'm typing them in and clicking. When I'm writing serious documents then I do actually edit. If you were actually an editor, you'd see that I'm actually a heck of a writer. As for your anal editing of message board posts, you need a life. Seriously.

I don't claim to be "and expert" do I?
OK then. You fucked up; man up and wear it.
Oh sorry -- thing up.

But now that you mention being and expert on polling -- guess what I also have a background in.... yup, polling/surveying. Guess that makes us even. Except if you actually had the background both of us claim to have you'd know this is a bullshit poll question. You have still failed to show how it's quantified.

Actually I keep arguing it's an opinion and all I've said is it reflects doubts about Obama. If I were drawing a more specific conclusion, then you could make this argument. You either are lying about your polling experience or you can't not run it through your political filter because you're so biased. You can reflect on the answer for that yourself.

I didn't say it's opinion; I said it's a bullshit question.
Funny how you have to change the argument when you're losing it.

Meanwhile the question still hangs, unmolested --
Where is "love" in the Oath of Office?? Where?
We sit, and we wait....
It's an irrelevant question. There is no restriction on polling to only those polls that are part of people's job description. People can poll anything they want whether you object because it embarrasses Democrats or not

It "embarrasses" nobody but the pollster. Because it's a bullshit question. What the fuck kind of question is that? Go ahead -- try to justify it. You've been treating it the entire time in this thread as if it's a legitimate question, so go ahead, as I've been asking since this thread started -- show us how it's a legitimate benchmark of anything in the world whatsoever. Other than Rudy Guiliani's attention whoring.

This question means ...... what?

We sit, and we wait....

Saying you know all about the media because you came from the media isn't calling yourself an expert. Got it.

And you only consider questions that make Democrats look good to be legitimate clearly

What I just said there -- and it's still sitting there for anyone to see -- was "I don't claim to be "and expert" do I?" You completely missed it.

See what I mean about being a better editor?

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