New Rule Announcement.

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And I should let you dictate what is funny and what is not funny to me? Do you "Get it now?"

Which one of my examples do you find 'funny?'
'll have to go through and check did I ever post anything funny on a serious issue you posted
Oh' my froggy are you really gonna do that?
No silly. Why didn't you hit the funny button?
And I should let you dictate what is funny and what is not funny to me? Do you "Get it now?"

Which one of my examples do you find 'funny?'
'll have to go through and check did I ever post anything funny on a serious issue you posted
Oh' my froggy are you really gonna do that?
No silly. Why didn't you hit the funny button?
Go ahead I won't cry
Glad to see this got posted. this is long overdue.I have had a certain poster ever since it got invented stalking me.Within seconds of my posts even though it is a long post,he proves he doesnt even read it because he posts a funny SECONDS after my post and EVERYWHERE I post,thats all he does. I know many people who cant believe he has not been permanetly banned same as me. For now on in the future,when he starts doing that,I assume this harrassment will now finally stop if i report his funnys?
Personally I think this was fun... We all should get together again sometime in the future and bash social engineering some more... :lol:
Most Americans are trying to be so politically correct
I am not American and i don't understand the rule so i am kind Lucky i guess that i didn't make some big fault :dev2:
I am Not talking about my language :badgrin:
So if I funny the Chinese posters that flood the board I get the ax?

We'll give you a special button for those. Called the "Take Out" button.. We should deputize like 15 members with a "Take Out" button..
It wasn't just "rep crying".. Folks were being abused. There were a couple folks who would stalk their victims. Send them PMs every 15 minutes a couple hours before their 24 hour "neg rep" limit got renewed. Told them to watch the clock because it's coming. That's harassment. Not the enviro vibe we want for USMB.

You're not affected by this at all if you don't go postal and TARGET members with dozens of funnies on posts that are serious replies to threads. From the pattern and timing -- we can EASILY tell harassment from just incident taunting or genuine rep..

I was here ... I remember everything ... Including "rep abuse".
My attitude alone was enough to get some of the monkeys riled up and throwing their poop (neg reps my way).
I simply thanked them with a positive rep every time they did ... And it didn't take them long to get the message ... :thup:

Someone can cry about the knocks they receive ... Or find a way to defeat the obstacles in front of them.
I'll ask you if I need help figuring out what is going on with the avatars ... But never to defend me against an ass clown on the internet.



IMO -- speaking personally -- we're not trying to protect the delicates here.. Look at it from a perspective of the general rules. They are ALL designed to get folks to respect topics upstairs in the Zone1,2,3 forums.

Moderation wouldn't allow folks to drop into a thread and post a dozen drive by "laughing Gifs" on a targeted poster. The folks whining that it MIGHT be interpreted as harassment -- pretty much ADMIT it's harassment and everybody knows what it looks like. But to me PERSONALLY -- malicious excess repping is a "no content" comment that destroys the purpose of having a Message Board. Too many folks in the USA are DONE talking. The whole nation is about to hang up on one another. So it makes it harder to EXPECT "Specific Topical Content" in every post in Zone2 for instance.

Instead of discussing the topic -- it's a low effort way to give the "click click" -- "I'm out of ammo and I don't care" signal to people that they WON'T discuss with.

Given the general dysfunction of this country right now -- TO ME (IMO) -- the only way to KEEP a message board interesting, readable, and relevant --- is to REQUIRE folks to continue the discussions when they choose to come into one. .
LoL! I've been "funnied" by leftist shills half a dozen times this afternoon. Zero fucks given!

I notice they're not replying too much now, now that the gauntlet has been dropped. :coffee:

Hokay, it was thrown down. :rolleyes:
How about if someone actually IS funny?
Is that stalking

I've been as clear as I can be. If it doesn't meet the reqs set out and isn't ACTUAL harassment -- it's not gonna get us to act. I've told you why it's easy to tell the diff.
Hey mods

Why don’t you try this

If someone complains about the posting of funnies just tell them to ignore it

That is what I do

They will STILL have to ignore it. Unless they have evidence in the Alert log that someone just went WAAAY out of their way to stalk their content and use rep as a weapon.
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