New Sec. of State, Rex Tillerson's job just got considerably harder

The article portrays their resignations as it were as protest against Mr. Trump. It is laughable. Failed U.S. diplomacy rests on their shoulders also. I am quite sure they were told to resign as part of draining the swamp.

"...The four join a growing list of long-serving diplomats declining to stay on into the Trump administration. That list includes Victoria Nuland, the assistant secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs, and Gregory Starr, the assistant secretary for diplomatic security. Starr retired on Inauguration Day."
Several senior diplomats resign as Trump admin takes shape

"That list includes Victoria Nuland, the assistant secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs,"

I feel like I've died and gone to Heaven, no more of that POS Victoria Nuland.

President Trump, God Emperor of The Universe.



I made it sure to pick a clipping where she is visible for Stratford57 . S/he knows all about Nuland's ineptness.
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Remember, liberals are people who bitch when clogged toilets are suddenly cleared 'cause they loved the stench.

Thats's ONE department cleansed - the remaining question is: "Next?"
I guess they didn't like Tillerson's view that sanctions on foreign countries should be based on whether or not they help Exxon.

Now Tillerson is wondering if he is going to have to FIRST clear the replacements with Vladimir.
Ummmm he was one of those who was intimately involved in benghazi if you forgot that fact. He also killed a investigation into the Ambassador to Belgium who was ditcing his security detail to have fun with prostitutes and he was the douchebag that pressured the FBI to declassify one of the shrilary's emails during that investigation. In other words he's a first class piece of shit who should be sitting in a prison cell, you twat.

Really????? So will you join me in calling GWB a scum bucket for appointing this piece of shit....LOL

Of course. I can't stand gw, he was idiot globalist. Just like your candidate.
What this country needs is a whole department of amateurs with which our country can negotiate with other countries career diplomats!

And yet an amateur has done more to benefit this country in SIX fucking days, than your hero obummer managed to do in eight years. You must be so proud to be so dumb!
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I think that Trump is going to put Cruz in charge of State, eventually. Just as soon as he closes down that agency he already has, which he can't remember. Then he can close that down, too. After all, by the end of Trump's term, no nation in the world will be dealing with us anymore, anyway!
The article portrays their resignations as it were as protest against Mr. Trump. It is laughable. Failed U.S. diplomacy rests on their shoulders also. I am quite sure they were told to resign as part of draining the swamp.

"...The four join a growing list of long-serving diplomats declining to stay on into the Trump administration. That list includes Victoria Nuland, the assistant secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs, and Gregory Starr, the assistant secretary for diplomatic security. Starr retired on Inauguration Day."
Several senior diplomats resign as Trump admin takes shape

"That list includes Victoria Nuland, the assistant secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs,"

I feel like I've died and gone to Heaven, no more of that POS Victoria Nuland.

President Trump, God Emperor of The Universe.



I made it sure to pick a clipping where she is visible for Stratford57 . S/he knows all about Nuland's ineptness.

For those who did not follow events at the time, the coup in Kiev was a Washington/NATO-backed regime-change operation with US Khazarian mafia proxies and associated loons, including Victoria Nuland and the vacuous John McCain, up to their elbows in the blood and tears of a nation.

Since then, predictably, things have not gone too well for Ukraine as tends to happen for countries touched by Washington's kiss of death.

The Russian speaking more-than-half of the country took none too kindly to their country being taken over by neo-Nazi yobs and American-backed (or just plain American) bankster oligarchs and swiftly rose in a revolt that has been tearing the country apart ever since.

Steve Cook Writer: Kiev understandably embarrassed by French documentary that lets the cat out of the bag over the Maidan coup.
Failed Obama administration Senior State Department Staff Quits....

Oh Gawd, more Democrat Fake News minutia. These people are Obama lackeys. This stuff goes on with all new incoming Presidents. They were likely gonna be replaced anyway. Just another Democrat Fake News non-story.

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