New study shows income growth slowed under tRump.

Typical democrat.

If you voted for Trump, voted 3rd party or didn't vote you're an idiot. That is if you are a public school teacher who struggles. Or if you are counting on that pension us liberals got you. You're welcome idiot.

Same goes for idiots who work at Ford or GM and voted for Trump. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. But I guess they, and you, don't think your ignorance will cost you. You feel like you are safe. But fuck future teachers and line workers. They shouldn't get the same benefits you got right?
See? Once you guys paraded him around as your token black today he's under the bus with everyone else you've thrown under the bus.

Powell got the memo from the racist Democrat party that he would be targeted for being black and thinking that who he supported was up to him. It wasn't, it was up to the racist Democrat knuckle draggers who he supported. He got the message. Support Democrats are be lynched.

Democrats are the party of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation and the KKK. Today Democrats send the message loud and clear that blacks belong to them. Powell got the message. You're defending the racists
If you voted for Trump, voted 3rd party or didn't vote you're an idiot. That is if you are a public school teacher who struggles. Or if you are counting on that pension us liberals got you. You're welcome idiot.

Same goes for idiots who work at Ford or GM and voted for Trump. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. But I guess they, and you, don't think your ignorance will cost you. You feel like you are safe. But fuck future teachers and line workers. They shouldn't get the same benefits you got right?

The idiots are the ones who voted for Hillary. Wow, they were seriously stupid. The woman is beneath contempt, arrogant and vindictive. And she's controlled by the left.

This time the idiots are voting for Biden. Maybe he'll let you pet his legs

So this is just another thing Trump was wrong about or lied about?

In the Feb. 13 debate in South Carolina, debate moderator John Dickerson asked Trump about an October 2008 interview in which Trump said it would have been a “wonderful thing” if Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi tried to impeach Bush because he lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. Asked if he still believes that Bush should have been impeached, Trump called the Iraq war a “big fat mistake.” Pressed again for an answer, Trump went on to say, “They lied.”

Trump, Feb. 13: You call it whatever you want. I want to tell you. They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction; there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction.
As for his 2008 comments, Trump said of Bush in an interview with CNN, “He lied. He got us into the war with lies.” Wolf Blitzer, host of CNN’s “The Situation Room,” pushed back, saying Bush administration officials argue that the intelligence they received was wrong — not that they lied. “I don’t believe that,” Trump responded.

What about Iraq? They had nothing to do with 9-11

I had watched America and Iraq play chicken with each other though the entire Clinton administrations. I figured war was almost inevitable between us, unless one of us decided to step away from the conflict.

after 9-11 the case for war with Iraq was made and made fairly well and convincingly. THe justifications and the goals were discussed and the nation came together behind it.

I was initially skeptical but the idea of creating a liberal democratic state in the middle of the Middle East as an Ideological Pushback against Radical Islam eventually convinced me.

I was impressed with the resolve America showed. I was sure that leading America into another "Vietnam" would cost GW his reelection, but the Dems, shockingly, took a pro-war stance in the election.

And America stayed the course and gave massive support to the fledgling Democracy of Iraq.

And the Iraqis did a pretty shit job of making it work.

The cost has been far more than we were led to believe, and the results far from what we reasonably hoped.

IMO, It is still too early to tell if it will have any long term positive effect in the region.

So, to be clear, I supported Bush in his polities for political reasons. I did not "love" him.
The idiots are the ones who voted for Hillary. Wow, they were seriously stupid. The woman is beneath contempt, arrogant and vindictive. And she's controlled by the left.

This time the idiots are voting for Biden. Maybe he'll let you pet his legs
Yea you said that about Bill too but he gave us 8 of the best years. And, I got my big raise in 2016 because of 3 years of great sales. Thanks Obama for getting us out of the Bush great recession despite Republicans complaining that your recovery wasn't fast or good enough. They just wanted you to give the rich tax breaks like Trump did in 2018 and what did that give us in 2019? 2.3% growth. Pathetic.

Trump promised much more than that and said Obama was a failure for those such numbers. Don't you remember? Of course you don't. You have TDS.
If you voted for Trump, voted 3rd party or didn't vote you're an idiot. ...
Considering your education, experience, and history of unbelievably stupid comments on all things political (or any other topic) here, your 'opinion' is given its due and duly dismissed, brainless.

Did it hurt when you and Jitler were separated at birth?

Ignorant idiots who cheer for team colors because they are incapable of anything else need never be taken seriously.
Considering your education, experience, and history of unbelievably stupid comments on all things political (or any other topic) here, your 'opinion' is given its due and duly dismissed, brainless.

Did it hurt when you and Jitler were separated at birth?

Ignorant idiots who cheer for team colors because they are incapable of anything else need never be taken seriously.
Whatever. You're a public school teacher. That means you are in the public sector right? You're a government employee. Who pays your salary and who will pay your pension when you retire? Us tax payers. And for what? No one here defends public schools. They/you suck.

You guys loved Powell too. Now let's see you throw him under the bus. You paraded him around as your token black. Him and Condi.

Some else commented, how you are making up stuff about what we believe, and then condemning us based on the stuff you made up.

I never supported Powell. I found him to be too moderate for my tastes. A lot of my friends supported him and I would have supported him, if he ran and won the primary, because, Fucking Bill Fucking Clinton.

When Powell threw US under the bus, we as a group, stopped supporting him. That this seems odd to you, is because you liberals don't mind it, when your leaders throw you under the bus.

I recall when Obama said of Western Pa voters, about them "clinging to their guns and bibles" implying they were racist rednecks and that would be the only explanation of them not supporting him, politically.

And they took that "Being thrown under the bus", and still voted for him.

That is because you do not support them politically, but LOVE THEM, like... I don't know.

But this is one of the differences between us. YOu libs love your leaders. We support them politically.

Stop being confused by this.
If you voted for Trump, voted 3rd party or didn't vote you're an idiot. That is if you are a public school teacher who struggles. Or if you are counting on that pension us liberals got you. You're welcome idiot.

Same goes for idiots who work at Ford or GM and voted for Trump. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. But I guess they, and you, don't think your ignorance will cost you. You feel like you are safe. But fuck future teachers and line workers. They shouldn't get the same benefits you got right?
Who pays for these pensions?
Some else commented, how you are making up stuff about what we believe, and then condemning us based on the stuff you made up.

I never supported Powell. I found him to be too moderate for my tastes. A lot of my friends supported him and I would have supported him, if he ran and won the primary, because, Fucking Bill Fucking Clinton.

When Powell threw US under the bus, we as a group, stopped supporting him. That this seems odd to you, is because you liberals don't mind it, when your leaders throw you under the bus.

I recall when Obama said of Western Pa voters, about them "clinging to their guns and bibles" implying they were racist rednecks and that would be the only explanation of them not supporting him, politically.

And they took that "Being thrown under the bus", and still voted for him.

That is because you do not support them politically, but LOVE THEM, like... I don't know.

But this is one of the differences between us. YOu libs love your leaders. We support them politically.

Stop being confused by this.
First you don't like me putting words in your collective mouths but then you just spoke for them as a group

You can do this but I can't?
That is the extent of your capacity. Everything else is just more of a dimwitted child making noises.
You gonna derail and kill this fun thread too? We were all having fun staying on topic and then you came along.
Some else commented, how you are making up stuff about what we believe, and then condemning us based on the stuff you made up.

I never supported Powell. I found him to be too moderate for my tastes. A lot of my friends supported him and I would have supported him, if he ran and won the primary, because, Fucking Bill Fucking Clinton.

When Powell threw US under the bus, we as a group, stopped supporting him. That this seems odd to you, is because you liberals don't mind it, when your leaders throw you under the bus.

I recall when Obama said of Western Pa voters, about them "clinging to their guns and bibles" implying they were racist rednecks and that would be the only explanation of them not supporting him, politically.

And they took that "Being thrown under the bus", and still voted for him.

That is because you do not support them politically, but LOVE THEM, like... I don't know.

But this is one of the differences between us. YOu libs love your leaders. We support them politically.

Stop being confused by this.
Obama was right about you poor Republicans. You do cling to God and Guns. And racism. This is how Republicans win over poor Americans. It certainly isn't with policies that help you financially. You're all admitting here Bush sucked. So if he sucked, then how else did he get you to love him so much? He was pro gun, anti gay, anti abortion, supposedly was a "good" christian. In fact many of you believed back then that God spoke to Bush. Oh yea, you all loved him until it wasn't politically wise to then you threw him under the bus with Jeb.
Yea you said that about Bill too but he gave us 8 of the best years. And, I got my big raise in 2016 because of 3 years of great sales. Thanks Obama for getting us out of the Bush great recession despite Republicans complaining that your recovery wasn't fast or good enough. They just wanted you to give the rich tax breaks like Trump did in 2018 and what did that give us in 2019? 2.3% growth. Pathetic.

Trump promised much more than that and said Obama was a failure for those such numbers. Don't you remember? Of course you don't. You have TDS.

You're like a religious fanatic bowing at the alter of Democrat Party worship saying I believe, Joe, I believe!

I'm glad you found true life meaning ... in a political party. Talk about a wacko ...
Obama was right about you poor Republicans. You do cling to God and Guns. And racism. This is how Republicans win over poor Americans. It certainly isn't with policies that help you financially. You're all admitting here Bush sucked. So if he sucked, then how else did he get you to love him so much? He was pro gun, anti gay, anti abortion, supposedly was a "good" christian. In fact many of you believed back then that God spoke to Bush. Oh yea, you all loved him until it wasn't politically wise to then you threw him under the bus with Jeb.
The only racism hurting America is democrat policies the overall restrictions of urban areas the destruction of the black family caused by welfare the destruction of education system.. that’s the only racisim Affecting people of color

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