New Trump Indictment Says He Ordered Mar-a-Lago Camera Footage Deleted

Trump being indicted is without precedent because there has never been a corrupt degenrrate craven lowlife dirtbag like him who was elected POTUS before that no good fuck came along.
Trump was the cleanest politician in Washington. That's why Democrats hated him so much.
What are you an IDIOT. The president takes the "football" out of the white house whenever he leaves the white house. And the nuclear codes don't become "no longer classified" when he does that.

You do realize the nuclear codes are changed immediately when administrations change, right Simp?
Take your head out of your ass. Trump is thr most corrupt, deranged asshole who ever set foot in Washington.

Trump's corruption has been well documented over the past 5 years.
So you should be able to provide some form of documentation of it, correct?
What do the indictments prove?
Certainly nothing about Trump being corrupt while in office.

90% of them relate to him being out of office.
What do the indictments prove?
The trial will, as a result of the indictments show that Trump is a criminal dirtbag who deserves to spend the rest of his life in a cell where he can't do any more damage to the citizens of the United States. Period.

Despite Trump shooting off his big mouth accusing DOJ & others of engineering a political hit job on him, these indictments are the result of Trump being a criminal monster. Fuck him, he did this to himself.
The trial will, as a result of the indictments show that Trump is a criminal dirtbag who deserves to spend the rest of his life in a cell where he can't do any more damage to the citizens of the United States. Period.
That's what Biden's trial will show about him. Trump is as clean as a whistle. Ho wcould anyone do more damage than Biden has done in two short years?

Despite Trump shooting off his big mouth accusing DOJ & others of engineering a political hit job on him, these indictments are the result of Trump being a criminal monster. Fuck him, he did this to himself.

No, they are the result of Biden being a criminal monster and using the DOJ to persecute his political opponents. Only a sleazy lying scumbag could possibly defend Biden.
Amazingly she just didn’t tell the IT guy what do do. It just magically happened.
Then you know absolutely nothing about this and should not even be commenting. Yes, that was explained.

Again, no evidence. Gonna whine about it? Seems to me you should whine to the orange pile of shit for being so goddamn stupid.
The raid on Mar-a-lago was in August of 2022, so almost a year ago.
Most security video is set to loop over anything more than 24 hours old, unless deliberately copied off.
Anyone talking about security footage likely does not know what they are talking about.
Then you know absolutely nothing about this and should not even be commenting. Yes, that was explained.

Again, no evidence. Gonna whine about it? Seems to me you should whine to the orange pile of shit for being so goddamn stupid.
You’re neck deep in evidence and about to drown. There is not a single legal charge on Trump right now that Hilda couldn’t also be charged with. The difference being in a fair trial she would be convicted and he would not.
The raid on Mar-a-lago was in August of 2022, so almost a year ago.
Most security video is set to loop over anything more than 24 hours old, unless deliberately copied off.
Anyone talking about security footage likely does not know what they are talking about.
Depends on the server but most security cameras hold 60 days worth. Which is here nor there.

What I find interesting if you remember back during the raid the DOJ/FBI/Democrats wanted the Trump lawyers to turn off the camera system and not record their search. And all of a sudden they are charging him for deleting recordings. If he even did.

So if you record them, they want to charge you. If you delete recordings they want to charge you. How does this work?

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