NEW VIDEO of Atlanta Police Shooting

Can a taser kill someone?

Cops need deescalation training.
That's about the most ignorant thing I've read in a while.
You can't have a conversation with someone who has been drinking
You can't de-escalate the situation with someone whose sensuous have been numb by alcohol
Yes, Tasers can kill if he could have taken the taser from the cop and used it on the cop he could have then taken the cops gun and killed him.
People have been killed by tasers that's why some departments don't authorize the use.
What was he being arrested for?

Even though he wasn't driving. He realized that he had too much to drink and decided to sleep it off in his the car because he realized that he was in no condition to safely operate the vehicle. The police in these corrupt Democrat-controlled cities like Atlanta are specifically trained to target vulnerable intoxicated people because it is easy money for the Legal Industrial Complex.

I'm not sure about Atlanta, but a typical DUI in any big city in America carries a fine of around $1,000 or more, give or take . Plus court costs and lawyer fees, which could add up to another $1,000. And if he is destitute and cannot afford a lawyer, the taxpayers foot the bill. So it's still money going into the non-productive vampiristic leeches on society's pockets.

And it could also involve jail time, which is very expensive.

It's a big scam.

The democrat party has controlled Atlanta since 1879......
And yet the victims still get tricked into voting Democrat.

The perp fought with the police after being arrested, grabbed the cop's Taser, ran away, turned to shoot it at the cop and got shot and killed. That's what happened. What do I hear from his lawyer today? Same old 'cops are racist' bullshit. For God's sake, the stupid fucker resisted arrest then STOLE the officer's Taser, pointed it at the officer and pulled the trigger. The cop was defending himself and shot. The lawyer says cops have to be more 'empathetic' what a bunch horse shit. This is really sickening.
A taser is not a lethal weapon. The response was out of proportion.

The taser can be used to Obtain the officers firearm, so yeah, the response was totally appropriate.
It's a damn rotten shame. This guy was cooperating, everything seemed to be going ok, and when they tried to handcuff him, everything went to shit !
Apparently unbeknownst to him, the cop was interrogating him. And just kept asking questions over and over until he got a technically incriminating confession, giving the cop a legitimate excuse to arrest him.

You have a right to remain silent, so exercise it and just STFU. You will never win an argument against a cop who is interrogating you. It's not an argument in the first place, it's a process.
Someone wake up Martin Looter King.

I think he is in bed with a hangover, but there is more work to be done in Atlanta.

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New video shows he shot the tazer at the officer. If it was the same officer he stole it from, the officer only had his gun then. It appears justified to me. Unless you think that was appropriate...
If an African commits crime and flees, it's over. Cops are obligated to let him go.

That's the plan, and as long as they stay out of the middle class and rich neighborhoods, the police and pols aren't going to prosecute them.
The GBI (not the Atlanta PD) said that the arrestee resisted arrest (which was in the BCV) and took the taser from the cop. The GBI is relying on WITNESS accounts for that according to CNN. A video (not shown on this thread) confirms that he pointed the taser at the cops. Sorry but you don't get to do that. The police had every right to respond as they did.

The policeman who shot Mr. Brooks was terminated and another was put on administrative leave. I think the terminated cop has a great case for wrongful termination just from the outside looking in. I'm not sure what the APD policies indicate or if any of them were violated but Mr. Brooks took the officer's weapon and pointed it at him. If that isn't grounds for a use of deadly force...there are NO valid grounds for the use of deadly force.

Wow....that was actually a rational look at the situation...are you feeling well?
You should try some rationality some times. Or do you still think there are millions of defensive gun uses every year?
guns, guns, guns, guns....
let me tell you guys about other countries I lived in with hardly any guns....people get arrested try and escape no one gets shot...cops don't fear for their life getting also shot at. I know is hard to believe but there is a world out there with no guns, where people live free and less paranoid.

Its not hard to believe at all. Clearly the rest of the world is doing something right and we are doing something wrong.

That being said, as of 6/13/2020, the ROE is that if an arrested person takes a police officer's weapon and points it at her or him, they have every right to open fire. He did and he's dead. Sorry that he was shot but he had it coming. This is not the Floyd case...this is a totally different circumstance.
It was a taser, is non deadly. They are 2 against one they could've attested him worst case scenario call for more backup and dont kill the guy for a pitty violation.
guns, guns, guns, guns....
let me tell you guys about other countries I lived in with hardly any guns....people get arrested try and escape no one gets shot...cops don't fear for their life getting also shot at. I know is hard to believe but there is a world out there with no guns, where people live free and less paranoid.

Its not hard to believe at all. Clearly the rest of the world is doing something right and we are doing something wrong.

That being said, as of 6/13/2020, the ROE is that if an arrested person takes a police officer's weapon and points it at her or him, they have every right to open fire. He did and he's dead. Sorry that he was shot but he had it coming. This is not the Floyd case...this is a totally different circumstance.
It was a taser, is non deadly. They are 2 against one they could've attested him worst case scenario call for more backup and dont kill the guy for a pitty violation.

True or false, a taser can incapacitate you. True or false, if you're incapacitated, can you defend yourself?
Drunk guy stole the taser and aimed it at the cop.
Well, they could have just parked the drunk guy's car and gave him a ride home. It didn't have to escalate into a deadly tragedy.
So he leaves home with his spare keys, gets into his car drives away a kills a family in a head on collision. Officer is to blame for that.BTW he got what he deserved. He earned that bullet.
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guns, guns, guns, guns....
let me tell you guys about other countries I lived in with hardly any guns....people get arrested try and escape no one gets shot...cops don't fear for their life getting also shot at. I know is hard to believe but there is a world out there with no guns, where people live free and less paranoid.

Its not hard to believe at all. Clearly the rest of the world is doing something right and we are doing something wrong.

That being said, as of 6/13/2020, the ROE is that if an arrested person takes a police officer's weapon and points it at her or him, they have every right to open fire. He did and he's dead. Sorry that he was shot but he had it coming. This is not the Floyd case...this is a totally different circumstance.
It was a taser, is non deadly. They are 2 against one they could've attested him worst case scenario call for more backup and dont kill the guy for a pitty violation.
And what if the drunk uses the taser on someone else? Cops did the right thing from a human point of view. But we’re talking about democrat marxists. Nothing human there. Primate intellect.
The police in Atlanta were in no danger. The state is run by republicans.
It would be possible to make a reasoned comment here, but such are not welcome and only result in attacks.

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