NEW VIDEO of Atlanta Police Shooting

Democrat wastelands keep rolling on.
And this is also based on ZERO EVIDENCE since the Georgia Bureau of Investigations has not even issued their report yet.

I cannot blame cops for quitting their jobs and starting over.
Democrat wastelands keep rolling on.
And this is also based on ZERO EVIDENCE since the Georgia Bureau of Investigations has not even issued their report yet.

I cannot blame cops for quitting their jobs and starting over.
Totally ridiculous. Police chief fired by the mayor based on what grounds?
IM2, the drunk savage pointed a taser in the cop's face after the drunk savage attempted to knock out the cop a few seconds earlier. Any rational law enforcement would have used whatever force necessary to defend oneself against the drunk savage.
Here's a question.
Is there ever a time when a cop comes across someone who fails a sobriety test, but who at the time was not driving, and the cops do not make an arrest ? Or are they required to arrest anyone who fails the test ?
They didn’t “just come across” this guy by happen stance. They were called to the scene. So he’d still be hit with drunken disorderly, even without the car being in the equation.

I know the police were called, but is there ever a time in a situation like this, where since the guy wasn't actually pulled over in the process of driving intoxicated, a cop has the discretion to take the guys keys, and drive the person home and end it there ?
That used to be SOP. But now it's big business.

Via the fines, court costs, confiscation of the vehicle, towing and storage fees for the vehicle, fees charged for being housed in jail, the cost of building the jail, the fees for the probation officer, the costs of all the employees at the rehab clinic cetera...

...and in this particular case more costs because the family of the deceased will undoubtedly sue the city of Atlanta, settle for an undisclosed amount of money and the lawyers on both sides will split 90% of the booty.

It's a big scam.
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Wanted to make a new thread because the original one was so big with a lot of debate so I thought it may get lost. Here is the have to fast forward to around 28:30.

With this new video... this is a clear warranted shooting. The left and BLM will make asses of themselves rioting and burning down cities for this guy. A man who was driving drunk, fought officers, stole their taser, and then pointed it at them. It looks like a pathetic suicide by cop attempt.

Or maybe they wont make assess of themselves? The police chief already resigned...the officer in question fired. I guess any use of force now by police against a person of color, no matter how warranted, is wrong? Will this man's family get millions of dollars?

I ask someone who thinks it was excessive a simple question...what would you do? Let the man taser you? Have a taser fight? What if you get tasered and he steals your gun? Do you risk aiming specifically for a kneecap or non lethal area? Wasting a precious second as you are getting tasered?

Refused to comply to officers instructions. Became violent. Got his ass shot. Law enforcement clearly in the right.
Here's a question.
Is there ever a time when a cop comes across someone who fails a sobriety test, but who at the time was not driving, and the cops do not make an arrest ? Or are they required to arrest anyone who fails the test ?

I would say it depends on how intoxicated is the suspect. If they're right at or below the .08 unless there has been another infraction, they let them go on their way. If they've created a disturbance at a bar or restaurant, they're arrested. If they're really drunk and don't appear to be able to take care of themselves, they are a danger to themselves or others, they have to be taken off the street. If they're not guilty of anything else, they're usually taken to the hospital or detox center.
It was a taser, is non deadly. They are 2 against one they could've attested him worst case scenario call for more backup and dont kill the guy for a pitty violation.

The suspect was complying peacefully until he realized he was being cuffed. Then he shöved the cop and tried to run. That's felony fleeing and felony assaulting a police officer.

Personally, I'll wait until all the facts come out.
IM2, the drunk savage pointed a taser in the cop's face after the drunk savage attempted to knock out the cop a few seconds earlier. Any rational law enforcement would have used whatever force necessary to defend oneself against the drunk savage.
Common rabble burn the burger joint. What a bunch of pond scum.
I'm not sure what the APD policies indicate or if any of them were violated but Mr. Brooks took the officer's weapon and pointed it at him. If that isn't grounds for a use of deadly force...there are NO valid grounds for the use of deadly force.
How about all the police who pointed weapons at protesters? Would the protesters have been justified in using deadly force?
I thought you wanted weapons out of the hands of criminals?
I'm not sure what the APD policies indicate or if any of them were violated but Mr. Brooks took the officer's weapon and pointed it at him. If that isn't grounds for a use of deadly force...there are NO valid grounds for the use of deadly force.
How about all the police who pointed weapons at protesters? Would the protesters have been justified in using deadly force?
I thought you wanted weapons out of the hands of criminals?
Oh. Were all the protesters police pointed weapons at criminals?
If the guy was sleeping it off, why did they have to push it?
Because he could change his mind about driving after the cops left

I you think the man had a legal case against drunk driving why did he resist arrest?
guns, guns, guns, guns....
let me tell you guys about other countries I lived in with hardly any guns....people get arrested try and escape no one gets shot...cops don't fear for their life getting also shot at. I know is hard to believe but there is a world out there with no guns, where people live free and less paranoid.
Then go live there.
Democrat wastelands keep rolling on.
Did police put a taser in his hand?
The moment when he took the taser isn't shown on video.

The dashcam video shows him yanking it away from the officer while scuffling with him on the ground, not only that it showed him running past with it in his right hand. More video shows Brooks turning around and pulling the taser and FIRING it at the police officer.

Cops acted properly. That officer should be reinstated.
1. This was called in by someone. Possibly Wendy's......unknown.
2. From what I remember if you are drunk with the keys in the car they can charge you with DUI.
3. The police were asking the same questions to see if he changed his answers and to get him to admit he was driving under the influence. With the body cam they had that evidence.
4. He resisted arrest and took the police's taser..........which was a DARWIN award for him.

The police were taken by surprise because he seemed to be complying when he fought them they weren't quite ready for it................Once you have the arm behind the back you can make someone do any dang thing you want with training.............The police screwed that up..........but are not guilty of excessive force when the guy went for their weapons.

They forgot their training.........they lost their weapon........aka taser with someone who should have been restrained with the arm.

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