New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

He HAD been in trouble with the law.

The school gave his bag with his burglary tool and women's jewelry that he refused to identify (he was *holding* it for an *unnamed* friend) to the cops, but since the items hadn't been reported stolen, they didn't have anything.

If that happened to my kid, I would count that as "trouble" with the law.

It's a bit different both qualitatively and quantitatively from someone who plead to battery on a police officer, and was ordered by the court to anger management.

Ask 100, 1,000, 10,000 police officers the last time they were assaulted by someone smoking weed. Ask the same cohort the last time they were assaulted by someone drinking.
He HAD been in trouble with the law.

The school gave his bag with his burglary tool and women's jewelry that he refused to identify (he was *holding* it for an *unnamed* friend) to the cops, but since the items hadn't been reported stolen, they didn't have anything.

If that happened to my kid, I would count that as "trouble" with the law.

It's a bit different both qualitatively and quantitatively from someone who plead to battery on a police officer, and was ordered by the court to anger management.

Ask 100, 1,000, 10,000 police officers the last time they were assaulted by someone smoking weed. Ask the same cohort the last time they were assaulted by someone drinking.

I was.
For the people who like to take whatever they're fed by the press and run with it:

NBC disclosed today that it will be launching an internal investigation into a segment about the Trayvon Martin case that appeared on the Today show, in which a call between George Zimmerman and a 911 dispatcher prior to Martin's death was edited in such a way that it portrays Zimmerman as a racial profiler. The editorial decision under review involves the removal of the dispatcher's inquiry about the race of the person Zimmerman was following — Martin. Absent that question, Zimmerman's comments get strung together as if he said, in sequence, "This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black."

The Washington Post provides the full transcript of that part of the call:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.
Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks black. "

NBC to Internally Investigate Misleading Segment on Zimmerman 911 Call -- Daily Intel
Enhanced video footage of George Zimmerman being taken into custody shows the neighborhood watch captain with what could be an injury to the back of his head. The police surveillance video, clarified by Forensic Protection, Inc., clearly shows a gash on the back of his head, which may back his claim that he was attacked by Martin.

Trayvon Martin Case: Video Shows Injury on George Zimmerman's Head - ABC News
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Going to the 7-11 isn't traveling around. I can't say that he's a bad father, I don't know the man. My only concern is that he's saying he didn't call the police until the next morning (he'd said in prior interviews he did so to report him missing).
Everything I've seen shows he trusted and loved his son dearly and knew him to be basically a good kid. There were a few school issues where he showed he was no angel, and a whole lot like a lot of teenagers out there who try pot and start to feel their 'adulting' 17 years - that is, starting to grow into a man.

My son tried pot at that time, and he had a few school issues, minor, but all in all, not much to worry about. Today I am waiting to go to his graduation from college in a few weeks (YAY!!) where he is graduating Magna Cum Laude, (Yay again!) and he's on his way to his next step to where he plans to eventually get his PhD. And he's an INCREDIBLE son - in all ways.

His mother states Trayvon had never been in a fight (well, once as a pre-schooler with his brother lol) - but absolutely no real fights he'd ever been in say his classmates as well that he was one not ever prone to fighting, or ever had any violent tendencies (we can't say the same for Zimmerman.)

Tray had never been in trouble with the law, and from his father, they had an excellent relationship. I think when Tracy and his fiance came home at 10:30 and they saw he was not home, it was just as they thought had happened:

Back at the Retreat at Twin Lakes, Tracy Martin and Brandy Green returned to her town house around 10:30 p.m. to find her son, but not his. Trayvon had gone to the store, Chad explained.

The adults did not panic. Trayvon was 17, after all. Maybe he had gone to visit a cousin in nearby Oviedo, or maybe he had met a girl along the way, and was chatting her up. Mr. Martin called Trayvon’s cellphone, but it went straight to voice mail. Then he called the cousin, who did not answer, but he expected the young man to call back. They went to sleep.

Early next morning, no sign of Trayvon, still. Mr. Martin called his son’s cellphone, which again went to voice mail. He then repeatedly called the cousin until he answered, only to share the distressing news that he had not seen Trayvon.

Now it was Mr. Martin calling 911. He reported that his son was missing, and then described what his son was wearing. Soon he was outside, meeting a couple of responding police officers. One of them took out a photograph of a body from a folder.
“Next thing I heard was a scream,” Ms. Green said. “I never want to see anybody in that kind of pain again.”

He was 17, knew he was a good kid, and didn't freak out. Figured he'd be home soon, and went to bed.

A good kid, who got suspended from school 3 times in the same year????
This is the *new* "good", Againsheila.

The left is working on re-defining every single word in the dictionary that has anything to do with morality or family values.
Until we get witnesses UNDER OATH before the grand jury none of this matters.
Zimmerman is presumed INNOCENT as of now.
No matter what the race pimps say.
Damn, troubling that these race whores know nothing about the Constitution and the law this nation was founded on.
You always can spot a liberal.
First they change the subject.
Next they ignore facts and then they start calling names.
"White Hispanic" and "racist" and "police are corrupt"
Until we get witnesses UNDER OATH before the grand jury none of this matters.
Zimmerman is presumed INNOCENT as of now.
No matter what the race pimps say.
Damn, troubling that these race whores know nothing about the Constitution and the law this nation was founded on.

My assertiveness over runs my intent.
In my assertiveness to prove that the courts don't not have a case of guilt against Zimmerman when my intent is to let the criminal justice system work out stuff that we have no knowledge of.
Initial voice print analysis that was done by the FBI say that it was Trayvon Martin screaming during the 911 call.

really? I didn't read that. Damning for Zimmerman if it's true.

Actually, I caught a snippet of it from cable news. Expect it to be all over the evening news shows and all over the place tomorrow.

Yeah.........his story is kinda falling apart, eh?
Initial voice print analysis that was done by the FBI say that it was Trayvon Martin screaming during the 911 call.

really? I didn't read that. Damning for Zimmerman if it's true.

I think his source came from NBC, You know about NBC DON'T YOU?
As a matter of fact I think he's talking about those two experts who only used Zimmerman's voice to do the test.
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Initial voice print analysis that was done by the FBI say that it was Trayvon Martin screaming during the 911 call.

really? I didn't read that. Damning for Zimmerman if it's true.

Actually, I caught a snippet of it from cable news. Expect it to be all over the evening news shows and all over the place tomorrow.

Yeah.........his story is kinda falling apart, eh?

No, not exactly. A snippet and no link isn't exactly *falling apart*...
Initial voice print analysis that was done by the FBI say that it was Trayvon Martin screaming during the 911 call.


He's talking about those two "EXPERTS"

The fact is the voice print software only works on one word if that same "HELP" word is yelled by Zimmerman as a control. In order for it to compare different words it must measure timing between words, rate, rhythm, cadence, disfluency, pronunciation, dialect, inflection, pitch, etc. Those two crackpots they showed on CNN are misrepresenting the technology.
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He's talking about those two "EXPERTS"

The fact is the voice print software only works on one word if that same "HELP" word is yelled by Zimmerman as a control. In order for it to compare different words it must measure timing between words, rate, rhythm, cadence, disfluency, pronunciation, dialect, inflection, pitch, etc. Those two crackpots they showed on CNN are misrepresenting the technology.

We have two Witnesses, and one of the two the guy on top he was calling 911 we have a signed sworn statement
I will remind everybody about filing a false police report

Consequences and Penalties for Filing a False Police Report

Minor infractions, like lying about a misdemeanor offense, usually results in a similar misdemeanor charge. Lying about felony offenses can result in felony level charges. Misdemeanor punishment can result in a sentence ranging from probation to a year or two in county jail. Felony punishment can also result in probation, but a much higher prison sentence, from two to ten years. Even though many people charged with the filing of a false report get probation, they sometimes forget to review the other collateral consequences.

Filing a False Police Report: Penalties and Consequences

So does anyone think this person lied? or could the experts which have not completed a police statement lied?

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