New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

He didn't have a contract I don't think. They took him on pro bono, they said he didn't owe them anything.
Just to make a point about your sig. Calling uncensored a nazi is being a racist dipshit.

At least try for context when quoting me.....racist

Look Pussball, I realize that you were born with a birth defect, severe retardation. But do you snort drano as well? Seriously, any brain cells you may have once had appear to be utterly destroyed.

You make TM look rational and intelligent, by contrast.
Ok so it looks like a deputy sheriff is just an employee of the sheriff's office, I only registered them being called sheriff deputies but oh well.

A deputy sheriff is a sworn law enforcement officer, They aren't just an employee of the Sheriff department they have arrest power like any law enforcement officer does. The correct term is deputy sheriff. As in Deputy sheriff Smith or Jones.
Ravi the Raving Lunatic's good buds. Democrats just being Democrats...

[ame=]Mob beats robs strips a Tourist on St Patricks Day, Baltimore - YouTube[/ame]
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Just to make a point about your sig. Calling uncensored a nazi is being a racist dipshit.

At least try for context when quoting me.....racist

Look Pussball, I realize that you were born with a birth defect, severe retardation. But do you snort drano as well? Seriously, any brain cells you may have once had appear to be utterly destroyed.

You make TM look rational and intelligent, by contrast.

He says he is PlasmaBall but he posts like he has snorted an 8 ball.
You mean Eric Holder's Justice Department?:lol::lol:

Or lack of a Justice Department. The guy that gave out 2000 assault rifles to drug cartels.
As hard as you try Joe you just can never gain any ground. You have no competitive drive for seeking the truth.

You've been harping on Fast and Furious for a year now, and only the Tin-Foil Hat crowd cares.

Incidently, I think your Boy Zimmerman's going to eat his gun long before this ever gets to trial, judging by his current behavior. Arresting him might be the best thing for him right now, if they can find him.
You mean Eric Holder's Justice Department?:lol::lol:

Or lack of a Justice Department. The guy that gave out 2000 assault rifles to drug cartels.
As hard as you try Joe you just can never gain any ground. You have no competitive drive for seeking the truth.

You've been harping on Fast and Furious for a year now, and only the Tin-Foil Hat crowd cares.

Incidently, I think your Boy Zimmerman's going to eat his gun long before this ever gets to trial, judging by his current behavior. Arresting him might be the best thing for him right now, if they can find him.

So turd and that's right I said turd, you think....oh never mind you can't think you only react to what your democrat party handlers to you to react too.

Anyway you see nothing wrong with obama's justice department allowing firearms to leave the U/S/ to help get support for stiffer gun law? Of course you would never see nothing wrong with what obama does.
You mean Eric Holder's Justice Department?:lol::lol:

Or lack of a Justice Department. The guy that gave out 2000 assault rifles to drug cartels.
As hard as you try Joe you just can never gain any ground. You have no competitive drive for seeking the truth.

You've been harping on Fast and Furious for a year now, and only the Tin-Foil Hat crowd cares.

Incidently, I think your Boy Zimmerman's going to eat his gun long before this ever gets to trial, judging by his current behavior. Arresting him might be the best thing for him right now, if they can find him.

So turd and that's right I said turd, you think....oh never mind you can't think you only react to what your democrat party handlers to you to react too.

Anyway you see nothing wrong with obama's justice department allowing firearms to leave the U/S/ to help get support for stiffer gun law? Of course you would never see nothing wrong with what obama does.

Didn't vote for Obama in 2008 and wasn't going to vote for him until you jokers nominated the Weird Mormon Robot.

But I make a statement of fact. The issue has gotten NO traction. Because as sad as the death of that agent was, most sensible people realized the cartels would have gotten weapons from somewhere.

Incidently, I oppose stiffer gun laws for the same reason I oppose stiffer abortion laws. They won't work.
You mean Eric Holder's Justice Department?:lol::lol:

Or lack of a Justice Department. The guy that gave out 2000 assault rifles to drug cartels.
As hard as you try Joe you just can never gain any ground. You have no competitive drive for seeking the truth.

You've been harping on Fast and Furious for a year now, and only the Tin-Foil Hat crowd cares.

Incidently, I think your Boy Zimmerman's going to eat his gun long before this ever gets to trial, judging by his current behavior. Arresting him might be the best thing for him right now, if they can find him.

How does that Tin-Foil hat look and feel on your head Joe?
You care an awful lot. You reply to my posts all the time.
What color is your hat?

You speak out of both sides of your mouth Joe.
First you condone the beating the gay kid got at his church where this poor kid had the shit beat out of him by his own family. Kid didn't even fight back but that is okay with Joe.
Yet this looks like self defense but since someone was shot Joe backs the guy witnesses claim started. Without any of us hearing the entire story.
You are consistent Joe. Wrong once again.
How does that Tin-Foil hat look and feel on your head Joe?
You care an awful lot. You reply to my posts all the time.
What color is your hat?

You speak out of both sides of your mouth Joe.
First you condone the beating the gay kid got at his church where this poor kid had the shit beat out of him by his own family. Kid didn't even fight back but that is okay with Joe.
Yet this looks like self defense but since someone was shot Joe backs the guy witnesses claim started. Without any of us hearing the entire story.
You are consistent Joe. Wrong once again.

I reply to your posts because sometimes you say something that's interesting, and other times you say stuff that is utterly retarded. Sadly, this post falls in the latter category.

Okay, let's look at that case. This gay dude and his partner were told by the pastor of this church (who happened to also be his father), they were not welcome there. Period. As in "Do not trespass on our property." He went their looking for a fight and he found one. I just can't work up sympathy there. I'm an atheist, but I don't go into churches uninvited and on the occassions I am invited and don't decline (which I usually do), I realize that I'm a guest, and conduct myself according. (ANd I usually dress nicer than the people who believe the stuff.)

Trayvon, on the other hand, was doing nothing more than going to the store for snacks. I mean, I know you've tried to make him menacing because he had gold teeth or something. But really, he did nothing that merited being stalked and gunned down in cold blood by a guy who is clearly mentally unstable. (Seriously, today's behavior by Zimmerman kind of confirmed he never should have been outside without adult supervision, much less given a gun and allowed to play Batman in his neighborhood.)

So, yes, when I make a judgement, I evaluate the sitution.

Trying to provoke an incident- No Sympathy.
Minding your own buisness and murdered- Lots of sympathy.
You've been harping on Fast and Furious for a year now, and only the Tin-Foil Hat crowd cares.

Incidently, I think your Boy Zimmerman's going to eat his gun long before this ever gets to trial, judging by his current behavior. Arresting him might be the best thing for him right now, if they can find him.

So turd and that's right I said turd, you think....oh never mind you can't think you only react to what your democrat party handlers to you to react too.

Anyway you see nothing wrong with obama's justice department allowing firearms to leave the U/S/ to help get support for stiffer gun law? Of course you would never see nothing wrong with what obama does.

Didn't vote for Obama in 2008 and wasn't going to vote for him until you jokers nominated the Weird Mormon Robot.

But I make a statement of fact. The issue has gotten NO traction. Because as sad as the death of that agent was, most sensible people realized the cartels would have gotten weapons from somewhere.

Incidently, I oppose stiffer gun laws for the same reason I oppose stiffer abortion laws. They won't work.

But I make a statement of fact. The issue has gotten NO traction
When you start using the facts we will talk.

Because as sad as the death of that agent was, most sensible people realized the cartels would have gotten weapons from somewhere.
They didn't just get the weapons from just somewhere they got them from obama's justice department.
But I make a statement of fact. The issue has gotten NO traction
When you start using the facts we will talk.

Because as sad as the death of that agent was, most sensible people realized the cartels would have gotten weapons from somewhere.
They didn't just get the weapons from just somewhere they got them from obama's justice department.

NO, technically, htey got them from gun dealers. The gun dealers got them from the DOJ.

The same gun dealers who are selling a lot of weapons to shady people and just don't care.

It wasn't like they walked up to Eric Holder's office and said, "Give me a clip."

Hey, also, I've noticed that the ZImmerman Apologists have gotten really quiet after about 4 PM this afternoon... I wonder why that is.
See you're still out of touch with reality. :lol:

I pity the fool.

Seriously, though, it sounds like Zimmerman has gone rogue. Website asking for money? Calling Hannity? Not talking to his lawyers?

I wonder exactly how many guns he owns.

The number of guns he does or doesnt own is irrelevant. I own quite a few guns and have yet to use them on another American.
Yeah, but he has.
See you're still out of touch with reality. :lol:

I pity the fool.

Seriously, though, it sounds like Zimmerman has gone rogue. Website asking for money? Calling Hannity? Not talking to his lawyers?

I wonder exactly how many guns he owns.

You would go rogue to it half the country was after you & you had a bounty on your head after it was pounded into the ground. Broken nose, depressed from the shooting, lost job, home, school, family, friends, & what used to be your entire life. The demons are swimming in his head for sure.
A good reason to put him in protective custody if true.
You are about as dumb as a box of rocks.

So, found that source yet where John says Martin body-slammed Zimmerman then smashed his nose with a can of tea?

Witness statement. That is why he was not arrested.
That is why they went with The Stand My Ground law.

I am still waiting FOR SOME EVIDENCE, somewhere, anywhere, anyplace that shows Zimmerman is guilty.

Where is it?

There is no witness statement out there that says what you claim.

Again, why do you keep lying about this?
The news conference by those 2 attorneys was as unprofessional and unethical as it gets. When an attorney decides not to represent a client as they indicated, even though the family has talked with numerous other attorneys, all the attorneys are supposed to say is they are no longer representing so and so.
As I stated earlier it was a publicity press conference for the attorneys, not professional in any way.
I saw Alan Dershowitz and 2 other attorneys on just a few minutes and they said the exact same thing.

They called the most bizarre train wreck of a news conference they have ever seen.
Now there are questions about his involvement with the web site as it appears family members are behind that.

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