New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Sorry bout that,

1. Here is the deal, and I will explain it to you, . . . . . r e a l . . . . s l o w. . . . . . . . . .
2. The cops already know what happened, they more than likely have the surveillance video of that sub-division, that shows the whole thing, and for that one major reason, have not gone after the Mexican Jew White Man.

When are you going to show us your witness that claimed he saw Zimmerman attacked, smacked with an ice tea fan, and saw his head beaten on the sidewalk?

Oh, right, never, because you're a lying piece of shit.


Sorry you do not have the smarts to go find it. If you can not find the incident report in this then you have NO business debating.
Or lack of debating.
Feel real bad that your side lied to you, conned to you, showed you a pic of an 11 year old boy as their "victim" and never told you the witnesses CORROBORATED Zimmerman's claims.
With my 30+ years of experience I could make a good case of manslaughter on Zimmerman STILL.
But you have no clue about any of that and the rules of evidence.
Let us know if anyone has spotted Paris and who her new boyfriend is. K?

Can anyone, anyone at all, show where this asshole has backed up his claim that a witness said he/she saw Zimmerman attacked with an iced tea can by Martin and then saw Zimmerman have his head beaten against the sidewalk by Martin?


Nobody but you gives a shit, Rav.
But I make a statement of fact. The issue has gotten NO traction
When you start using the facts we will talk.

Because as sad as the death of that agent was, most sensible people realized the cartels would have gotten weapons from somewhere.
They didn't just get the weapons from just somewhere they got them from obama's justice department.

NO, technically, htey got them from gun dealers. The gun dealers got them from the DOJ.

The same gun dealers who are selling a lot of weapons to shady people and just don't care.

It wasn't like they walked up to Eric Holder's office and said, "Give me a clip."

Hey, also, I've noticed that the ZImmerman Apologists have gotten really quiet after about 4 PM this afternoon... I wonder why that is.

Technically, if frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their ass.

I've noticed that the ZImmerman Apologists have gotten really quiet after about 4 PM this afternoon
What else is there to talk about? The facts have been discussed, and the lynch mob keeps pushing their opinion as fact.
Here's a question you of the lynch mob are quite on
What law did Zimmerman violate?
When are you going to answer that question?
The news conference by those 2 attorneys was as unprofessional and unethical as it gets. When an attorney decides not to represent a client as they indicated, even though the family has talked with numerous other attorneys, all the attorneys are supposed to say is they are no longer representing so and so.
As I stated earlier it was a publicity press conference for the attorneys, not professional in any way.
I saw Alan Dershowitz and 2 other attorneys on just a few minutes and they said the exact same thing.

They called the most bizarre train wreck of a news conference they have ever seen.
Now there are questions about his involvement with the web site as it appears family members are behind that.

I guess they were getting their 15 minutes of fame also.
There is no witness that has come forth and stated what you claimed has been stated.

Again, why do you continue to lie about this?

There are 3 witnesses that gave written statements.
They are on the incident report. That is public record and I posted it here.
If you are too stupid to have seen it tough shit.
Do you even know what an incident report is?
All three gave written statements and recorded statements to the police.
What about those FACTS, UNDISPUTED FACTS do you not understand?
Are you on medication or something?
Damn, you are stupid.

You said one of the witnesses saw Zimmerman being attacked by Martin, hit with an iced tea can and had his head pounded against the sidewalk.

Not a single post or source that you've posted says anything of the sort.

Time to retire, old man, you're getting demented. Either that or your hatred has blinded you.

John saw it or do you remain blind to the facts of John's eyewitness statement?
So you get proven wrong so you move the goal posts for the what 3rd time now?

Oh i think he said coon, Its florida its not cold:
Average Weather For Sanford, Florida, United States For February 26 - WeatherSpark

The temperature typically varies from 56°F to 72°F and is rarely below 45°F or above 82°F.

the dew point ranges from 51°F to 53°F with an average of 52°F.

So go trace it if you like, because i wont back down from my claim. Oh BTW you've been on this thread all day, you've had the time sally.

When are you going to prov e me wrong there chief? I'll wait.

with what?? I have a few times in this thread already. Its not exactly difficult.

When are you going to prove me wrong mister spike the football before the game even starts?
Post a few things that you think you have proven me wrong.
Prosecutor is going to release information either today or tomorrow.

Saw the Martin family again last night. I am very impressed with them. Poor souls have been lied to and I believe have run off the con men like Sharpton. They deserve answers. Was also impressed with the woman attorney that is representing them. She is very good.
There are 3 witnesses that gave written statements.
They are on the incident report. That is public record and I posted it here.
If you are too stupid to have seen it tough shit.
Do you even know what an incident report is?
All three gave written statements and recorded statements to the police.
What about those FACTS, UNDISPUTED FACTS do you not understand?
Are you on medication or something?
Damn, you are stupid.

You said one of the witnesses saw Zimmerman being attacked by Martin, hit with an iced tea can and had his head pounded against the sidewalk.

Not a single post or source that you've posted says anything of the sort.

Time to retire, old man, you're getting demented. Either that or your hatred has blinded you.

John saw it or do you remain blind to the facts of John's eyewitness statement?

Ah, so maybe you can show us his statement that backs up gawdawg?
Prosecutor is going to release information either today or tomorrow.

Saw the Martin family again last night. I am very impressed with them. Poor souls have been lied to and I believe have run off the con men like Sharpton. They deserve answers. Was also impressed with the woman attorney that is representing them. She is very good.
You're no different than Sharpton. Maybe even worse.
What he told police THAT DAY is only what matters. That is the BEST evidence as to his version.
What media supposedly says he said after that means nothing. In fact your link states he has not talked publicly.

Exactly! The interrigation at the station imediatly after & Zimmermans retracing his steps & reinacting his actions ASAP the next day are all on video & audio. Zimmerman is not changing his story. He can't change it. If the prosecutor had a case, he would be in jail.

New York Times: The day after the shooting, George Zimmerman, according to his father, returned with at least three police officers to the Retreat at Twin Lakes, back to that grassy area where plaintive cries for help had gone unanswered. The investigators, accompanied by someone with a video camera, wanted him to re-enact the events of the night when the two strangers had stood their ground.

Mr. Zimmerman’s father watched from nearby. “They started where his vehicle was,” he recalled. “They walked him down the sidewalk and to the end of the sidewalk, to the street where he got an address and then walked him back towards his vehicle, near where the incident occurred.”
How does that Tin-Foil hat look and feel on your head Joe?
You care an awful lot. You reply to my posts all the time.
What color is your hat?

You speak out of both sides of your mouth Joe.
First you condone the beating the gay kid got at his church where this poor kid had the shit beat out of him by his own family. Kid didn't even fight back but that is okay with Joe.
Yet this looks like self defense but since someone was shot Joe backs the guy witnesses claim started. Without any of us hearing the entire story.
You are consistent Joe. Wrong once again.

I reply to your posts because sometimes you say something that's interesting, and other times you say stuff that is utterly retarded. Sadly, this post falls in the latter category.

Okay, let's look at that case. This gay dude and his partner were told by the pastor of this church (who happened to also be his father), they were not welcome there. Period. As in "Do not trespass on our property." He went their looking for a fight and he found one. I just can't work up sympathy there. I'm an atheist, but I don't go into churches uninvited and on the occassions I am invited and don't decline (which I usually do), I realize that I'm a guest, and conduct myself according. (ANd I usually dress nicer than the people who believe the stuff.)

Trayvon, on the other hand, was doing nothing more than going to the store for snacks. I mean, I know you've tried to make him menacing because he had gold teeth or something. But really, he did nothing that merited being stalked and gunned down in cold blood by a guy who is clearly mentally unstable. (Seriously, today's behavior by Zimmerman kind of confirmed he never should have been outside without adult supervision, much less given a gun and allowed to play Batman in his neighborhood.)

So, yes, when I make a judgement, I evaluate the sitution.

Trying to provoke an incident- No Sympathy.
Minding your own buisness and murdered- Lots of sympathy.

You do not understand the law on murder Joe much less the system of American law.
This case was NEVER murder to begin with. We have witnesses stating Martin WAS ON TOP OF Zimmerman.
Tell us your theory of murder Joe.
This ought to be rich.
Try again and next time know some law before you jump in.

Yawn, providing ZImmerman doesn't do the world a favor and eat his gun in the next week, you really think that he isn't going to be tried and convicted?

Hey, maybe you can sign up to be his lawyer. I hear the job is open... :lol:
Prosecutor is going to release information either today or tomorrow.

Saw the Martin family again last night. I am very impressed with them. Poor souls have been lied to and I believe have run off the con men like Sharpton. They deserve answers. Was also impressed with the woman attorney that is representing them. She is very good.
You're no different than Sharpton. Maybe even worse.

You've been harping on Fast and Furious for a year now, and only the Tin-Foil Hat crowd cares.

Incidently, I think your Boy Zimmerman's going to eat his gun long before this ever gets to trial, judging by his current behavior. Arresting him might be the best thing for him right now, if they can find him.

Selling guns to violent drug cartels is cool by you, Obama Akbar.

Honestly, if Obama cut off the head of someone on national TV, you'd praise him for it, wouldn't you?
When you start using the facts we will talk.

They didn't just get the weapons from just somewhere they got them from obama's justice department.

NO, technically, htey got them from gun dealers. The gun dealers got them from the DOJ.

The same gun dealers who are selling a lot of weapons to shady people and just don't care.

It wasn't like they walked up to Eric Holder's office and said, "Give me a clip."

Hey, also, I've noticed that the ZImmerman Apologists have gotten really quiet after about 4 PM this afternoon... I wonder why that is.

What law did Zimmerman violate?

When there is a dead body, let's at least let a Court of Law decide that.
Not if there's no evidence that a crime has been committed.

You're smarter than this.
He is the known shooter in the death of the young man. A court should decide whether this is manslaughter or a self-defense/stand your ground justifiable homicide.
My guess at this point is because of what the media has done, the DA is making sure it has a conviction before taking this to trial. An acquital would likely result in rioting because of the media hype.
The DA is always supposed to be sure they have enough for a conviction before going to trial. They don't just drag people into court for fun. And they aren't supposed to try people, regardless of whether or not they believer there has been a crime committed, based on pressure from the public and the press.

I don't know when people got the impression that it's okay to drag people into court based on nothing but the demands of people with an axe to grind.

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