New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

From the phone calls, it appears Zimmerman was following the victim, and the victim was trying to get away. It has turned into "Martin attacked Zimmerman".............................the police described the killer's injuries as "not serious":

Very convenient..............................

What time in which phone call ?

When he was confronted by someone he thought was there to do him harm, he lashed out in defense of his life. Zimmerman who initiated this confrontation cannot use self defense when he was getting his butt kick by a kid drew his gun and shot this kid he was stalking and confronted. Zimmerman was the perpetrator of his incident, not Trayvon who was minding his business on his way home and did not owe Zimmerman who did not identify himself as a Neighborhood Watchman, an explanation why he was where he was.

Zimmerman referring to Trayvon as a “fucking coon” clearly make this a hate crime and murder and not self defense.

You cannot pick a fight with some one, kill them and call it self defense when you are getting your butt kicked.

Only fat Mexicans with guns are allowed to stand there ground.

From the phone calls, it appears Zimmerman was following the victim, and the victim was trying to get away. It has turned into "Martin attacked Zimmerman".............................the police described the killer's injuries as "not serious":

Police said Zimmerman wasn't badly injured and didn’t seek treatment until the next day.

U.S. News - Police report details alleged attack on Zimmerman

Very convenient..............................

Meanwhile, the Smoking Gun, a website that tracks criminal cases and document filings, reported Monday afternoon that Martin's mother, Sabrina Fulton, filed two applications last week for trademarks on her late son's name.

Guess it really is all about the money.
Well, then the scan changed the eye and eyebrow shape. And, of course, that explains the different pixelation on the border of his face in the top photo.

Depending on the type of scanner, the image can easily be distorted. A $100,000 drum scanner, that no one uses any more, would have scanned the newsprint halftone very accurately, but a cheap flatbed scanner like everyone uses today is notorious for distorting the image. For those of us experienced in the printing industry, the bottom photo is a very obvious rescan of a newsprint halftone. One of the most obvious reasons is the loss of detail. In order to get rid of the dot pattern of the halftone you must blur the image, which also causes loss of detail in addition to the loss of detail from the 65 or 85 line screen used in newsprint. Photos look sharp in a magazine because they use coated stock which has relatively little dot gain rather than newsprint which has a 30% dot gain, and mags use 133 or 150 line screens and art mags use 175 or 200 line screens.
Well, that makes sense. Sort of.

I'm wondering why a newspaper - The Miami Herald - which obviously has each story combined electronically for printing to newsprint, would then scan that newsprint for a photo - a photo for which they already had an electronic copy, and post that on their site. Why not just use the electronic copy of the photo they submitted to print, on their site?
They probably didn't have an original, so they scanned a print from another newspaper. But clearly the bottom is a rescan from a newspaper.
Should Zimmerman be punished even if he is not guilty of murder? That's what this is coming down to. Should there be a trial in which is is able to produce evidence in his defense?

Suppose the evidence shows he's not guilty or it was justified?

No. Nobody should.

I personally believe he is responsible for the death of an innocent minor.

I also believe there's not enough evidence to prove the beyond a shadow of a doubt. Therefore I believe he should not face punishment.

Somethings I believe God will have the final say on.
Should Zimmerman be punished even if he is not guilty of murder? That's what this is coming down to. Should there be a trial in which is is able to produce evidence in his defense?

Suppose the evidence shows he's not guilty or it was justified?

No. Nobody should.

I personally believe he is responsible for the death of an innocent minor.

I also believe there's not enough evidence to prove the beyond a shadow of a doubt. Therefore I believe he should not face punishment.

Somethings I believe God will have the final say on.

Always, but a Grand Jury investigation is still REQUIRED, even at this late date.
Yeah, what's up with that? The New Black Panthers offering a $10,000 reward for Zimmerman? Is that even legal?

It's murder for hire.

I wonder if Eric Holder is planning to get the reward for himself?

Eric Holder should go after the Black Panthers who put out a hit on Zimmerman. If he does not, that is where the true injustice will be in this situation. We could have a full blown race war erupt due to the incompetent Obama administration.


I absolutely LOVE when people purposely go find pictures of the most ignorant African American they can find and then try to assert that they are representative of the black race.

Look the guy in the pic will have a race war with this guy:

And then the rest of us, you know the blacks, whites, latinos, and asians who have jobs, pay taxes, and mind our own business will move on as the lowest of the low of our various ethnic groups kill themselves off.

Truth be told the only place race wars are even conceivable in this nation are on internet message boards. That doesn't stop the conspiracy theorists from continuing with their race baiting bullcrap though...
Yeah, what's up with that? The New Black Panthers offering a $10,000 reward for Zimmerman? Is that even legal?

It's murder for hire.

I wonder if Eric Holder is planning to get the reward for himself?

I hope and I pray that no one will try to take the law into their own hands and do any harm to Zimmerman.

The law should be enforced by people trained and equipped to enforce it properly. Not by the masses. I think this case itself is a clear example of why.
Someone screams help many times even after 911 was called & many residence were watching the events play out. George Zimmerman said "fucking punks" NOT "fucking coons". Let the police do their jobs.

[ame=""]Zimmerman Martin 911 Tape Screaming "Help"[/ame]

[ame=""]George Zimmerman 911 call[/ame]
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Zimmerman is older and stronger and had a weight advantage and a gun...
At some point if he was really getting the crap beat out of him just showing the gun
would have stopped the kid...

I still don't see the reason why he had to shoot the kid...

How can one instigate a fight but getting his butt kicked pull out and gun and kill the person and claim self defense?

Bush lied and millions of Muslims died.
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Zimmerman is older and stronger and had a weight advantage and a gun...
At some point if he was really getting the crap beat out of him just showing the gun
would have stopped the kid...

I still don't see the reason why he had to shoot the kid...

How can one instigate a fight but getting his butt kicked pull out and gun and kill the person and claim self defense?

One can't shoot someone for kicking their ass in a hand to hand fight. The shooter has to reasonably believe that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm.
Zimmerman is older and stronger and had a weight advantage and a gun...
At some point if he was really getting the crap beat out of him just showing the gun
would have stopped the kid...

I still don't see the reason why he had to shoot the kid...

How can one instigate a fight but getting his butt kicked pull out and gun and kill the person and claim self defense?

One can't shoot someone for kicking their ass in a hand to hand fight. The shooter has to reasonably believe that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm.

If your head is being slammed against the sidewalk, I would think you would reasonably believe you could die.
If Obama doesn't believe this tragedy is a race thing, why doesn't he condemn the Black Panthers with their bounty on Zimmerman. Why doesn't the president tell the American people it's time to tone the rhetoric down and let the LE do their investigation on this matter.
Obama does not have clean hands in this issue.
If Obama doesn't believe this tragedy is a race thing, why doesn't he condemn the Black Panthers with their bounty on Zimmerman. Why doesn't the president tell the American people it's time to tone the rhetoric down and let the LE do their investigation on this matter.
Obama does not have clean hands in this issue.

No he sure doesn't.
If Obama doesn't believe this tragedy is a race thing, why doesn't he condemn the Black Panthers with their bounty on Zimmerman. Why doesn't the president tell the American people it's time to tone the rhetoric down and let the LE do their investigation on this matter.
Obama does not have clean hands in this issue.

Because he wants the State / GJ to turn him loose

So his Justice Department can save the day and achieve racial justice Federally... oh long about late summerish.

He knew the drill before he opined on his paternal kinship.
How can one instigate a fight but getting his butt kicked pull out and gun and kill the person and claim self defense?

One can't shoot someone for kicking their ass in a hand to hand fight. The shooter has to reasonably believe that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm.

If your head is being slammed against the sidewalk, I would think you would reasonably believe you could die.

After listening to the 911 tapes & eye witness's I believe it was a justifiable shooting. Zimmerman was on his back screaming help so loud it could clearly be heard over the phone inside a home at least 20 times while being beaten by Martin. Martin continued to beat a man that was clearly subdued begging for help.
If Obama doesn't believe this tragedy is a race thing, why doesn't he condemn the Black Panthers with their bounty on Zimmerman. Why doesn't the president tell the American people it's time to tone the rhetoric down and let the LE do their investigation on this matter.
Obama does not have clean hands in this issue.
Maybe because he's not in this country at this time, but is halfway around the globe in So Korea.
If Obama doesn't believe this tragedy is a race thing, why doesn't he condemn the Black Panthers with their bounty on Zimmerman. Why doesn't the president tell the American people it's time to tone the rhetoric down and let the LE do their investigation on this matter.
Obama does not have clean hands in this issue.
Maybe because he's not in this country at this time, but is halfway around the globe in So Korea.

Yeah....wireless communication sucks in this day and age. :cuckoo:
There isn't anything that's going on in this country that he isn't aware of, Ed. NOTHING
If Obama doesn't believe this tragedy is a race thing, why doesn't he condemn the Black Panthers with their bounty on Zimmerman. Why doesn't the president tell the American people it's time to tone the rhetoric down and let the LE do their investigation on this matter.
Obama does not have clean hands in this issue.
Maybe because he's not in this country at this time, but is halfway around the globe in So Korea.

Yeah there is no communications on AF1 or in SKo.

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