New York: Black Muslim Woman Takes Oath As Judge, Swears on Holy Quran

This COUNTRY WAS CREATED BY CHRISTIANS.... get used to that after 200+++ years, you assholes STILL don't understand that!

Big deal. I have a table created by New Order Amish craftsmen.That doesn't mean I can't set my beer on it.
It is really going to hurt for me to say this but there is no constitutional requirement to place one's hand on any book when swearing an oath! I've done several searches and it is but a matter of long-standing custom.

The crux is simply one promising to follow a given set of rules - in this case, using the laws of the land in making judicial decisions.

I am willing to bet that, if she begins to decide cases based upon Sharia or Hadiths, they will be overturned and she could face being removed from the bench.

Maybe its the fact that the US was a predominately Christian nation back in the day it seems only logical that a person would place their hand on the bible. Suppose that was back when people had some sort of fear. Guess it does seem like a quaint notion today.
It is really going to hurt for me to say this but there is no constitutional requirement to place one's hand on any book when swearing an oath! I've done several searches and it is but a matter of long-standing custom.

The crux is simply one promising to follow a given set of rules - in this case, using the laws of the land in making judicial decisions.

I am willing to bet that, if she begins to decide cases based upon Sharia or Hadiths, they will be overturned and she could face being removed from the bench.

Maybe its the fact that the US was a predominately Christian nation back in the day it seems only logical that a person would place their hand on the bible. Suppose that was back when people had some sort of fear. Guess it does seem like a quaint notion today.

I swore the oath to defend and protect the US Constitution at least a dozen times. All I and millions of other military personnel and government employees/officials were asked to do was hold up our right hands and repeat the oath.

Do you know why the right hand is raised? Or why handshakes are done with it?
It is really going to hurt for me to say this but there is no constitutional requirement to place one's hand on any book when swearing an oath! I've done several searches and it is but a matter of long-standing custom.

The crux is simply one promising to follow a given set of rules - in this case, using the laws of the land in making judicial decisions.

I am willing to bet that, if she begins to decide cases based upon Sharia or Hadiths, they will be overturned and she could face being removed from the bench.

Maybe its the fact that the US was a predominately Christian nation back in the day it seems only logical that a person would place their hand on the bible. Suppose that was back when people had some sort of fear. Guess it does seem like a quaint notion today.

I swore the oath to defend and protect the US Constitution at least a dozen times. All I and millions of other military personnel and government employees/officials were asked to do was hold up our right hands and repeat the oath.

Do you know why the right hand is raised? Or why handshakes are done with it?

No, off hand i don't remember unless I was to look it up. Is that related to placing the right hand on the bible?
It must be as well
It's against Christianity, to Swear on God's Word/name/Heaven/swear on the Bible.... Christians know so little about the Bible and God, it seems..... and I guess I can be included in that too, because it wasn't until about 3 months ago, that I learned this myself....


33“Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not break your oath, but fulfill to the Lord the vows you have made.’ 34But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; 35or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. 36And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. 37All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.g

so as a Christian, if I have to give an oath, I am to give it on my word alone, by simply a 'yes', and not by God/the Bible/Heaven or Earth.
Good for her :)
For practicing her faith by following a CHRISTIAN tradition?

For swearing on something that is meaningful to HER. Why do you folks have such a problem with that?
I have a problem with her implementing Sh'ria law in the courtroom. There's a reason swearing on a Bible has been done for centuries, because our legal system is based on Judeo Christian values. When she sentences Mooslim men to probation for honor killing their daughters, it will become more clear to you.

Or maybe not.

She is not implementing Sharia law - that's just stupid.

Why would you force a person to swear on a religious text that has no meaning to them?

Why do you assume she will not be capable of doing her job simply because she is Muslim?

Should we be concerned that a Catholic judge put send clerical pedophiles on probation rather than jail because he's Catholic?
1. Stupid is letting Mooslims into office

2. Please see number 1.

3. She is Mooslim

4. No because sexual child abuse isn't part of Catholic culture. Jihad and Sh'ria are intrinsic to Islam. No comparison.
"New York: Black Muslim Woman Takes Oath As Judge, Swears on Holy Quran"


Let us guess: those in public service should only confirm their oath of office with a 'bible,' including those not Christian.

The bigotry and idiocy of this is remarkable.

Just as idiotic as the notion that there's something 'wrong' with being Muslim.

Nothing wrong with believing women should be slaves with no rights, covered head to toe. Nothing wrong with outlawing being gay?

Judge Islam by middle eastern countries with vast majority Muslim populations, not by the ones pretending to be civilized in a Western country.

You have no idea what that judge believes. You have no justification for your attack.
We do however know what you believe so labeling you as a moron is easy.
She believes Allah is God and Muhammed is his prophet. That says it all.
This COUNTRY WAS CREATED BY CHRISTIANS.... get used to that after 200+++ years, you assholes STILL don't understand that!

Sorry, you do not get to decided what Holy Books elected officials swear on. You'll get over it.
And you do?

Nope. The person whom is being elected can decide that for themselves.
So.... The Cat In The Hat by Dr. Suess?

Sure. Why not?
This COUNTRY WAS CREATED BY CHRISTIANS.... get used to that after 200+++ years, you assholes STILL don't understand that!

The government and it's judicial system are secular. That's why we don't stone people for adultry, or if a bride is virgin on her wedding night, or worshipping other gods, or disobeying parents.

You just don't get it.

What's laughable is why would you ask someone to make an oath - a binding agreement based on the meaning of the object the person is using to seal the oath - on something that has no meaning to that person? In effect you are rendering the oath meaningless.

Making an oath on a Bible is not a Christian concept - it's a Western concept.
So when homosexuals start getting unusually harsh sentences, will you Leftists risk offending the sand monkey judge by calling her a bigot?

Eventually you people are going to have to face the odd predicament you create by your sycophantic devotion to both gays and Muslims. Which side shall you take? Me personally I have no problem with gays. They are mellow people who don't chant "Death to America" on cable news or commit terrorist attacks in my country.
This COUNTRY WAS CREATED BY CHRISTIANS.... get used to that after 200+++ years, you assholes STILL don't understand that!
the founding fathers were deists and didn't set this country up to be a christer theocracy

“The Government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.”
~1797 Treaty of Tripoli signed by Founding Father John Adams

35 Founding Father Quotes Conservative Christians Will Hate






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This COUNTRY WAS CREATED BY CHRISTIANS.... get used to that after 200+++ years, you assholes STILL don't understand that!

The government and it's judicial system are secular. That's why we don't stone people for adultry, or if a bride is virgin on her wedding night, or worshipping other gods, or disobeying parents.

You just don't get it.

What's laughable is why would you ask someone to make an oath - a binding agreement based on the meaning of the object the person is using to seal the oath - on something that has no meaning to that person? In effect you are rendering the oath meaningless.

Making an oath on a Bible is not a Christian concept - it's a Western concept.
And there is no requirement to swear on oath an any "holy" book
Seems ALL muslim's that swear an oath on the Koran are doing so UNCONSTITUTIONALLY, as the Koran, and Sharia is definitely against many things in our Constitution! ^ | Dec. 12, 2015 | Karla Dieseldorff
New York--New York Judge Carolyn Walker-Diallo, a Black Muslim woman took oath as a civil court judge in New York on Thursday, while swearing to abide by the U.S. Constitution placing her hand on the Holy Quran. In the United States and the majority of Western countries, politicians and members of the courts are sworn in to their positions while placing their hand on the Holy Bible when they take their oath. However, Judge Walker took her oath respecting the sacred book of her Islamic faith, the Holy Quran, while also wearing a hijab. A video posted on Facebook...

Seriously? :rofl: You're not very bright, are you BIrther?

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