New York prosecutors can get Trump tax returns, court rules

You sure are stupid. His businesses paid taxes in NY.

You know the Trump Tower?? How many of his headquarters buildings are in NY??

Jesus your a dummy.

Then tell the Orange Clown to show us his taxes. He said he would four years ago "after the audit was finished" - So what's he hiding? The fact that you don't understand why he's fighting this tooth and nail makes YOU the dummy ... Dummy. :)

I wouldn't show you my tax returns so why should he show the world.

You sure are a dummy.
Trump is a moron, even though he outsmarted Hillary and the Hussein and the DNC More like, he outdumbed them. Trump appealed to the worst in people and to the worst people. Like you!
Yea, us taxpaying veterans with skills and high paying jobs that don’t want all of our jobs outsourced to China. How “dumb” of us.
Sorry dude, you aren't fooling anyone.

All the fat idiot can do now is try to stretch this out past the election.

Why WADA you going to do try to impeach him during an election year?
Why? Because his tax returns being public are going to harm him, politically. What a stupid question. Try to keep up with the thread.

LMFAO, you just made me blow coffee through my nose..

Nothing can harm trump..
You sure are stupid. His businesses paid taxes in NY.

You know the Trump Tower?? How many of his headquarters buildings are in NY??

Jesus your a dummy.

Then tell the Orange Clown to show us his taxes. He said he would four years ago "after the audit was finished" - So what's he hiding? The fact that you don't understand why he's fighting this tooth and nail makes YOU the dummy ... Dummy. :)

The lesbo already did..

download (14).jpeg
Trump is a moron, even though he outsmarted Hillary and the Hussein and the DNC More like, he outdumbed them. Trump appealed to the worst in people and to the worst people. Like you!
Yea, us taxpaying veterans with skills and high paying jobs that don’t want all of our jobs outsourced to China. How “dumb” of us.
Sorry dude, you aren't fooling anyone.

All the fat idiot can do now is try to stretch this out past the election.

You’re the one trying to fool people, not me.

The Democrat base is the one that is “dumbed down”. Do you know what the education rates are for their huge black and Latino voter base is? Probably not, nor have you ever stopped to wonder why the MSM always wants to narrow it down to “educated whites”. Why not talk about blacks and Latinos?

Well for a start this thread isn't about "blacks", "Latinos", the "Democrat base" or "education rates", whatever that means. It's about Rump being ordered to release his taxes.
Uh oh.....looks like the secret won't be secret much longer..If the SCOTUS agrees with the lower court...

New York prosecutors can get Trump tax returns, court rules

"President Donald Trump's longtime accounting firm must hand over eight years of his tax returns to New York prosecutors, a U.S. appeals court ruled Monday in the latest setback for Trump in his tenacious efforts to keep his finances secret.
The ruling by the New York-based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals backed the ability of prosecutors to enforce a subpoena for the returns against accounting firm Mazars LLP. With the Republican president set to appeal, the ruling sets the stage for an expected showdown at the U.S. Supreme Court, whose 5-4 conservative majority includes two justices appointed by Trump."

So what? There will be retaliation with other people's tax returns being shown. I hope they do it, but I don't think Trump loses this. After all, we'll get to hear the libs squeal like stuck pigs when Soros' tax return is shown along with other billionaire liberal financiers. People presumedly have the right to know what these backers of the D's have, and maybe see conflicts of interest and hypocrisy.
Uh oh.....looks like the secret won't be secret much longer..If the SCOTUS agrees with the lower court...

New York prosecutors can get Trump tax returns, court rules

"President Donald Trump's longtime accounting firm must hand over eight years of his tax returns to New York prosecutors, a U.S. appeals court ruled Monday in the latest setback for Trump in his tenacious efforts to keep his finances secret.
The ruling by the New York-based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals backed the ability of prosecutors to enforce a subpoena for the returns against accounting firm Mazars LLP. With the Republican president set to appeal, the ruling sets the stage for an expected showdown at the U.S. Supreme Court, whose 5-4 conservative majority includes two justices appointed by Trump."
Not surprisingly you failed to read the link you posted which clearly states President Trump is set to appeal and it will go to the SCOTUS. Case closed try again.
Are you so stupid that you did not read the last paragraph of the OP? Damn..truly some idiots here!
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I think this is a partisan ruse, and I resent them taking up court's time rusing more and more and more and more.

They're drilling where there ain't no oil. Idiots, all.

Then why would Rump be so frantically trying to hide them for so long?

Why indeed.
I realize you may have never had false accusations thrown your way for four years by people who claim you are a 12-eyed monster of the apocalypse, so why would you empathize with an innocent man you dislike who is actually innocent?

Actually Becki --- I AM a 12-eyed monster of the apocalypse. :D We get no respect. But damn, we see everything.

I didn't post anything about "innocence" or "guilt". I posted about hiding things and the motivation therefor.
Yes, and I can appreciate your POV. It's just that I own a business, and I know the heart of an owner is to do all he or she can do to let the community know the reverence we have for their well-being comes when all our fiscal apples are in a row. We also do charitable things in the community, so that the truly best people who do likewise know we have the better interests of everyone concerned.

You're not a 12-eyed monster by a long shot. You're a pearl in an oyster shell that is attached to a world of mud, and somewhere in your background, you knew better people who encouraged you to do good things with your life associated with the good people the Democrat Party used to be. I'm not happy to see the deterioration that would bring good people into expecting their associates are as good as the ones we grew up with. Our decline is due to a sellout inflicted by untrustworthy people moving in on trustworthy ones. Our Constitution protects if not solicits the pursuit of pleasure. It does not protect our soldiers from the bullets of people who disagree with our being there to prevent further genocide of one culture or another. We depend on Congress to do that. This Congress is not paying attention to anything but getting rid of their primary candidate's worst nightmare--a good and honest man whose pursuits of happiness are not in accordance with your average worker due to the circumstance of wealth and some people's belief that all wealth is wrong. No doubt, wealth does not a poor man free, but it has placed a person interested in restoring the national debt into power, and at some point, we need a Congress to grow up to the reality that freedom wasn't won to make Congresscritters as wealthy as investors, and we have some small flaws in ourselves if we think all is perfect. It isn't, but I can tell you the Democrats are barking up the wrong tree with this endless mining of nuggets where there aren't any. That's just my POV about this harassment engaged in and bringing out the worst in the Democrat Party that is trying to completely eradicate this nation of wealth. The end of that road makes us vulnerable to the same thing that's going on in the Middle East--endless wars that have gone on for not just centuries, but millenia. This President wants us to avoid useless wars, and he pursues that end. He also wants people to enjoy prosperity, and he pursues that end also. While the Democrat Party knocks itself out to try to take away from the people of the United States a President they are happy about his refurbishing the job market for great jobs, the Democrat Party wears blinders and keeps on pushing ends of communistic government that has historically ended in a huge bloodbath and a lot of ill will against the working man from the oligarchs who run communistic governments. I just don't like seeing our founder's America trashed. And I don't like it a lot.

I'm not a "Democrat" Becki. Never have been. And there's no such thing as the "Democrat Party" anyway.

Far as I can see this thread is about a court saying Rump has to release his tax returns. Nothing to do with "Democrats".
I'm sorry for including you in with the Democrats who are quite active in pushing through the release of his tax returns for their perusal to clip phrases out, rearranging them into false narratives with the little fibbie "we found this in the findings," and run yet another scam of lies against the President.

For some reason, you are tolerant of this continual false narrative that changes details as the older details are trashed by the truth. The truth is, the Democrats are not playing nice, and they're running scam after scam that shows disrespect to the taxpayers who are footing the bill for these endless attempts to get President Trump on some obscure detail.

I worked for very reputable Certified Public Accountants. I saw the best of the best CPA's yell a crook from the back of the building to out of the front door once. Good CPA's are occasionally targets of scam artists who want to cover their tracks with changed information, and they know exactly how to discourage them from destroying their own reputations by telling them what is on their mind in no uncertain terms about dishonesty of even the smallest details.

President Trump survived New York standards for many, many years. Some fools are bound to live in a city that has more than 7 million people living within its limits. For some reason, they infiltrated the Democrat Party of New York in concert with retributive groups like Antifa. President Trump last week saw the wisdom of freeing his family from that worry by moving his residence out of state. I think the people behind this were likely some of the same crooked lawyers who got pitched out of the CIA and FBI, and or their friends.

You mark my words, President Trump didn't do anything wrong on his taxes, just the same as he didn't collude with the Russians.

Why the Democrats are making taxpayers pay the-sky's-the-limit fees for badmouthing the President so that they can win power from the people does not please me. I am being taxed to the nines with local politicians who cannot keep their hands off the power money gives them when they spend it unwisely and cause even widows on Social Security to pay pie-in-the-sky taxes. On the federal level, it is untenable to have a loser Party take revenge on the winner Party by targeting its leader. And I'm going to sound off about it when people take the part of the situation that I know to be deleterious to American taxpayers who should not be paying when a loser party tries to make itself popular at the expense of damaging somebody else's reputation with False Witness, which is one of the ten Commandments for undesirable things for human beings to do to others. And I will fight for keeping False Witness out of the arena in America, whoever is doing it, and even when a friend seems to go along with the narrative and believe some of the lies that are being spread like peanut butter from the home of a Hillary Clinton, who has too long borne false witness against good people, from the time she justified stealing people's life savings for their retirement by investing in a Whitewater investment that was selected to line dishonest people's pockets from the get go as a favor to a poltician who didn't mind taking from poor widows if they got a nickel or two out of it and used a legal maneuver to get out of doing the right thing, case being the "I forget" ruse that a sayer can claim is true when it likely is just that--a ruse to get out of doing the right thing for a person they destroy who is unimportant to them and their quest for unlimited power over other human beings.
I think this is a partisan ruse, and I resent them taking up court's time rusing more and more and more and more.

They're drilling where there ain't no oil. Idiots, all.

Then why would Rump be so frantically trying to hide them for so long?

Why indeed.
I realize you may have never had false accusations thrown your way for four years by people who claim you are a 12-eyed monster of the apocalypse, so why would you empathize with an innocent man you dislike who is actually innocent?
Have you? And how do we know they are false claims when fat donnie acts like he's hiding something?
You sure are stupid. His businesses paid taxes in NY.

You know the Trump Tower?? How many of his headquarters buildings are in NY??

Jesus your a dummy.

Then tell the Orange Clown to show us his taxes. He said he would four years ago "after the audit was finished" - So what's he hiding? The fact that you don't understand why he's fighting this tooth and nail makes YOU the dummy ... Dummy. :)

How about this, fuckstick: Why don't you post an image of your tax returns on here for us to see? Not just last year's, but all of the last eight year's worth. I'm sure you have enough brain cells to know how to operate a scanner, a digital camera, or an image-editing program, don't you

I don't like you one bit. I think you're guilty of something and I'd love nothing better than to see you behind bars. So post them, faggot.
I think this is a partisan ruse, and I resent them taking up court's time rusing more and more and more and more.

They're drilling where there ain't no oil. Idiots, all.

Then why would Rump be so frantically trying to hide them for so long?

Why indeed.
I realize you may have never had false accusations thrown your way for four years by people who claim you are a 12-eyed monster of the apocalypse, so why would you empathize with an innocent man you dislike who is actually innocent?
Have you? And how do we know they are false claims when fat donnie acts like he's hiding something?

I don't like you either, and I'm pretty sure that you're hiding something too. So let's see your last 8 years worth of tax returns too. Post them right here or I will automatically assume that you're guilty.
Trump is a moron, even though he outsmarted Hillary and the Hussein and the DNC More like, he outdumbed them. Trump appealed to the worst in people and to the worst people. Like you!
Yea, us taxpaying veterans with skills and high paying jobs that don’t want all of our jobs outsourced to China. How “dumb” of us.
Sorry dude, you aren't fooling anyone.

All the fat idiot can do now is try to stretch this out past the election.

You’re the one trying to fool people, not me.

The Democrat base is the one that is “dumbed down”. Do you know what the education rates are for their huge black and Latino voter base is? Probably not, nor have you ever stopped to wonder why the MSM always wants to narrow it down to “educated whites”. Why not talk about blacks and Latinos?
And the trumpkin tantrums begin...

If these threads about reality send you into a tailspin, maybe you should stay in your fetal position inside the bubble and not subject yourself to this.

Projecting again, eh?

Once again it’s you who can’t address reality, as proven with the above post.
Trump is a moron, even though he outsmarted Hillary and the Hussein and the DNC More like, he outdumbed them. Trump appealed to the worst in people and to the worst people. Like you!
Yea, us taxpaying veterans with skills and high paying jobs that don’t want all of our jobs outsourced to China. How “dumb” of us.
Sorry dude, you aren't fooling anyone.

All the fat idiot can do now is try to stretch this out past the election.

You’re the one trying to fool people, not me.

The Democrat base is the one that is “dumbed down”. Do you know what the education rates are for their huge black and Latino voter base is? Probably not, nor have you ever stopped to wonder why the MSM always wants to narrow it down to “educated whites”. Why not talk about blacks and Latinos?

Well for a start this thread isn't about "blacks", "Latinos", the "Democrat base" or "education rates", whatever that means. It's about Rump being ordered to release his taxes.

And read the fucking constitution..

The courts are not over the executive Branch for a reason
Trump is a moron, even though he outsmarted Hillary and the Hussein and the DNC More like, he outdumbed them. Trump appealed to the worst in people and to the worst people. Like you!
Yea, us taxpaying veterans with skills and high paying jobs that don’t want all of our jobs outsourced to China. How “dumb” of us.
Sorry dude, you aren't fooling anyone.

All the fat idiot can do now is try to stretch this out past the election.

You’re the one trying to fool people, not me.

The Democrat base is the one that is “dumbed down”. Do you know what the education rates are for their huge black and Latino voter base is? Probably not, nor have you ever stopped to wonder why the MSM always wants to narrow it down to “educated whites”. Why not talk about blacks and Latinos?

Well for a start this thread isn't about "blacks", "Latinos", the "Democrat base" or "education rates", whatever that means. It's about Rump being ordered to release his taxes.

I never claimed that was what this thread was about. But I understand I made a fellow Marxist of yours look like a dunce, so you have to try to deflect and change the subject.
The thread also isn’t about “Rump”, whatever that is. I assume you must be mentally retarded and stuck at a seven year old’s mental capacity.
I think this is a partisan ruse, and I resent them taking up court's time rusing more and more and more and more.

They're drilling where there ain't no oil. Idiots, all.

Then why would Rump be so frantically trying to hide them for so long?

Why indeed.
I realize you may have never had false accusations thrown your way for four years by people who claim you are a 12-eyed monster of the apocalypse, so why would you empathize with an innocent man you dislike who is actually innocent?
Have you? And how do we know they are false claims when fat donnie acts like he's hiding something?

If President Trump's tax returns were leaked, not one in 10,000 people would be able to make heads or tails of it. The form is as thick as a phone book and only truly understandable by certified tax experts like those hired by him or who work for the IRS- and have already seen them.

The Dems hope to leak the returns and then demagogue them. People who don't know shit about tax forms will be opining about them.

Its better for the D's to talk about Trump's 1040, instead of Trump's policy in regards to black unemployment rates, the stock market and other real issues More like, he outdumbed them. Trump appealed to the worst in people and to the worst people. Like you!
Yea, us taxpaying veterans with skills and high paying jobs that don’t want all of our jobs outsourced to China. How “dumb” of us.
Sorry dude, you aren't fooling anyone.

All the fat idiot can do now is try to stretch this out past the election.

You’re the one trying to fool people, not me.

The Democrat base is the one that is “dumbed down”. Do you know what the education rates are for their huge black and Latino voter base is? Probably not, nor have you ever stopped to wonder why the MSM always wants to narrow it down to “educated whites”. Why not talk about blacks and Latinos?

Well for a start this thread isn't about "blacks", "Latinos", the "Democrat base" or "education rates", whatever that means. It's about Rump being ordered to release his taxes.

And read the fucking constitution..

The courts are not over the executive Branch for a reason

I think it’s safe to assume that foreign Marxist skanks aren’t really into reading our Constitution. More like, he outdumbed them. Trump appealed to the worst in people and to the worst people. Like you!
Yea, us taxpaying veterans with skills and high paying jobs that don’t want all of our jobs outsourced to China. How “dumb” of us.
Sorry dude, you aren't fooling anyone.

All the fat idiot can do now is try to stretch this out past the election.

You’re the one trying to fool people, not me.

The Democrat base is the one that is “dumbed down”. Do you know what the education rates are for their huge black and Latino voter base is? Probably not, nor have you ever stopped to wonder why the MSM always wants to narrow it down to “educated whites”. Why not talk about blacks and Latinos?

Well for a start this thread isn't about "blacks", "Latinos", the "Democrat base" or "education rates", whatever that means. It's about Rump being ordered to release his taxes.

And read the fucking constitution..

The courts are not over the executive Branch for a reason

Might wanna try that again in English. More like, he outdumbed them. Trump appealed to the worst in people and to the worst people. Like you!
Yea, us taxpaying veterans with skills and high paying jobs that don’t want all of our jobs outsourced to China. How “dumb” of us.
Sorry dude, you aren't fooling anyone.

All the fat idiot can do now is try to stretch this out past the election.

You’re the one trying to fool people, not me.

The Democrat base is the one that is “dumbed down”. Do you know what the education rates are for their huge black and Latino voter base is? Probably not, nor have you ever stopped to wonder why the MSM always wants to narrow it down to “educated whites”. Why not talk about blacks and Latinos?

Well for a start this thread isn't about "blacks", "Latinos", the "Democrat base" or "education rates", whatever that means. It's about Rump being ordered to release his taxes.

I never claimed that was what this thread was about. But I understand I made a fellow Marxist of yours look like a dunce, so you have to try to deflect and change the subject.
The thread also isn’t about “Rump”, whatever that is. I assume you must be mentally retarded and stuck at a seven year old’s mental capacity.

Actually no that's your avatar. Who knows why but there it is, innit.

You didn't claim what the thread is about --- I did. And I noted that you seem desperate to talk about something else. Just an observation.
Yea, us taxpaying veterans with skills and high paying jobs that don’t want all of our jobs outsourced to China. How “dumb” of us.
Sorry dude, you aren't fooling anyone.

All the fat idiot can do now is try to stretch this out past the election.

You’re the one trying to fool people, not me.

The Democrat base is the one that is “dumbed down”. Do you know what the education rates are for their huge black and Latino voter base is? Probably not, nor have you ever stopped to wonder why the MSM always wants to narrow it down to “educated whites”. Why not talk about blacks and Latinos?

Well for a start this thread isn't about "blacks", "Latinos", the "Democrat base" or "education rates", whatever that means. It's about Rump being ordered to release his taxes.

And read the fucking constitution..

The courts are not over the executive Branch for a reason

Might wanna try that again in English.

Oh I forgot pigo you ride the short bus to skool..

Trump Taxes: Appeals Court Rules President Must Turn Over 8 Years of Tax Returns
A three-judge appeals panel said the president’s accounting firm had to comply with a subpoena.

A federal appeals court on Monday ruled that President Trump can't block the Manhattan District Attorney's Office from subpoenaing his accounting firm for tax returns and financial records, delivering a blow to the president's claim that he is immune to criminal investigations.

A three-judge panel on the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals said on Monday that "presidential immunity does not bar the enforcement of a state grand jury subpoena directing a third party to produce non-privileged material, even when the subject matter under investigation pertains to the President."

But the court noted they were not ruling on all of the sweeping assertions of immunity that the president's lawyers have claimed. All three of the judges were appointed by Democratic presidents

Trump Taxes: Appeals Court Rules President Must Turn Over 8 Years of Tax Returns

:21: Lost twice now. What will the Great Douche do? Why so afraid to let anyone see it?
I'll give the Fraudster a bone here. Let a 3rd party CPA panel review it.
But this POS needs to get what IT earns, jail time.

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