New York prosecutors can get Trump tax returns, court rules

and now they get to do it to you too stupid mother fkr.
I don't cheat on my taxes. And you know in your guts, the Douche would.
Don't be mad at better peoples, for your Orange lord.

The Douche is a fraud scammer, its the type that would.

Seem like it stole from its foundation, as it's closed.
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I think this is a partisan ruse, and I resent them taking up court's time rusing more and more and more and more.

They're drilling where there ain't no oil. Idiots, all.

Then why would Rump be so frantically trying to hide them for so long?

Why indeed.
I realize you may have never had false accusations thrown your way for four years by people who claim you are a 12-eyed monster of the apocalypse, so why would you empathize with an innocent man you dislike who is actually innocent?
Have you? And how do we know they are false claims when fat donnie acts like he's hiding something?
You didn't know? For one thing, the false accusation hurled his way by the people who did collude with foreign countries was outed, and the American public knows that President Trump did not collude with the Russian government or anyone else in the former Soviet SOCIALIST Republic. You know, the ones Hillary Clinton and Obama conspired to give away 20% of America's Uranium to do with as they pleased. And a HUGE, HUGE check was placed into the Clinton Foundation Library by the Russian government forthwith to this unusual gift that will supply Russia's friends with nukes to take out American allies with, and god forbid, America if they so choose in the land where an Ayatollah promised to wipe America and Israel off the face of the map. Oh, my goodness gracious. And these two did it in SECRECY!!!
Who woulda thunk it. :eusa_think:
I feel the Great Douche is moving to Florida to claim one house in the homestead protection act so to have a roof overhead still.
So it can file Bankruptcy when the taxes are opened.


To me, IT starts these projects to launder Russia mob money.

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I think this is a partisan ruse, and I resent them taking up court's time rusing more and more and more and more.

They're drilling where there ain't no oil. Idiots, all.

Then why would Rump be so frantically trying to hide them for so long?

Why indeed.
I realize you may have never had false accusations thrown your way for four years by people who claim you are a 12-eyed monster of the apocalypse, so why would you empathize with an innocent man you dislike who is actually innocent?
Have you? And how do we know they are false claims when fat donnie acts like he's hiding something?
Your career was once defending America.
My career was owning a business I wanted to be a community asset where I lived.

I know what it's like to work hard for and earn people's trust by doing the right thing at every level imaginable. That's what happens in the business world. Long-term business owners who've owned their business through thick and thin know there is not a single thing that can succeed against honesty. I only have had my business for thirty two years. President Trump has been in business far longer than that. He knows the rules and obeys them.

What's hard about that? And by the way, thank you for your service to your country. In every way but one that makes you better than me. You should be very proud of what you did for your country. Thanks again.
Thinking people wonder why trump lied about releasing his tax records, what he is hiding, and how many who may have access to his taxes might respond to a subpoena duces tecum.
Trump Taxes: Appeals Court Rules President Must Turn Over 8 Years of Tax Returns
A three-judge appeals panel said the president’s accounting firm had to comply with a subpoena.

A federal appeals court on Monday ruled that President Trump can't block the Manhattan District Attorney's Office from subpoenaing his accounting firm for tax returns and financial records, delivering a blow to the president's claim that he is immune to criminal investigations.

A three-judge panel on the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals said on Monday that "presidential immunity does not bar the enforcement of a state grand jury subpoena directing a third party to produce non-privileged material, even when the subject matter under investigation pertains to the President."

But the court noted they were not ruling on all of the sweeping assertions of immunity that the president's lawyers have claimed. All three of the judges were appointed by Democratic presidents

Trump Taxes: Appeals Court Rules President Must Turn Over 8 Years of Tax Returns

:21: Lost twice now. What will the Great Douche do? Why so afraid to let anyone see it?
I'll give the Fraudster a bone here. Let a 3rd party CPA panel review it.
But this POS needs to get what IT earns, jail time.

Hey, illegal Pedro, hold your dancing till you see the first return. You may get tired of dancing.
Trump Taxes: Appeals Court Rules President Must Turn Over 8 Years of Tax Returns
A three-judge appeals panel said the president’s accounting firm had to comply with a subpoena.

A federal appeals court on Monday ruled that President Trump can't block the Manhattan District Attorney's Office from subpoenaing his accounting firm for tax returns and financial records, delivering a blow to the president's claim that he is immune to criminal investigations.

A three-judge panel on the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals said on Monday that "presidential immunity does not bar the enforcement of a state grand jury subpoena directing a third party to produce non-privileged material, even when the subject matter under investigation pertains to the President."

But the court noted they were not ruling on all of the sweeping assertions of immunity that the president's lawyers have claimed. All three of the judges were appointed by Democratic presidents

Trump Taxes: Appeals Court Rules President Must Turn Over 8 Years of Tax Returns

:21: Lost twice now. What will the Great Douche do? Why so afraid to let anyone see it?
I'll give the Fraudster a bone here. Let a 3rd party CPA panel review it.
But this POS needs to get what IT earns, jail time.

Hey, illegal Pedro, hold your dancing till you see the first return. You may get tired of dancing.
IT made an agreement to turn them over if they are not getting SCOTUS to take the case in 10 days.
It lost twice. If the SCOTUS rejects taking the case. Bye, Bye Great Douche sooner.
LOL. Most legal or not Mexicans will be happy if the great Douche taxes are opened.
Trump Taxes: Appeals Court Rules President Must Turn Over 8 Years of Tax Returns
A three-judge appeals panel said the president’s accounting firm had to comply with a subpoena.

A federal appeals court on Monday ruled that President Trump can't block the Manhattan District Attorney's Office from subpoenaing his accounting firm for tax returns and financial records, delivering a blow to the president's claim that he is immune to criminal investigations.

A three-judge panel on the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals said on Monday that "presidential immunity does not bar the enforcement of a state grand jury subpoena directing a third party to produce non-privileged material, even when the subject matter under investigation pertains to the President."

But the court noted they were not ruling on all of the sweeping assertions of immunity that the president's lawyers have claimed. All three of the judges were appointed by Democratic presidents

Trump Taxes: Appeals Court Rules President Must Turn Over 8 Years of Tax Returns

:21: Lost twice now. What will the Great Douche do? Why so afraid to let anyone see it?
I'll give the Fraudster a bone here. Let a 3rd party CPA panel review it.
But this POS needs to get what IT earns, jail time.

Hey, illegal Pedro, hold your dancing till you see the first return. You may get tired of dancing.
IT made an agreement to turn them over if they are not getting SCOTUS to take the case in 10 days.
It lost twice. If the SCOTUS rejects taking the case. Bye, Bye Great Douche sooner.
LOL. Most legal or not Mexicans will be happy if the great Douche taxes are opened.
Why, they can't read.
I feel the Great Douche is moving to Florida to claim one house in the homestead protection act so to have a roof overhead still.
So it can file Bankruptcy when the taxes are opened.


To me, IT starts these projects to launder Russia mob money.

All this, and yet-he is still YOUR PRESIDENT!
You sure are stupid. His businesses paid taxes in NY.

You know the Trump Tower?? How many of his headquarters buildings are in NY??

Jesus your a dummy.

Then tell the Orange Clown to show us his taxes. He said he would four years ago "after the audit was finished" - So what's he hiding? The fact that you don't understand why he's fighting this tooth and nail makes YOU the dummy ... Dummy. :)

How about this, fuckstick: Why don't you post an image of your tax returns on here for us to see? Not just last year's, but all of the last eight year's worth. I'm sure you have enough brain cells to know how to operate a scanner, a digital camera, or an image-editing program, don't you

I don't like you one bit. I think you're guilty of something and I'd love nothing better than to see you behind bars. So post them, faggot.

I was unaware that either you or Claudette were The President of the United States currently under multiple investigations by the State AG's, the Feds, Congress and the subject of an impeachment inquiry.

I do know full well that I am not.

But continue the lame name calling - I don't like either of you either or any of the rest of your Deplorable Trumpublican pals here anyway. :D
Trump, once again, left a flaming bag on his porch, and rabid Progs are knocking each other over to stomp it.

I'd feel sorry for you, but how many fucking times are you going to do this to yourselves???

Born in Kenya Obama's IRS must have combed through the returns and would have gladly leaked any Turbo Tax Tim Geithner issues!

Think, Mcfly! THINK!
Of course, that is all embarrassingly stupid delusion and self soothing. Trump has calculated that releasing his tax returns would harm him more than being the first president in decades to withold them.

And we are going to find out why.
You do realize this ruling was for them to be released for a Grand Jury proceeding, right? As such, they will not become public unless SDNY hacks leak them illegally.

Trump Taxes: Appeals Court Rules President Must Turn Over 8 Years of Tax Returns
A three-judge appeals panel said the president’s accounting firm had to comply with a subpoena.

A federal appeals court on Monday ruled that President Trump can't block the Manhattan District Attorney's Office from subpoenaing his accounting firm for tax returns and financial records, delivering a blow to the president's claim that he is immune to criminal investigations.

A three-judge panel on the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals said on Monday that "presidential immunity does not bar the enforcement of a state grand jury subpoena directing a third party to produce non-privileged material, even when the subject matter under investigation pertains to the President."

But the court noted they were not ruling on all of the sweeping assertions of immunity that the president's lawyers have claimed. All three of the judges were appointed by Democratic presidents

Trump Taxes: Appeals Court Rules President Must Turn Over 8 Years of Tax Returns

:21: Lost twice now. What will the Great Douche do? Why so afraid to let anyone see it?
I'll give the Fraudster a bone here. Let a 3rd party CPA panel review it.
But this POS needs to get what IT earns, jail time.

The IRS has seen them. No charges.

and now they get to do it to you too stupid mother fkr.
I don't cheat on my taxes. And you know in your guts, the Douche would.
Don't be mad at better peoples, for your Orange lord.

The Douche is a fraud scammer, its the type that would.

Seem like it stole from its foundation, as it's closed.

If he cheated, why hasn't the IRS filed charges?

Trump, once again, left a flaming bag on his porch, and rabid Progs are knocking each other over to stomp it.

I'd feel sorry for you, but how many fucking times are you going to do this to yourselves???

Born in Kenya Obama's IRS must have combed through the returns and would have gladly leaked any Turbo Tax Tim Geithner issues!

Think, Mcfly! THINK!
Of course, that is all embarrassingly stupid delusion and self soothing. Trump has calculated that releasing his tax returns would harm him more than being the first president in decades to withold them.

And we are going to find out why.
You do realize this ruling was for them to be released for a Grand Jury proceeding, right? As such, they will not become public unless SDNY hacks leak them illegally.

I'm sure it will come out. As others requesting the taxes can get them now.
Trump, once again, left a flaming bag on his porch, and rabid Progs are knocking each other over to stomp it.

I'd feel sorry for you, but how many fucking times are you going to do this to yourselves???

Born in Kenya Obama's IRS must have combed through the returns and would have gladly leaked any Turbo Tax Tim Geithner issues!

Think, Mcfly! THINK!
Of course, that is all embarrassingly stupid delusion and self soothing. Trump has calculated that releasing his tax returns would harm him more than being the first president in decades to withold them.

And we are going to find out why.
You do realize this ruling was for them to be released for a Grand Jury proceeding, right? As such, they will not become public unless SDNY hacks leak them illegally.

I'm sure it will come out. As others requesting the taxes can get them now.
Funny how you are pushing for someone to break the law because you are hoping Trump broke the law.

Hypocrisy much?:21:
and now they get to do it to you too stupid mother fkr.
I don't cheat on my taxes. And you know in your guts, the Douche would.
Don't be mad at better peoples, for your Orange lord.

The Douche is a fraud scammer, its the type that would.

Seem like it stole from its foundation, as it's closed.

If he cheated, why hasn't the IRS filed charges?

Well, they are not looking to investigate financial fraud. They review tax returns so to see if they report and follow current tax laws.
But the Douche claims ITS under audit all the time. Soon he will be getting more reviews when the fraud crimes are exposed to the IRS.
That's how this works.

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