New York Times: Trump's Corona Policy WORKED

From the original Times article....

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved.

You flap your gums and say "From the original Times article...." yet unlike the OP you post NO link to "said article" as a means of verification and validation.. Are you trying to hide something or did it just slip your mind?
In March, the forecast was 2.2 million deaths.

Seems that the plan to fight COVID put forth by the President has been wildly successful.

Liar. That was the prediction if we did nothing, no npi's We've already topped the high range of 60-200 thousand dead so no, the President and his Banana Republicans policies have been near total failures.

So by your own admission, I didnt lie.


Trumpybear, by actively discouraging npi's, has been a super spreader of COVID-19.

How many people should have died so far and what is YOUR COVID plan?

Everyone who is not alive should have died so far. Getting rid of the orange POS in the WH is the first step in many plans.

People like you are so easy to expose.

If you know Trump fucked up, you must know what he SHOULD have done and you must know how many deaths there SHOULD be as of tell us. Dont be a coward. Tell us your COVID PLAN.
"Clearly, the pandemic has not ended. So far some 215,000 Americans have lost their lives to the coronavirus, and reliable estimates suggest that the number could reach 400,000. Health experts agree that, with stronger leadership, the death toll would have been far lower."

“It is highly likely that there would be significant spontaneous changes in population behavior even in the absence of government-mandated interventions.”

That prediction proved true, as millions of Americans agreed, however reluctantly, to accept the sacrifices involved in shutting down parts of the economy, keeping distance from one other and wearing masks.

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved. The next step is pharmaceutical interventions.

Facemasks, shutting down businesses could only be done on a state level. Blame them for the slow response, blame them for the economy, blame governors for sending the elderly to nursing homes to die.
In March, the forecast was 2.2 million deaths.

Seems that the plan to fight COVID put forth by the President has been wildly successful.

Liar. That was the prediction if we did nothing, no npi's We've already topped the high range of 60-200 thousand dead so no, the President and his Banana Republicans policies have been near total failures.

So by your own admission, I didnt lie.


Trumpybear, by actively discouraging npi's, has been a super spreader of COVID-19.

How many people should have died so far and what is YOUR COVID plan?

Everyone who is not alive should have died so far. Getting rid of the orange POS in the WH is the first step in many plans.
BlindBoo, down boy. President Trump is no longer able to pass cv due to his intensive cure at Walter Reed Hospital. He has also promised thst all people here in America will get the same protocol of medicine for free if they succumb. It is a miraculous answered prayer. :yes_text12:

All Boo knows is ORANGE MAN BAD. Boo knows Trump fucked up, but cant explain how and cant explain how many deaths we SHOULD have had so far.

Total liberal bubblehead.

How many more times you gonna ask? Dittoheads......

Orangeman bad just doesn't cut it. He's beyond totally evil. Combined that turd with Sean Hannity, and they actually have started to raise Demons from the pit of Hell on his radio show. Some of Sean's aides were talking about it a lot. When those two get together and startup one of their famous lying sessions, the sound booth at the station heats up several degrees, and it begins to smell like Sulfur around those two. I hear some of them had to quit out of disgust.

Honest injun, a lot of people have been talking about it too.
From the original Times article....

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved.
whats the problem? this is the demonrats go to news source....
"Clearly, the pandemic has not ended. So far some 215,000 Americans have lost their lives to the coronavirus, and reliable estimates suggest that the number could reach 400,000. Health experts agree that, with stronger leadership, the death toll would have been far lower."

“It is highly likely that there would be significant spontaneous changes in population behavior even in the absence of government-mandated interventions.”

That prediction proved true, as millions of Americans agreed, however reluctantly, to accept the sacrifices involved in shutting down parts of the economy, keeping distance from one other and wearing masks.

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved. The next step is pharmaceutical interventions.

Facemasks, shutting down businesses could only be done on a state level. Blame them for the slow response, blame them for the economy, blame governors for sending the elderly to nursing homes to die.

Discouraging npi's and lying to all the American Citizens about the nature of the threat we were/are facing had a lot to do with this particular failure of the Trumpybear.
Pigs are flying everywhere today. The leftwing New York Times admits that Trumps policies worked. Let's read:

A new report from The New York Times indicates that experts have “genuine confidence” that the coronavirus pandemic will end “far sooner” than originally expected and that President Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed — the administration’s efforts to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics — has been “working with remarkable efficiency.”

Wow.....The NY "Toilet Paper" Times
must be in financial dire straights and trying to get back some of it's readership before it goes under. I guess printing only anti-Trump bias fake news wasn't cutting it.
The original NYT article praises Moncef Slaoui, Operation Warp Speed’s chief scientific adviser for coordinating the $11B program to get the drug companies working on a vaccine.
Not Donald Trump's policies.
The link in the O/P post is to a BLOG, folks.
Sorry, always go to THE SOURCE.
Who do you think is responsible for the government program Operation Warp Speed, genius?
"Clearly, the pandemic has not ended. So far some 215,000 Americans have lost their lives to the coronavirus, and reliable estimates suggest that the number could reach 400,000. Health experts agree that, with stronger leadership, the death toll would have been far lower."

“It is highly likely that there would be significant spontaneous changes in population behavior even in the absence of government-mandated interventions.”

That prediction proved true, as millions of Americans agreed, however reluctantly, to accept the sacrifices involved in shutting down parts of the economy, keeping distance from one other and wearing masks.

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved. The next step is pharmaceutical interventions.
particularly that leadership, the un-masked botox, douche, inviting you to a party in chinatown. why wouldnt this treasonist scum celebrate something to do with AMERICA?
In March, the forecast was 2.2 million deaths.

Seems that the plan to fight COVID put forth by the President has been wildly successful.

Liar. That was the prediction if we did nothing, no npi's We've already topped the high range of 60-200 thousand dead so no, the President and his Banana Republicans policies have been near total failures.

So by your own admission, I didnt lie.


Trumpybear, by actively discouraging npi's, has been a super spreader of COVID-19.

How many people should have died so far and what is YOUR COVID plan?

Everyone who is not alive should have died so far. Getting rid of the orange POS in the WH is the first step in many plans.
BlindBoo, down boy. President Trump is no longer able to pass cv due to his intensive cure at Walter Reed Hospital. He has also promised thst all people here in America will get the same protocol of medicine for free if they succumb. It is a miraculous answered prayer. :yes_text12:

All Boo knows is ORANGE MAN BAD. Boo knows Trump fucked up, but cant explain how and cant explain how many deaths we SHOULD have had so far.

Total liberal bubblehead.

How many more times you gonna ask? Dittoheads......

Orangeman bad just doesn't cut it. He's beyond totally evil. Combined that turd with Sean Hannity, and they actually have started to raise Demons from the pit of Hell on his radio show. Some of Sean's aides were talking about it a lot. When those two get together and startup one of their famous lying sessions, the sound booth at the station heats up several degrees, and it begins to smell like Sulfur around those two. I hear some of them had to quit out of disgust.

Honest injun, a lot of people have been talking about it too.
i was always leary of someone that sounds like they just lost their best friend, the nyt, and someone that says honest. that makes me think they are associated with the vile scum of the demonrats
In March, the forecast was 2.2 million deaths.

Seems that the plan to fight COVID put forth by the President has been wildly successful.

Liar. That was the prediction if we did nothing, no npi's We've already topped the high range of 60-200 thousand dead so no, the President and his Banana Republicans policies have been near total failures.

So by your own admission, I didnt lie.


Trumpybear, by actively discouraging npi's, has been a super spreader of COVID-19.

How many people should have died so far and what is YOUR COVID plan?

Everyone who is not alive should have died so far. Getting rid of the orange POS in the WH is the first step in many plans.

Wow, no plan yet you criticize others. Governors are the ones that called all the shots. Remember when Trump tried to cancel people coming from China and he took heat for that. Pelosi and other Democrats want everyone come to the Chinese New Years, knowing how bad the virus was. Pelosi didn't believe in the masks, she even went to a salon and didn't wear a mask. I went to my barber and had to hold the mask to my face as he trimmed the back of the neck. The mayor of Chicago went to her hairdresser when all hairdressers were to remained closed. The more you post the more clueless you seem.
Its a good thing that Trump has gotten behind pushing for a virus cure. Some of us wish he would have admitted that it was a killer sooner, & not said it was a nothing deal. Or at least encouraged us to use as much suggested avoidance options as possible. Not using avoidance options is how he got the virus.
Pigs are flying everywhere today. The leftwing New York Times admits that Trumps policies worked. Let's read:

A new report from The New York Times indicates that experts have “genuine confidence” that the coronavirus pandemic will end “far sooner” than originally expected and that President Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed — the administration’s efforts to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics — has been “working with remarkable efficiency.”

But it did not need to get to this point.
Wow, no plan yet you criticize others.

Yeah right. I started by posting quotes and the link to the NYT article these guys are jizzing all over themselves about.

But all I get is the typical firebrand insults. Durrr_whats yer plan?
In March, the forecast was 2.2 million deaths.

Seems that the plan to fight COVID put forth by the President has been wildly successful.

Liar. That was the prediction if we did nothing, no npi's We've already topped the high range of 60-200 thousand dead so no, the President and his Banana Republicans policies have been near total failures.

So by your own admission, I didnt lie.


Trumpybear, by actively discouraging npi's, has been a super spreader of COVID-19.

How many people should have died so far and what is YOUR COVID plan?

Everyone who is not alive should have died so far. Getting rid of the orange POS in the WH is the first step in many plans.

Wow, no plan yet you criticize others. Governors are the ones that called all the shots. Remember when Trump tried to cancel people coming from China and he took heat for that. Pelosi and other Democrats want everyone come to the Chinese New Years, knowing how bad the virus was. Pelosi didn't believe in the masks, she even went to a salon and didn't wear a mask. I went to my barber and had to hold the mask to my face as he trimmed the back of the neck. The mayor of Chicago went to her hairdresser when all hairdressers were to remained closed. The more you post the more clueless you seem.

States rights and personal rights. If you want to hide under your bed until there is a vaccine, that is your right.

Liberals always criticize, but cant explain what SHOULD have been done. All hat, no cattle.
From the original Times article....

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved.

You flap your gums and say "From the original Times article...." yet unlike the OP you post NO link to "said article" as a means of verification and validation.. Are you trying to hide something or did it just slip your mind?

For your edification, here is the link: A Dose of Optimism, as the Pandemic Rages On - it was linked to within the op's article, which you didn't read before flapping your gums.
Discouraging npi's and lying to all the American Citizens about the nature of the threat we were/are facing had a lot to do with this particular failure of the Trumpybear.

He didn't lie to anybody about anything. If you are talking about the Woodhead article, Fauci replied to that in a Fox interview stating that everything he and Trump talked about was properly relayed to the public. Furthermore, Trump gave Fauci and Birx the mic at his press conferences many times, not to mention other medical professionals.

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