New York Times: Trump's Corona Policy WORKED

"Clearly, the pandemic has not ended. So far some 215,000 Americans have lost their lives to the coronavirus, and reliable estimates suggest that the number could reach 400,000. Health experts agree that, with stronger leadership, the death toll would have been far lower."

“It is highly likely that there would be significant spontaneous changes in population behavior even in the absence of government-mandated interventions.”

That prediction proved true, as millions of Americans agreed, however reluctantly, to accept the sacrifices involved in shutting down parts of the economy, keeping distance from one other and wearing masks.

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved. The next step is pharmaceutical interventions.

Facemasks, shutting down businesses could only be done on a state level. Blame them for the slow response, blame them for the economy, blame governors for sending the elderly to nursing homes to die.

True and appropriate. However, it's the federal government's job to offer clear, consistent, science based guidelines - consistent being key. Governors of both parties, as well private industry were desperate for consistent guidelines. The administration fell far short in that arena.
Discouraging npi's and lying to all the American Citizens about the nature of the threat we were/are facing had a lot to do with this particular failure of the Trumpybear.

He didn't lie to anybody about anything. If you are talking about the Woodhead article, Fauci replied to that in a Fox interview stating that everything he and Trump talked about was properly relayed to the public. Furthermore, Trump gave Fauci and Birx the mic at his press conferences many times, not to mention other medical professionals.

So is it deadlier than the average flu?

Churchill didn't lie to the British Citizens. Trump lied to the American Citizens. He downplayed it at first and has often times contradicted the experts. He has even let it into the WH staff. He is a super ..... spreader.
In March, the forecast was 2.2 million deaths.

Seems that the plan to fight COVID put forth by the President has been wildly successful.

Liar. That was the prediction if we did nothing, no npi's We've already topped the high range of 60-200 thousand dead so no, the President and his Banana Republicans policies have been near total failures.

So by your own admission, I didnt lie.


Trumpybear, by actively discouraging npi's, has been a super spreader of COVID-19.

How many people should have died so far and what is YOUR COVID plan?

Everyone who is not alive should have died so far. Getting rid of the orange POS in the WH is the first step in many plans.
BlindBoo, down boy. President Trump is no longer able to pass cv due to his intensive cure at Walter Reed Hospital. He has also promised thst all people here in America will get the same protocol of medicine for free if they succumb. It is a miraculous answered prayer. :yes_text12:

All Boo knows is ORANGE MAN BAD. Boo knows Trump fucked up, but cant explain how and cant explain how many deaths we SHOULD have had so far.

Total liberal bubblehead.

We should have had over 2 million deaths, at least according to the original estimates. Think they'll give any credit to Trump for saving over 1.7 million of those people? Not a chance.
Pigs are flying everywhere today. The leftwing New York Times admits that Trumps policies worked. Let's read:

A new report from The New York Times indicates that experts have “genuine confidence” that the coronavirus pandemic will end “far sooner” than originally expected and that President Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed — the administration’s efforts to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics — has been “working with remarkable efficiency.”

But it did not need to get to this point.

How would you stop it? We shutdown the nation. We started in February quarantining those comeback from other nations. Maybe the lockdown in January should have been all nations and sent them home and those coming home went to an Ellis Island like complex to quarantine. America sat in homes for two months. Not sure what else could be done. Could have stopped the protests maybe, but wearing a mask with no social distancing is some how safer that going to a sporting event with a mask and having social distancing. Hard to reconcile that but hey, we are just the sheep.
But it did not need to get to this point.

Not much anybody could do about it in a constitutional republic. A US President cannot control a virus.

Liberals wanted a federal lockdown and mask mandate from Trump, but then said YOU HAVE NO RIGHT! When he said they should open back up.

Also, liberals freaked out when he suggested sending federal troops to Seattle and Portland...saying he has no jurisdiction.
From the original Times article....

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved.
Don't like good news?

Don't you? Masks made a huge difference - and they are cheap. Why don't you like that?

Actually, in every peer reviewed study they don't. In fact, if you are wearing a mask in direct Sunlight you are preserving the virus because Sunlight destroys the virus in minutes so wearing a mask outdoors, in the Sunlight is counter productive, which means anti scientific. If you are going to claim to follow the science, THEN FOLLOW THE SCIENCE!
For starters, this is merely an opinion. Also, I would be willing to bet the the opinion of health experts falls along ideological lines. My wife is a physician and she does not blame Trump for the spread or deaths. I guess her "expert" opinion doesn't count though or maybe she is the ONLY one. LOL

Leftists don't realize how stupid they sound to normal people. Over 200,000 Americans died from influenza during Hussein's two terms. Why didn't he stop it? Why didn't he promote social distancing, wearing face masks, staying home when possible?

A President cannot control a virus, I'm sure your wife will agree.
For starters, this is merely an opinion. Also, I would be willing to bet the the opinion of health experts falls along ideological lines. My wife is a physician and she does not blame Trump for the spread or deaths. I guess her "expert" opinion doesn't count though or maybe she is the ONLY one. LOL

Leftists don't realize how stupid they sound to normal people. Over 200,000 Americans died from influenza during Hussein's two terms. Why didn't he stop it? Why didn't he promote social distancing, wearing face masks, staying home when possible?

A President cannot control a virus, I'm sure your wife will agree.

You know thats next. Every flu season the blue jurisdictions will shut downl
President Trump called masks patriotic - only shortly after CDC was still boasting how masks are bad.

President Trump handled the pandemic in an Amazing American fashion. Destroy the virus without destroying our freedoms, president Trump saw the path immediately.

Exactly, that's why our market bounced back so fast. That's why unemployment fell so sharply. That's why we had the least damage to our GDP out of all the G7 countries except China, IF you can trust their reporting.
From the original Times article....

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved.
Don't like good news?

Don't you? Masks made a huge difference - and they are cheap. Why don't you like that?

Actually, in every peer reviewed study they don't. In fact, if you are wearing a mask in direct Sunlight you are preserving the virus because Sunlight destroys the virus in minutes so wearing a mask outdoors, in the Sunlight is counter productive, which means anti scientific. If you are going to claim to follow the science, THEN FOLLOW THE SCIENCE!

The problem is there are very few peer reviewed studies on wearing masks, but the science is evolving and it does not conclude masks are ineffective.

According to:

The science that supports wearing masks
One reason is that the science of masks is evolving, and all indications are that it’s evolving toward the theory that masks are an effective way to slow the pandemic’s spread. There are indeed few peer-reviewed studies on the effectiveness of masks on slowing the spread of the coronavirus. That’s because the human disease the SARS-CoV-2 virus causes is still just months old. COVID-19 studies take time; so does peer review. More research, rest assured, is coming.

Until then, we must largely rely on work that predates COVID-19 and mathematical models of the disease based on best estimates of how well masks and other coronavirus countermeasures work.

A 2015 study done in Vietnam compared cloth masks to surgical masks among 1,607 hospital health care workers and found that those wearing cloth masks ended up catching influenza more often (there was no mask-free control group). The same research group recently revisited the topic amid the COVID-19 epidemic. They concluded that, while health care workers need N95-class protection, “The general public can use cloth masks to protect against infection spread in the community,” particularly in light of the many mild and asymptomatic coronaviruses cases.

A 2013 British study concluded that “a homemade mask should only be considered as a last resort to prevent droplet transmission from infected individuals, but it would be better than no protection.” A 2008 Dutch study considered N95-style respirators, surgical masks, and cloth masks and found that they all would reduce exposure to airborne influenza virus in that order. An April 2020 review considering N95-class respirators, surgical masks, and homemade cloth masks came to much the same conclusion, as did a June 2020 review in The Lancet. That study reviewed 172 observational studies and concluded that wearing masks reduce the risk of coronavirus infection – albeit with “low certainty.”

So, I'll follow the science and wear a mask and social distance until we have a vaccine :)
That prediction proved true, as millions of Americans agreed, however reluctantly, to accept the sacrifices involved in shutting down parts of the economy

Yes, it's that silly piece of paper called the US Constitution.

A Centers for Disease Control report released in September shows that masks and face coverings are not effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19, even for those people who consistently wear them.

Yep. The democrats did what they always did, pervert science for political purposes. They lied and spread fear, for political power. That is the history of the democrats.
From the original Times article....

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved.

A Centers for Disease Control report released in September shows that masks and face coverings are not effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19, even for those people who consistently wear them.

Why not link to the actual report that says:

What is already known about the topic?
Community and close contact exposures contribute to the spread of COVID-19.
What is added by this report?
Findings from a case-control investigation of symptomatic outpatients from 11 U.S. health care facilities found that close contact with persons with known COVID-19 or going to locations that offer on-site eating and drinking options were associated with COVID-19 positivity. Adults with positive SARS-CoV-2 test results were approximately twice as likely to have reported dining at a restaurant than were those with negative SARS-CoV-2 test results.
What are the implications for public health practice?
Eating and drinking on-site at locations that offer such options might be important risk factors associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Efforts to reduce possible exposures where mask use and social distancing are difficult to maintain, such as when eating and drinking, should be considered to protect custom- ers, employees, and communities.
Wow, no plan yet you criticize others.

Yeah right. I started by posting quotes and the link to the NYT article these guys are jizzing all over themselves about.

But all I get is the typical firebrand insults. Durrr_whats yer plan?

So you don't have a plan, it's cool by me.

I have a plan, it starts about beer thirty.....

Good for you, like I said, you don't have a plan, it's cool by me.
From the original Times article....

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved.
Don't like good news?

Don't you? Masks made a huge difference - and they are cheap. Why don't you like that?

President Trump called masks patriotic - only shortly after CDC was still boasting how masks are bad.

President Trump handled the pandemic in an Amazing American fashion. Destroy the virus without destroying our freedoms, president Trump saw the path immediately.

July 20, 2020 - Trump called mask's patriotic....months after the epidemic started here.

April 24, 2020 CDC recommends that people wear masks in public settings and when around people who don't live in your household.
From the original Times article....

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved.

You flap your gums and say "From the original Times article...." yet unlike the OP you post NO link to "said article" as a means of verification and validation.. Are you trying to hide something or did it just slip your mind?

For your edification, here is the link: A Dose of Optimism, as the Pandemic Rages On - it was linked to within the op's article, which you didn't read before flapping your gums.

Oh....OK....My bad.
It wasn't that you were trying to hide something or it slipped your mind.....It was just that you were too lazy to post the link. Much like Democratic Party supporters are obviously too lazy to get off the couch to register to vote, get a photo ID and wait in line to vote in person once every 2 years.
Don't you? Masks made a huge difference - and they are cheap. Why don't you like that?

From the original Times article....

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved.

You flap your gums and say "From the original Times article...." yet unlike the OP you post NO link to "said article" as a means of verification and validation.. Are you trying to hide something or did it just slip your mind?

For your edification, here is the link: A Dose of Optimism, as the Pandemic Rages On - it was linked to within the op's article, which you didn't read before flapping your gums.

Oh....OK....My bad.
It wasn't that you were trying to hide something or it slipped your mind.....It was just that you were too lazy to post the link. Much like Democratic Party supporters are obviously too lazy to get off the couch to register to vote, get a photo ID and wait in line to vote in person once every 2 years.

No, it wasn't laziness. It was an erroneous assumption that you were up to the task of reading the article. Sorry about that dude, won't happen again.

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