New Yorkers are totally ignorant about what happened on 9/11.

Why must you always lie?

Dumb question uh? You’re Allen Dulles’ grand baby.
I do not lie you do now once again post your evidence.

You make stupid claims and canniot back them up

You are not an expert you are not knowledgable and your word is not good enough

Post some evidence or everyone knows you are a dishonest ass clown who makes up lies as you go.

Oswald was a marxist that is FACT you know it and cannot prove otherwise

He had no CIA ties that is fact and you cannot prove otherwise

Put up or shut up
They never told a lie about the magic bullet.

They never made any claim at all about a magic bullet. The naive fools are the ones who claim that the government described a bullet zig zagging pausing and twisting etc in mid air.

The whopper of a lie you refer to never happened.
Bush allowed 9/11 hijackers to attack. Bush supporter used US military anthrax to attack the most vocal opponents of Iraq war, Bush high school friend ordered delta team to allow Bin-Laden to escape so he could keep US in Afghanistan & Iraq to continue surrounding Iran.
Have you ever tried to have a conversation with anyone who states definitively that the reason that the towers fell is because they each got hit by a fully fueled passenger jet and that the fuel then spilled down into the building allowing the floors below to catch fire and weaken the underlying structure causing the entire building to collapse in it's own footprint a few hours after being hit?

That explanation actually sound like it makes plenty of sense and is easy to visualize especially if you don't know anything about construction and steel temperatures, and the laws physics, etc.

But the first time I ever heard of WTC7 I had this horrifying feeling of panic, which I now understand was cognitive dissonance. I kept insisting that there were only two towers that collapsed on 9/11 BECAUSE we all saw it on TV and I couldn't understand how there could have possibly been a third building collapse without me having known about it or having seen the footage of it since everyone was glued to their T.V.s that day, leaving me to conclude that I had either forgotten something very monumental (how was that even possible) or I never knew about it to begin with which also frightened me that something so significant had somehow escaped my attention. I felt completely discombobulated and had to research WTC7 myself. What I discovered was very disconcerting.

It is not our fault that our generation and those following us grew up watching T.V. and have witnessed what a controlled demolition looks like. Even the first news commentators mentioned that the collapse of the buildings looked just like a controlled demolition but then that got shut down in fairly short order.

So the question remains, at least for me, is that if the towers collapsed due to being hit by the planes, the fuel running down to the lower floors, those lower floors catching on fire, the steel softening and then the whole thing collapsing, then why did WTC7 collapse in what appears to the naked eye, in exactly the same manner, in what looked like a control demolition in spite of not being hit by an airplane, no jet fuel running down the building, softening the steel structure which subsequently caused the building to collapse into it's own footprint just like the other two buildings?

So WTC1 & 2 fell because they got hit by a passenger jet, while WTC7 fell in exactly the same manner because it didn't?!?

Asking questions doesn't constitute believing in a conspiracy theory.

Oh and by the way, insurance companies are notorious for weaseling out of having to pay out to policy holders on their often valid claims yet the person who held the lease on the towers Larry Silverstein, who obtained the 99 year lease just six weeks before the events, got them to pay out double on the claim by alleging that the two separate hits were two separate claims, not just a single "terrorist" attack. He then tried to sue the airlines alleging having lax security that allowed the events to occur.
Silverstein Loses Battle Over 9/11 Payouts
Why do you claim there was no fuel in WTC7???

There was over 42,000 gallon of generator fuel stored inside WTC7. That's 8 times more fuel as each aircraft had on-board.
He isn't. He is a good guy, just like you. With a different POV.
I'm sure Robert Mueller's nephews and nieces think he's a great uncle and Peter Stzrok is a cool guy to drink beer with according to his college buddies.

I'm a pretty good judge of character from what I understand and I still say BackAgain is full of it like Soupnazi630 and the rest.
No it would have caused any more deformation as the round had slowed down drasticallly affter passing through two bodies. It also tumbled which is why the damade was on the back end of the bullet,
there is nothing abnormal about it
It was traveling an estimated 900 feet per second when it struck the governor’s wrist (not the first home it had hit), it shattered the bone on the way through and then existed the wrist and penetrated into the thigh.


Much more damage to the bullet would be expected after all of that. A
I'm sure Robert Mueller's nephews and nieces think he's a great uncle and Peter Stzrok is a cool guy to drink beer with according to his college buddies.

I'm a pretty good judge of character from what I understand and I still say BackAgain is full of it like Soupnazi630 and the rest.
It’s quite evident that you don’t know shit and are a terrible judge of character.

Newsflash, you overloaded colon: just because you’re sure doesn’t mean you’re right.
The basis, is according to the official story, the planes hit on one side of the building, thus, there would have been asymmetrical fires.

Asymmetrical fires, would have led to asymmetrical floor weakening, and asymmetrical floor walk-offs.

(As I previously quoted in another post on building seven.)

If you have a force applied unevenly to the tower, and the structure is weakened in an uneven manner, which is what NIST trying to otherwise convince the public? :eusa_think:

Then, no, it is NOT a denial of physics to claim the building collapses in an uneven manner.

We would have expected, if this is the official explanation for the collapse, something more in-line like;


Or this;


All folks are saying, is irregular causes, have irregular collapses.
Your examples are not analogous. Buildings can collapse outward or primarily in a direction outside of their own footprint. That’s the whole “acted upon by some outside force” thing.

But for the twin towers the collapse wasn’t the result of the outside force. The fires weakened metal. Floor supports buckled. They fell down. That sudden huge massive weight on the floor below sent the next floor downward too (also due to the weakened metal). Now two floors striking the floor below caused that floor to fail and fall. Etc. Exactly as expected — and with no outside force being applied at that point — the collapse had nowhere else to go. Ever further down.
Labeling what we see as an explosion is an absurdity. Noting that once the pancaking started happening the building went down straight is perfectly consistent with what we see and what we would expect to see.

It’s called gravity.
Labeling what we see as an explosion is an absurdity. Noting that once the pancaking started happening the building went down straight is perfectly consistent with what we see and what we would expect to see.

It’s called gravity.
Those are fire extinguishers exploding sending 20 foot steel girders hurling two football fields away... and pulverizing office furniture concrete and human bodies into dust on the way down
Those are fire extinguishers exploding sending 20 foot steel girders hurling two football fields away... and pulverizing office furniture concrete and human bodies into dust on the way down
Ah. Those unseen “explosions.”

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