News crew shot **warning graphic**

He looks white to me. If he's black, he's at least 50% white. It's interesting how a person who is 50% white or more, with some black, is considered 'black' in America, especially when he does something wrong. My nephews are half white but in America, they are considered black.
Only the White half of him was evil. The other half was justified because of oppression.

Then his black half should have shot his white half to start with.
Accused Virginia gunman cites reaction to Charleston church shooting for killings

The monster who murdered the innocent reporters tweeted after his murders.

Says he did it as revenge for the Charleston shootings. That he wants a race war. That he is a gay black man. Says he bought his gun 2 days after charleston.

Ok....time to group him in to represent an entire group. Angry gay black man who wants a race war and murdered whites out of vengence. Good job race hustlers. Their deaths are on your hands.

Don't forget to add he was religious.

He said Jehovah spoke to him, telling him to act.

After Shooting, Alleged Gunman Details Grievances in ‘Suicide Notes’

I'm just glad he wasn't white or an atheist. LOL.

Yeah…if he was an atheist he would have added 2 more to the 100 million people murdered by atheists since 1939…..
Well chalk another one up for religious murderers. With guys like this and if you count the holy war Bush got hit with on 9-11 and the 100 year war, you guys are catching up.

What was the 100 year war about again? Riddle me that godsmack.
Religious killings pale in comparison to progressive governments and the tens of millions they have murdered in the last 125 years.
I would say take all the murders done by for and in the name of religion, you're probably so wrong it'd make your head spin. Consider all this:

The Death Toll Comparison Breakdown - Wait But Why

Best Answer:Around 5,000,000 in the first 4 crusades, with another 1,000,000 in the Albigensian Crusade.
Then to weed out those nasty people that were left, there was The Holy Office to deal with, which accounted for around another 140,000. Mostly tortured first before suffering some disgusting fate that they dreamed up.
Maybe 200,000 witches, then you can add in the Wars of Religion in Europe that was about 3,400,000, The 30 Years War, 40% of Germany annihilated plus 1000`s of others.
Then there was the persecution of the Jews, about 450,000 up to the end of the 17th century and so on.

About 23,500,000...maybe more.

And that is just Europe and the Levant plus I stopped counting at around the year 1700.

I am sorry, but Hitler was most definitely a Christian, he even refered to himself as `evangelical` read his speeches and Mein Kampf.
I don`t know why people try to cover that up now.
Accused Virginia gunman cites reaction to Charleston church shooting for killings

The monster who murdered the innocent reporters tweeted after his murders.

Says he did it as revenge for the Charleston shootings. That he wants a race war. That he is a gay black man. Says he bought his gun 2 days after charleston.

Ok....time to group him in to represent an entire group. Angry gay black man who wants a race war and murdered whites out of vengence. Good job race hustlers. Their deaths are on your hands.

Don't forget to add he was religious.

He said Jehovah spoke to him, telling him to act.

After Shooting, Alleged Gunman Details Grievances in ‘Suicide Notes’

I'm just glad he wasn't white or an atheist. LOL.

Yeah…if he was an atheist he would have added 2 more to the 100 million people murdered by atheists since 1939…..
Well chalk another one up for religious murderers. With guys like this and if you count the holy war Bush got hit with on 9-11 and the 100 year war, you guys are catching up.

What was the 100 year war about again? Riddle me that godsmack.
Religious killings pale in comparison to progressive governments and the tens of millions they have murdered in the last 125 years.
I would say take all the murders done by for and in the name of religion, you're probably so wrong it'd make your head spin. Consider all this:

The Death Toll Comparison Breakdown - Wait But Why

Best Answer:Around 5,000,000 in the first 4 crusades, with another 1,000,000 in the Albigensian Crusade.
Then to weed out those nasty people that were left, there was The Holy Office to deal with, which accounted for around another 140,000. Mostly tortured first before suffering some disgusting fate that they dreamed up.
Maybe 200,000 witches, then you can add in the Wars of Religion in Europe that was about 3,400,000, The 30 Years War, 40% of Germany annihilated plus 1000`s of others.
Then there was the persecution of the Jews, about 450,000 up to the end of the 17th century and so on.

About 23,500,000...maybe more.

And that is just Europe and the Levant plus I stopped counting at around the year 1700.

I am sorry, but Hitler was most definitely a Christian, he even refered to himself as `evangelical` read his speeches and Mein Kampf.
I don`t know why people try to cover that up now.
And the Russian pogroms...
Don't forget to add he was religious.

He said Jehovah spoke to him, telling him to act.

After Shooting, Alleged Gunman Details Grievances in ‘Suicide Notes’

I'm just glad he wasn't white or an atheist. LOL.

Yeah…if he was an atheist he would have added 2 more to the 100 million people murdered by atheists since 1939…..
Well chalk another one up for religious murderers. With guys like this and if you count the holy war Bush got hit with on 9-11 and the 100 year war, you guys are catching up.

What was the 100 year war about again? Riddle me that godsmack.
Religious killings pale in comparison to progressive governments and the tens of millions they have murdered in the last 125 years.
I would say take all the murders done by for and in the name of religion, you're probably so wrong it'd make your head spin. Consider all this:

The Death Toll Comparison Breakdown - Wait But Why

Best Answer:Around 5,000,000 in the first 4 crusades, with another 1,000,000 in the Albigensian Crusade.
Then to weed out those nasty people that were left, there was The Holy Office to deal with, which accounted for around another 140,000. Mostly tortured first before suffering some disgusting fate that they dreamed up.
Maybe 200,000 witches, then you can add in the Wars of Religion in Europe that was about 3,400,000, The 30 Years War, 40% of Germany annihilated plus 1000`s of others.
Then there was the persecution of the Jews, about 450,000 up to the end of the 17th century and so on.

About 23,500,000...maybe more.

And that is just Europe and the Levant plus I stopped counting at around the year 1700.

I am sorry, but Hitler was most definitely a Christian, he even refered to himself as `evangelical` read his speeches and Mein Kampf.
I don`t know why people try to cover that up now.
And the Russian pogroms...
I think we need to start watching the Jehovah's more closely. Here we're worried about Islam and Jehovah sneaks up on us.
one of the news channels was reading his manifesto

is it available
Killers love it when we read their manifestos. Its the reason they do these high profile killings. We should boycott any media outlet that posts manifestos.
That is an interesting idea, since publicity is a factor.

But the problem is, any sane person knows it will be bad publicity. Better to catch the insanity and shut it down.
It's not difficult to figure out his motivation, but I guess "race war" sells more papers than "a guy took revenge on the company that fired him".

This is an instance where his words spoke louder than his actions. All you need to do is be honest enough to read his manifesto. Call this cherrypicking if you want, but I call this damning evidence:

"As for Dylann Roof? You *****! You want a race war ************? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE …*****!!!”
It's not difficult to figure out his motivation, but I guess "race war" sells more papers than "a guy took revenge on the company that fired him".

This is an instance where his words spoke louder than his actions. All you need to do is be honest enough to read his manifesto. Call this cherrypicking if you want, but I call this damning evidence:

"As for Dylann Roof? You *****! You want a race war ************? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE …*****!!!”

Dylann who? Nope its the black dudes fault...stop confusing people.
Accused Virginia gunman cites reaction to Charleston church shooting for killings

The monster who murdered the innocent reporters tweeted after his murders.

Says he did it as revenge for the Charleston shootings. That he wants a race war. That he is a gay black man. Says he bought his gun 2 days after charleston.

Ok....time to group him in to represent an entire group. Angry gay black man who wants a race war and murdered whites out of vengence. Good job race hustlers. Their deaths are on your hands.

Don't forget to add he was religious.

He said Jehovah spoke to him, telling him to act.

After Shooting, Alleged Gunman Details Grievances in ‘Suicide Notes’

I'm just glad he wasn't white or an atheist. LOL.

Yeah…if he was an atheist he would have added 2 more to the 100 million people murdered by atheists since 1939…..
Well chalk another one up for religious murderers. With guys like this and if you count the holy war Bush got hit with on 9-11 and the 100 year war, you guys are catching up.

What was the 100 year war about again? Riddle me that godsmack.

Religious killings pale in comparison to progressive governments and the tens of millions they have murdered in the last 125 years.

You are insane. And I don't care what Hitler believed. Its the Christian Catholic German sheep he bamboozled. They did all the killing for him.

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler

Religion makes you dumb.

Soviet Russia (officially atheist), and Communist China (officially atheist) murdered, between them, over 100 million people. You are as wrong as wrong can be.
It's not difficult to figure out his motivation, but I guess "race war" sells more papers than "a guy took revenge on the company that fired him".

This is an instance where his words spoke louder than his actions. All you need to do is be honest enough to read his manifesto. Call this cherrypicking if you want, but I call this damning evidence:

"As for Dylann Roof? You *****! You want a race war ************? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE …*****!!!”

Some race-warrior he was. All those white cops on his ass and all he could do is cap himself in the head. Fuckin' coward.
It's not difficult to figure out his motivation, but I guess "race war" sells more papers than "a guy took revenge on the company that fired him".

This is an instance where his words spoke louder than his actions. All you need to do is be honest enough to read his manifesto. Call this cherrypicking if you want, but I call this damning evidence:

"As for Dylann Roof? You *****! You want a race war ************? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE …*****!!!”

Words never speak "louder" than actions.

Why did he specifically and only target his former colleagues at the TV station if his attack was genuinely motivated by the desire to start a race war?
Accused Virginia gunman cites reaction to Charleston church shooting for killings

The monster who murdered the innocent reporters tweeted after his murders.

Says he did it as revenge for the Charleston shootings. That he wants a race war. That he is a gay black man. Says he bought his gun 2 days after charleston.

Ok....time to group him in to represent an entire group. Angry gay black man who wants a race war and murdered whites out of vengence. Good job race hustlers. Their deaths are on your hands.

Don't forget to add he was religious.

He said Jehovah spoke to him, telling him to act.

After Shooting, Alleged Gunman Details Grievances in ‘Suicide Notes’

I'm just glad he wasn't white or an atheist. LOL.

Yeah…if he was an atheist he would have added 2 more to the 100 million people murdered by atheists since 1939…..
Well chalk another one up for religious murderers. With guys like this and if you count the holy war Bush got hit with on 9-11 and the 100 year war, you guys are catching up.

What was the 100 year war about again? Riddle me that godsmack.
Religious killings pale in comparison to progressive governments and the tens of millions they have murdered in the last 125 years.
I would say take all the murders done by for and in the name of religion, you're probably so wrong it'd make your head spin. Consider all this:

The Death Toll Comparison Breakdown - Wait But Why

Best Answer:Around 5,000,000 in the first 4 crusades, with another 1,000,000 in the Albigensian Crusade.
Then to weed out those nasty people that were left, there was The Holy Office to deal with, which accounted for around another 140,000. Mostly tortured first before suffering some disgusting fate that they dreamed up.
Maybe 200,000 witches, then you can add in the Wars of Religion in Europe that was about 3,400,000, The 30 Years War, 40% of Germany annihilated plus 1000`s of others.
Then there was the persecution of the Jews, about 450,000 up to the end of the 17th century and so on.

About 23,500,000...maybe more.

And that is just Europe and the Levant plus I stopped counting at around the year 1700.

I am sorry, but Hitler was most definitely a Christian, he even refered to himself as `evangelical` read his speeches and Mein Kampf.
I don`t know why people try to cover that up now.

The numbers you post are laughable. There simply weren't that many people to murder as any check with a demographer will show. Even using your ridiculous numbers the progressive governments have murdered well over 100 million so you are completely and totally wrong. outlet makes an affirmative action hire with this gay black guy.

He sucked at his they let him go.

So he comes back and murders white people....and tweets about his hatred of whites and a race war.

Lesson learned.
It's not difficult to figure out his motivation, but I guess "race war" sells more papers than "a guy took revenge on the company that fired him".

This is an instance where his words spoke louder than his actions. All you need to do is be honest enough to read his manifesto. Call this cherrypicking if you want, but I call this damning evidence:

"As for Dylann Roof? You *****! You want a race war ************? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE …*****!!!”

Words never speak "louder" than actions.

Why did he specifically and only target his former colleagues at the TV station if his attack was genuinely motivated by the desire to start a race war?

Yer' splittin' hairs Doc, and they ain't nappy hairs, either.......
It's not difficult to figure out his motivation, but I guess "race war" sells more papers than "a guy took revenge on the company that fired him".

This is an instance where his words spoke louder than his actions. All you need to do is be honest enough to read his manifesto. Call this cherrypicking if you want, but I call this damning evidence:

"As for Dylann Roof? You *****! You want a race war ************? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE …*****!!!”

Words never speak "louder" than actions.

Why did he specifically and only target his former colleagues at the TV station if his attack was genuinely motivated by the desire to start a race war?

Yer' splittin' hairs Doc, and they ain't nappy hairs, either.......

The difference between a "race war" and a disgruntled former employee shooting his former co-workers is not a "hair".

As I pointed out before, "race war" sells more papers to scared white people, so that's the headlines we see.
Another mentally ill man who was allowed to legally buy a gun. The background check system is broken.
If they didn't sell a gun to a black gay, especially one with no record as I understand it, it would be racist and homophobic.

I'm sure that the gun dealer was within the law. I'm not questioning that. There is a problem with information that is pertinent to a person's mental fitness to responsibly own a firearm not being entered into the system. If a person is fired from a job because he acts crazy, that should be documented and entered into the system. If a person beats his wife and the police show up (as with another recent spree shooting) that should be entered into the system. The only people who should have legal access to a firearm should be mentally fit, law-abiding citizens.
The law only allows one to be denied a right on the decision of a Judge. What do you want? Joe Blow to make the decision?

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