News crew shot **warning graphic**

That is NOT a Negro, It is a MEXICAN pretending to be a Negro1
No, your avatar is a MEXICAN you're pretending to be a negro.
The figure in my avatar is far older than the name given to the country of Mexico.. But if an avatar is the focus of your judgment of people, what does yours say about you?
Being black is no excuse for ignorance:

Human presence in the Mexican region was once thought to date back 40,000 years based upon what were believed to be ancient human footprints discovered in the Valley of Mexico, but after further investigation using radioactive dating, it appears this is untrue.[1] It is currently unclear whether 21,000-year-old campfire remains found in the Valley of Mexicoare the earliest human remains in Mexico.[2]Indigenous peoples of Mexico began to selectively breed maize plants around 8000 BC. Evidence shows a marked increase in pottery working by 2300 B.C. and the beginning of intensive corn farming between 1800 and 1500 B.C..

Pre-Columbian Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know that no one wants to be black, but find a different way of denial.
What is YOUR excuse for being ignorant? Reading comprehension , I guess, is a subset of your ignorance. The name Mexico did not exist until after the Spanish arrived. That was my point.

In your ignorant haste, you jumped at yet another chance to make a complete fool of yourself by ignoring what I said and supplanting it with a non sequitur of your own making.
Don't be such an ignoramus. The name Greece did not exist until the Romans labelled them Greeks, that would be after the heyday of ancient Greece.

As for Mexico: Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did you honestly think the name Mexico was of Spanish origin? FFS!

Like I said, being black is a thin excuse for this level of ignorance.
Okay. I see the Charleston shootings and up the Charleston shootings.......what's next in this racial divide poker game? (Ask, the Democraps; they love playing the race card!).
Sure buddy, the KKK is all black members...
Who the fuck talks about the KKK in 2015? What, are there like a few hundred of them in the world? They are closer to extinction than the white rhino.

I remember hearing that there were more FBI agents infiltrated into the kkk than there were actual members….
meanwhile negro gangs run wild in the streets....
It was better when it was Caucasian gangs..
This is an instance where his words spoke louder than his actions. All you need to do is be honest enough to read his manifesto. Call this cherrypicking if you want, but I call this damning evidence:

"As for Dylann Roof? You *****! You want a race war ************? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE …*****!!!”

Words never speak "louder" than actions.

Why did he specifically and only target his former colleagues at the TV station if his attack was genuinely motivated by the desire to start a race war?

Yer' splittin' hairs Doc, and they ain't nappy hairs, either.......

The difference between a "race war" and a disgruntled former employee shooting his former co-workers is not a "hair".

As I pointed out before, "race war" sells more papers to scared white people, so that's the headlines we see.
No we don't and that is the point, the man made a statement and the press is covering it up as well as the cops. Or perhaps you can link us to a main stream report about his manifesto and the headline including the color of the shooters skin? Hell they had the white shooters manifesto up in moments of determining who it was. Now we get silence and the cops saying they just don't know why he did it.

Write on! And many a Dumbocrat denies that the media hasn't bee co-opted by the left, even tho' it has been for well over a decade.

Longer than that. The Senator Joseph McCarthy hearings weren't for nothing. The Soviets had a plan to infiltrate the US even as far back as that. They started with the institutions that were the most vulnerable: The media, entertainment industry, and the academic world.

Now it's reaches as high as the office of the Presidency.
Why did he specifically and only target his former colleagues at the TV station if his attack was genuinely motivated by the desire to start a race war?

Once again, read the manifesto.

I have no desire to read any crazy person's manifesto.

Why are you so intent on believing the manifesto/suicide note of a lunatic? we can't believe his manifesto? So Dylann Roofs words can't be believed either?
Yeah, of course you deny reality...No big deal to me..I look white..
You can easilly prove me wrong by taking some pictures of them as you are out and about today. You said your "area was infested with them", now prove it.
c' know by now all he has is snarky one liners..nothing of any counts is all he's interested in.
No, it's designed to inspire white people to vote for Republicans - and also buy gold, guns and canned foods.

Seriously, take a look at Drudge some time, or WND, or Breitbart.

It's designed to get blacks to feel like emboldened victims and vote for democrats.
Take a look at NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NYT, Washington Post, ...

I've never seen an article or op-ed from any of those sources that argues that a "race war" is going on.
one of the news channels was reading his manifesto

is it available
Killers love it when we read their manifestos. Its the reason they do these high profile killings. We should boycott any media outlet that posts manifestos.
Thats right. Encourage censorship. Another brilliant idea from the resident idiot.

I disagree. If anything, these cocksuckers shouldn't be given the opportunity to spread their filth. Would you feel the same way about a video posted online of ISIS cutting the throats of two dozen people?
That is NOT a Negro, It is a MEXICAN pretending to be a Negro1
No, your avatar is a MEXICAN you're pretending to be a negro.
The figure in my avatar is far older than the name given to the country of Mexico.. But if an avatar is the focus of your judgment of people, what does yours say about you?
Being black is no excuse for ignorance:

Human presence in the Mexican region was once thought to date back 40,000 years based upon what were believed to be ancient human footprints discovered in the Valley of Mexico, but after further investigation using radioactive dating, it appears this is untrue.[1] It is currently unclear whether 21,000-year-old campfire remains found in the Valley of Mexicoare the earliest human remains in Mexico.[2]Indigenous peoples of Mexico began to selectively breed maize plants around 8000 BC. Evidence shows a marked increase in pottery working by 2300 B.C. and the beginning of intensive corn farming between 1800 and 1500 B.C..

Pre-Columbian Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know that no one wants to be black, but find a different way of denial.
What is YOUR excuse for being ignorant? Reading comprehension , I guess, is a subset of your ignorance. The name Mexico did not exist until after the Spanish arrived. That was my point.

In your ignorant haste, you jumped at yet another chance to make a complete fool of yourself by ignoring what I said and supplanting it with a non sequitur of your own making.
Don't be such an ignoramus. The name Greece did not exist until the Romans labelled them Greeks, that would be after the heyday of ancient Greece.

As for Mexico: Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Like I said, being black is a thin excuse for this level of ignorance.
Being white is a great rationale for your stupidity. You just cant make this type of stupidity up. Mexico and Mēxihco is not the same thing idiot.

"Mexico (country) did not name its capital after itself, as in Mexico City—the accepted name internationally—but the converse actually applies. Before Spanish times, the capital was formally named Tenochtitlan, but was the seat of the Mexica Empire which is known as the Aztec Empire."

"Under the Spaniards, Mexico was both the name of the capital and its sphere of influence, most of which exists as Greater Mexico Cityand the State of Mexico."
No, it's designed to inspire white people to vote for Republicans - and also buy gold, guns and canned foods.

Seriously, take a look at Drudge some time, or WND, or Breitbart.

It's designed to get blacks to feel like emboldened victims and vote for democrats.
Take a look at NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NYT, Washington Post, ...

It's pretty hard to take those "news" sources seriously, when they aren't reporting the whole truth, or are running cover for the left-wing agenda. Have any of those "sources" reported that the shooter was black, gay, or wanted to start a race war?
No, it's designed to inspire white people to vote for Republicans - and also buy gold, guns and canned foods.

Seriously, take a look at Drudge some time, or WND, or Breitbart.

It's designed to get blacks to feel like emboldened victims and vote for democrats.
Take a look at NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NYT, Washington Post, ...

I've never seen an article or op-ed from any of those sources that argues that a "race war" is going on.
They provide the impetus and the bait.
It's not difficult to figure out his motivation, but I guess "race war" sells more papers than "a guy took revenge on the company that fired him".

This is an instance where his words spoke louder than his actions. All you need to do is be honest enough to read his manifesto. Call this cherrypicking if you want, but I call this damning evidence:

"As for Dylann Roof? You *****! You want a race war ************? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE …*****!!!”

Words never speak "louder" than actions.

Why did he specifically and only target his former colleagues at the TV station if his attack was genuinely motivated by the desire to start a race war?
because they are white?...
he also tweeted that the girl allegedly said something "racist" one's all white "racists" fault...
a day of reckoning approaches.
Well this will soon stop...Hillary will fix this and whatever else needs a fixin....

Hillary Clinton Pledges to Take on Gun Violence After TV News Shooting

Didn't take her alll that long to seize the moment.
Who will fix this? Trump? Cruz? Palin? Herman Cain? Ben Carlson? Rubio? Jindal? Jeb? Kasich or Walker? Come on now.
Carson would help heal racism in America, unlike Obama setting race relations back 50 years.

No, your avatar is a MEXICAN you're pretending to be a negro.
The figure in my avatar is far older than the name given to the country of Mexico.. But if an avatar is the focus of your judgment of people, what does yours say about you?
Being black is no excuse for ignorance:

Human presence in the Mexican region was once thought to date back 40,000 years based upon what were believed to be ancient human footprints discovered in the Valley of Mexico, but after further investigation using radioactive dating, it appears this is untrue.[1] It is currently unclear whether 21,000-year-old campfire remains found in the Valley of Mexicoare the earliest human remains in Mexico.[2]Indigenous peoples of Mexico began to selectively breed maize plants around 8000 BC. Evidence shows a marked increase in pottery working by 2300 B.C. and the beginning of intensive corn farming between 1800 and 1500 B.C..

Pre-Columbian Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know that no one wants to be black, but find a different way of denial.
What is YOUR excuse for being ignorant? Reading comprehension , I guess, is a subset of your ignorance. The name Mexico did not exist until after the Spanish arrived. That was my point.

In your ignorant haste, you jumped at yet another chance to make a complete fool of yourself by ignoring what I said and supplanting it with a non sequitur of your own making.
Don't be such an ignoramus. The name Greece did not exist until the Romans labelled them Greeks, that would be after the heyday of ancient Greece.

As for Mexico: Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Like I said, being black is a thin excuse for this level of ignorance.
Being white is a great rationale for your stupidity. You just cant make this type of stupidity up. Mexico and Mēxihco is not the same thing idiot.

"Mexico (country) did not name its capital after itself, as in Mexico City—the accepted name internationally—but the converse actually applies. Before Spanish times, the capital was formally named Tenochtitlan, but was the seat of the Mexica Empire which is known as the Aztec Empire."

"Under the Spaniards, Mexico was both the name of the capital and its sphere of influence, most of which exists as Greater Mexico Cityand the State of Mexico."
You kids are way out of your league. Do yourselves a favor and don't try to take on educated people, regardless of race.
Like the confederate flag that was banned after the church shooting, should we now ban all blacklivesmatter signs?


For moron liberals who do not get it, and are scratching your lice heads, let me put in a way that you would even understand.

Imagine signs that would say.....whitelivesmatter. Could you imagine the left wing white guilt elitist reaction to that?


Oh, wait. I am being too logical.

It is literally impossible to the white guilt patronizing lefty racist to consider that.

How about the fagflag?

It's not difficult to figure out his motivation, but I guess "race war" sells more papers than "a guy took revenge on the company that fired him".

This is an instance where his words spoke louder than his actions. All you need to do is be honest enough to read his manifesto. Call this cherrypicking if you want, but I call this damning evidence:

"As for Dylann Roof? You *****! You want a race war ************? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE …*****!!!”

Words never speak "louder" than actions.

Why did he specifically and only target his former colleagues at the TV station if his attack was genuinely motivated by the desire to start a race war?
because they are white?...
he also tweeted that the girl allegedly said something "racist" one's all white "racists" fault...
a day of reckoning approaches.


I love it when you guys make my point for me.

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