News crew shot **warning graphic**

one of the news channels was reading his manifesto

is it available
Killers love it when we read their manifestos. Its the reason they do these high profile killings. We should boycott any media outlet that posts manifestos.
Thats right. Encourage censorship. Another brilliant idea from the resident idiot.

I disagree. If anything, these cocksuckers shouldn't be given the opportunity to spread their filth. Would you feel the same way about a video posted online of ISIS cutting the throats of two dozen people?
A video and manifesto are 2 different things. One is a moving image which the brains stores quite readily and the other is written which requires the person reading it to form their own images. To answer your question of course I feel the same way. This stuff should be shown so society never forgets the atrocity and learns from it. A perfect example is the denial of the Holocaust both in europe and in Africa.
Okay. I see the Charleston shootings and up the Charleston shootings.......what's next in this racial divide poker game? (Ask, the Democraps; they love playing the race card!).
Sure buddy, the KKK is all black members...
Who the fuck talks about the KKK in 2015? What, are there like a few hundred of them in the world? They are closer to extinction than the white rhino.

I remember hearing that there were more FBI agents infiltrated into the kkk than there were actual members….
meanwhile negro gangs run wild in the streets....
It was better when it was Caucasian gangs..
Gee another cracker shitting in their pants thread

The figure in my avatar is far older than the name given to the country of Mexico.. But if an avatar is the focus of your judgment of people, what does yours say about you?
Being black is no excuse for ignorance:

Human presence in the Mexican region was once thought to date back 40,000 years based upon what were believed to be ancient human footprints discovered in the Valley of Mexico, but after further investigation using radioactive dating, it appears this is untrue.[1] It is currently unclear whether 21,000-year-old campfire remains found in the Valley of Mexicoare the earliest human remains in Mexico.[2]Indigenous peoples of Mexico began to selectively breed maize plants around 8000 BC. Evidence shows a marked increase in pottery working by 2300 B.C. and the beginning of intensive corn farming between 1800 and 1500 B.C..

Pre-Columbian Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know that no one wants to be black, but find a different way of denial.
What is YOUR excuse for being ignorant? Reading comprehension , I guess, is a subset of your ignorance. The name Mexico did not exist until after the Spanish arrived. That was my point.

In your ignorant haste, you jumped at yet another chance to make a complete fool of yourself by ignoring what I said and supplanting it with a non sequitur of your own making.
Don't be such an ignoramus. The name Greece did not exist until the Romans labelled them Greeks, that would be after the heyday of ancient Greece.

As for Mexico: Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Like I said, being black is a thin excuse for this level of ignorance.
Being white is a great rationale for your stupidity. You just cant make this type of stupidity up. Mexico and Mēxihco is not the same thing idiot.

"Mexico (country) did not name its capital after itself, as in Mexico City—the accepted name internationally—but the converse actually applies. Before Spanish times, the capital was formally named Tenochtitlan, but was the seat of the Mexica Empire which is known as the Aztec Empire."

"Under the Spaniards, Mexico was both the name of the capital and its sphere of influence, most of which exists as Greater Mexico Cityand the State of Mexico."
You kids are way out of your league. Do yourselves a favor and don't try to take on educated people, regardless of race.
I agree we are way out of your league. We play pro while you play for the local YMCA.
No, it's designed to inspire white people to vote for Republicans - and also buy gold, guns and canned foods.

Seriously, take a look at Drudge some time, or WND, or Breitbart.

It's designed to get blacks to feel like emboldened victims and vote for democrats.
Take a look at NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NYT, Washington Post, ...

I've never seen an article or op-ed from any of those sources that argues that a "race war" is going on. something is only real if you see it on television?


google black on white crime....the numbers are horrific...people are getting sick and tired of it, too
negroes commit over HALF of ALL violent crime in the u.s. despite only making up 13% of the population according ot the FBI, DOJ and BJS...
It's not difficult to figure out his motivation, but I guess "race war" sells more papers than "a guy took revenge on the company that fired him".

This is an instance where his words spoke louder than his actions. All you need to do is be honest enough to read his manifesto. Call this cherrypicking if you want, but I call this damning evidence:

"As for Dylann Roof? You *****! You want a race war ************? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE …*****!!!”

Words never speak "louder" than actions.

Why did he specifically and only target his former colleagues at the TV station if his attack was genuinely motivated by the desire to start a race war?
because they are white?...
he also tweeted that the girl allegedly said something "racist" one's all white "racists" fault...
a day of reckoning approaches.


I love it when you guys make my point for me.

his race war had to start somewhere; might as well be where your racist delusions were strongest; WHERE HE GOT FIRED.

senior mod or not; I don't see where anybody "made your point". You appear to be the typical left-wingnut who sees affirmation of his views in everything, even if it isn't there
Then again, take if from the General Manager of WDBJ, Jeffery Marks:

"Vester was an unhappy man. We employed him as a reporter and he had some talent in that respect… He quickly gathered a reputation as someone who was difficult to work with. He was sort of looking out for people to say things he could take offense to. Eventually after many incidents of his anger coming forward, we dismissed him. He did not take that well. [Police had to be called.] He filed a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission… about members of the staff making racial comments. He was African American. None of them could be corroborated by anyone. We think they were fabricated. We talked to all our employees… we got nothing about that. The EEOC dismissed the claim out of hand."

Now, if this doesn't speak to the motivations behind why he targeted a white female reporter and her white colleagues, I don't know what does. He even remarked about how he was bullied by black men and white females because of his race and sexual preference. He didn't go after any black men, everyone on that crew was white.

One of the main accusations he leveled against his former colleagues were those of racism and anti-gay harassment. The Charleston shooting gave him an outlet to take out his "revenge."
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Accused Virginia gunman cites reaction to Charleston church shooting for killings

The monster who murdered the innocent reporters tweeted after his murders.

Says he did it as revenge for the Charleston shootings. That he wants a race war. That he is a gay black man. Says he bought his gun 2 days after charleston.

Dude you need some fuckin help, really you do. You come on these threads every other day talking this shit about race wars and hating blacks. Like most cowards in this country, with cops topping the list along with the multitude of rednecks who kill for SPORTS in mass shootings, this nigga was a coward that couldn't get past being fired. Like most gun toting bitches in this country, he took the cowards way out with his beloved gun, that motherfuckers like you worship.

I've said this a zillion times before, this 2nd amendment culture we have in this country is slowly choking the life out of all of us. This mentally fucked up black man is no different from the white boys........boys, boys, boys, that kill for sports...starting with the bastard that gunned down 12 white babies.....
Then again, take if from the General Manager of WDBJ, Jeffery Marks:

"Vester was an unhappy man. We employed him as a reporter and he had some talent in that respect… He quickly gathered a reputation as someone who was difficult to work with. He was sort of looking out for people to say things he could take offense to. Eventually after many incidents of his anger coming forward, we dismissed him. He did not take that well. [Police had to be called.] He filed a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission… about members of the staff making racial comments. He was African American. None of them could be corroborated by anyone. We think they were fabricated. We talked to all our employees… we got nothing about that. The EEOC dismissed the claim out of hand."

Now, if this doesn't speak to the motivation's behind why he targeted a white female reporter and her white colleagues, I don't know what does. He even remarked about how he was attacked by black men and white females. He didn't go after any black men, everyone on that crew was white.

One of the main accusations he leveled against his former colleagues were those of racism and anti-gay harassment. The Charleston shooting gave him an outlet to take out his "revenge."

What a fuckin' piece of shit. May he rot in hell.
Gee another cracker shitting in their pants thread

hope some negro gives you or your mother or sister some "diversity" up close and personal sometime soon...see how funny you think it is then ....

LOLOL....I would bet my last dollar, this pink mf got nigga's in the family already....we all know Becky can't keep her panties on around dark meat.
Then again, take if from the General Manager of WDBJ, Jeffery Marks:

"Vester was an unhappy man. We employed him as a reporter and he had some talent in that respect… He quickly gathered a reputation as someone who was difficult to work with. He was sort of looking out for people to say things he could take offense to. Eventually after many incidents of his anger coming forward, we dismissed him. He did not take that well. [Police had to be called.] He filed a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission… about members of the staff making racial comments. He was African American. None of them could be corroborated by anyone. We think they were fabricated. We talked to all our employees… we got nothing about that. The EEOC dismissed the claim out of hand."

Now, if this doesn't speak to the motivation's behind why he targeted a white female reporter and her white colleagues, I don't know what does. He even remarked about how he was attacked by black men and white females. He didn't go after any black men, everyone on that crew was white.

One of the main accusations he leveled against his former colleagues were those of racism and anti-gay harassment. The Charleston shooting gave him an outlet to take out his "revenge."

What a fuckin' piece of shit. May he rot in hell.

And he will along with the multitude of WHITE MASS MURDERERS BEFORE HIM...NOW HAVE A NICE DAY.
17 BLACK PEOPLE WILL BE MURDERED TODAY; actually more because it is summer but and average of 17 every day

I hope you the killers boys too; maybe you wont be called a racist if you do "tiger"
It's not difficult to figure out his motivation, but I guess "race war" sells more papers than "a guy took revenge on the company that fired him".

This is an instance where his words spoke louder than his actions. All you need to do is be honest enough to read his manifesto. Call this cherrypicking if you want, but I call this damning evidence:

"As for Dylann Roof? You *****! You want a race war ************? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE …*****!!!”

Words never speak "louder" than actions.

Why did he specifically and only target his former colleagues at the TV station if his attack was genuinely motivated by the desire to start a race war?
because they are white?...
he also tweeted that the girl allegedly said something "racist" one's all white "racists" fault...
a day of reckoning approaches.


I love it when you guys make my point for me.

fuck you


I remember you now. Welcome back.
SIX THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED Black Americans will be murdered this year; NONE of them by white people

and you can bet people like guno and tigerred will have little or nothing to say about it
No, that means that Rush found out about the story, got the details from the news...THEN claimed they would have a problem covering it AFTER he got the information FROM THE COVERAGE!!!

Rush didn't say they wouldn't report it, he said they would be conflicted about it. And of course he is right, because reporting it goes against their Agenda, against the narrative that only white on black crime is a problem.
:boohoo: With the shootings of innocent females in California, the shootings of children via stray bullets in "Third World Cities" run by Democrats, and today, we had another Democrat shoot a female in cold blood. And yet Democrats claim that its Republicans that are at war with woman? :oops-28:
If these senseless killings keep up this year, how much more will fair minded Americans put up with it? Fact: Republicans and Conservatives are not shooting women,,,,Democrats Are !!!!:iagree:
Hillary blames Virginia news-crew shooting on guns being too 'readily available' – just after touring community college machine shop where students learn gunsmithing

'First of all, I was so, just stricken to think that these two young people doing work that you guys do every single day would be murdered on live television. And I will extend my condolences and sympathies to their families and to their coworkers and pray for the woman who, last I checked, was still in critical condition.

'But I will also reiterate that we have got to do something about gun violence in America. And I will take it on. There are many people who face it and know it, but then turn away because it’s hard. It’s a very political, difficult issue in America. But I believe we are smart enough, we are compassionate enough, to figure out how to balance the legitimate Second Amendment rights with preventive measures and control measures so that whatever motivated this murderer, who eventually took his own life, we will not see more deaths – needless, senseless deaths.

'So, yes, I feel just great heartache at what happened and I want to reiterate how important it is we not let yet another terrible instance go by without trying to do something more to prevent this incredible killing that is stalking our country.'

'And we've had so many terrible instances of it in the last two years, but it happens every day. Intentional, unintentional, murder, suicide, it happens every day and there is so much evidence that if guns were not so readily available, if we had universal background checks, if we could just put some "time out" between the person who's upset because he got fired, or the domestic abuse, or whatever other motivation may be working on someone who does this, that maybe we could prevent this kind of carnage.'

'So I hope that in addition to expressing sympathy for those directly affected, that this is – maybe for the media, for the public, for elected officials, for every American, what it hopefully will finally take for us to act.'

Read more: Hillary pushes gun control after praising class for budding gunsmiths
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Oooops, did I copy and paste something again?

BTW the moron press secretary white house asshole also said it.

So, now you know where they will be going with the narrative. Such predictable losers. The worst part is their dumb followers will just clap away and not see how manipulated they are.

Will the democrat voting base morons ever be anything more than dumb cliches and democrat moron talking points?

Please do not tell me the liberals on this board still believe in MAN MADE glowbull warming. not tell me they are that stupid.

Naaah, just kidding. I know they are still that stupid.
Why are you so intent on believing the manifesto/suicide note of a lunatic?

Why are you so intent on dismissing it?

I gather you don't want to find the real motivations behind why he killed those two people on air.

First you cited his being a "disgruntled employee" as a motive for the murders:

The shooter had been a reporter for that news channel until he was fired.

It's not difficult to figure out his motivation, but I guess "race war" sells more papers than "a guy took revenge on the company that fired him".

Then just now when revelations of his being motivated to revenge by the Charleston shootings come up, you're willing to dismiss it as a "crazy person's manifesto."

I have no desire to read any crazy person's manifesto.

What gives?
Gee another cracker shitting in their pants thread

hope some negro gives you or your mother or sister some "diversity" up close and personal sometime soon...see how funny you think it is then ....

LOLOL....I would bet my last dollar, this pink mf got nigga's in the family already....we all know Becky can't keep her panties on around dark meat.
and fuck you, too, n igger.
You wish you could. Go pay a hooker. Thats the closest you could ever get you pink monkey.
No, that means that Rush found out about the story, got the details from the news...THEN claimed they would have a problem covering it AFTER he got the information FROM THE COVERAGE!!!

Rush didn't say they wouldn't report it, he said they would be conflicted about it. And of course he is right, because reporting it goes against their Agenda, against the narrative that only white on black crime is a problem.
When did Rush become a therapist? How does he know if anyone is conflicted? I thought he was in prison over drugs?

Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges

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