News crew shot **warning graphic**

Okay. I see the Charleston shootings and up the Charleston shootings.......what's next in this racial divide poker game? (Ask, the Democraps; they love playing the race card!).
Sure buddy, the KKK is all black members...
Who the fuck talks about the KKK in 2015? What, are there like a few hundred of them in the world? They are closer to extinction than the white rhino.

I remember hearing that there were more FBI agents infiltrated into the kkk than there were actual members….
A GAY BLACK murders media members. Media nationwide is in shock. They've spent 7 years kissing the asses of gays and minorities and now two of their own are murdered in cold a gay black male.
When you're told from the day you're born that white people are out to get you, that you need someone else to make life fair for you, that you're owed something, that some people are going to lower standards for you because of the color of your skin - and when all of that is multiplied over generations - damn right you're more likely to be angry and more prone to bad behavior. Anyone would, skin color is irrelevant. Add some kind of mental disease, and you're a ticking bomb.

Goddamn shame.
Okay. I see the Charleston shootings and up the Charleston shootings.......what's next in this racial divide poker game? (Ask, the Democraps; they love playing the race card!).
Sure buddy, the KKK is all black members...
Who the fuck talks about the KKK in 2015? What, are there like a few hundred of them in the world? They are closer to extinction than the white rhino.
You should live where I do, the place is infested with 'em....and white power extremist..
A GAY BLACK murders media members. Media nationwide is in shock. They've spent 7 years kissing the asses of gays and minorities and now two of their own are murdered in cold a gay black male.
Why of course, no straight people would murder straight people, no matter their political affiliation...
Okay. I see the Charleston shootings and up the Charleston shootings.......what's next in this racial divide poker game? (Ask, the Democraps; they love playing the race card!).
Sure buddy, the KKK is all black members...
Who the fuck talks about the KKK in 2015? What, are there like a few hundred of them in the world? They are closer to extinction than the white rhino.
You should live where I do, the place is infested with 'em....and white power extremist..
Accused Virginia gunman cites reaction to Charleston church shooting for killings

The monster who murdered the innocent reporters tweeted after his murders.

Says he did it as revenge for the Charleston shootings. That he wants a race war. That he is a gay black man. Says he bought his gun 2 days after charleston.

Ok....time to group him in to represent an entire group. Angry gay black man who wants a race war and murdered whites out of vengence. Good job race hustlers. Their deaths are on your hands.

Don't forget to add he was religious.

He said Jehovah spoke to him, telling him to act.

After Shooting, Alleged Gunman Details Grievances in ‘Suicide Notes’

I'm just glad he wasn't white or an atheist. LOL.

Yeah…if he was an atheist he would have added 2 more to the 100 million people murdered by atheists since 1939…..
Well chalk another one up for religious murderers. With guys like this and if you count the holy war Bush got hit with on 9-11 and the 100 year war, you guys are catching up.

What was the 100 year war about again? Riddle me that godsmack.
Okay. I see the Charleston shootings and up the Charleston shootings.......what's next in this racial divide poker game? (Ask, the Democraps; they love playing the race card!).
Sure buddy, the KKK is all black members...
Who the fuck talks about the KKK in 2015? What, are there like a few hundred of them in the world? They are closer to extinction than the white rhino.
You should live where I do, the place is infested with 'em....and white power extremist..
Yeah, of course you deny reality...No big deal to me..I look white..
Hours after the incident and this is ABC...

MONETA, Va. (AP) — The latest on the fatal on-air shooting of two TV station employees in central Virginia (all times local):

11:55 a.m.

ABC News says it received a fax from someone who claimed to be Bryce Williams, a person on the staff at the Virginia station that saw two employees fatally shot on air.

ABC News says on its website that sometime between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, it received the fax. It describes it as a lengthy document of 23 pages. ABC News says it has turned the document over to authorities. ABC News did not offer any other details.

Well by golly, howd they report this guys name and didnt know he was black? Its almost like what Uncensored is saying is unbelievable bullshit! :rofl:
It's not about knowing. It's about omitting.
Okay. I see the Charleston shootings and up the Charleston shootings.......what's next in this racial divide poker game? (Ask, the Democraps; they love playing the race card!).
Sure buddy, the KKK is all black members...
Who the fuck talks about the KKK in 2015? What, are there like a few hundred of them in the world? They are closer to extinction than the white rhino.
You should live where I do, the place is infested with 'em....and white power extremist..
What other words can you make of that word you just wrote?

Bush. lol
That is NOT a Negro, It is a MEXICAN pretending to be a Negro1
No, your avatar is a MEXICAN you're pretending to be a negro.
The figure in my avatar is far older than the name given to the country of Mexico.. But if an avatar is the focus of your judgment of people, what does yours say about you?
Being black is no excuse for ignorance:

Human presence in the Mexican region was once thought to date back 40,000 years based upon what were believed to be ancient human footprints discovered in the Valley of Mexico, but after further investigation using radioactive dating, it appears this is untrue.[1] It is currently unclear whether 21,000-year-old campfire remains found in the Valley of Mexicoare the earliest human remains in Mexico.[2]Indigenous peoples of Mexico began to selectively breed maize plants around 8000 BC. Evidence shows a marked increase in pottery working by 2300 B.C. and the beginning of intensive corn farming between 1800 and 1500 B.C..

Pre-Columbian Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know that no one wants to be black, but find a different way of denial.
Yeah, of course you deny reality...No big deal to me..I look white..
You can easilly prove me wrong by taking some pictures of them as you are out and about today. You said your "area was infested with them", now prove it.
The shooter had been a reporter for that news channel until he was fired.

It's not difficult to figure out his motivation, but I guess "race war" sells more papers than "a guy took revenge on the company that fired him".
I guess you did not read his 23 page manifesto that declared why he did it? To much work to actually get the facts when it was a BLACK guy right? Now if it had been a white man shooting black reporters the lead story would have had a Title "White man shoots blacks" since it was a black man shooting whites the story never mentions his race at all.
Libs are stunned. A gay black male murders two unarmed media members and tweets the video. They instinctively look for who to blame. But they can't figure this one out. Blame the gun obviously.
Another mentally ill man who was allowed to legally buy a gun. The background check system is broken.

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