News crew shot **warning graphic**

Ok. Let's say an extremist muslim in the USA gets on the radio or tv or speaks to the media calling for all muslims to kill heathens that are not muslim. Is that a terrorist act? Why yes. It is. So....why is this guy (Black Panther) hollering for the murder of whites not arrested as a terrorist? Huh? How come?
MSNBC won't say it. They're speculating "what was the motive???" He said it. Kill whites for vengence. They're focusing on "who sold him the gun?".

He said it. He wanted a race war. So did Dylann Roof.

Accused Virginia gunman cites reaction to Charleston church shooting for killings

The monster who murdered the innocent reporters tweeted after his murders.

Says he did it as revenge for the Charleston shootings. That he wants a race war. That he is a gay black man. Says he bought his gun 2 days after charleston.

Ok....time to group him in to represent an entire group. Angry gay black man who wants a race war and murdered whites out of vengence. Good job race hustlers. Their deaths are on your hands.

Don't forget to add he was religious.

He said Jehovah spoke to him, telling him to act.

After Shooting, Alleged Gunman Details Grievances in ‘Suicide Notes’

I'm just glad he wasn't white or an atheist. LOL.

Yeah…if he was an atheist he would have added 2 more to the 100 million people murdered by atheists since 1939…..
Well chalk another one up for religious murderers. With guys like this and if you count the holy war Bush got hit with on 9-11 and the 100 year war, you guys are catching up.

What was the 100 year war about again? Riddle me that godsmack.

Religious killings pale in comparison to progressive governments and the tens of millions they have murdered in the last 125 years.
Black and gay. A double victim in life's lottery. Enough blame game going around and some idiot will take it seriously.

Here's the asshole's body cam video of the shooting. WARNING it's up close and personal.
Sorry, but your snuff video is no longer available.
It's still out there. See, when things are posted to the Internet, they never really go away.

Didn't your momma warn you about that?
View attachment 48370

his link was available about 30 seconds ago

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available
Yup....Glock. Shot the reporter first. Shot in the arm and only the sound alerted her.

Nothing like in the movies.
Another mentally ill man who was allowed to legally buy a gun. The background check system is broken.

Yep. GOVERNMENT WORKERS screwing up yet again. And you want to give them MORE power.:cuckoo:
Another mentally ill man who was allowed to legally buy a gun. The background check system is broken.
If they didn't sell a gun to a black gay, especially one with no record as I understand it, it would be racist and homophobic.

I'm sure that the gun dealer was within the law. I'm not questioning that. There is a problem with information that is pertinent to a person's mental fitness to responsibly own a firearm not being entered into the system. If a person is fired from a job because he acts crazy, that should be documented and entered into the system. If a person beats his wife and the police show up (as with another recent spree shooting) that should be entered into the system. The only people who should have legal access to a firearm should be mentally fit, law-abiding citizens.
one of the news channels was reading his manifesto

is it available
Killers love it when we read their manifestos. Its the reason they do these high profile killings. We should boycott any media outlet that posts manifestos.
Accused Virginia gunman cites reaction to Charleston church shooting for killings

The monster who murdered the innocent reporters tweeted after his murders.

Says he did it as revenge for the Charleston shootings. That he wants a race war. That he is a gay black man. Says he bought his gun 2 days after charleston.

Ok....time to group him in to represent an entire group. Angry gay black man who wants a race war and murdered whites out of vengence. Good job race hustlers. Their deaths are on your hands.

Don't forget to add he was religious.

He said Jehovah spoke to him, telling him to act.

After Shooting, Alleged Gunman Details Grievances in ‘Suicide Notes’

I'm just glad he wasn't white or an atheist. LOL.

Yeah…if he was an atheist he would have added 2 more to the 100 million people murdered by atheists since 1939…..
Well chalk another one up for religious murderers. With guys like this and if you count the holy war Bush got hit with on 9-11 and the 100 year war, you guys are catching up.

What was the 100 year war about again? Riddle me that godsmack.

Religious killings pale in comparison to progressive governments and the tens of millions they have murdered in the last 125 years.

You are insane. And I don't care what Hitler believed. Its the Christian Catholic German sheep he bamboozled. They did all the killing for him.

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler

Religion makes you dumb.

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