Newsflash: This Just In

Do you know why there were zero gun deaths prior to the invention of the gun?

Answer: Because less guns = less gun violence

That's pretty stupid. Swords, axes, maces, knives, pencils, shovels, traffic cones, cars, rocks, spoons, gravity, sheer stupidity....pen and paper... have all been used to inflict untold amounts of death and suffering. Guns? Pfffffpphhtttt.
Less guns = less gun violence.

More guns = more gun violence.

Pretty simple folks. Squeegee your third fucking eye.

bomb, knives, cars..............
you don't need a gun to kill.
Guns to help protect people in homes and if properly trained to carry.
Nothing kills better and more efficiently than a gun. Thats why they were invented in the first place.
I have a feeling right now, ain't nobody gonna be giving up their guns.
In fact, I predict this next week you're going to see gun sales go up even further.

So to the OP, dream on dude.
Simple solution to stop violent crime in America, deport blacks. The quality of life will improve and America will become great again.

I have black friends that I would trust to stand behind me with a loaded gun. Not you though. Not you.
I have a feeling right now, ain't nobody gonna be giving up their guns.
In fact, I predict this next week you're going to see gun sales go up even further.

So to the OP, dream on dude.

gun sale are way up.
gun rights is protected.................for our protection and freedom

Do you know why there were zero gun deaths prior to the invention of the gun?

Answer: Because less guns = less gun violence

more guns = more gun violence.

Pretty easy, isn't it "boe?"

I've read some stupid shit on this forum, but this is by far number 1.

Ok then, wombat, guns have been invented and their are hundreds of millions of them in circulation in the US. Without infringing on the 2nd amendment, what are you going to do about it?

Do you know why there were zero gun deaths prior to the invention of the gun?

Answer: Because less guns = less gun violence

more guns = more gun violence.

Pretty easy, isn't it "boe?"

I've read some stupid shit on this forum, but this is by far number 1.

Ok then, wombat, guns have been invented and their are hundreds of millions of them in circulation in the US. Without infringing on the 2nd amendment, what are you going to do about it?

Well, you know....there can always be an AMENDMENT to the 2nd. And at the rate we're going, we just might see that happen.
Before guns people killed each other with bows and arrows. Bow and arrow murders are better than gun murders? What about knives? What about rocks? Hammers?

What is the BEST murder in your opinion? Gun murders are bad, so which are good?
I have a feeling right now, ain't nobody gonna be giving up their guns.
In fact, I predict this next week you're going to see gun sales go up even further.

So to the OP, dream on dude.

Gun sales will indeed go up. You are correct. Right now is a great time to invest in RGR and SWHC, quite frankly. Right wing pussies always like to buy up guns when they're scurred.
No, the 2nd amendment WAS the amendment.

Hypothetical: ABOLISH the 2nd amendment. 300 million guns out there with 200 million people not willing to give them up without a fight.

No, the 2nd amendment WAS the amendment.

Hypothetical: ABOLISH the 2nd amendment. 300 million guns out there with 200 million people not willing to give them up without a fight.


Do you not understand how the constitution works? Do you think it's carved in fucking stone or something?

Let the pussies fight. I'd love to see it.
You can squawk all you want about less guns, but we're not giving them up. Period.
Simple solution to stop violent crime in America, deport blacks. The quality of life will improve and America will become great again.

Dammit Steve, for the love of every sane conservative on this board man, shaddap. I mean, you're more racist than some of the far leftists out there in the Hillaryverse. Why do you even say stuff like this anyway? What compels you? Didn't someone tell you it's not the 1960's anymore?
Less guns = less gun violence.

More guns = more gun violence.

Pretty simple folks. Squeegee your third fucking eye.

Criminological studies show your assertion to be not just false, but catastrophically so. But, never let facts get in the way of a progressive moron.

Can the moderation on this forum engage in name-calling? That's interesting. Kind of cool if that's allowed here.

Anyway, do you happen to know what happened in Australia when they too away their gurrns? They haven't had a mass shooting event since. Do you know why that is?

Because less guns = less gun violence.

More guns = more gun violence.

Pretty fucking simple.
Overall, pretty much every type of crime either stayed the same or increased, actually. I'm as surprised as you are that CRIMINALS don't follow laws... really, I am.

Australian Gun Ban Facts & Statistics

No, they did not "increase, actually." See my above post where I already cited the facts. Introduce yourself to them, toots.

Only tool uses the left loon Snopes as reference, Pumpkin used a legit source
Newsflash: Less SYFTE = Less mindnumbing stupidity

Silly boedicca. I still remember the temper tantrum you threw at DA. Good times. Ah, the good old days. You were such an easy punching bag over there. No wonder you had to run away to a predominately conservative forum....must've been exhausting for you! You poor, poor dear.


Do you know why there were zero gun deaths prior to the invention of the gun?

Answer: Because less guns = less gun violence

more guns = more gun violence.

Pretty easy, isn't it "boe?"

Guns don't kill people, silly wabbit. People kill people.

If you want to compare and contrast the conditions of humanity before and after the invention of the gun, consider lifespans today vs. then.


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