Newsom signs executive order to send every registered Californian a mail-in ballot

I must wear a mask to get in the store but I delight in not following the arrows. Sometimes to the point of turning around mid aisle and going the other direction. If an enemy democrat gets pissed off so much the better. I would love to bash someone's head in with a can of peas.

The ugliest part isn't the idiotic rules. It's the PSA over the loud speaker "stay safe. Remember we are all in this together. Be well." To which I always say "Be well John Spartan".

Democrats are such idiots they need treatment by a My Pillow.

so basically you are an asshole.

i mean, we already knew it - but thanx for the example that CONfirms that fact.:113:
People must be able to vote. Period.

To force people out in a pandemic, to force them to make a choice, lime that strikes me as potential suppression.

I absolutely do not trust online voting. Just look at all the hacks on everything!

Mail in, already used by our military and expats seems a good option if needed.
Yep. We've had vote by mail here in Oregon for years. Works great, no missed work, no standing in long lines. They should do this across the country to increase voter participation.
this is not a time for Governor Newsom's sunny platitudes, this is a time for leadership, my friends
If Republicans are not motivated enough to get out and vote whether by mail or in person, why should they win?
There are not enough of them left. The Dems have allowed the entire state to be overrun by third word squatemalans. Hint Hint....non whites overwhelmingly vote D.
The demographic shift has already happened in California. The rest of the nation is quickly up...Tejas Vado shiiiit ese!!!!

Are you saying non whites should not be allowed to vote? Now that's what I call a right winger telling it like they think it should be.

Those here on a stolen citizenship should not be permitted to vote. That’s the vote that keeps the Mexicrat Party relevant...No beaners = No Mexicrat Party

I'm not aware of any stolen citizenship, but I do know of a stolen presidency.
Wow...Trump really is an idiot.

How is Trump an idiot when he wants to reopen the national economy?
There are millions of ways that Drumpf is a idiot. None of them have anything to do with reopening the national economy. However, if he thinks just by saying its open then it will be done then yes he is an idiot. People have to actually participate and if they dont feel safe or they are not safe then its going to be just another fuckup in a long line of Drumpf fuckups.
There are millions of ways that Drumpf is a idiot. None of them have anything to do with reopening the national economy. However, if he thinks just by saying its open then it will be done then yes he is an idiot. People have to actually participate and if they dont feel safe or they are not safe then its going to be just another fuckup in a long line of Drumpf fuckups.

Really? Newsom wants to keep the beaches and restaurants closed. But he rather install voting booths? Hmm...
Sounds like Newsom is more of an idiot than Como Homo from New York.
Oh, so many ways Trump is an idiot...but specifically he's an idiot in thinking all mail ballot elections mean no in person voting.

"Weighing our legal options" in response to Newsom's order. "While we have always supported absentee voting, California is a case study in why automatically sending this many ballots is a problem,"

I think that Newsom is an idiot in so many ways. But I am sure we'll continue to disagree. :)
Oh, so many ways Trump is an idiot...but specifically he's an idiot in thinking all mail ballot elections mean no in person voting.

"Weighing our legal options" in response to Newsom's order. "While we have always supported absentee voting, California is a case study in why automatically sending this many ballots is a problem,"

I think that Newsom is an idiot in so many ways. But I am sure we'll continue to disagree. :)
Who is "weighing their legal options"? California already votes primarily by mail.
Now everyone can vote twice much easier.

Our sheriff is sponsoring local restaurants at the station to offer meals. His intention is to support local businesses I typically stand in in a long line, some of them deputies, to get a lunch. Everyone has a 6’ personal space bubble.

If I can stand in line to get lunch, I can stand in line to vote.

Good for Newsom.

That's how the coming election should be held all over the nation this year.

My state has been 100% mail in ballot since 2005.

There is no fraud. In fact mail in ballots stop fraud and cheating. By republicans.

Republicans can't deny someone a ballot because of their stupid ID laws with mail in voting, they can't put broken or old voting machines in a voting place with mail in ballot. Republicans can't put only one or two voting machines in voting places with mail in ballot. Republicans can't force people to stand in line for hours on end with a mail in ballot. Republicans can't move the voting place outside of town or to a place people can't get to with mail in ballots.

Most importantly people can't be infected with the virus with mail in ballots.

The ONLY reason why you and republicans don't want mail in voting and have been spreading lies about it is more people will vote and republicans will lose.

trump said it himself a few weeks ago. He said if we go mail in ballot republicans will never win another election again. Which tells anyone with a working brain that trump knows we don't have the government we want and if we had a fair election, republicans will never hold office again.

Here's a suggestion, why not change your platform and how you treat people? Maybe you can get more people to vote for your politicians.

You know, democracy of, by and for the people?

It's just a thought.
Now everyone can vote twice much easier.

Our sheriff is sponsoring local restaurants at the station to offer meals. His intention is to support local businesses I typically stand in in a long line, some of them deputies, to get a lunch. Everyone has a 6’ personal space bubble.

If I can stand in line to get lunch, I can stand in line to vote.

Isn't that how are military members vote?

It's also how trump votes.
Wait... this is for the election in NOVEMBER?

Struck it down in court.

As for the leftist plan, no mail in votes won't be existed. If you can't make it to the ballot you should not vote. If less people vote we are fine with that. Not a democracy...
I mail in vote every year, and so does pres trump and the first lady..... are you saying we can't vote?
we are a form of democracy, we are a democratic republic! A representative, form of democracy...

FYI-there is no country in the world that has a 'pure' democracy as their form of government...

The person you replied to has never read the constitution. The constitution says the states control voting systems.

It also doesn't know that several states are now 100% mail in ballot. Including the one I live in. There are no voting places in my state or the states that have 100% mail in voting.

The federal government can't tell the states what voting system to use. Mail in voting has already been legalized and in place for many decades.

There will be mail in voting all over the nation this year no matter what the stupid far right radical extremist you replied to says.

Screen Shot 2020-05-10 at 5.10.31 PM.png
Now everyone can vote twice much easier.

Our sheriff is sponsoring local restaurants at the station to offer meals. His intention is to support local businesses I typically stand in in a long line, some of them deputies, to get a lunch. Everyone has a 6’ personal space bubble.

If I can stand in line to get lunch, I can stand in line to vote.
it means that the GOP will go extinct in CA

The GOP is already extinct in California. You are just too dumb to notice it. Texas will follow in the not too distant future.

Same with my state. Republicans can't get elected dog catcher in most places here in my state.

The last time our electoral votes went to a republican was 36 years ago. That was the last time a republican was able to be elected governor here too.

All but one state wide office here is held by a democrat.

Republicans have had a very hard time being elected here for a very long time. When we switched to mail in ballot it got worse for the republicans.

As long as we have fair and honest elections republicans will remain extinct here.
The last time our electoral votes went to a republican was 36 years ago. That was the last time a republican was able to be elected governor here too.

All but one state wide office here is held by a democrat.

Republicans have had a very hard time being elected here for a very long time. When we switched to mail in ballot it got worse for the republicans.

What filthy unAmerican shithole of a state do you live in?

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