Newt vs Paul Paul gets pwned

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
[ame=]Paul Vs. Gingrich on Patriot Act, Liberty and Security - YouTube[/ame]

Paul "We delt with it relatively well with Timmothy McVeigh"

Yep we did AFTER everyone was dead.
The Patriot Act probably would have stoped the Oklahoma City bombing because of all the red flags that would have gone up upon the request to purchase such large amounts of those explosive ingredients.
Paul Vs. Gingrich on Patriot Act, Liberty and Security - YouTube

Paul "We delt with it relatively well with Timmothy McVeigh"

Yep we did AFTER everyone was dead.
The man is a friggin' kook:cuckoo:.......Damn too dangerous to ever get anywhere near the oval office.

I agree, Newt just wants to grow Government at the cost of what America was founded on, freedom. Good point WJ. Oh wait, you supported the costly and intrusive homeland security at the expense of out freedoms.
As the guys asking the question puts it... Because of the Patriot act more than 40+ terrorist attacks have been stopped... Interesting that before the Patriot act there were hardly ever any terrorist attacks but now with it and this great war on terror where we fight them there so we don’t have to fight them here, we now have a possible "terrorist attack" stopped almost every other month since the war and patriot act.
Paul Vs. Gingrich on Patriot Act, Liberty and Security - YouTube

Paul "We delt with it relatively well with Timmothy McVeigh"

Yep we did AFTER everyone was dead.
The man is a friggin' kook:cuckoo:.......Damn too dangerous to ever get anywhere near the oval office.

I agree, Newt just wants to grow Government at the cost of what America was founded on, freedom. Good point WJ. Oh wait, you supported the costly and intrusive homeland security at the expense of out freedoms.
Seriously man, how may more times do we need to see and hear Paul step on his cookies, before you Paullette's realize he's a friggin' moonbat to the core?
The man is a friggin' kook:cuckoo:.......Damn too dangerous to ever get anywhere near the oval office.

I agree, Newt just wants to grow Government at the cost of what America was founded on, freedom. Good point WJ. Oh wait, you supported the costly and intrusive homeland security at the expense of out freedoms.
Seriously man, how may more times do we need to see and hear Paul step on his cookies, before you Paullette's realize he's a friggin' moonbat to the core?

Sooo you're saying you like big Government that you can't afford? I see....
Simply cannot think of one of my rights that I have ever lost.

RP is wrong on this. I agree with Newt, I want to stop them before the attack, not catch up with them afterward.
Paul Vs. Gingrich on Patriot Act, Liberty and Security - YouTube

Paul "We delt with it relatively well with Timmothy McVeigh"

Yep we did AFTER everyone was dead.
The man is a friggin' kook:cuckoo:.......Damn too dangerous to ever get anywhere near the oval office.

Fortunately most voters agree and he will never win.
You want to be entertained, GMU....just go around the web and visit all of his supporters blogs and support sites...The entertainment value alone is worth the price of admission.

They all screech on with the constitution mantra, put forth on loony Paul's site (talking points telling them how to think), but in the end, it's really about legal dope and hookers.......It's friggin' comical.
Simply cannot think of one of my rights that I have ever lost.

RP is wrong on this. I agree with Newt, I want to stop them before the attack, not catch up with them afterward.

I did a super quick google...


Through the enactment of the USA PATRIOT Act and subsequentexecutive directives and regulations, essential rights and freedomsthat were once guaranteed to all individuals have been substantiallydegraded. Many Americans still do not realize the significance ofwhat we have lost. The resulting expansion of government powers,and the erosion of 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th and 14th amendment rights and freedoms have transformed the United States.

1st AMENDMENT FREEDOM OF SPEECH• The Patriot Act broadly expands the official definition ofterrorism, so that many domestic groups that engage innonviolent civil disobedience could very well find themselveslabeled as terrorists.• The Government may now prosecute librarians or keepersof any other records if they reveal that the governmentrequested information on their clients or members in thecourse of an investigation. It has become a crime for theseindividuals to try to safeguard your privacy or to tell youthat you are under investigation.

1st AMENDMENT FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION• Government agents may now monitor the First Amendment-protected activities of religious and political institutions, andthen infiltrate these groups with no suspicion of criminalactivity. This is a return to domestic spying on law-abidingreligious and political groups.• You may now be the subject of a government investigationsimply because of the political, activist, or advocacygroups you are involved in, or the statements you makewithin these groups.

1st AMENDMENT RIGHT TO ACCESSGOVERNMENT INFORMATION• A U.S. Department of Justice directive actively encouragesfederal, state, and local officials to resist and/or limit accessto government records through Freedom of Information Act(FOIA) requests.• The Government has conducted immigration hearings insecret behind closed doors. Such proceedings were onceopen to the public. Hundreds, if not thousands, of immigrantshave already been deported in secret.


4th AMENDMENT FREEDOM FROM UNREASONABLE SEARCHES &SEIZURES• Law Enforcement authorities may now conduct secret searches and wiretaps in your home or officewithout showing “probable cause.” They need only to claim that intelligence gathering is “a significantpurpose” of their intrusion, even when the primary goal is ordinary law enforcement. They may alsomonitor where and to whom you send and receive e-mail, or where you go on the Internet, recordingevery e-mail address and website you have been in contact with.• Law Enforcement may now demand any personal records held by any source including your doctor,employer, accountant, or library. All they have to do is claim that it is related to an investigation into“terrorism.” The record keepers may not reveal that your records were provided to the government.• Judicial oversight of secret searches has been effectively minimized. The Patriot Act directs judges toconsent to secret searches based only on the Government’s assertion that a “significant” purpose ofan investigation is gathering information related to “terrorism,” as the government defines it.


Americans can now be jailed without a formal charge & without the right to confront the witnesses orevidence against them. American citizens are now being held in military jails without charge and with-out a clear path of appeal for their indefinite confinement.• Hundreds of Arab, Muslim and South Asian men were rounded up in the Ashcroft raids followingSeptember 11, and held for weeks without charges until all were cleared of terrorism charges


Hundreds of U.S. residents have been detained for months at a time, and denied access to the adviceand advocacy of an attorney. The Government may now monitor conversations between attorneys &clients in federal jails.• The Bush Administration filed papers in court that arguing that an American citizen held in a militaryjail without charge should be denied access to legal counsel because such access would interfere withthe process of his interrogation.


The U.S. Government may now jail its residents and citizens indefinitely without charge & without a public trial.


The U.S. Government has taken into custody individuals they identify as “material witnesses,” trans-ported them across the country, and held them for months in solitary confinement without charge orcontact with their family.• According to the Justice Department’s own Inspector General, immigrant men rounded up in theAshcroft raids following September 11 and held in the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, NYwere subjected to a pattern of “physical and verbal abuse.”


Over 82,000 men from Arab, Muslim and South Asian countries registered with the Governmentunder the Special Registration program. Over 13,000 are now in deportation proceedings. Nonehave been charged with terrorism
The man is a friggin' kook:cuckoo:.......Damn too dangerous to ever get anywhere near the oval office.

I agree, Newt just wants to grow Government at the cost of what America was founded on, freedom. Good point WJ. Oh wait, you supported the costly and intrusive homeland security at the expense of out freedoms.
Seriously man, how may more times do we need to see and hear Paul step on his cookies, before you Paullette's realize he's a friggin' moonbat to the core?

They are too busy projecting their bs to notice any problems.

A perfect example is how they always say if you don't support Paul your a big govt, big spending liberal. Their insults are as preposterous as their God err leader.
I agree, Newt just wants to grow Government at the cost of what America was founded on, freedom. Good point WJ. Oh wait, you supported the costly and intrusive homeland security at the expense of out freedoms.
Seriously man, how may more times do we need to see and hear Paul step on his cookies, before you Paullette's realize he's a friggin' moonbat to the core?

Sooo you're saying you like big Government that you can't afford? I see....
Noooooooooo, I don't want to see a loony moonbat like Paul EVER leading this great country........The man's a kook. He's friggin' dangerous.......Christ man, he can't even manage what goes into his lunacy filled newsletter, and you think that lil' moonbat can lead the most powerful nation in the world?
Seriously man, how may more times do we need to see and hear Paul step on his cookies, before you Paullette's realize he's a friggin' moonbat to the core?

Sooo you're saying you like big Government that you can't afford? I see....
Noooooooooo, I don't want to see a loony moonbat like Paul EVER leading this great country........The man's a kook. He's friggin' dangerous.......Christ man, he can't even manage what goes into his lunacy filled newsletter, and you think that lil' moonbat can lead the most powerful nation in the world?


So you are sayin you don't have jack shit... Got it. You and Gramps keep giving each other hand jobs lol.
I agree, Newt just wants to grow Government at the cost of what America was founded on, freedom. Good point WJ. Oh wait, you supported the costly and intrusive homeland security at the expense of out freedoms.
Seriously man, how may more times do we need to see and hear Paul step on his cookies, before you Paullette's realize he's a friggin' moonbat to the core?

They are too busy projecting their bs to notice any problems.

A perfect example is how they always say if you don't support Paul your a big govt, big spending liberal. Their insults are as preposterous as their God err leader.

You are a big spending liberal and I proved that with your own words... Hell, is there anything you would cut spending on?
Simply cannot think of one of my rights that I have ever lost.

RP is wrong on this. I agree with Newt, I want to stop them before the attack, not catch up with them afterward.

I did a super quick google...


Through the enactment of the USA PATRIOT Act and subsequentexecutive directives and regulations, essential rights and freedomsthat were once guaranteed to all individuals have been substantiallydegraded. Many Americans still do not realize the significance ofwhat we have lost. The resulting expansion of government powers,and the erosion of 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th and 14th amendment rights and freedoms have transformed the United States.

1st AMENDMENT FREEDOM OF SPEECH• The Patriot Act broadly expands the official definition ofterrorism, so that many domestic groups that engage innonviolent civil disobedience could very well find themselveslabeled as terrorists.• The Government may now prosecute librarians or keepersof any other records if they reveal that the governmentrequested information on their clients or members in thecourse of an investigation. It has become a crime for theseindividuals to try to safeguard your privacy or to tell youthat you are under investigation.

1st AMENDMENT FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION• Government agents may now monitor the First Amendment-protected activities of religious and political institutions, andthen infiltrate these groups with no suspicion of criminalactivity. This is a return to domestic spying on law-abidingreligious and political groups.• You may now be the subject of a government investigationsimply because of the political, activist, or advocacygroups you are involved in, or the statements you makewithin these groups.

1st AMENDMENT RIGHT TO ACCESSGOVERNMENT INFORMATION• A U.S. Department of Justice directive actively encouragesfederal, state, and local officials to resist and/or limit accessto government records through Freedom of Information Act(FOIA) requests.• The Government has conducted immigration hearings insecret behind closed doors. Such proceedings were onceopen to the public. Hundreds, if not thousands, of immigrantshave already been deported in secret.


4th AMENDMENT FREEDOM FROM UNREASONABLE SEARCHES &SEIZURES• Law Enforcement authorities may now conduct secret searches and wiretaps in your home or officewithout showing “probable cause.” They need only to claim that intelligence gathering is “a significantpurpose” of their intrusion, even when the primary goal is ordinary law enforcement. They may alsomonitor where and to whom you send and receive e-mail, or where you go on the Internet, recordingevery e-mail address and website you have been in contact with.• Law Enforcement may now demand any personal records held by any source including your doctor,employer, accountant, or library. All they have to do is claim that it is related to an investigation into“terrorism.” The record keepers may not reveal that your records were provided to the government.• Judicial oversight of secret searches has been effectively minimized. The Patriot Act directs judges toconsent to secret searches based only on the Government’s assertion that a “significant” purpose ofan investigation is gathering information related to “terrorism,” as the government defines it.


Americans can now be jailed without a formal charge & without the right to confront the witnesses orevidence against them. American citizens are now being held in military jails without charge and with-out a clear path of appeal for their indefinite confinement.• Hundreds of Arab, Muslim and South Asian men were rounded up in the Ashcroft raids followingSeptember 11, and held for weeks without charges until all were cleared of terrorism charges


Hundreds of U.S. residents have been detained for months at a time, and denied access to the adviceand advocacy of an attorney. The Government may now monitor conversations between attorneys &clients in federal jails.• The Bush Administration filed papers in court that arguing that an American citizen held in a militaryjail without charge should be denied access to legal counsel because such access would interfere withthe process of his interrogation.


The U.S. Government may now jail its residents and citizens indefinitely without charge & without a public trial.


The U.S. Government has taken into custody individuals they identify as “material witnesses,” trans-ported them across the country, and held them for months in solitary confinement without charge orcontact with their family.• According to the Justice Department’s own Inspector General, immigrant men rounded up in theAshcroft raids following September 11 and held in the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, NYwere subjected to a pattern of “physical and verbal abuse.”


Over 82,000 men from Arab, Muslim and South Asian countries registered with the Governmentunder the Special Registration program. Over 13,000 are now in deportation proceedings. Nonehave been charged with terrorism
Come on, didn't do a quick Google....Ya' went to Paul's site and got, "the latest link to try and save ol' Dr. Paul's ignorant ass":cool:
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You might as well put that idiot on ignore jester. His non stop lies and projections get numbingly dull and repetitive.
The deep secret of losertarians is that they are ok with a random 9/11 attack as long as they can smoke their crack in peace, buy their bombs in peace, sleep with their animals in peace, do whatever they want in peace without somone finding out etc........
Sooo you're saying you like big Government that you can't afford? I see....
Noooooooooo, I don't want to see a loony moonbat like Paul EVER leading this great country........The man's a kook. He's friggin' dangerous.......Christ man, he can't even manage what goes into his lunacy filled newsletter, and you think that lil' moonbat can lead the most powerful nation in the world?


So you are sayin you don't have jack shit... Got it. You and Gramps keep giving each other hand jobs lol.
We've got plenty.....Ron Paul's own lunacy in EVERY damn debate!

Christ man, do you not see how Gingrich rocketed over Paul these past two weeks, and particularly today?........Perry is once again over him after last nights debate......The man is a loon.

From his claims during debates that Iran should be allowed to posess nukes, to his statement about removing air conditioners in Afghanistan when asked about education, to his blank stare when asked about healthcare........the man is obviously a few teeth short of a grill, and has no business anywhere near the damn Whitehouse.

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