Next Level for the Trump Cult - QAnon

His followers are becoming more out of control, more prone to crazy conspiracy theories because they see their cult leader doing the same.
Don’t ever forget he uses Alex Jones as an adviser.
You and your ilk are obsessed with the biggest conspiracy theory ever hatched.
Of course being the liar you are you can’t even list it.
Russian "collusion," moron.
That’s why there’s been over 23 indictments on RUSSIAN COLLUSION you stupid SOB.
There have been zero indictments on Russian collusion, you brain damaged shit stain.
I just LOVE IT when you advertise your stupidity. It’s one of the things I look forward to when I come here.
The left wing conspiracy theory that something they call "Qanon" exists is more intimidating than the actual information. Is it possible that "QAnon" is a democrat party dirty trick? Politicians have been playing this game since politics was invented.

Why not? Seems just as plausible as the rest of the nonsense we're seeing in the current US political sphere...
His followers are becoming more out of control, more prone to crazy conspiracy theories because they see their cult leader doing the same.
Don’t ever forget he uses Alex Jones as an adviser.

Flynn tweets photo of Harvey Weinstein with Hillary Clinton

Flynn also tweeted the fake news story on Pizzagate as well.

Michael Flynn's troubling penchant for conspiracy theories

Flynn has since deleted some of his controversial tweets, but CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski and Nathan McDermott documented many of them.

In the week leading up to Election Day, Flynn notably tweeted an article alleging proof that Hillary Clinton is involved in money laundering and child sex trafficking. These rumors have no basis in fact.

"U decide - NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes w Children, etc… MUST READ!" Flynn tweeted Nov. 2, linking to an anonymously sourced True Pundit article.

The cult Aanon said they saw fat boi giving them signs of his approval. Lol
My point being if the media ignored them no one would know who they were anyway. They are probably some leftists infiltrating the trump world to cause problems. That's the leftist way after all, but if they are a real group, time will tell how silly they are.

But my point stands, if the MSM didn't mention them, no one would know about them. They are that small a group. Kind of like the alt-right. They were unknown to the vast majority of Americans until the MSM used them as a foil to whip up the fanboi base.
Why do you reflexively seek to bash your perceived opponent?

Why aren't you able to see the bad on your side, and call them out?

If this was on our side, you'd have no problem pounding the snot out of it.

Be honorable, do the same when it appears on your side.

Because it's not reflexive, and is in fact based on actions that the shrilary paid for. So the history as regards her is very real.
LMAO, just watched Gary Tuchman interview a bunch of these QAnon members outside the Trump rally in Wilkes-Barre last night.

They couldn't even give the most basic proof of what they were backing. Just mouthing crap they read on boards like this on.

But they seem confused as to who is in charge: Donald Trump or Clinton/Bush/Obama.

It just doesn't get any stupider.

And the idiots who opened their pieholes and tried to describe QAnon to Tuchman were clearly frustrated with his simple questions!

Analysis | QAnon: Meet a real-life believer in the online, pro-Trump conspiracy theory that’s bursting into view

It is funny. I had never even heard of these people till yesterday when I read a BBC report on them.
We have seen time and time again how uniformed you are. Thanks for confirming again.

Yeah, I don't waste my time with fringe nutjobs, and you devote your life to them. I know who's life i would rather lead.
It is funny. I had never even heard of these people till yesterday when I read a BBC report on them.

This is the purpose of legitimate news inform you on things that you otherwise hadn't, and/or wouldn't.
The phrase "legitimate news source" is an oxymoron.

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I love it when you carry Trump’s anti 1st amendment message.

Still waiting for you to prove your lie about Obama.
Run, little worm. Run.
LMAO, just watched Gary Tuchman interview a bunch of these QAnon members outside the Trump rally in Wilkes-Barre last night.

They couldn't even give the most basic proof of what they were backing. Just mouthing crap they read on boards like this on.

But they seem confused as to who is in charge: Donald Trump or Clinton/Bush/Obama.

It just doesn't get any stupider.

And the idiots who opened their pieholes and tried to describe QAnon to Tuchman were clearly frustrated with his simple questions!

Analysis | QAnon: Meet a real-life believer in the online, pro-Trump conspiracy theory that’s bursting into view

It is funny. I had never even heard of these people till yesterday when I read a BBC report on them.
We have seen time and time again how uniformed you are. Thanks for confirming again.

Yeah, I don't waste my time with fringe nutjobs, and you devote your life to them. I know who's life i would rather lead.
So you’re calling all those MAGA people at his hillbilly/ Nuremberg rallies “ nutjobs?”
Pizzagate, Hillary has Parkinson’s, Aanon
are all conspiracy theories of the nutjobs deplorables.
Own it.
LMAO, just watched Gary Tuchman interview a bunch of these QAnon members outside the Trump rally in Wilkes-Barre last night.

They couldn't even give the most basic proof of what they were backing. Just mouthing crap they read on boards like this on.

But they seem confused as to who is in charge: Donald Trump or Clinton/Bush/Obama.

It just doesn't get any stupider.

And the idiots who opened their pieholes and tried to describe QAnon to Tuchman were clearly frustrated with his simple questions!

Analysis | QAnon: Meet a real-life believer in the online, pro-Trump conspiracy theory that’s bursting into view

It is funny. I had never even heard of these people till yesterday when I read a BBC report on them.
We have seen time and time again how uniformed you are. Thanks for confirming again.

Yeah, I don't waste my time with fringe nutjobs, and you devote your life to them. I know who's life i would rather lead.
So you’re calling all those MAGA people at his hillbilly/ Nuremberg rallies “ nutjobs?”

Oh, you poor thing. I see dishonesty runs deep in the progressive mind. How unsurprising.
Here's some news for you, Einstein: Congress doesn't have the legal authority to indict anyone.

This thread is about QAnon idiots.

Here's the link to the crowd interview Tuchman did:

WATCH: Trump supporters describe baffling QAnon conspiracy theories outside Pennsylvania rally

I feel embarrassed for the level of stupidity these people possess.

I feel embarrassed for the idiot that tried to write that story. Don't these left wing hate sites have editors that at least prof read their stories?

Little Bripat doesn’t have the balls to call out how crazy his fellow cult members are with Q.
So he’ll deflect and lie.
Same ole same ole
I don't even know what the hell 'Q' is.

Why are turds like you always demanding the Republicans call their fellows "crazy?" Don't you have any confidence in what you believe? Do you actually believe any Republicans are going to help you smear their own party?

How fucking stupid are you?
I have supreme confidence in what I believe but I find it hilarious you have no criticism for your felllow nutballs.

I’m still waiting for you to prove your lie that Obama met with dictators and kept it secret from everyone like Putin’s Poodle did.

Are you celebrating the anniversary of your fellow Nazis in Charlottesville killing that young girl?
Yeah, because we all know how you are always ready to criticize your fellow nutballs . . . . . er, no, that's not right.

Obama met with Putin 5 times, you fucking dumbass. How many times do I have to post the evidence?
You and your ilk are obsessed with the biggest conspiracy theory ever hatched.
Of course being the liar you are you can’t even list it.
Russian "collusion," moron.
That’s why there’s been over 23 indictments on RUSSIAN COLLUSION you stupid SOB.
There have been zero indictments on Russian collusion, you brain damaged shit stain.
I just LOVE IT when you advertise your stupidity. It’s one of the things I look forward to when I come here.
Posting an irrefutable fact is "advertising my stupidity?"
It is funny. I had never even heard of these people till yesterday when I read a BBC report on them.

This is the purpose of legitimate news inform you on things that you otherwise hadn't, and/or wouldn't.
The phrase "legitimate news source" is an oxymoron.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
I love it when you carry Trump’s anti 1st amendment message.

Still waiting for you to prove your lie about Obama.
Run, little worm. Run.
Attacking lying douchebag reporters is not attacking the First Amendment.
LMAO, just watched Gary Tuchman interview a bunch of these QAnon members outside the Trump rally in Wilkes-Barre last night.

They couldn't even give the most basic proof of what they were backing. Just mouthing crap they read on boards like this on.

But they seem confused as to who is in charge: Donald Trump or Clinton/Bush/Obama.

It just doesn't get any stupider.

And the idiots who opened their pieholes and tried to describe QAnon to Tuchman were clearly frustrated with his simple questions!

Analysis | QAnon: Meet a real-life believer in the online, pro-Trump conspiracy theory that’s bursting into view

It is funny. I had never even heard of these people till yesterday when I read a BBC report on them.
No one heard of the Tea Party fringe at first, either.
I posted a thread on Q last week.

some people are just slooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
Nobody heard of Truthers at first, either.

Or birthers.
I hope Q can spell better than Tea Party idiots. I KNOW they wont wear stupid shit hats with tea bags stapled all over them.
The left wing conspiracy theory that something they call "Qanon" exists is more intimidating than the actual information. Is it possible that "QAnon" is a democrat party dirty trick? Politicians have been playing this game since politics was invented.
So YOUR conspiracy theory is now a dem one?
You didn’t notice all those idiots with an A on their chest wearing MAGA hats?
You’re fucking crazy.
"Fucking crazy". How did that phrase work out to win an argument in High School? It must be real hard to come up with a A and a MAGA hat these days. It's a non issue unless the crazy left turns it into a conspiracy and in that case I reserve the right to counter with my own conspiracy.

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